VAav, 10. TIIF. I1I3XO, IIUIiLKTIX, 111-3X0, ORE., WKRXKSDAY, PECKMRKR 20, 1015. Itnl 1: 183 utt tht Tilt 111. Mil lilt (.Ml toi trl iii So Hi w tit w II til III l" tl hi ll II u II II ! t i I . t c- . itfF.. v BRITISH ARP.TY SWORDS. Each Branch of tho Sorvlce Hat Its Own Typa of Weapon. Swords In thy Hrltlnh uruiy vnry to n ory ri',it extent, mill piTiutlcatly ovory hruiieli of tho cervleo has Its own type nf Weapon The dinVience In not ho much In l ln Ii;ik- or tlu hliule ih In Unit of tho hilt. Tho xnuiil used by iiic Infiiiilry him n laiRo oriiunioiitul Kinii'il. ln'.ii'lnj,' the royal cipher mill eron. There Is u nlot lit tho tup or I In- kiijiiI Tor tho HWOI'll lillllt, KUllj II leather loop Cllll- IiiK In ii hunt to pii'M-nt tho 1 1 lis of tho hwoiiI. The Inruniry sword Is perfect ly Mrtiluht mill Is Hhurp on one mIjpj only. Ulllo reglmentM linvu a Hpccliil sword of their own with tho rlllo luulge lot Into tho opciiuinh Kituril. Very much the riiiiic sort of HUunl. hut with n ntlll more open Kiniril, ronslstliiK of throe curved Inrs, Is used hy tho royal ar tillery mid unity norvlro corps. The ltoynl oiiKliuors Imvo n gilt hilt ou their hwoiiI. n illstluctlou they prize. The cliiy-iiioro of the hluhl.iuil reel nienlH him n hlit Imsljct hilt lined with roil cloth mid blue ilhliojiH. Tho otll ceis of hoiuc Sroltlsh roulments curry u pin In cross hilled swonl without u (tuiird. Until a few jiurs aK0 nH. rnvnlry with iirnied with suliors. Nowadays however, they curry Hwords of n Untight ntpler pnttorn Tho ,'iinrd la n largo i (Tn I r. completely uhleldlu;; tli limid. New Voih Times. THE DESCHUTES RANGER j& & FOR DECEMBER & j& Tho DoschuteB Hanger (or I)c-. of November In making a definite lo comber Iirb for a front cover lllus- cation of tho Deachut03 river telo- tratlon a lorlM of thrco pictures tak-iihone lino hotween Rend nnd tho,,, submitted to the en by Deputy Supervisor Ilarpham on Ills Klvor ranger slat on. Thin win lfct ,,oreBtcrt IirlnB9 out tho fo THE FRENCH ACADEMY. Corttr of the Organization of tits . "Forty Immortali." Tho liiHtliute of Krnm-e hud ItH In ception In IfiTO. when there was found, id In I'm Is by the Trench poet. An toliic do I In I r. a literary mid muslcul Hocloty. liiiown as the Aciiilemy of tho Vnlols. Charles IX. granted It letters patent on Nov. '.'0. I.r7(). ns "Tho Acad emy of I'oelry iiml .Music." It hud. Imwoier. no stability. Attacked upon every ikeimlon and criticised hy Its op ponents. Its members censed to meet lifter ir.HI. Almost half it century passed before n rovhal tool; plme. For some lime since the year UK!) ii small circle of cutliusiasth' students was uont tit meet nt each other's home for tho utility of Krench Inuuunpo and llteratiuc. Prom to year Its mom liorhhlp loci eased, ami In 11 I'll Cardinal Jtlrhcllcn iiopocd lo the sm-lely to Juno their private status changed Into ll public Inslltuiiiiu, with miiiiy rights mill pilvllogos. tpoii agieoinont liy llio society It was lioucoriiith Isnown ns "the I'lonrh Aoailomy." with M char ier fiutii I.iiiiIh xiii. of .luniiiiry. 1U.I.'. It cituslstoil ilii'it or forty mombers- llie "fitrty Ihiuiiiitiil-r-iinil nt no time mill under no piossnro whatsoever has this number been Iih'Iciim'iI. London Htmulurd. Lost (ind round. It Is a -amiiIiI nf Hti'iiuMc h.ippeulngs Oil tho Aliislin Kicniiicr fiom Seattle wmh a fining who bitterly hiiueut oil to ii frtoml nbimni i In- hws or u pin It wits an Klk ottiblom. trotd mid Jew oloil. ii pnwoiit I nun nor In m her She JimiI im nn iho miivoi In So.tttlo Just lioforo lusr tlop.inurw She lohiicd tho clri'iiiiisiiini is in die procino or mi other p.loiiucr to wlium she llilil Just Ih'Kii liiltnilucoil by her filem). This