run rend hulletin. rend, ore., Wednesday, recemheh 22, win. I'AOE 11. 'ANT TO BRING IS 10 TELEPHONE MEN HERE SATURDAY Commercial Club Hoars DKcuosloii of Needs inn! Dllllciiltles of Present Companies Committee- Ap pointed to Seek Adjustment. Consideration of plans to give Head more extended telephone ser- vice Into tho rural districts was the chief business to como beforo tho Commercial Club at Its meeting on 'Saturday. As a result of the discus sion l't Is oxpected that the Btato util ities commission will be called In to djtist tho differences between the companies now occupying the field. As brought out at the meeting It js now costly to get connection wllli tho farming districts and Impossible to get exchange sorvlco between tho 'ff two companies now In business. To ."relievo this situation, representatives ' from tho Dcschutos Mutual Company, with headquarters nt Redmond, pro posed at Saturday's meeting that llend merchants tnko $2,000 worth of stock In their company. An ex change would then be located In' Rend, they Bald, and service given jffreo to a number of points. Discussing, tho matter from Uio 'point of view of tho pooplo of Rend II. J. Overturf, C. S. Hudson and V. A. Forbes nit spoko against any plnn which would mean a duplication or Investment In telephone proporty here. Mr. Overturf pointed out that the stato utilities commission hnd been provided to core for Just such situations as existed hero and urged that the matter bo brought to its nt- tentlon. Mr. HudBon suggested that a com mittee bo appointed to confer with representatives of tho two companies to see if some adjustment of tho dif ficulties might not bo obtained. Pres ident Koyes appointed a committee as follows: H. J. Overturf, V. A. Forbes iind T. II. Foloy. It Is understood that tho commit- too will request the commission to Bond a representative In at onco to study local conditions. Tho committee Will nlBO take tho, BEN matter up with tho companies ntisnld petition horeto attached will bo joncc. I The Rcdnfond representative horo Saturday woro J. J. Ellingor, R. M. c.....i i n ti rm.. w ...... i follllcr and Klllnger appeared before1 tle club on the same matter In Aug,-, .list, 1914. Merry Christmas. Every sack of flour manufactured (by the Hcnd Flour Mill Company tconics from wheat grown In Jofferson nnd Crook counties. Adv. OHEHON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives 8:30 a. m. Leaves 7 p. in, 0,-W. R. Ji N. TRAIN. Arrives 7:45 p, m. I.pnvos 7:25 a. in. AUTO STAOi: LINK SOUTH. Leaves 8:45 a. m. - Arrives 5 p. m. - AUTO LINKS. Cars to Hums, Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver Lcko and other points south and south east. POST OFFICE HOURS. General delivery open dally 0:15 a. m. to C p. m. and Tuesday and Saturday, 7 to 7:30 p. m. No mall distributed on Sunday. E Night train mall closes 6 p. m. Day train mall closes 6:30 a, in. Ti;L,i;(iiArn iiiiuun, i Westorn Union dally 7 a, m, to 7 p. in. Sunday and holidays 8-10. 4-6. - TELEPHONE HOURS. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour cervlco, Including Sunday. YOU OLD RUNT VOUTtE FROM MISSOURI ARE VOU7 7HE CROW TOBACCO THERE! THEN TAKE A f SMALL CMEVOF7HIW-B CUT AND -yOU-LL KNOW 175 THE BEST TOBACCO IN THE WORLD. (THE GOOD JUDGE URQE3 PATIENCE. ) tf XT 7KEN some user of ordinary tobacco complains that VV he must take a big wad, just remind him that he won't need to do so when he uses V11 CUT Chewing the Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, Ions shred. Tell him to give W-H CUT Chewing a quality tet tht a imall their iatW6et; that bo won't have to spit to much, tbet be can get better latiifactioa for ball the money be it spending now for ordieirr tobacco, "Nolle U Ui Lit WIuk out It rich teUcc tul" Utl, kr WETMAH-BBUTOM COMPANY, 58 UaUa Saura. Nw TkV Otj' 1915 FIRE LOSSES IN DESGHUTES WERE HEAVY Report. Slums That 11 Million Feet of Timber Vnliioil nt $2.