THE IJENI) lll'LLKTIX, IlEXI), ORE., WEDNESDAY, DECEMltKIt SSI, 1015. PA OR 0. r I POINTERS FOR THOSE WHO MEET THE PI'IILIU Dy DR. PRANK CRANE Poisoning Rabbits to Be General in County Communities OipinUlnK Pop Di-llnltc Kl(,-ht Afinlnst Tim Test. Dy Count? Agriculturist A. E. Lovett car lunch IS 1,le county ngrlcultwlst and Dr. Km iLUtenl nil ye who handle the put)- H. A. Ward, of the V. S. lllologlcal VMUm -m.1 T ...111 ..11 ...... ..... .1 . . fKllFVflt Itnfn 1 I ...-. .. u iid uuu i nin ion juu Bumciuing 10 "' "' ui-uii uusy miring ino E your advantage. ' 'Past tlirco weeks holding meetings I mean you telephone girls, street LivtZ L i a,emo!lstrnlV,B the ir conductors, waiters at table r',ua ",'' US,.,r 'I0'80."8 ,0r Jnck inch counter attendants ,,,5 Wl. "d " " ."e '" the ?rBan,z.n- tlcket agents and brakemen, tellers' count". tw . , l"roug"u. ,U1 paid switchboard operator of the Chi-! r "?", ' . ."""1 "au. eon or' mpn Tnlnnl.nnn r B v" '" v"u ' ' HOW com- ed In tho newspapers. She said: "Don't bo mechanical. Mako every r man on tho wire believe that your M softest tinpn nro fnr lilm ntntin t?nr thormore, alio said: "Don't bo Indifferent. Mako every klckor bellovo you aro broken-hearted because tho lino Is busy." I tako my hat oft to Miss Warner, infinity organizations and four of tho communities already organized have elected their poison mixer for organ ized work ngalnst tho Jack rabbit. Five other meetings hnvo been hold nnd tho communities hnvo expressed a desire to organize for this work. Tho organizations usually called Im provement Clubs or Rabbit Assocla that section during the past week but will return to Crook rotinty nbout December 23 nnd tho work will be continued In nil parts of tho county where tho communities nro Interested In crndlcntlng the rabbit pest. These communities desiring meetings or assistance should notify tho County Agriculturist nt onco and arrange ments will bo made for n meeting as early as possible thereafter. ,Crook county has taken advantngo of the law passed by the last State Legislature providing for an appro priation of $250 from, the Stnto Treasury. This makes $500 nvall ablo for tho purchase of strychnine for uso In Crook county and as s6on ns this poison Is purchased It will be distributed among organized com munities for use In poisoning rabbits. Meld experiments or demonstrations with tho poisoned oats mlxturo have nrovon this a very effective poison for tho rabbits In this section. One nnd rled out for determining the value of tho different mixtures under Central Oregon conditions nnd nny discover ies nnd advlco for uso will be given to the community organizations. If your community hns not already or ganized It will pay you to get busy nt onco. If your community has an or ganization a meeting nnd demonstra tion in mixing tho poison will glad ly bo given If you desire. Merry CIirlMnms. Ob.tne tho Warning. A cold that promises to "hnng on nil winter" Is to bo dreaded. Promnt action should bo taken nt tho first warning of a cold sneezing, chilli ness, slight shivering. Foley's Honey and Tnr makes quick work of coughs colds and croup. R clears air pas sages, stops coughing, cases difficult breathing. Sold everywhere. Atlv, tfnna U'lilMi nr. nt tnltl-i. . ! nn l.nlf .tnta nt , linlann mlr. 