follow' piuweiiKer M-finoil Interested mid llually liiiUliod. "Iilil mi ioiiIIv loo mi i:it; pin mid did ll lime your Initials cnixnivi'il on tho biirk" "ImWi a rercnt trip to Davis Lake show Ing tho dlincultles encountorod In making tho return Journey. While at tho lake two feet of snow fell and tho pictures aro of Mr. Hnrphnm's car bucking tho drlftH. Extracts from tho Hanger follow: Korest Supervisor Mcrritt Is spend ing a couple of wecltB this month In tho DiHtrlct Olllco In conforenco with Bovoral of tho other Supervisors of tho District. .Many problems rolntlvo to forest administration and fire pro tnctlon have heen taken up. Among tho things of greatest tntorest to the Deschutes Is the prohablo revision of Form 871-0, tiro report. This will most likely bo gotten up on an 8x10 lottor size Bheet and on tho roveroo sldo n spaco 8x8 inches, divided Into A Inch squares, will bo provided for entering the location of tho flro. Tho Hcnln iinoil will depend on tho size of tho flro . Approximately 300 mile's of Forest Sorvtco telephone lino Is now in op eration on or near the Deschutes ForeHt and It will undoubtedly bo quite c problem to keep It In first class working order unless properly constructed and cared for. From figures Just compiled from extensive land classification toporto, thero Is a lotol of approximately two hundred nlnetv-snven billion board ' rlnnn 1 tl nrdnr ttinf n frnnplllnn for n right of way could ho secured from Tho Shovlin-Hixon Company which Is now beginning extensive logging operations on tho west sldo of the river. Tho six month's plan of work re cently called for by the District For ester lips been submitted hy nil dis trict rangers and forwarded to the Portland offloe for approval. Tho pirns lndlcnto thnt the rangers have, without exception, done some very careful planning ns to tho needs of their districts for tho noxt six months. Four thousand boundnry signs linvo recently been recolved from the property clerk, a goodly number of which will Immediately bo for warded to tho district rangers for use In tho extensive boundary post' Ing work which will bo taken up in tho near future. The oxtenslvo land classification report worked up hy Ranger Rrlnk loy last winter has recently been ap proved hy tho Secretary of Agricul ture Tho report on the Motollus ad dition project made by Supervisor Morrltt and Hanger Vincent has also been npproved. Unfavorable wonther conditions during tho lottor part of November put a ston to tho appraisal work tn the Motollus country which was bo feet of standing timber In District J Ing done bv Logging Knglneors An- U. 11V lirillCllllll BIIUCICH IIIU UlUIIU U.uiliniiuu nuiiuwtli. ns follows: Douglas fir, 08 billion foot: Wes tern hemlock, 73 billion feet: western yellow pine, .12 billion foot: Sitka Rp'ruce, 20 billion feet: nil othor spoclcR comprise tho balance. Tho greatest portion nf Sitka spruce Is represented by tho Alaska forests, which rontrlhuto approximately 70 billion feet to the total stnnd for tho district. Tho Supervisor's nnnunl grazing report shows tho following numbers of stock to hnvo been grnzed during tho past season. Cattle and lioracs, 3350, represented by 150 permittees. These wero nil grazed within tho present boundaries of tho Deschutes. Tho Deschutes proper and Intor-forest permits for shoen represented n to tal of 3S,Ii7"i, owned by 1 1 permit tees. Our records show thnt every bnnil of sheep was counted, mill Ijl addi tion 71170 bound for other forests worn counted bv ("Ulcers of tho Doi cliulfs. In mldlrinu to thn Hbovo numbers grnzed under permit, It Ii estimated that lfil cattlo mil flO horses, owned by nuichcrs living within or ndlnront to tho forest wero Krnzod free' of charge under Regula tion (l-r. Tho following tabulation indicates tho number of fish by kinds distrib uted bv Forest officers of tho Des chutes In co-operation with stnto of ficials during tho past field season. Soptombor 11, 150 Eastern brook wore planted In Motollus river. September 11. 