-.,0(0 Won Destrojed. Tho annual fire report of the Ilea, chutes Forest, which was forwarded to the district forester at Portland a short time ago, shows that during the past year forest officials took enre of 10G fires, C5 of which were on na tional forest laud. On tho national forest a total of approximately 10, 000 acres wero hurtled over, destroy ing n llttlo over 11,000,000 feet of timber, valued at over $25,000. Ap proximately 14,000 acres of land out side the national forest were burned over, but no estimate wns mado of tlm Hntnnpn Tntnl flrrt fltrlitltiip nnoto including salaries of forest officers and all expenses outside tho national forest wero $4,083. In point of value of Umber loss, tho past season has been tho worst for a number of years, due princip ally to tho large fires which occurred lute In August In the region north of Fort Rock. In Jefferson county a total of 9 fires occurred, burning over only ono hnlf aero. In Crook county there v'cro 44 fires, burning over 288 ncres. In Klnmath county 38 llres occurred, burning over 108 acres. In Lake county only 15 fires occurred, one or them tho largo flro alroady referred to, burning approximately 10,000 ncies. Classified In another way, It Is found that '47 of tho total number of fires covered nn nrcn of less than one-fourth of an r.cro each, 30 wero smaller than 10 acres each, 21 cover ed an acrcngo of over 10 acres each, but did damage of less than $100 each. Only G fires did n damage of over $100 each, threo of these being outg(lo tho nnUonni forc8t on ,,rlvn0 land An examination Into the causes of tho fires shows that campers and lightning wero this year responsible for n majority of tho fires, 30 being started from each of theso 2 causes, 15 by brush burning, 3 wero of In cindlary origin, 1 started from a saw mill, 13 wero from miscellaneous causes and 14 from causes not known. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho undersigned petitioners whoso names aro signed to the following and attached potltlon and who aro moro than fifty (50) of tho holders of tltlo to lands suscoptlbla to Irrigation from n common sourco which Ho U'ltlltn tlln nrntinunil Qrmnit frmitr irricntlon nistrlrt ns .leserlbeil in prosented to the County Court of Crook County, Oregon, on the 20th lay of January, 191C, at tho hour of in o ciopk in inn mrnnonn nt tun ft l"r .1?.?,? h" ? J "?? n'xVd ,,y C01,Bt for 10 henr sain petition, and nil portions nro horeby notified to he present at eald time and place to iunko objections thoreto, and to othcnvUo consider consider said petition. This notice Is published onco each weok for tho period of four weeks, the publication for tho first tlmo be ing the 2 2nd day of December, 1915: IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTV OF CROOK, THE STATE OF OHEOON. In tho matter of tho organization of the Squaw Creek Ii'ilgntlon UN- ti let. To tho Honorable The County Court of Crook County. Oregon. Wo, tho undersigned holdors of 'I tlo to lands within tho of Ore gon and within tho Counties of Crook and Jefforaon respectfully petition the Honorablo County Court of Crook County, Oregon, as hereinafter set forth and each signer theroto for himself says that ho h the holdor of tltlo to lands susceptlhlo to Irrlgi tlon from tho sources hereinafter de scribed and set out and situated with in the boundaries o'f tho proposed Squaw Creek Irrigation District hereinafter described; and said peti tioners whoso names n.'o hereinafter signed and subscribed to this peti tion hereby propose to organize said irrigation district, and 3ald signers hereby declare that It Is the purpose of said signers to organize said Ir rigation district under and by virtue of Chapter 7. Tltlo 51. Lord's Oregon Laws ns amended hv Chanter 223, I I, 1 DONTO.CTSORE-LET 1 J HinoivciTAQUALrry I I CHEW-THAT WILL 1 1 WT m UK1 I I t j. CONVINCE HIM. Luwb of Oregon for 1911 and ns amended by Chapter 197, Laws of Orogon for 1913, and ns nmeuded by Chapter IS 9, Laws of Oregon for 1915, and other nets and parts of acts amendatory thereof and con formntory with the provisions of tho law providing therefore, petition said court for the purpose herein prnyed for. The proposed boundaries of said Irrigation district are set forth and described as follows: Deglnntng at the northwest cor ner of Section Fhe (5) Township Fifteen (15) South, Range Ten (10) E. V. M. within Crook county, Ore gon, running cast to tho Intersection of Squaw Creek with the township line on tho north side of said Town ship Fifteen (13) South, Range Ten (10) East, thence In n northeasterly direction down Squaw Creek nnd fol lowing the meander'ngs of said stream nlong the