Tin: nnxi), nciiUmx, iihnd, oitn., wkdnkshav, i)i:ci:tni: 20, mm. pa ok 0. V i D LOAN 611 COM ED ,E PRESENTE CONGRESS I tcliciisltc Imu 111 Credits fnrd fin' Relief of AKrit'iflttiral tlons Count- DIvliliMi KM litis Kuril Willi JSink TO Farmers Urged to Plant Best Seed Ayrlotilttiikt OlVers Assistance) In I'm chaslnjj (Jootl Seed fur All Cmps Hy County Agriculturist A. K. Ixivctt NyMein Into All successful farmers know tlint one of the flist reiiulremcnts for raising n maximum crop of any class Is a seed bed well prepared. A well prepared seed bed means not only that tho land shall be well plowed and harrowed, but also that Its me chanical cond'tlou ahull lie such that all available moisture and plant food may he reached by tho roots of the plants grown thereon. In many In stances this means that plowing of the lnnd may evon prove a drawback, most especially when the crop is to be planted within a Tew days after plowing. After the seed bed, tho Item of (Tho Oregonlan.) most Importance for the raising of n SHINGTON, Dec. 24. A land maximum crop, Is that of the seed to no pianteii. une 01 me moai import ant Items regarding seed In this sec tion Is tb.o variety of tho crop. An other Important Item Is the purity of tho seed, especially with alfalfas, clovers and grains, and still another very Important item is that of vitali ty of the seed or Its germinating -,- -. i iiuiii-. iiiini i i-iir iiii nui 11 iiiliii irl ary 3. Already It has befcn In-. assisted tho farmers of Crook county' In the purchase of 1G tons of rcarly Ilaart wheat, 4 toiiB of Marquis wheat, 20 tons of Khnrkof wheat, ID tons of Banner oats, 1000 pounds of Whlto Blooming Sweet Clover. 1200 pounds of Field peas, 2700 pounds of Disco No. 12S alfalfa. 200 pounds of Ilnltlc and firlnt, dry land alfalfa. bill, which Is expected to have niDroval of the Administration. (completed today by a nib-coin- i'o of tho Joint congn tnltlee on rural credits, lis was authorized to prea i K.B1UI1III enator ut the suro to tho full compiittco on bally approved by practically tho i Ire membership of tho coiliiMttco. Pho bill would provide n cotnpre- slvo farm credits syBtem under E control nnd supervision of a Fed- land bank board of flvo members, Ibo appointed by the President, i uiu npnruvHi ui uio acmiici i iiu ., ,.,,,,,, ...,,. ... nnrt,Y..n. Intry would bo divided into 12 tn, ... ,.,.,. ,,., ..,. ,. .,., trlcts, each with a regional lnnd L.. , ' , a ,,,,..,. win ,u i.n k having :n capital stock of $500,- oblnlncd unt novt 80n8Ot.8 imrveat. rchaso by tho public. Any such ck not taken within 90 days by Ivato capital or by n local loan or- llzntlon contemplntod by tho bill itild bo subscribed by tho Federal 3vcrnment. Ilplustness would bo transacted di rectly iiotweon tno regional diuikh and tho local bodies whtclr farmers would be authorized to organlzo In ho form of co-operative loan nssocla- lonB or Joint stock banks, charters pr which would bo passed on by tho Ind hank board. Interest Reduction I'rmliUii. ' Applications for loans niniroved by uSie local organizations would bo rec- mmended to tho rcglomil bank of he district. Tho banks would be authorized to loan out cnpltal stock ir to sell bonds to obtain Bulllclcnt hinds to make tho loans, and tho far riers would bo charged as Interest the Interest on the bonds plus 1 per ont. To reduce tho rate of Interest Kn tho bonds, tho bill will provide tain tho variety of seed which fihey must bo acceptable by the banks vioxxU uk moat ,lnnt-. ", Pns security for tho deposit of public 'funds. Tho liorrowing associations wouiii bo divided Into two classes, those or ganizations with limited liability, nnd those with unlimited llnblty. They