The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 29, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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I'AOR .1.
Natives Have a Topsy Turvy
Way of Doing Many Things.
And Whimvir a Native Hat a Mo
mnt to Opare Ha Retorte to th Tub,
With Ita Peculiar Coda of Ethlis.
Housee Without Windows,
I just can't get used to how, turned
around, upsldo down, Inaldo out, topsy
turvy, things arc In Jnpan. A Japa
.ueso carpenter drawn tho piano toward
.lilwsclf, and n blacksmith slu down to
A Japanese blacksmith never knows
the joys of getting tickets to the circus,
for bo hasn't any placo for the udvnuee
man to paste up Ills thrco uticets. Tbe
whole front of n Jnpaucso blacksmith
.shop' Is open, with other building Jam
med Up so closo on each side that tbe
circus man couldn't get a poster In.
A Japanese book bcelns on our Inst
tiagja and llntsbcs on our first para
graph. And tbctr sentences begin at
the top of th'o pago arid redd down, like'
long columns of figures. They wear
white to funerals and judgo poetry by
the beauty of tbo handwriting!
Japanese bouses haven't any chim
neys, so you may sec a vrbolo plateau
of bouses with not a single curl of
ismoke ns far as the eye can reach. 'The
.Japanese cooking Is dona outside tu'e
bouse In n little charcoal store. They
bare no stores to keep themselves
warm, only7 little blbachls, gallon Jars'
with charcoal In thein covered with
tine ashes. Tbcro Isn't enough beat In
one to slngo a milter, and wbenerer
they get too cold they take a warm
Untiling la a sacred rite. Whenever
they tiafo a sparo moment tu'cy run
.nnd taken both. When business Is dull
tbey htirry to n public bathbouao -and
Jftuip In. If they miss one train tbey
take a bath while waiting for tbe next.
They tako hot baths atcamlng. six
,llng hot. And tho strango thing is tbey
don't do the bathing In a tub. They
liavo llttlo foot baths about tho size of
crocks that they use for washing them
oclrcs, ami when they are thoroughly
clean they climb Into the tub.
If you should get Into tho tub first
lj the proprietor would break Into tears
t .omi ten you mm you were unnitnipung
hltn. for the sunie 'water Is used all
cienlng. no difference how ninny guests
tho hotel has.
After soaking nwlitle they crawl out,
steaming all over, gently blot them
selves, get Into kimonos and sit n round
bare nnklciL One would think that be
fore the evening was over n tlcct foot
il runner would Imvo to lie dispatched
for medical assistance, but Instead of
that they never cntcb'coldl
When I gut here nnd was Invited Into
n Japaucse homo I found Unit they
t hadn't uny clmlrs. In fnct, then Isn't
n slick of furniture n foot high In n
i Japanese bonne. You Intw to sit on the
floor, A iktkou of my build wns never
lucuut for Mlttlug on the floor When I
get d,uwu on the lloor and try to draw
up to a Jupnucso table my fret ore s
In the way that I lun't get tip to where
tbcro Is nnytlUng dulug. The waitress
lias to walk mound my feet to bring mo
tho viands, lly tho time the meal Is
our slw Is prclty well fugged out.
A Japanese house hasn't u single
f wludow. And It's only the most stylish
of boutcs that have a puno or glass.
A erson who has n pauo of glass
somewhere in IiU house sets the social
race In (hat neighborhood, lusteud of
glass they have paper pasted, on sliding
frames, and through tte paper the
light filters. Naturally one wonders
bow they keep' I lie rain out This Is
llttlo trouble, for outside the paper
wall aro a scries of wooden doors,
which' also slide back and forth.
When time come to retire you look
-around for the bed. but there Isn't one
In sight. It is rolled up lu a drawer,
.and tbe Japanese wouldn't know a
bedstead from a qulltlug frame. Mil
lions of people In Japan have grown
to manhood, voted, paid taxes and
,gone to their reward without ever bar
s'ng clapped eyes on an American bed
stead. To make tbe bed ready tbe servant
-opens tbe drawer and unrolls tbo qulKs
on the floor. pnUlng a tomato can look
lug thing under oue end for a pillow.