'S ?f "" ,Y ' ' lc m? wo,,la actlvo fight against tho rabbits nro tiiro was plnced about a stack nenr llko to send her a bunch of flowers. I fo ways. It does not renulro so much vitality. Hut it is a mistake. Do you know that your greatest asset Is being human? Do you realize that It Is tho human clerk that Is In demand, that attracts customers, that stands tho best chance for promotion? I know n ticket agent In Worces ter, Mass. Ills nnme Is Jim Healy. I c nslder him tho best agent In the raited States. Ilccauso you can't get him out of humor. I used to go Into his olTtco and pretend to wnnt to want n railway ticket just to get un der his delightful Influence. Ono day n wealth and rude old lady, ns so mo ladles aro most likely to bo crnnky when they got old and insolent when they nro of tho first families In town, en mo Into Healy's oHlcc. Ho was busy nt his desk. A pllo of letters wns stacked up at his right hand. Ho was behind In his correspondence, In which stnto of things you or I would bo Irritable. tjt Tho old lady drow up n chair, sat idown by him and with ono sweep of her hnnd scat'ered all his letters over tho floor. "Now," alio said, "you attend to mo!" Hoaly turned around, laid down his pen, shook hands with his visitor, and nnld, smiling: "Now, do you know, Mrs. Jones, you'vo taken a load off my mind? I was Just wlehlng I could got rid somehow of theso i esky 'letters. PleaBo tell mo what I can do for you." Ho sold that woman over seven hundred dollars' worth of steamship tickets. Ro human! Tako It from mo, It's money in your pocket; besides, you'll think moro of yourself. Dr. Frank Crane. Merry ClirNtnmx. "seals ARE OH SEE Red Crohx Stumps 1'ioreeds IV'il In Tuberculosis l'llit. Dr l C Coe, who U a director of tho Northwest Association for the , Prevention of Tuberculosis, has iwen named ns tho agent for Ilond to see to tho calo of the Red Cress seals which nro used during tho holiday season on letters nnd gift packages. The proceeds from the sale of tho Tho 11)1.1 Seal. teals are used by thq association! in vrrlous ways to assist in the fight ngalnst tuberculosis and ninny thous ands of dollars nro recolved yearly from this source. All the psgoelttlon officers are unpaid. In Ilond the stamps nro on sale at both drug stores and tho post olllce. In addi tion school children aro selling them. Merry L'lirUtnms. Wo havo in stock 1,000 copies of Century Edition 10 cents per copy. Day Music Company Adv. Merry ClirlMiim. Clean up and paint up. See Ed wards. Adv. Merry Christmas. Our Jitney Offer Tills mid .".c. Don't miss this. Cut out; this slln. enclose with live cents to l-olw & Co. Chicago. 111., writing your nanTe and address clearly, ou will ..... . -.,,.-, trial naekace eon- ain 8 Fo .7. Honey and Tar Com pound for cough,. roI'VS Foley Kidney PIU FoW Catlj nrtic Tablets. Sold ewywlwre. Adt. Merry Cliristiuas. Smith and Barns. C00 plsyer now $525. Day ! Ctompany-ad Merry ClirMnuu.. . nuy your gweries at MeOHnoy s. Adv. as follows Tumalo, Tetherow, Ilutte, , Torrobonno and 21 rabbits wero Paulina stack and Cougar Butte. and 45 rabbits wero picked up tho Mr. Ward found It necessary to following morning. Other uxperl vlslt Lako county and start work in ' ments with tho poison will bo car- i i . . . ,i ., i'" luiiiuiu, leiiiuruw, iiiuie, I turruuuiiuu unit ,ll i B, . temptation for the PlonBnnl ull,R0 IjOWOp rI(, Mui. found killed from same. At Pa w cZia dr' lnt mneWno'lkoican. Hemstad, Ilrothors, Hampton two quarts were placed nbout a When a Man Buys Christmas Gifts Ho has llttlo time or Inclination to "Bhop." HIS DESIRE IS: TO IlL'Y Quickly. TO SELECT 'Ills gifts from an assortment, suffic iently largo which will not necessitate his taking Bomo thing In plnco of tho thing ho wants. TO 1'EEIi Confident thnt ho Is securing something correct In stylo mid of unauestlonnblo quality. TO KNOW That ho Is paying a reasonable price. A. L. FRENCH'S is Essentially a STORE FOR MEN Although It Is tho 11th HOUR OP CHRISTMAS SHOP PINO wo can supply you with tho largest