would npprnlse tho land on which a farmer sought to obtain money and would thomselves beconio liability for the loon. Thus tho bonds would be backed by tho regional banks, tho lo cal association, tho borrowing farmer nnd a mortgrgo on tho land, given to the association. Itclmbiii-M'iiu'iit Ix Planned. Out of their profits regional banks ultimately would refund to tho Gov ernment such money as It muy liavo Invested In the enterprise. Payment of the mortgages by borrowers would be made on tho Installment plan, running for a period of not exceeding 3C years. Tho land banks would bo permitted to accept savings deposits nnd In certain specified cases to employ spe cial agencies, lacludlng trust com panies and savings banks, to make ; loans. ........ i Tne compieieu uiu is a ruiuiiruuuae measure, embodying many or tno features of tho Hollls-llulkeloy bill of the last congress nnd most of tho underlying principles of tho I.etcher Mosb fostered by the United Status Commission on Rural Credit. Sena tor Fletcher, president of tho com mission, was In consultation today with tho nub-committee and will support the measure. Our Jitney Oiler T!iU and .Ic. Don't uiir this. Cut out this slip, enclose with live cents to Folsy & Co.. Chlcngd, 111., wrltlntc our name nnd address clearly. "iou will receive In return a trial packagu con taining Foley's Honey nnd Tor Com pound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Catn. artic Tablets. Sold everywhere Adv. Ruy your groceries at McCllncy's. Adv. Tho results obtained from nil of tho other seed nbovo mentioned was gen erally better than results obtained from other vnrletles pf snmu crops planted this season. Mnny other va rieties of the grain gnvo practically as good results' as tho varieties men tioned but Judging from nil results obtained this year tho varieties of nil crops here recommended, together with Illuo Stem wheat and Shndeland Challonge onta for the Irrigated lands and tho Sixty day oats for dry land liavo been proven tho best varieties for Crook county. Sweet Clover has become a popular crop throughout tho county nnd will prove In tho fit turo, in my opinion, ono of tho most profitable crops wo can raise for t to 10 years at least. Tho majority of un na farmers loavo tho purchase of our seed for crops which wo expect to grow until very near the planting season. In this way mnny of us are unable to oh- wo ow Is tho time to purchase seed for all spring crops, If they hnve not already beoh obtained. Inquire of your local merchants and If they liavo tho seed you want, buy It now, If they do "not liavo It, thoy will usually bo glad to got It for you. Do suro you get tho variety you want nnd that tho seed Is good. In tho caso of alfalfa and clover seeds, purchnso nono until you liavo ohtnlncd nu analysis, show ing Its purity and germination. These Agricultural collego without charge. A considerable reduction In prlco and especially good seed was obtain ed Inst year by fanners clubbing their orders for tho seed mentioned In this article. I Bhnll be very slad Indeed to assist tho farmers of Crook coun ty this year In the purchase of their seed. Tho county now has over 20 farmers .organizations within Its boundaries nnd It will bo well for members of these organizations nnd ludivlduat farmers to consider nt onco tho matter of purchasing their seed for Bprlng crops. I am today writing for prices on all of tho seed which wo may need In Crook county nnd shall bo glad to assist In clubbing ordors nnd obtaining seed. Would especially urge that all those expect ing to purchnso sweet clover, nlfilfn nnd other clover seed get busy nt onco. N. W. Gray of Deschutes has n considerable nmount of sweet