Then she shuts all tbe paper windows
-and pu-IU to all the wooden slides so
that not a breath of air can get In and
lbe bed Is ready, Money In tbe palm
would a' t pofeaado a Japeeto slp
with ike window open.
J Their theory U that durlnc the day
i be air becotscs full ot duat and iters
ao that If yoi) keep your windows
Healed during tbe night none of tbe
germs eon vet lit. Ilomer Croy In Les
lie's Wekly
Queer Spelling.
Jack waa looking over the dictionary
'and'eace be laugbed aloud,
"Why are ye InasbdigV Del.
-Is ytutr bosk bttefestlngr
N. Bat hitereatlaC answered Jack.
-but asmMwc' It fpelU words ao Wf
f crest frota tbo way 1 iill ibeM."
Sacramento Union.
. t , , ,.,
Might Take the Hawstl
now do you like bum. ks funil
turer T'trst rat. to fart, K baa oe areaf
advaa-tage. ,
"And what lhtr
"Iaatallsieut bicb caa'f" rone aait
snore k o." Blniilngbaaa Aae-Hwr-aid.
Whatever dlacrace we bare merited.
H la aUausi always la ear power to rc-
sticataVHak er pafHlt1a.-La
It Was Ones a Spot Apart From the
Island of Manhattan.
The Magazine or AmcrU-nn Ulstory
has culled attention to a distinction In
.New York nomenclature that, desplto
Vie authority It quotes, Vevery Man
Imttiuico" docs nut know. The maga
zine cites the following footnote to
"The Spy." by Juuies Kenlmorc Cooicr
and then comments ou It:
"Every Mnntinltiiiicso knows the dif
ference between Manhattan Island nnd
the Inland of Manhattan. The first Is
applied to a small district In the vicin
ity of Corlear's Hook, whllo tbe Inst
embrace the whole Island, or tho city
and county of New York as It Is term
ed In the laws.
"In other words, tbe latter Is the
present borough of Manhattan. Man
hattan Island wits a knoll nloug tbo old
water front of tho East river about an
acre In extent surrounded by creeks
uud salt marsh uud made un Islund by
the tide. Near It was Henry Urfcford's
shipyard, mi undent landmark. It
may be tdeutlfled on Ueneml, Hubert 1.
V'lelc's ranp of the wutcr courses.
"In the retlculatlou of the present
streets It lay between Itlvlngton and
rioueton. Sheriff ulnl Cnuimn xireot.
"Columbia aud Slnnton streets intersect
on what wuh nbotlt the center of tbo
Island. Jim north of It wus one of tbe,
tldul mouths of a stream that arose
near P't-st avcnUe un Sixth street,
flowed' thruugh Tompkins square and
reached the river between Manhattan
Island and Ilurnt Mill nr Itrunda Mil
nab 'Point about Third and Lewis
Facta About Our Vast and Little Un
derstood Territory.
Alaska Is the most misunderstood
and misrepresented section of the Unit
ed States. I'eoplc gcuerally, mid sin
'rercly, bellcro that tbe namoAlaaka 4s
syuouymous with suuw ,aud leu and
couple It uccurdlugly with Ire cream
freezers ana cold drinks. Yet the prin
cipal cities of Alaska along Its south
ern roast line Juneau, Ketchikan. Cor
dova, Vuldcs uud Seward do nut av
erage as cold In midwinter as New
York nnd are seldom us cold as Balti
more aud, Washington during cold
Alaska Is onc-Oflh the size of the
whole United State, and Its prodigious
area of about ijOO.two square miles,
nearly three rimes the size of tbe tier
man empire. spread from the temper
ute zone to the anile circle. Not one
quarter or It Is lu the latter. Hcluw
the clrclo lies u luugultkcut belt of
fertile soil.
It l estimated by gowrnment au
thorities that the agricultural urea of
Alaska's fertile (alleys nnd plain, un
uiiitiy of which cattle can lie wlutrrcd
without feeding, aggregate iiO.UOO
square miles, with a climate like that
uf nofllicrii Europe Norway. I'lulund
uud Sweden. This laud Is richer uud
more productive thnii that uf any oth
er country In the world, well wittered,
fulily "ell limbered, nnd ,'I'JU acres un
0-en free to the settler If he wishes to
lake up a homestead. John A. Slclcti
er lu Leslie's.
