" Jjrp- Kino m :7!v m u- MVi f 4 f t'AUVi : - -- -- CENTRAL ---- TUMAM). (Special to Tho Biillotln). TUMAI.O, Deo. 20. Tho Tllllcimi Literary Club wan cntortalncd by Airs. C. J. Mock nnd the Misses Mock on Sntiirdny afternoon. Koll call was (liiotatlotiH from tliu Illblo. An ex cellent program was given. Mlxa .Inmoa guvo n very Interesting tnlk on "ClirlHtmnH I'lctiuos," thlH was followed by a paper on "Christmas Customs l.i Mediaeval Times," by Airs. Julia Taylor, "Christmas Cus toms In Othor Lands," by Miss Mlllo lirovod very InterctitliiK as she chose for her subject the Christmas cus- IOII1B 01 1110 Allies mill llioir 0I101I110H . . ... .... ... t In tho groat Kuropenn conflict Dur ing the social hour which followed, tliti UhrlslmaH true was lighted and refreshment!! were served by tho hos tesses. Tho Christmas exorcises at tho Hitnuyslde school will bo given next Krlilny aftornoiin. Tho inoinbers of tho homo talent iiltiy wliloli will bo given soon aro prnctlelug illllKuntly. If the lumber for celling the hall Is put on soon tho play will bu given during the XimtH holidays. At present a good portion of the lumber Is piled on the stago mid this Interferes with tho lolienrs iil. All the nii'ii of tho vicinity lire Ul-ftcd to glvo a dsv of their time mill cornpleto this work on tho ball. .Mrs. Ilabblt and dntiKhter nnd Nell itny spent Sunday nt the Coon homo. II, C. Cady, (Irovvr (lorklng and Phil Smith left Sunday morning for tho Metolliui where they will spend tovmal days duck hunting. Mrs. .1. M, Cilllln has been ipilto III for several days. .Mrs. Wright, who was on tho sick list thu past week, Is convalescing, W. Handel madu n business trip to Hend Monday. The loc.il moil hnvo bocomo "good roads" enthusiasts. Quite recently L. II. Itool and (leorgo Handel did mime good work on the road from town past their ranches. Ono of tho worst grades In the neighborhood has been Improved ho that now not only tho "Henry Konls" but other cum can take in on tho "high" at any time. A good sized crowd from Tiiinalo went to Powell llutte Sunday to take part In tho tabblt drive. Among them wero John C'oen, Ted Decker, lllnko lloclmr, Itay llrown, Kred Wal lace, Hnlhnrt and Frank Wallace, Walter Homer and Floyd Marlon. Tho ladlea of the Parent Teacher Amoclatlou of the Kalrvlmv district held a sewing bco nt the homo or Mrs. r'rnnk li.iytmi Thursday. Mrs. Ida l.iiubnrg. Mrs. (1. W. Horner, Mih. J. W. Hinder nnd Mrs. It. IT. Klleklugur alio enjoyed Mrs. Dayton's hospitality. Mrs. 'Albert Harper and Mrs. Dob Kturgeon wero dinner guests of Mrs. J. W. Snyder on Friday. A rabbit shoot Is being planned for Tuesday. Fred N. Wallnco will ho marshal of the day, Captains for thu miiiiid from each district will be ap pointed and an effort will bu miiilo to t'onduct thu Hhoot In u systeuiuttc iiiMiiuer. The results of the days sport will bo sent to Portland for (Hu ll ihittlou amo.iK the poor. Meiiy ClirlMnuii. HAMPTON'. , (Special to Tho Ilulletln.) HAMPTON, Doc. Ill -Quite a num br nltoiulcil tho ineetliiK held at the Miller house Thursday by A. K. I.o Mitt, county agriculturist and Mr. Ward, the government epeit. The forumr gave an Interesting talk on tliH ilirfrronl crop while Mr. Ward teld about the dllTeient was to ex terminate the rnhbltM. The method he rttcomniiuidud for this locality wan IHihMinud n.iU. Tho cjinmiinlty or gan I mil with A. S Fogg, chairman, F. McNett. MH'rotniy and tieasiirer, ami iJtori Wells, poUon mixer. Flo)il McNett reluiiii'il from llund ThiirtiUy with a load of supplies. MIm Floionee HuntliiK has loturn wl to hr hoinwutead after neutral niniithi stay In western Washington tC. Hunting went out to Horn! Fil day to consult a doctor. H. .lcNntt has taken up his resl (Iimic (it his cIhIiii after his live month's lnt of HiitKiu-e. I) SpurlMtok spent several dn Un iting Ml Fred Miller's last wee!;. Mr. Oalw built a ehlmiiHv for Miss 10thl Stuwlor the Mrst tr thlH week Dull McAithur spent the week end at l.w llmiUHtt's on Hampton liut'e ilr. ami Mrs. Ilrr Pursley re tummt from Itsnd Tuesday. Jill, llrown nnd Miss llrown of Drr u were lUmnton