renter of said stream to tho boundary lino between JefferBon and Crook counties: thctico following on down snld stream with in Jefferson county to Its junction with tho Deschutes rlvor: thence In a southeasterly direction up tho Des chutes river and following tho mo nndcrlngs of said rlvor within Jeff erson County to tho lino between Jefferson and Crook counties: and thenco following on up said Des chutcs river to the Intersection of said stream with the section lino on the couth side of Section Fourteon (1-4) Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Twelve (12) Enst W. M. in Crook County, Oi4gon; thenco wes terly to tho southwest cornor of Bald Section Fourteen (14)t thenco south erly to tho quarter rorner on tho east sido of Section Twontv-two (22) Townshlo Fourteen (14) South, Itnngo Twelve (12) E. V. M., In Crook County, Oregon, thonco wester ly to tho southeast corner of tho southetittl quarter or tho northeast quarter (SEVi NEW) of said Sec tion: thenco southerly to the south west corner of tho southeast quarter of tho southeast qnnrtor (SKViSIUi ) of Bnld Section Twenty-two (22); thenco westerly to the quarter cor ner on tho south sld-s of Section Twenty-two (22): thenco southerly to the southwest comer of tho north west quarter of the northeast quarter (NWV4 NBM) of Section Twentv soven (27) of Bald township and range; thenco westerly to tho south west cornor of tho northeast quarter of the northwest qnnrtor (NEVi NV H) of snld Section: thonco souther ly to tho southeast corner of the southeast onarter of tho northwest qnnrtor (SEW NWV, 1 of said Sec tion Twenty-seven (27): thonco wes terly to tho quarter corner on tho west Bide of said Section Twentv soven: thenco southerly to tho south west corner of the northwest qunrter of tho southwest quarter (NWU S W V. ) of said section: thence westorly to tho southwest corner of the north east nunrtor of tho southeast quar ter (NEV, SEVi) of Section Twentv eight (28) Township Fourteen (11) South, Ranpo Twelve (12) E. W. M.: thenco southerly to tho southwest corner of tho sotitlieunt qunrter of tho southeast quarter of said Section Twenty-eight (2S); thenco westerlv to tho southwest corner of Section Twenty-eight (28); thenco southerly to the southwest corner of Section Four (I) Township Fifteen (15) South, Rango Twelvo (12) Eost V. M., thenco westerly to tho southwcit corner or Section Threo (3), Town ship Fifteen (15) South, Ilnnse Elevon (11) East; thence southerly tn the bouthwent corner of Section Thirty-four (34) of said township nnd rnngo: thenco westerlv to tho northeast corner of Section Five (5), TnwiiRliln Sixteen (10) South. Rnnao Eloven (u) E. w, .M.j tiionco soutn- erty tn mo snuinensi corner in nee tlon Sevonteen snld township nnd rnngo' thonco wostorly to tho town- shin lino on tho west side of snld township; thonco northerly to the southeast cornor ol Section Twolvii (12). Townshlti Sixteen (10) South. Range Ten (10) E. W. M.: thenu. westorly to the southwest cornor or said Section Twelvo (12); thonre northerly to the township lino on the north sldo of Township b.xteen (10) South. Rnngo Ton (10) E. M: thonro wetory to tho southwoat cor ner of said Section Thirty-two (32), Township Fifteen (15) South. Rnngo Ton (10) East; thonco northerly ft) ho point of beginning: excepting howovor. from snld district nil nnd rny land embraced within the boun dary and limits or tho town or Sisters In Crook County, Orognn, nnd Ivlng within the proposed Squaw Craok Irrigation District, tho land embrac ed within tho Slid Irrigation district lying within both Crook nnd Je'erson cf'iintles. tho major portion then-o' lying within Crook countv, Oregon Tho designation of wild propound Irrigation district and tho name un der which It shnll he known Is the Snuaw Crook Irrigation District; the source of supply from which the wator to ho used within said Irriga tion district shnll be taken is Squaw Creek and In tributaries and Fall River nnd Its tributaries witnin Crook county, Oregon The signers of this petition who nre moro than 50 of tho holders of title of lands susceptible to Irriga tion undor the proposed Irrigation district from the same common sourco or sources further potltlon this court Hist ft directors lie elect ed as directors of said Irrigation dis trict; that