The Otory of "Hard H.V
"Mr. Urciairdioii, If i Untight that
by killing yon I could pnliil u pletire
like yuun I would stub jou to the
heiirt." tuiii wus the remark tnudeby
rollegrlnl. the famous lurlciiliirWl. to
(he Itoyal uuideiulelati. Sir William
Orcburdsuu. when ut n prlvute view Ue
rlrt saw "nurd'HIt," the pli-mre ut
the ruliu-d gambler. "It waV.' said
the urtlst, "the greatest compliment I
could have bud." Curiously enough.
the model who sat for the ruined
gumester rns rather fond uf cards
hlui-ielf. One- dny the- urtlst notbvd
that he looked somewhat depressed.
"What Is thtviuatterV be asked, "1
was uwfully hard bit last iiIkIii." he
answered. "Uy'Jove," replied tbe art-
b, Juuiplng up with delight. "I've got
It ut last! 'Hard lilt." of course."
And that Is bow tbe picture got Its
Where Shelley Waa Drowned.
8pezla,tbe principal naval station of
Italy, and about Orty miles southeast
or Je nun. described ns "tbe Portsmouth
of Ituly." has luteriiiilug literary us
soclaltoQif. It calls up memories of
Byron. Shelley, llgb Hunt. Charles
Lever sud Mary Somervllle. lrrr
was In residence at Sealu Intermittent
ly fur some years, and there wrote
three of bis book. Rut n more tragic
Interest Is attarbrd to the wagnUlceiit
bay, for it will bt rmler(eil that t
was while sailing In a new boat acri
the gulf to hU home at Lcrlcl that
Shelley was drowsed.
Musical Note,
openl did yuii
brxr last
"Cecil had tbe program, and be aald
It waa Libretto.-. ( ,
"How aoinatngr
"Yes, wasnt It? rtecause It really
wasa't Llbrvtto at all." Harvard Lam
Bullets and Snow.
To test the rw-Brirmlou uf rifle shots
tow walla six feVt all lor)es thick
were erected In Aurlllac, France, til
6es were Bred at n distance of flfty
flre yards. In earb rain.- the Kill was
soped at a penetration of live sod a
half feet.
Essy is Guess.
A woman writer Kiy girls ought to
know, what their beuux make.
Iunt they I'tiless lime nara
rhanaed the girls get three1 imirU) of
K dwiaa: lite iiirihifi unit make a
clsn sweeft after iMr wcHiMtHt.-tlaxts-tatt
.acuar Con? ?Ul
cotlec Manw
cn(r.t '"--- rt A
"" Year At
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The Deception Made Poss'.ble by the
Loud 8ptkng Telephone.
A great deal of rentriloitilsui Is not
venlrlloiulsui at all. lu fact, the mod
ern wonder In this line uf pleasant and
deceptive art needs to have none of the
Old time u'titrlloipilsts' ability ut ull
He may aud often does-vtaud ou the
opposite side of the stage from III
manikin and pufT a cigar quite con
trutcdly, to the atnuzouieut of the an
dlence, Tbo dummy uusners wltb n
ready line of repartee, delliercd In
stentorian toues. Nor Is thai all. for he
turns and twists his bead, waves bin
arms, kicks up his feet nnd otherwise
acts lu u very lifelike manner.
Tbe secret of thu dummy's voice !
the loud sH.'iiklug telephone nul of bl
actions various electiu magnets. As
may be guessed, tsitb are operated by
some one off the stage. In order to
produraall the desired effects tbe dum
my figure Is fitted luslde with a loud
lieaklng telephone receiver, with tin
horn or large mouthpiece Kiltitliig to
ward the audience. Tbe receiver Is
connected with a special transmitter
In an nnferuom some distance away
An ordinary operator's breast trans
uilttcr Is also concealed In the body uf
tbe dummy, so that whatever Is said
by (be ventriloquist ou tbe stage I
transmitted to tbe operator In the antr
rooiu"; enabling him to speak for the
dummy at tbe proper lime. Argonaut
Changes Nature Wrought to Uplift
Their Towering Peaks.