Callers on WtMlnwdwy. W. T llwirlson of Uend brought out K oahew to udd to the herd t Ulark Mail IlnrrUou. II, Miller U out from Item! for n im days. -sMcii)' ClifUtmut. UA.MIM'ON IIV'ITU. (B(tln to The Ilulletln) HAMPTON HUTTK. Dc i;. Mr KclMttur milMlw fount ourrUnHea at tho Mruokin(a store last 1'rliln Jim Brown uil si n W nllure nt Mtasaht vullev were cullers lu this Yleiultv Saturday. T. C. RwtHa baa i"t up u so root BtMl tower wind mill on his home atMd. Qaoar TIok and Civile Nlco tlMMua halped him put It up Mr. Dentin was u culler hero to lav. llnrr lllnck of Hampton was solic iting Ihls neighborhood Saturday in 1jiinlf M n oliuroh which is to ho liullt between hero nnd Hamilton. A uieotlue was held at Ilrooklngs - -- - - . - - OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. - ----- -- I yesterday to consider the nietnoua 01 exterminating the rnbblt. Santa Claua visited this neighbor hood rather early nnd presented the Meoks children with a'"doiiKoy." Meny Chi lit Hint. MIMiK'AX. (Specla. to Tho bulletin.) MILMCAX, Dec. 20. Tho teacher and pupils of the Mlllican school will I ,rnnk Kernes nnd mother, who give a luncheon nt tho school houso , mV(J )cen , tho Willamette valley Trlday afternoon, December 21th, to , for Hevcrni months, returned by way which the paroats and friends of tho0f Antelope last week where they had school are Invited. In tho afternojn i tn0 nilsfortuno to break down nnd u prograiii will be given. Woro cotnpollod to mako tho rest of Air. and Mis. Clifford Mnckpy , ti,c journey on horso back. moved Tiiewlny into llioir new nousei , ,inlr luilm.Kln.wl Aim Kviiiib spent last weelc in llonil on biiRlness Wm. Snoncer nnd A, I). Norton wore Hend visitors Tuesday and Wed nesday cf lust weok, Win. Mnlmffoy of Hend was a busi ness visitor In Mlllican valley Thurs day. P. II. .Johnson niitoed to Hend on Thursday, returning tho snnio (lay. Mr. and .Mrs. Leo itoonoy return ed Thursday from Portland whoro they have spent the summer. Mr. nnd Mis. A. A. Ollmoro uro enjoying a visit from Mr. Ollinoru'a brother who recently caino from Texas. Mrs. Ittioben Koller visited Mrs. John Holland Wednesday. A largo crowd from Milllcan will nttend tho dance to bo given at thu home of Air. nnd Mrs. Jackson Clln gan Chilstmas night. Forest ItaiiRer II. U. Smith, wno tins been stationed nt Pino Mountain, has been transferred to Hood Illvor for tho coming four months. lOlnior Nlswonger of Hend wns a Mlllican business visitor Tuesday. Mrs. L. II. Schmorl Is vury 111 nt tho homo of Mrs. Cliff Kviuib. Geo. Powers and family will move Into tho Davis houso this weok. Mr. and Mrs. A A. Ollmoro visited nt Norton's Thursday. Mr. Cnlllson spent sovornl days of last weok in Hend. L. II. Schmorl enmo out from Hend Sntiirdny for nn over Sunday visit with his family. Miss Etumn Roberts spout tho week end with Mrs. Garrison in Hend. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 0. Allen woro llonil visitors Saturday nftornnon. I,. Goodman, who has bcon em ployed In l.oven's shoo shop In Hend, camo boijio Friday. Clins. Korakls returned to his homestead Tuesday nfter nn nbseiico of live months spent nt Evorott, Washington Joseph Mosher accom panied him and will spend tho winter with Mr. Kornkls. Gcorgo Mlllican spent several days of last week In Hend. Miss Op-il Conowuy will spend the holidays wllh her mother nt Hend. Mr. Hartwlg wns u visitor at the P. I). Johnson homo Sunday. Horm) Itldgu and Milllcan schools will hnvo no Christmas vacations this ) ea r. John Ilollnnd left today for Hend on n business trip. Jncksou Clliignii nnd daughter, Miss Alta were Hend shoppers hut Saturday. Jack Huckholti! mnvod to Hend on Monday whoro ho will spend tho win ter. Frank Ilurwltz wns In Huml on business several days Inst weok. Karl EvniiH Is routined to his homo with nn nttnek of grippe Mm, A I,. Henkle visited her sis ter. Mrs. L. II. Schmorl Sunday. A. I). Norton Is putting up the plnv ground appnratus ut school ihls week Mr nnd Mrs Clifford Mnckev visit ed f'lendt In tho west end of tho vnl loy Sundny. BOOST For STRAIIORN and CENTRAL OREGON Every Suck of Deschutes Spruy or True Hlue Flour you buy from The Bend Flour Mill Company you boost Central Oregon be cause every suck of flour manu factured bv the HEND ELOUlt MILL COMPANY comes from the farms of Jefferson and Crook counties. We have faith in the (utility of Central Oregon wheat because it grades high and has the ingredients that make the best flour. When you buy out .sideyou hinder the development of the local market and hence the Central Oregon fanner. Therefore buy at home. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KROENKRT. Presidout-Minager 11UNI), OUl'.C.ON - I'OWIllilj IIUTTK. ,. (Special to Tho Bulletin) POWELL HUTTE, Dec. 20. K. A. hussott and J. It. Hleea each sold a horso to a Bawmlll company at Hend on Tuesday of last week. The team weighed 3G00 pound3 and nre to bo used for heavy work nt tho mill. Mr. Ulcirn'taok tho horses to Uend on , ....... , Honry Young nnd daugnier Tholmn and Mrs. Jim Oreen of Red moiid v'slted "Grandma" llrown .it tho E. A. Hussett ranch on Wednes day. , , The Powoll Hutto Sorosls met with Mrs. Wm. Wells on Wednesday. A large number of mqinbors wero pres ent and iiiuch business ,wns accom plished. Mrs. A. V. Hayn visited hor daugh ters In Prlnuvlllo on Friday. Chris Soltz and Allen Wlllcoxon at tended the- Masonic lodgo nt Red mond Frldav night. J. A. Rlggs took n car of hogs to Portland on Saturday night Mr. ulggs will visit frlondi and relatives In tho Willamette valley before re turning to Powoll Hutto. Tho pupils cf tho Shopnrd school rendered n Christmas program on Thuisday night. Thoso present pro nounced tho program excelloit nnd tho children wero mndo very happy by boxes of candy presented to them by their tonchor, Miss O'Notl. E. A. Hussett nnd "Grandum" llrown visited with Mrs. E. A. Hussett on Snturday and Sunday. Miss Harriett Wlllcoxon ontcrtnln ed nlnoteon of hor llttlo friends on Friday nftornoon in honor of hor seventh birthday. Those present woro Mlssos Fuy Prlckott, Evolyn Purslov, Hernlro Hnrnnrd, Ethel Sho bort. Uuth Shearer, Patricia and Oor trutlo Saunders, Tiny Montgomery, Huolah Klsslor, Dorothy Truesdnlo, Juno Clmpmnn, Vivian Smith, Ruth nnd Mury Mooro, Grnco Pauls, Mnr Jory nnd Elizabeth Wolls, Iln Elliott and Elnoro Klsslor. .Miss Helen O'Noll loft for Portlnnd on Friday night whoro sho will spend her Xmns vacation visiting with her futhor, who Is to loavo soon for Alas ka. While driving his tenm out to work on Tucsdav aftornooii of InBt weok, Reaves Wlllcoxon had tho unpleasnnt exporlenco of having his big liny mare drop dead, npparently without any causo. Miss Paulino Truesdalo started for Taconin on Sr.turilny night where sho will spend hor short Christmas vaca tion visiting with hor ninny frionils and relatives there E. L. Ivorson shlppod cloven head of beef cnttlo to Portland last Satur day with Mr. McMlcklo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Patterson nnd family visited with George HrivonB nnd fnmllv on Sunday. G. C. Truesdalo recolved tho sad hows Saturday that his brother who has been living in Idaho Is dead. Miss' Llna Mooro spout Saturdnv and Sunday with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mooro. Hnrninn Allon found It neccsanry to kill his dog on Sundny as ho show od marked signs of hoing mad. About 80 pcoplo were ot tho rnb blt drlvo Sundny nt tho Wilson plnco 92 rabbits wero killod, whllo at Fos ters, onlv a few wero killed In tho wing, hut ninny wero killed whllo driving thorn. Thoso using guns succeeded In killing unlto a few. al though tho exact numhor la not known. t POWELL HUTTE, Dec. 20. Horn, to Mr. nnd .Mrs. Tom Dempsey, for merly of this place, on December 3rd, a daughtor. Mr. nnd MrB. Dempsey are now living nt Vancouver, Wash ington. J. P, liownmn went to Redmond on JTldny to mako preparations for proving up. Miss Cora Jones mndo final proof in uend Inst week. A rabhltd rive was held here Sun day on tho school section whero tho rabbits may bo found In droves. The chlldron of Shepherd district enmo over and spoiled with tho pupils or initio valley district, Friday. Tho result wns a tie. Deiilah Landfnro Is on tho sick list tho past few dnys. CIibb. Weaver of Hear Creek was a visitor hero last week. A. D. .Morrill Is hauling ryo to Hend markets. Jim Grl(Hn took a load of rye to- Iiond Friday. Win. Johnson returned from Rend Thursday whoro ho had gone to take Ray Dunn homo. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Frank Smith enmo out from Redmond Sundny. They will enro for I. C Hlalr's stock this winter. .Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Pnttorsnn wore Rend visitors Tuesday nnd Wednes day. Snlllc, Llwlo nnd William Frost spont Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Monlll and fnmllv. J. P. Howmnn nnd Frank Smith nro cutting wood for Prlnovlllo mnrkcts this weok. Merry Christum. Wo hnvo all tho latest popular songs nnd Instruinontnl music, 2 cop ies for 2C cents. Day Music Co. Adv. .Merry CliiNlinnt. Wo have any thing you want in soml-clnsslcal music. Day Music Company. Adv BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is! All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. WHY Bend CLOTHES AND THE MAM. To Bo Well Crcssod Moans to Do At tired In Good Tasto. Dresi Is n subject frequently in the minds of ninny. Some think toomuch nbotit it mid some not enough. No one. however brilliant In ability, even a genius." can nllonl to be cureless in this uiatter. "He It best dromed." says Trollope. "whose ill ess no one ob honos." Llttlo touches of Individuality In one's clothing are well, but It It not In 'the hctt luslo to adopt any pcrullur striking style Hint will make people In the street turn their heads for further observation. One should bewnre of extremes in fashion. Me.int nnd occupation should beioiisldered In choosing what to wear. Even the poorest garment. If clean. In older nnd piopeily worn, give a good Impression of the wearer. Women should glvftulllclent'iilteiitloii foilross to deilde what It suitable Tor the time and occasion nnd Hint It Is lightly ad Justed nnd no further iittentlon. To be well illesscd It n passport, opening doors otherwise closed. ' To be lavishly iliossed bctoKons n shallow inliid. It would uppeur that one thought his clothes the belter part of hlui. liven children's drest should be thought of with van. Their clothing should not pt event fice action lu their play. Nor should It be so ileh nt to give them an Ide:' of supeib'iity to chil dren lets ixKutlrely diessed nnd so make sunbt of them. The carefully dressed man shows more self respect than the sloven. Mllwuukcc Jouriinl. Whon Cruelty Isn't Cruolty. The mnglstiato of the ilepnitmoiit of Selne-et-Olse, 111 France, uiiiu guvo a decision In a claim or cruelly to a horse which It renin limbic us n Icgul subtlety. The law piovldes (hat the offense Is piuiltbablo only when com muted in public. If the soro It covered by tho collar, he holds, the offense It not committed lu public. If It Is not covered by the collar there Is no cruel ty, lu either event tho case must be discharged. EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR PAY RENT? OW IS THE opportune v f! k5 me snce e advent of st the railroads for you to pi build a home. Why delay construction until it will cost you 20 per cent more for the same building? The far seeing man is availing himself of the opportunity of securing labor and material very cheap. We have the largest list of Resi dence Property in Bend. Come in and let us quote you prices, and you will soon decide that you can not afford to pay rent any longer. C"8(8i Park Company OREGON STREET U Mc. Merry Christians. When you uso n sack of True Dlue Flour you nre helping to build up th0 resources of Centrnl Oregon, iu purity la unexcolled. Tho next sack of flour you buy, try It. Adv. We will probably make another Community Shipment in about TWO WEEKS. Please let us know at once what you will 'have to ship in a mixed car. We Buy Everything. (Farmers' Warehouse) Redmond Warehouse Company r STOP! And Investigate our prices beforo buying your Krocerles, Wo can save you money. P.B.Johnson's Mllllcnn, Ore, Telephone St :M V,' ? Whoro do you trade? Cllncy's Grocery. Adv . i ,'t i fi ( i S J vat "ft Ml