183 Eastern brook wero plnntod In Suttlo Lnko. September 12, CfiO Eastern brook wero planted In Cnbot lake. Soptomhsr 17, 1000 Eastern brook worn planted In Deschutes river nhova Itonhnm falls. September 21, .100 Eastern brook trout wero plr.nted In Trout creek. September 22, 000 Eastern brook trout wero planted In Rliio lnke. September 22, 000 Eastern brook trout wero nlnnted In Dnrk lake. October 7. 800 Eastern brook trout wen plnntod In Snarks lnko. October 7. 200 Eostorn bronk trout wero planted In Tumalo Crook nt T. station. Octohor 22, 1400 Eastern brook trout wero planted In Odell lnko. October 22, 400 Enstern brook trout were blunted In Ciepcent lnko. October 20. 2000 EnHtorn lirook trout nml 0000 Hnlnbow woro plant ed In tho Motollus river. October 20. f.000 Hnlnbow trout two million feet at least. This flro occurred outeldo tho National Forest boundaries. , Doputy Supervisor Ilarpham spent several days of his annual leaVo dur ing Thanksgiving week in Portland. Tho work of drilling the Forent Sorvlco well on tho Cabin Lako Han ger Station has reached a depth of considerably over 100 feet. Tho annual fire report for the I'es Dls follow ing Interesting facts. (n) Money spon from fire funds for temporary Inhor and supplies for flro suppression Inside National for est boundaries, 2003.42. (h) Han ger nml guard labor on fires Inside nnttonnl boundaries, $748.48 Same as above (a) outsldo forest boundaries, $919.89. Samo as nbovo (b) outside forest boundaries, $411.28. Co-operation recolved for fires on national forest land or private land Inside national forest, $G4. pCo-oporatlon for fires outsldo na tional forest, $356.84 (npproxlriiate- iy.) Acreage government land Inside national forest' burned over, $10,-830-71. Loss in board foot, 11,152,- 000. Acrcago private lands Insldo na tional forest burned over, 1081. Loss In hoard feet, 1,707,00. Cause of fires: Campers, 30; light ning, 30; brush burning, 15; un known, It; miscellaneous, 13; in cendiary, 3; sawmills, 1; total 10G Tho above figures rw conclusive ly that the tlmo for abandoning tho educational campaign with respect to fires has not yet arrived. No, Ho rtad No Opinion. "Heroic we tillte you ou the Jury. Mr Smith, uo must ask whether you have forme 1 tiny opinion or the pilsouer's guilt or Innocence." . "No." said Smith grimly. "No. 1 ain't roruicd mi opinion." "And. .Mr. Sinllh. hnve you or Imvt you not any 'msctentlous objections to capital piiulshuieiitlr" ".No." said Smith, more grimly still, "not In this cum'." London Opinion. ednifcday Very Likely. "Our ancestors hud o-v few hoards of heiilth. Infinity (ummlsslons nml soon." 'l'orhnim It Is hist ns well. I'robnblv they would have locked up Kir Isaiu Newton. Copernicus and also Chi Is tonhcr Columbus." Louisville Cornier. Journal. RICHMOND C'liUU i.iiKOTH. At trio regular annual election last W mcrcli olllcon I'm dent, or, .1, ecuthi O. Ilii Ilosch, outllm to sec Irvln cnptnli out nn W. "I ha dron m with a cough used. and en Same nnd Mi corns night thn rtn.iJTTi nlllll n!n(.l .,. . "'11 for thn vm im. " 1 l"t. C. It. lrvin;'vic.B ? . A. Lvnnli! ......"" V- Moo. Th.,5235 committee wim n 5 'dick , R h. VaZZZTl ,".' "' ""eseu. Plans. 1 for n tiiniiiin.i.i. wr .C1D1111I Cfla ro now .members, and p nd .1. TV !..