Nothing in the world's history Is more
Impressive than Hie story of (be Alp
Ten or twelve million, years ogo, j
slbly far more, a long unseen Hue of
wenkuess, a crack of Assure In 'the
earth's crust, stretched away front
France eastward huudreds of miles. Ou
this line followed huge volcanic out
bursts. Next ensued a vait slow subslience.
which went ou through geologic epoch
until where Jlout Blanc now rears lu
summit i3.7) feet waa a sea fringing
an oW continent. Large rivers emptied
Into H. Deposits of mud, sand, gravel
were, laid one on sootier a the sink
taz,wrnt oa until lb layers became
MUMH feet, nearly lea nth. tlMck
Trea at last caaiaieaeeil a ajraat u
l8 TfTiFsWfllMaBi1 iTTf 19Ptt
, "
'" aBl-l
"". . fM"P
" ., t.-M
.' - .. .'
:. .; r:v
r , -ug
lifting; tbe struggling subterranean
forces raised n huge loid Tor ages
this went ou until the rinks, crumbled,
crushed, contorted, rose iiIkjvu tho wa
ters uud continued to rise, forming line'
of mountain chains, uud making Uwlt
I. terlam) a tableland,
I.very hour slnco then rain and snow,
river, glacier and avalanche Imvn been
sculpturing Into peaks and carving Into
lakes and valleys vast platform
with Its recent sedimentary covering
ami primeval granite core.
Tbe result Is n land of uncqualcd
grandeur. London Telegraph.
The Old Turnpike.
Tlio first great American highway,
that between New York uud Philadel
phia, was loiig known u "the old York
road." Its conntinctloil lu 1711 was nu
exutupte which led the coloulnts at
other points along the Atlantic sea
board to coustruct similar roads where
there were no water route. They wore
usually built by chartered companies
and were called turnpike or full road
Pennsylvania. Connecticut and New
Jersey bad many road of tbe kind.
The first macadam road lu America
was built In 102 Iwtwecn I'hlladelphh.
and Mucaslcr lu 1H11 Ibere were
said to be -l-VW miles of chartered turn
pikes lu New Kugland and New York.
During tbe next twenty years the ns
tlonal government spent many million
of dollars In constructing great high
ways, but the panic of 1837 and Ihe
.building of railroad and cuuul put an
end lo that branch uf government
Money Making Tree That Grow In the
Peoreit Kind of Soil.
Tbe "irk oak U a kind of Jack at nil
trade among tree, mid It service lu
dlcute well the kind of now freedom
that trees may give u by their new
belpfulues If Kit will Just give them
a chance. If Ihe garden of Kdru story
ad been written In Hpaln or Portugal
I think the fortunate couple would
have been placed lu selon of a
' cork, forest If a man lu eliW of
these countries ba a forest of good
cork trees you will flud blm hi Madrid.
Lisbon or Parts. IIU cork furest works
tot bl, and be stays la town.
Cork treaa aow ua tbf recklaet ad
(Mreat Uad. JTW & the UhjJ tbe
One year ago when we reduced the price on ROYAL
CLUB COFFEE from 40c to 35c, we told you it waa only
temporary that we were sharing with you the saving to
us in an exceedingly low, "war time," coffee market
that as soon as the market went up we would have to re
store the original 40 cent price.
We were the only coffee roasters on the coast to take
the public into our confidence and share our saving with
them. The public has saved thousands of dollars as a
Now we must raise the price of our ROYAL CLUB
brand. The high grade Central American and Sumatra
Coffees from which it is blended have gone up are still
going up. We have every reason to believe they will
stay "up."
If you are one of the thousands who have found satis
faction in this delightful coffee, you should lay in a Sup
ply NOW at 'the reduced price.
If you have never tried it, you should treat yourself
and the family while the price is -down.
Say ROYAL CLUB to your grocer today.
The "Royal Club" House
Portland, Oregon.
liner tbo iiunllty of the cork, Every
eight or ten jrnrs tbo outer bark Is
stripped from tbo trees lo furnUb I bo
eer moro highly prized cork of cou
tnorco. Ily dividing the laud up Into
blocks this decennial liancit will pro
duce a fairly regular Income.