said Irrigation district Iw divided Into fhe dlvls'ons and that o" director b lUd from each di vision: and that tlia proposod cost cf tho orannlzatlon of the sforoaald Irri gation district l tho sum of fire hun dred dollars ($500.00) and your pe titioners accompany this potltlon wllli a good and molent bond, m , tho sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000,001. this sum bJnc double! the amount or toe propoaeu "o he orgs "ttation of the said Irriga tion district. WURREFOU Your petitioners prav that salt! Irrlcat'on district organised as provided for by law and particularly as Mt forth and requir ed tv tho statute herein ahovs re ferred to; 8Bd that said petition be hoard as required hv law and that said Couaty Court shall do any and every tlilsg necerMry end requisite to effect the organization of said ir rigation district and for such oMir orders as msy be necesiary nnd as may ho provided by law for tho or ganlzntlon cf said Irrigation district Roferenco is hereby made to the notice accompanying this petition, stating tne time of tne meeting at which this petition will ho presented to tne County Court, which said lio tlco Is made a part hereof. E. R. l'eterson. A. J. Weston. Eh vah M. Elklns, Edgar V. Olllet. C V. Chalfnn, Ouy C. ..McCalllster. F. O. rowers, J. w. aibson, Jnmes II. El kins, M W. Knickerbocker. J. O McKlnney, C. I White. D. IV Moffett, M. E. llurkhnrd. I Van Tassel, D. Winkle. C. L. Gist. J. 1'. Duckett. It. E. Vincent, Linda J. Qulliors, Ellis H. Edgington, p. Huntington. J. D. llowninn, Joe Lister, It. V Helknnp, Will Ornnthrm, John Stnpf. O. (1. Rivet. C. M. Elklns. L. A. Hunt. Julln A. Scott, .loo W. Howard, Jr., Winnie M. Hunt, Jepthn S. Hunt, Ettn F. Howard, Emma Fuller. Mrs. L. F. Rice. L. F. Rice. Frmik V. Chap man, O. E. Stndlg, Dennis D. Hunt, lohn R. Howard, Chas. E. Illscock, Fred Waltor. Adolph Kotzmnn, Carl II. House, Mrs. Martha Chnpmnu, Roh't NItzacho. the estate or 0. W. Fuller hv A. J. Fuller, S. E. West, Walter Ruble. Kntlo Ruble, J. A. WcBt. T. F. McCalllster. Matilda A. McCalllster, Roy L. ICIdder, (leo. F. Scott. Jerry Qroszklngor, James Par ker, Joo Parsons, C. A. Pnyno, E. S. Payne, Alfred Leathley. NOTICE FOR PURI.ICATION. Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land Olllce, nt The Dalles, Oregon, December 13, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that Nnum Pnnoff, of llonil. Oregon, who, on December 211, 1911, made Hoiue stond Entry, No. 0980(1. for Nt& Sec tion 23, Township 20 South, Rnngo 17 Enst, Willamette Meridian, lins niod notlco of Intention to mnko Final Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above descrlhed, beforo II. C. Ellis, It. S. Commissioner, nt Uond, Oregon, on tho 17th day of Jnnunry, 191C. Claimant names aR witnesses: Turpo Elloff, John Todoroff, both of Uond, Oregon; Orlea O. King, Frnnk Porcivnl, both or Ilrothers, Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 41-45 c. Register. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. Department of tho Interior, IT. R. Land Olllce, nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, December 13, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that Turpo Elloff, of llend, Oregon, who, on December 2(1, 1911, mndo llomo- stead Entry, No. 09S07, for N4, Section 22, Township 20 South, Range 17 Enst, Willamette Meridian. ImH filed notlco of intention tn inako Final Three Yenr Proof, to establish rlalm to tho land above described, beforo 11. C. Ellis, IT. S, Commission or, nt Uond, Orogon, on tho 17th day of January, 1910, Clnlmnnt names an witnesses Nnum Pannff, John Todoroff, both of Uond, Oregon, Orlen O. King, Frnnk l'erclval, both of Ilrothers, Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 41-15 c. Register NOTICE FOR PCRLICATIO.V. Department of tho Interior. 1'. S. Lnnd Olllce. nt Tho Dnlleo, Ore gon, December 2, IB 15, NOTICE Is liorehv given Mint Hu bert A. Scoggln, of Tumnlo, Oregon, who, on May 23rd, 1912. mado Homo Btead Entry, No. 010315, for E'A SEU. Section 13 T. 10 S., R. 10 E.. Lots 3-1, Section 18, Township 10 South. Rnngo 11 East, Wlllametto Meridian, has tiled notlco of Intention to mako Final Threo Yenr Proof, to ostabllsh elnlm to tho land nhovo do scribed, boforo II. C. Ellis, V. S, Com missioner, at llend, Oregon, on the 17th day or Jnnunry, 1910. Clalmnut niinies ns witnesses: Florence Sllvls, Uond, Oregon; drover n. Pulllnm. Edwin II. Isling ton of Tumnlo, Orognn; Ellis II. Ed- dlngton of Sisters. Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 11-45 c. Register. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, United Ststos Lnnd Olllco, The Dnllox, Oro gon, Decombor 0, 1915. To RaynalU II. Arnell, of 255 11th street, Portland, Oregon, Contes ted You nre hereby notified Mint Charles Stevenson, Jr., who give llox 147. Uond, Oregon, ns his post olllce HildroM. did on November 2. 1915. Mo In tliln olllce his duly cor roborated application to contost and secure tho eiinaollatlnn or your Homo- stout! Entry No. , Serlnl No. 01 20', '.I. made Soptomber 24, 191.1 for SKY NEV,, Section 30, 84 S WW. Section 20. NWV, NWtf NEW Section 29. Township 19 8., Range 20, E . Wlllametto Meridian, and as grounds for his contest hn allege that said Rayuatls II. Arnnll has wholly failed to ostabllsh Ills resi dence on snld tract; has totally fail ed tn cultivate and Improve snino as required by law anil lias abandoned same for moro than ono year Inst past. You aro, therefore, further notified that the said allegations, will be tak en as conroHSod, Hnd your said untn will le ouneeled without further right to he hoard either boforo tbl olllce or nn appoal. If you fall to fllr la Mi's oriteo within twenty davs after the FOURTH publication of Ibis o- tlee, as shown below, your answer 'nder oath, specifically respondlne; tr these allegations of contest, together with due proof that 70U titur mbkt' a cop of your answer oeMlierlali! contestant either III persotT'nr U retrlstered mall. You should stat In your the ustaa of the post oWw to wblrh yru dflr future notices to b attit lo rou II. KIUNK WOOBfTOCK, Rtlst4 Date or flrst publlctUlon Dec. II 1318. Dato of secord publleatlon Dm. ti 1911. DU or third pyhJlfliUWU IM. Dtii r.t fourth PuWloatlnn J. X91I. U-Ilp IN THE COCNTV COl'RT FOR THE COt'NTV OF CROOK AND TIIK STATE OF OHECiON. In tho matter of tho estato ot John 111039, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notlco IsMieroby given by tho un dersigned administrator of tho es tato of John IUojs that he has made and filed with tho County Clerk ot Crook County, Oregon, hla final ac count of his administration of the Bald estato, and that tho Honorable Judge of snld court has set Wednes day, tho fifth day of January, 1910, nt tho hour of ten o'clock In tho fore noon of snld day, at the Count Court rooqi nt Prlnevlllc, Oregon, ns the tlmo and place for tho hearing of said estato. Dated this 4th day ot December, 1915. J. N. HUNTER, Administrator or tho estntu or John HIoss, deceased. 40-4 Ic NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department ot tho Interior, United States Lnnd Olllco. Tho Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1915. To Alvln Huntsman, or llend, Oregon, or Held, Oiegon, Cnntestce: Yop nro hereby untitled that Jes slo 11. Thnyor, who gives Hcnd, Oro gon, ns hor post olllco nddress, did on November 10, 1915, llle In this olllco her duly corroborated nppll catlon to contest nnd secure tho can cellation ot your Homestead, Entry No. , Sorlnl No. 08530: Add. 09157, mndo March 31, 1911, Julv 22, 1911, for South Mt section 2, Township 20 South, Rnngo 20 Enst, Willamette Meridian, and ns grounds ror her contest she alleges that Alvln Huntsman tins wholly abandoned said claim lor moro than six months last past. You aro, MicroPro, rurther notified Mint tho snld allegations will be tak en ns confessed, nnd your snld entry will bo cnncollcd without rurther right to bo heard, either before this olllco or on appeal, If you rail to' tile In this olllco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication or this no tice, ns shown below, your answer, under onth, specifically responding to theso allegations' of contest, together with duo proof Mint you Imvo served a copy of your answor on tho snld contestant either In person or by reg istered mail. You should Btnto in your answer tho tiniuo of tho post olllco to which you deslro ruturo notices to tio sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Reglstor. Onto or tlrst publication Dec. 8, 1915. Onto or second publication Dec. 13, 1915. Date of third publication Dec. 22, 1915. Dato of fourth publication Dec. 29, 1915. 