- ... u i . ... .uulu wero of respective sldM t8 ,', bustle. ,u ll jocoiunieiKled for t'roim U. AlleV. Ilficntn. ' a rnlsed a fnmllv .,' '.' MBi ,i .,..! r-i" I.V. "' '"urchLi n7th;,."0,nT,l fcnd rrn.n .. ." ". .l ' ln. M ,.. . wv.., iiiriiicnin i .. used It for eight or ton .Jl Ii recommend it r ..icv1fl itlsfnctory results for conii B. SO 111 nVOPf.fl,... C??I ,....ulo Ail NO REASOX FOR IT. You aro shown a way out. There can bo no reason why any reader of this who stirrers tho tortures of an aching back, tho annoyance of uri nary disorders, tho pains and dan gers of kidney ills will fall to heod the word of a resident of this locality who has found roller. Tho following Is convincing proof: Mrs. J. W. Qntchel, 1110 Sevonth street, Hood River, Oregon, says: "I had dull, nagging pains across tho small of my back and tho nctlon of my kidneys wns lrrcgulnr. I tried several woll- known kidney medicines, but got no rollof until I took Doan's Kidney Pills. Tlioy rellovcd mo nt onco nnd tho backache soon left-me. My kid neys wero strengthened nnd my sys tom was tonod up. Another of my family hnd good results from Doan'n Kidney Pills." Prlco 50 cents nt all dcalors. Don't stmply ask for n kld noy romody get Doan's Kidney Pills the. samo that Mrs. Gatchcl had. Fostor-Mllhuni Co., Props., Iluffnlo, N. Y. Adv. II la lllun fiallliml.i.1 11. nt n ...I..1 ....... Iilniilnil t . rt..ln 111., a l..t,n .. ,n Hint. i'vi iiiiiii.'II tutu tl ililtll tn nti'J 'liillhJil 1,1 tUllUL HIIIU IUAU. 1275 hoi-hoi nnd 330 cnttlo woro grnz-1 October 27 2100 Eastern brook ed bv travelers nnd cninnors for n trout plnntod In Squnw crook. purloil of from ono to 30 days. Knvomlicr 2, 500 EiiHtern Itrook Our records show thnt onlv one. trout planted In Tumnlo lnko. il I illil," topllod the joiiiiK lady. "How did you know ubiiut the Initials?" The isisfoimer lojitluoil, "Well. I found It!" lie' up the phi ou tho street In Sent Ho Just be fine tho steamer had sailed.- Leslie's. ' Growing Truth. All argument Is usually a lug-of-war. mid a lugof-unr does lint bring people toucllicr, jot o nro often decoUed litlit tltluNIm: that o c.iii bring tho nihor mini hi or In our sldo by arguing with him. Even when an argument linos (ouUiicc It Is not usually iho host of coin luring. It Is so much hot ter to suggoit to people than to nrguo Willi llii'iu. If you h.ivo coinhicod n Is-rsoii ho Is trying to icmcmhcr what vi mi hnvo s.tld. Hut If you drnp a seed In his mhiil It will ipilelly work In III in. (Jniuliig truth Ii uniiu elTi-ctho Ih. in dihoii truth. , ( Wily Glpphnntv An I'tcptiaui thnt U going to make trouble tin n i his luck ou his Intended lctlm and IiokIiis to swing his great IsMly rroiii side to side. Then in ii lluHi lie wheels, ontchos the otTeuder with Ills mini, mid hurls him perhaps twenty foot a way. follow big swiftly to i rush tin- life from his body with bis mighty Uncos Curlom Shots. Ill India Iho uwot clnsos wear ns Ihmw ii lint bliHl; with n lurgo knob, which slips helwceu tho llrst mid seo ntiil toes. They tiro mi sMIIed In wear lug tin" tlit they an able to Ucep lljem mi mid wulk or run with grout Bpood. About Dry Qooili Mainly, "llofoiv wo wore mairleil. Tom, you ufpd to drtiil. In oM-ry word I wild." "s, hut ,nur iiHivonwiliiit has lo- viiino so dry now that I can't drink It lH"-Hoston Truvulor. nnliunl died from nn Infectious ills ease. Tills wns u steor from tho Mil- I Ion n valley country which developed n case of lump Jaw. Tho nnliunl was promptly shot mid destroyed. No loHsoH from contagious dlsonsn nro reported nnd only ono nnliunl died ns u result of plant poisoning. It Is estlmnted that 100,000 pooplo visited tho forests nf Oregon nnd Washington during tho imst sensnn. Slnco tho pnssngo of tho Act of August 10, 1912, which nuthorlzoa tho Secretary of Agriculture to clas sify nil forest lands, a totnl nf 11. 