These same uak trccn produce acorn,
often heavily, which nro sold to some
farmer, who drives his herd of lean
hogs Into tho forest, where lliuy bar
vest the acorns nnd I urn them Into
salable, meal. A Portuguese hog I ox
Iwcied to gain two iounds a day for
ninety days when acorns are ripe.
More than this, there H beneath the
oak trees some herbage ill for goats to
eat. Thus the cork forest owner In Lis
bon gets Income from three cootrnc
tors-lhe cork strlpier, Ihe rk, raiser
and the. goal rulser. And with rare
Ihe forest lasts forever. The Individual
cork tree I good for a hundred years
or more, after which It U a lino big
salable tree, with enough young ones
near It to lake Its place when It I
gone lo market In Portugal a cork
tree, ready for Its third stripping. Is
considered worth 123. When In full
bearing ad acre of heso oaks will
yield from one lo three tons of cork
at a stripping, now worth about $70
a tori to tbs grower. Most of this Is
profit Tbe pork la profit It Is the
Common rule that tbe Income from
(be pasture pays the small cost uf
raring fur tbe rarest. J, Itusaell Smith
lu Country (Jeiilleinan.
How It I Don In Wartime In Deep
and Shallow Water.
Cutting submarine rubles lu wartime
I by no uieuh su eusy a Job a It
HrleHy the method I as follows! The
cruUer detailed for the work steam
sluuly at right angle to the cable
route, dragging ufler ier u K-clal kind
of grapnel, like a Ute pruuged anchor
wltb shears attached, wtikh grip and
cut tin) table at tbe same time. This
grapnel Is ouucUtd with Ihft cable
cutting ship by a strung rope formed
of strand of steel and hemp Interwov
en, aud attached to which U au lulru
ineut called a dyuumometer, that shows
wben the cable Is booked.
Hy i4Blig one or twice backward
and forward Ike cable can I rat let"" ""
... ..i. . -, . ,..l . uti. mimt ruaes.
Hfl tSLr'SavM
and the setcreil Hirlliui run then
drugged away by another kind uf noli
cutting grapnel and left llug ou the
ikciiii bed ut some dMiiuie away
where It Is, of coune, linpo-mlble In lo
ca I e It. remlerliig uny nllempl lo re
pair tho damage a very dllllcult sud
laborious uKratluu
Huch I the usual method adopted for
destroying tin enemy's cable in com
paratively shallow seas. In the caso
of ocean cable submerged at great
depths, however. Hie mode of proced
ure 1 somewhat different.
A similar five pronged grapnel I
used, but It i a noneuttlng one utnl
simply grip the cable, holding It fast
The fart that It bus been hooked I.
of course, notified lo llio-e un board
by the d)liamnuieler. "ben the ship
Is Immediately slopped uud lbe cable
boUtcd up inward Hie surfXre,
It never reuehe the surface, how
ever, for presently Ihe lifting strain
becomes loo great. Hie cable snsp of
It own accord, and, the two end Dy
ing wide apart, the sevrred cable set
ties back In the ocean bottom oblique
ly, leaving a gap of Mhly a thou
sand yard or more between the por
tions. Pro rson's Weekly.
Selling a Maiterpleee,
Millet, who was a farmer's son, lui
Ing In mind hi lyuocd, tenderly
painted hi wonderful "Aiigvlus." IU
look It p Pari end hawked It about,
but ni one would have It. At last tin
Ilelglau minister gate blm VUta tor It
Hli year after Millet's death lbe pic
ture sold for.T.'.liXi,iiid lu IKMOJsiue
I-'. Hutfoii, prelilrnl of Hie American
Art A-tsoclfillou. bought It fur $110,000.
New York Telegnim
A Finsncier.
"fwk here, Juipn." said llrockle
bnuk. "I'm lerribi) muriiiiul ulsiui nut
having paid buik Hint ilullor I Isirrnw
rd of you last June, but honestly, old
Oh. that all right. Ilrock." saM
Jlminon. "Iion'l spruk of It."
-(ih, but I inii-t sM-ik of II. old
man." said Ilroeklebank "I ran'l Ireat
a friend that way, you know, and I I
want to pay you. aud I will. Jimp
sure thing, 'f you'll lend m ti I'll
pay off that dollar right now. and w
ran surt frrsb agalu." - tw Tort
tww v mng mmIJ mmn m ,v w.