clover seed for snln ut 22 cents per pound In 100 pound lots or 211 cents per pound In less quantity. When his supply Is exhausted I will hnvo prices from other soul ccs on Wo In my omco. I especially would recommend tho club bing of orders for nlfalfn nnd shall bo glnd to nsslst in ordering this Beed for tho farmers of Crook coun ty. Uettor prices may nlso bo oh tnlncd on Field Pens at this senson of the year nnd In large qunntltloa nnd shall nlso bo very glad to ndvlso farmers na to prices obtained on seeds of all crops, as soon as I hnvo received these prices from dealers, Tho best crops can be grown only through tho planting of tho best BCCd. you go after them, or entreated by others to participate In them when they bring them within your reach. Going to school Is compulsory, tho state demands It; but going to church is optional, no power enn make a per son go If thoy do not wish to go. Going to church la n matter of conscience ns well as a habit. It all depends upon that, but this does not prevent us or ns ministers of the Gospel stirring up tho non-churchgoers nnd soliciting them to divine worship. The churches exist for tho people nnd to Bervo their highest In terest, not nlone for tho good but for those who want to bo better. Sec tarianism Is to bo forgotten and tho Catholicity of tho church Is to be commended to nil. Tho worshiping Instinct Is Juct as nnturnl to man as tho hunger Instinct, .nnd It Is n mis take to supposo that humans can get nlong without worship, Tho church Is the only Institution that ministers directly to the religious nnturo of man. Therefore go to church now, go often nnd go for n purpose, but go csneclnlly on January 2nd. You owo It to your mother, to good society, to tho community, yourself nnd to your God to nttend public .worship somewhere If not nt the .Metiiodist church that day. Don't fall to go. It will do you good nnd you will bo tin example for othors. You nre cordially Invited. If you want Genuine Prices on Genuine HIGH GRADE FURNITURE Stoves, Rugs, Carpets, Beds, Springs, Ma tresses, you can obtain them from us. From our carefully selected assortment you can furnish your home to suit your taste and do it economically E. F. Logan Furniture Company liAWHKXCi: liriMIINC Willi Street Near Ohio Sheet. Obserxo tlio Warning. A cold that promises to "hang on nil winter" Is to bo dreaded. Prompt action should bo taken nt tho first warning of a cold sneezing, chilli ness, slight shivering. Foley's Honey nnd Tnr makes quick work of coughs colds nnd croup. It clenrs air pno 8ages, stops coughing, cases dldlcult breathing. Sold everywhere Adv. Sco Ed- Clean up and paint up. wards. Adv. The Ilend Flour Mill Company now has one of tho moHt up-to-dnto nnd Bnnltnry mills in tho northwest. Tho highest grade products guaranteed. Adv. Try our fresh bread nnd pnstry, Carmody Druthers. Dond Btreet. Adv. 3D tf For n good clenn shave, a good hair cut, facial massage or a chlno, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon street. Adv. tf APPEAL HUE T0JLL TO AnENDJCHURCH SUNDAY llcicmirt Franklin W. Kcagy Urge .Special Observance f Day Goto . Church Campaign Is Sturtcd. (Dy Rev. Franklin W. Keagy,) Who will Join ua In a Uo-to-Church campaign, Sunday Janunry 2nd? Tho churches and pastors of 11 end will bo glad to boo you and are wait ing to minister unto you, holy nnd heavenly add spiritual things. Ilodlly things, pleasurable things analyses will bo matin for you by the nnd worldly things you get becnuao Cleaning and Pressing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NORYAL L. SPRINGER Up Slain- Bran Building Call lor and Dclivn All Wotlc. Orderi lalen by "Sonny" the Menenger Boy py: &&i M