000,000 ncros In Oregon nnd Wash ington hnvo been classified, or 40 rf thn total Forest ncrcacJ within hto two states. Forest APflstnnt Spront spent sov eral days of his nnnunl leave In Port land during the early part of December. Messrs. Ilarpham anil Malm spoilt Making a total of 10,199 Eaotorn brook trout nnd 11,000 Rainbows. Now handles for nil tools 'In need of repair on thin forest luivo been purchased; also paint for nil tools, nnd for thn signboards to bo placed during tho coming season. Word lias Just boon recolved from Portland that the Englo Creek Trail project on tho Oregon forest may hnvotn bo abandoned on account of vory bad woathor conditions. Tho work wns to' lmvo beon dono by reg ular statutory rangers and Assist ant Hangers Malm and Smith of this forest hnd beon requested to help with tho work. Assistant Hnngor South has rocent lv made n careful Bitrvoy nnd map of the big flro which occurrod h fow miles southeast of La Pino Inst sum mor. The mnp shows that approxi mately S00O acres wero burned over and that tho yellow plno timber to- several days during the lnttor part tally destroyed will run from one to Hit Occupation. "Johnny. Is .oiir father uu optimist urn HpiliiiUtT" "Do iilu't neither one. lie's a cbl njiHHlM.'' Now York AmorU-iin. A BUI M Saw It. HBI Nye doorllsdl u live shot Colt's rvtoltcr as'll'mfcsMir Colt's live ol. unio tmilbo ou the umtllntlou of tho htiiiiiisystcm." SAVE TIME and MONEY SI m Why enrry ood nml nshea when yn cau wio nil of tho uuiiec e.vmry lalmr by using n ltoynl llluo fins Pro' ilucer. 11 urns gas munufne turtsl from coal oil (lis. tlllnto nt u saving of fiiun III) to RO oer wimmI or coal. l'rco Demonstration. 1 DEMEXT'S (JROCERV. m BRIDGES & UnER Sales Mgrs. American Adding and: Listing Machine (EIGHT COLUMN CAPACITY) PRICE $88.00 F. O. B. MAYWOOD. ILL. Sold on one year's credit or 3 dis count for cash, MAIL COUPON TODAY American Can Company Chicago, in. Please send booklet descrip tive of American Adding and Listing Machine. Nam ---. i i Clipped from The Bend DJlctin J4-49-P We Positively Can SAVE YOU MON$Y All tlmrnro Be & IOc All brooms for tills ttoefcjonly, each f 2,1c Sohp illshcN, (loutilo Kbtrcjil cch . ,0c lOc Itrnss Klnp;vnsli honrds Heavy slili-ts from 91 to HtroiiR work slilrtu , -IOc And Mnny Other Vnlues. OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE ne," m MKVm OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE Bend Contracting- Co. "So Joli too 1II, Xo ,Ioh too S11111II." Ilrldso Construction Kxcuvation of nil Kinds SI'KCIAIJjY CO.STItUCTi:i SKITIC TAXKS Tonms for nil Itlnds of heavy haullnc nt nil times. Lnnd clearing V. O. Clm-k. Mnnii(jer I'liono Itlnck 151 o. . Clark Olllco with Iloir-cscokcrs I.und Company. Oregon Transfer Company Olllco with Hoiuoscokora Land Company. I'liono Illnck i.1 y ."NIovIiik Ilouseliold (iooiIh Our .Specialty Con I mill Wnoil lilslit ami Heavy lrclht i:.t'Ri:ss AXD RAooAon AL'TO TRUCKS TO ANY PART OP THM COUXTRY 1 Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equnl Distance from the Business Center. his 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lois 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Automoble Life Accident Sorely Bods J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET. BEND, OREGON .Member I'ortlund Realty Hoard. VILLAGE SCHOOL SHOES For Girls and Boys "Tel-Til-Tip" Guaranteed not to wear out Children s . . $2.00 to $2.25 Boys' and Girls'. $2.75 pair Waterproof school bag giv en away with each pair of Village School Shoes sold. Foot-Schiilze Dress Sfos fw Mea R. H. LOVEN A&sTols Repairing J. . ir22 tdkliSJar25SSSWn' '" Li jllHw T- ' mJ-ii'i""" i. ugJMBilJBiiiiiWluglllJ!!riillWi''lT jHwlilMill Tn """SSSl J N' t