1 0-1 3 p. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. Department of tho Interior, IT, S. Land Olllco, nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Novombor 29, 1915. NOTICE la hereby given Mint John E. Johnson, of llend, Oregon, who, on March 4th, 1911, mndo Homostcad Entry, No. 08251, for SVj SEW. NE Vi SEVi, Section 22, Bli 8W',, NWVi PWVi, Section 23, NVj NWU, Section 20, Township 19 South, Itnngo 1 1 Enst, Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mnko Finnl Three Yenr Proof, to establish clnltn to tho laud nhovo described, ARE YOU (1OIN0 TO WAIT TILL THE LAST MIN UTE? NOW IB THE TIME TO HAVE THAT CAR PUT IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION, TO HE READY FOR THE BPRINO'S lllHINESS. 1910 IS (IOINO TO HE THE REST YEAR IIEND HAS EVER SEEN, ARE YOU (K)IN(l TO RE READY TO HANDLE YOUR SHARE OF THE HUB INESS? REMEMIIER, THE EARLY IIIRI) MATHERS IN THE WORM. MENTION NOT THE EARLY WORMI Bend Garage Company Our Motto: SERVICE IIAKim AM) THOWNimUl! UOND STREET. AOIINTH FAMOUS VALVE IN THE HEAD, UIHL'IC AUT O.MOIIILUH. COORYIiAH TIRE SERVICE STATION. Bend-Silver Lake andvway points A Seven I'lissenutY Touring Cur Eiii'h Way Kiich Dny. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS Waller Coombs, L. D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCKSSORS TO WKNA.NDY LIVKHY CO. Freight Trucks in Addition before H. C. Ellis, I' S. Commissioner nt Uond, Oregon, on tho 8th day of January, 1910. Claimant names ns witnesses: Albort D. McNeal, Daniel W. Hocler. David C. Rogors, Howard F. Dyer, nil of Rend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 39-43 p. Regtoter. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Ofllco, nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Novomber 29, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that John 11. Uuchhnlz, ot llend, Oregon, who, on October 29th, 1913, mndo Home stead Entry, No. 012175, for SVS NE i. SEH So.. I, NVj NEVI, Section 9, Township 19 South, Rango 14 East, Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mnko Final Threo Year Proof, to establish clnlm to tho lnnd abovo described, beforo It. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt llend, Oregon, on tho Sth day ot January, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Austin C. Harbor, or AUalfa, Oregon, A. Craig Alton, Lovl D. Wllley. Uond, Oregon, John C. Cllngen, of Mllllcnii, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 39-13 p. ReglBtor. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. Department of Mio Interior, U. S. Land Olllce, nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Novombor 22, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that Charles J. Loverett, or Deschutes, Oregon, who, on Juno 13th, 1912, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 010119 for SWi SWVi, Section 23, NWVi NWVi, Section 20, EVi NEVi, Section 27, Township 10 South, Rango 12 East, Wlllametto Meridian, hns tiled notlco of Intention to mnko Flnnl Threo Yenr Proof, to establish clnlm to tho land nhovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U, S. Commissioner, nt Rend, Orogon, on tho 30th day of Decombor, 1915. Claimant names nn witnesses: Lomuel A. Rrnndenhurgh, Charles M. Retinoid, Henry 0, Oray, Chnrles R. Lowe, nil or Deschutes, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 38-42 c- ReglBtor. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR THE COUNTV OF CROOK, STATE OF OREGON. In tho matter or tho estnto ot T. T. Evnns, deconsed. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notlcu Is liorohy given by tho un dersigned, executor of the estnto or T. T. Evnns, deceased, Mint ho Una mado mid tiled with tho clerk or Mm County Court of Crook County, Oro gon, his Until account ot his adminis tration or snld estnto nnd Mint tho Honorable Judge or suid Court hns set Thursday, the 20th dny or Jnnu nry, J 910, at Mm hour or 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ot Haiti day at thu County Court room nt Prlnovlllo, Oregon, ns tho tlmo anil place for hearing tho Until settling or snld es tnto. Dated this 2nd day of Dccomhcr, 1915. C. L. EVANS, Execiitor or thu oatato of T. T. Evans, deceased. 4 2-1 So