rajs'? aaM& ffi'A i ft s$ S0e2 if IJou donotPlaij Golf die round of pleasure in CALIFORNIA holds every known sport and amusement. For real rest and recreation go via the Orogon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM to the Land of Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers. You'll find it there. UUY YOUR Groceries AT THE NEW MEAT MAPKBT. FREE DELIVERY Gilbert (Sb Son Sanding a Man to Coventry, i The expression "sending to Coven try" had n military origlu. It arose, so It la Mid. 1A the days of Charles 1.. wUcn the inhabitants of Coventry Ktrvugly objected to any Intertour with tbe military ouartered In tbtlr town, and a woman Luuwu to epeak to a man in a scarlet cloak was at ouce tbe subject of n scandal. So rigid eru the natives that the soldier was con fined to the mess room fur conversa tion. Thus the term "sewling a innu to Cut entry" If you wished to shut htm frtmi society took root In the Kusllsu language. Loudon riironlcU. It All Dcpendi. "Papa, what du you wM a ronn who runs un'autpy' "It depends upon Jinw nenr he comes to bitting me." Uuumon un. ALL THE MUSIC IN THE WORLD WITH THE Columbia Disc Graphophone and Grafonola DELIVERED TO YOU ON EASY TERMS $15.00 to $225.00 "LEADER" With Coluiiibiu Individual Record Ejector $85 Mahogany, Sutin Walnut, or Quartered Oak. Golden. Fumed, or Earl English) "The Jewel" $35 Ctmtltl Id tart J-Utl y'OU ate inritrd at any time to come in and Iiitcn to the Utat Columbia Records, We can jrt you any kIccUoo en bet notice. 4 "law l?aBkakK3 aKaanVvaaL! )1S jA Vlt , f 'j.'J i7 1 AakanyO-W.R. AN.Agent.orwrltotheOenernlPaii- , I 7- V'iWiV. 711 enger Agent, l'oriiana.ioniieraiuroiinuiuiiiniorinauon Mi DR. RILEY VETERINARY JK&.M's This Space lot your I louei anu Calile W . . - yo"' can. or m is Keserved M P llOtlC 22X for tho KIhou Art Inhibit that will M M bo hold by (ho Public Schools of M Ilond, Jan. 20, S7. 28 and 2!, M Abo xlli W aftornnon nnd cvvnliiK. Kv- M BEST RHEUMATIC REMEDY W orybotly will bo invited M ON MARKET M t,,a Xillilt which M will bo IiIkIi erndo M W in nvcry rtmptict. Mr A ., , I Hiir o dotallH m I Varncy cV Gates m Klvc , tt , r M , I Dray Co. li ill Jf I I DRY JUNIPER AND M jfjjj K ' I WOOD THE OWL PHARMACY SOLE ACENTS lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FARMERS' AND M0.ME-MAKERS' WEEK and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES January j to 8, 1916 LWc Information Practical Help for the llemt the Harm, tbe Community. Conventions of Orrion't Greatest Indaatrlea Conlerencea ou oregou'a Uwl Vital froUcnia I.KCTUaK-I)l'.MOShTKATION KXItlDtriONH-l'.NTKHTAINMKNTS Two lhouml people attended laat jrear. II la a great place to make Irleuda with lite tbiultera and live lboufhti gocd workers, and yood vork, WINTHR SHORT COURSE January 10 to February 4, 1916 A Practical Agricultural Courw in a Nut fchcll. Applied hcienc in Actual Uork of tbe tarui aud lloutebold Couraea In I'Rt'lT KAIhlNO, PAKM CHOPS, M.ll.b hTOCK KAIbl.NG DAIRY UllkK, l-Ol LTKV KAIklNQ. OAKDKNINfi, COOK I.M.. hllW'INI. IIOUbKllOI.I) AKTb, IIOIIH M'KHINO, Hl'HlNltft MHTIIODh, HO A II Ill'ILMMG HAM KNr.lKKl!KINl..HtKAI. OKGANIZATlO.S'lt MAKKf.TINti. Concapoudenc Couraes Without Tuitlca, liaperl Instruction in luic. Keducd railroad ratca. rorprecram write toTklCoHlri Eicharft.Ortfea I I Axncu'i.rjl CUe(t. CarriMt. (Ut'i tof'l) ' Do you ever hear anyone eomplaininj; about the high cost of living who trades at Our Store? We handle Groceries only mid we devote all our time to GROCERIES. We hundle everything in the Grocery line anil we sell Grocer ies FOR JESS too. One order will convince you. W. C. McCUISTON WIND'S IIKKT (illOC'I.'HY. o .. m 1 fi.rii v. y cL j . cvS