assortment of glftB for men nnd boys. DROP IN TONIOHTafter your working hours. Don't forget thnt tho tlmo until Christ mas Is now short. A. L. FRENCH MEN'S FURNISHINGS' "LEADER" With Columbia Individual Record Ejector $85 Mahognny, Sntin Walnut, or Quartered Oak. (Golden. Fumed, or Early Englhh) "The Jewel" $35 CliBfikle In tveo J'till Stktkd QutileitJ (Xik . y'OU tie intitcd at any Una to come in and lulrn to ike laleit Columbia Rordt. Wecangetjrou any trlcttion oo tneit notice. THE OWL PHARMACY SOLE AGENTS Cleaning and Pressing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NORYAL L. SPRINGER Up Slain- IVejn Duihling Call for and Delist All Woik Ordcn taVtn by "Sonny" the Menengcr Boy UUY YOUR Groc enes AT Tim NEW MEAT A1AWKUT. FREE DELIVERY Gilbert Son ALL THE MUSIC IN THE WORLD WITH THE Columbia Disc Graphophone and Grafonola DELIVERED TO YOU ON EASY TERMS $ 1 5.00 to $225.00 DR. RILEY VETERINARY li located at The Pioneei Bam, Bend, and will care (or your Honei and Cattle at your call, or If you wnnt Genuine Prices on Genuine HIGH GRADE FURNITURE Stoves, Ihigs, Carpets, Beds, Springs, Matresses, you can obtain them from us. From our carefully selected assortment you can furnish your home to suit your taste and do it economically E. F. Logan Furniture Company liAWIlK.NTi: llllMIIXO Willi Stiect Xmir Ohio Sticct. Don't Send Out of Bend for that Ch Look over grade jewel lind what gladly send package for not carried priced muc will he able where. our stock of high rv. it vou tto not you want we will for a memorandum you to select goods in stock will he h lower than you to get them else- MYRON H. SYMONS THE BOND STKEET JEWELEK Watch Inspector forS. P. & S Oregon Trunk Division. Phone 22i m - m lhishpacel Aio miu m a M BEST RHEUMATIC REMEDY M ic Reserved M ON MARKET m avww vu m for tlio Klnon Art Kxblblt Unit will U ll0 ',0''1 ,,y "lu 1,H,ll'c HchoolB of jm a Iloml, Jnn. 20, 'il, 28 nnd 20, M Viiniey & GlltCS m nftornonn and cvohImk. IIv- m I Ilrnv Co m cry,,0(,y wl" ll0 nvltert M " "- m t() lh)H ,!Xlll,lt W,0, m DRY JUNIPER AND M will bo ltlgli grnilo M pine iiodv m , ovc,.y rwipcBt M I WOOD Moro ilotnllH M I FOR SALE. ly von Inter M 1 OFFICE IN McCANN'S W llh. ,J $1 HI I'liniio Koil lll)t ' VL J fif ! j Snowflakc Sodas vjjf m m J-jf" I j Look for tliu Iirlillit Q Q ll m A4jL I? fc J talldeilcri I PACIFIC COAST -UJ, 5 ffy HfrfS jJKB ' V m v '. JmwMw it O. A. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii FARMERS ANO IIOMH-MAKHRS' WEEK and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES January 3 to 8, 1016 Lire Information l'ia ileal llrlp for the lonc the farm, ibe Lummuully Convrntkina of firron a lralrtt IiKluttrlra Cuiifrtcnrta on Ottnon'a Ho.1 Hal I'rublciua LliCTl KHS-llKMOSHTHATIONS HXIIIEIITIiiNb KNTKkTAINMIWTS Two Ihoutand & altnod lavt yar It la a gir 1 pUc lu raalur friend-wlik Uvc tulHktfa aud live lhoi.jeliu gttfxt Hoftura. and youd hwI, WINTUU SHoTlF C0URSR January 10 to February 4, 1916 Al'iaiti at Akrlcullnal Court In a Nut hhtll. AfiirA kcui i in Actual Vturk of th farm and HuuMlwId Courw. in I'Kt'lT KAIblNO. FARM CKOJ" M.M.n tTICK RAIklNH IIAIKV M'ikK. lot .rKYHAUINO OAkllUNIM,, Cook INC. SKWIXO IIOt'SUIIOI.0 AKri. IIOMK M K-.INO, IlL'fclKKa MKTIKJI'. KOAfi III'llUINfi FAHMatNI.IVKHKINc, K( KA1. tlKOANUATIONB, MAHKIiriNI. CcrmP4n(ln Cout Witkout Tuitita, tiiptri InMrutuon tn Mutic ludacc4 raHtvad talia. For mttram write te Tat OMttt illi. 1 e, Orif ea AiHoltvul Coft, Ctrialt. (fw-li la f-l) Cbristmas Suggestion ftcViVxrtofeftdlMAM SEND Mto4tStSiiiihS4h3 THE BEND BULLETIN To Friends and Jlttallcm. A Year Around Gift Only $1.50 the Ytar ' V.A- -''' ....... .. tA1 'I