j$& y - -u$t , -W p i.- pi fl VMW. 10. tiii: tii:xi nt'i.iiKTix, m;x, oiti:., wi:ini:siav, ii:ci:Miu-:it s. 101.1. ' JWT- tXi n j to - i Laurgaard Writes of District Plan O. LAUKGAARD IN OREGON JOURNAL Tho past Irrigation congresses linvo been of somo lioiiuflt l.i solving tho protdomo nffcctliiK tlia arid lands In tlio eastern counties, but ti to the present time, luwevor. no solution to the lmpoitnnt problem of MnmcinK Irrigation project tins been offoroil by which the results deBlrod have bean accomplished. Numerous meth ods hnvo boon endorsed by the pro VlottH coiiKrcMm h, but very fow have attempted, either Iht.iuho they wore not pinctlciibl, fpoRlblo or attainable or bttCfuioe mifflulent Interest and wu im port wan not Klvnn the mibject. An a practical result of tho Oregon Irrigation UuimrnM the appropriation for tho slate Tun (ilo project wan ob tained through th 11H3 IcKlslnturo. Jt la not exported, however, that tblH form of llnaucltiK our projects will piovo popuhr oven If It ahould prove practicable and fpnalblu, tor tho rea huh that loo much local politics would piohaldy enter In the majority of ciihch, and because ton much op IioHltlou would be eiidtintorod In sec tions not buuelltted. MIIIiiko Tn DlMMisscri. Tho st.ilo nilllnge tu wnu advocnt oil and endorsed by the Inst session of tilts Oregon IrrlKatlon CoiiRress ns 11 method Hint will prowi practicable and Immedliito fur the reclamation of tho woitby projects under stato control. Although the benellts deriv ed by the stale at largo through In creased voliiatlon would bo largo and the ultimate return of tho principal and Intel est would ho insured It Is not believed now that this method (an bo siicceHsfiilly advocated and carried throiiKh to completion for the reason that the taxliiK power of tho slate and the center of population Is west of tho mountains where to a largo extent Irrigation Is not desired or so Intensely necessary ns for tho JBaalBBBBBBBBBHn TaW I ML 1 -1 (. I,.l IKJAAItl). I porting basin before ho Is hnrrnascd with Interost chnrgcH or worrlod with payments of principal. The Irrigation Idea offars thoso op portunities ha fur r.a principal la con cerned, providing the bonda which ate ottered by the district And a ante, but tho Interest must bs met during the construction aa well ns the de velopment period. The dlatrlct also applies the prln- I pieie tint the mint recinimou niusi pay eventuiilly for the henellts re colvad and no other section of the atnto or community or any other per son will ultimately m obliged to pay for the development of the lamia in which ho Is not directly llnnnclnlly Interested. A bill which was Introduced Into congress during Its last sesclon (Sen ate bill r.827) by Woaley I-. Jones of Washington, provides for tho guaran tee by tho government for tho Inter est on Irrigation district bonds after a project has recehed tho careful consideration and approval of tho secretary of the Interior. Tho Jones bill, If passed, will linvo tho offect of providing uniform Irrigation district laws throughout tho western states. Illll is Misruled. Although Oregon mid Washington r.t tint present time have very satis factory Irrigation district lawn other ntates have not advanced to tho same degree, thus whenever Irrigation tils trlct securities aro offored an expln nut Ion must be made as to the direct merits of the particular bonds. Fur thermore, the pnssnge of tho Jones bill, It Is bolleved, would crcnto n roadv tnnrltot for this class of secur ity and In time would probably olim Innte any othor form of Irrigation se curity. I'roni a rollnhln sourco It Is estimated Hint from $7ii. 000,000 to $100,000,000 can bo Judicially ex pended In each of tho two states, Oro gon and Washington, on Irrigation development alone, which will glvo antuo Idea of tho enormous develop ment posslblo under the district plan nsslsted by tho passago of tho Jones bill. Tho o'inctment of this bill Into a Inw does not mean that tho money would be appropriated from tho fed eral treasury but would only provide for the payment by tho government of such portions of the Interest ns' would bo In default by somo districts. I It Is possible Hint arrangements could be mndo whoreby tho amount nvallnbto nnnunlly from tho rcclama- Hon service can bo mndo available for this purpose. I'liiroriik I'liin I'rrfi'i-ml. Could tho entire amount, say $7, 000,000 or $8,000,000 which Is avail able nnnunlly bo mndo available for this purpose the government nlono could pay Interest on n fund of prnc tlcally $1,000,000,000 principal oven If all Interest should bo met by the government. Kurthormoro federal or stato sup ervision of tho construction of tho district projects would further elim inate tho objection that In many cases tho members of tho district board of directors nro not business men nor qualified to handle the oxpendlturo of large sums of money In a short time. Tho Orogon Irrigation Congress should. In my opinion, coneentrnto Ha efforts on some olio Bound plan of action and cxprt every effort to bring r.bout relief to the muny sections of Oregon, tho development of which means so .much to tho balance of the state and tho city of Portland. Meiry Clirlstnm.s. High grndo Shilling & Son piano for $203 for Christmas oily. Uuy Music Company. Adv. Merry Clnl.stmiis. DEPARTMENT ISSUES SUM MARY OF CROP ESTIMATES l''igiites (ileu for Oregon find the I'nlted Stato Quantity (imitor, Price Loss Tlinn I.iutt Year. WASHING-TON, I). C, Dec. 17. A summary of estimates of crop pro duction and prices for tho Stnto of Oregon and for the United States, compiled by tho Bureau of Crop Ks tltmiten (and transmitted through tho Weather Huroati), U. 8. Department of Agriculture Is ns follows: Crop pioductlon In the Str.to this year aggregates In quantity about 17 per cent mora than last year. Prices on Dccombar 1 average eight per cant lowor than n year ago, making total valuo of crop production, on this finals, nbout eight per cent less than last year. Tho estimates nro based upon thoso crops whoso values In tho last complete crop cenaus represent ed GS per cent of tho value of all crops. For tho United States production HiIh year aggregates In iiunntlty about nlno por cent more than Inst yenr. Prices Decombor 1 nvorago ono por cent lower than n year ago, mak ing n total value of crop production on this basis nbout eight per cent less than Inst yenr; thoso estimates nro based upon crops whoso value In tho last comploto crop census repre sented 85 per cent of tho vnluo of nil CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS (uiHteru ii lid central portions of the HtRto. Tho plan Is pructlcul, however, uiid Is aa JiiHtlllable aa a road mlllngo tax which never la returned Into the public, tro.iaiiry direct and duos not allow the Immediate insult of devel opment mid Inci enned nanoxaml valu ation that would result from Irriga tion drtVdnimoilt. Other method audi aa the stnto ur government tindei writing bonds for IrrlKitlon projerta although de alt'Mhlri from certain vie polnta could not be obtained probably for wfvornl years, until the people could lie mif llclmitly educated to pnaa the nucoa aary luglHlntlou. IXsiilii rimi 1'iiMned. Tliwie appears to bo only one log leal wiliitlnn for the Irrigation proli Ihiiik la Oieami r.ud the west, and that la tho Irrigation district Idea, ImkiK'imI by Home state or federal leg islation which would itntilHt in tho payment of Intereut during tho con Ntriictlvu and tho development per iod. In older to make a aucfoaa of any Irritation project wo must look to the siicetuM of tho man on the laud.. Ordinarily the man must be able to provide a living for hlmaelf mid fam ily In addition to paying for the water and Improvement on tho laud before aiU'ceaw can bo proclaimed, fiuler prhat Inlartlon, the Curoy Act or the vuriiuiH nthur fnriiM attempted lu (he latat It la uaunl not only to charge lari imah II rat payniMiit, but It la )ao iitxuwaary for the attlr to pay lataraat and maintenance fee. In dMlhu lii la iHHll)l to build a cabin, build fH0. rlar lit laud. purvha atoek and othoruUe Im prova lila larni. UiuUr ordlimry clr vuniataueaa the muu Mho baa aulll eitiut capital to accompltnU all of tha thluga would haa vary little deal re or wquUI be attracted only to K amall degree tiy the luvcatment lu an Irrigated farm In Oregon. It la tha man with the amnll menus but with an abundance of physical ener gy and ambition that uuiat be pluced aa the laud la order to make a aureeaa of the new Mjttler with airnll manna, but Mflth a capacity (or work. It will be echie nceaairv to place hint on tjie ld !th no ttrat caah pay moot no -prlnrlptv,! payiuenta for a long term of yeara aay 80 unit no Interest rhargea fur a period of from four to tlve )eara. Mu-t Aid Settlor. iue a program immt lie oonduc- tlvo to the bucco of u ntuouor who - yijuld iimplik' his time and labor nh-Kirlug lil land. Improving hla placo mid becoming nettled on a self aup- IT IS NOT YET TOO LATE to Jo Your Shopping AH Brooms 25c Block Tinware 5c and 10c Canvas Gloves . 5c Genuine Razor Strops, $2 values, $1.00 DOLLS.- 35c CROCKERY Double Glazed Platters 12cto35c Fruit Dishes 30c 91-inch Plates, . 6c Small Creamers 10c Come In before you Atty and lool over our line of toys. We have a great many Values left. OUR NAME JlfLstfJjjUTh OUR NAME GUARANTEE K33SAX& GUARANTEE SAVE TIME and MONEY Why carry wood iukI iislies uheii you can mho all of tlio iiniicc fs.Miry laNir by using u ltoynl lllue (,'us Pro ilucer, lliiins gas iimiiufac tuiiMl from conl oil ills tlllate ut ii having of from itt) to .10 oer wood or ciml. 1'ito Demonstiatlon, I liliMKVrs RUtK'KKY. m BRIDGES & UnER Sales Hgrs. crops grown, and niny bo regarded ns representative of nil crops. Kstlnrntes for important crops nro ' given below: Acreago and production ' In thousands, I. e., 000 omitted. CjI- unin (l) acreage; column u'j pro duction; column (3) prlco Dec. 1, cents. Olefin. Crops Corn, bti. Wheat, bu. Vl5 .'14 .ir, 'l Oats, bu 'lu "HI Barley,, bu. . ..'1G 'Ill .'lo "I .'1C 'HI .16, .'111 Uye, bu. Potatoes, bu. Hay, tons (1) (2) (3) 33 1,1601 82 22 J GC0J S2 90020,000 S4 79U1C.G04 102 30r.10,100 37 3C412,7I0 40 130 I,fi80 C2 122 3,000 " Bl 23 414 00 21 33(i 100 4S o,r.20 CO 49 4,753 CO 850' 1,870 $9.R0 SCS 1,71C'$9.20 Aleny ClirNtuius. Itecoiiimendcd for Cioup. W. C. Alley, Uoseloy, Mo., says: "I havo rnlsed a ramlly of four chll dron and used Foley's Honey and Tar with nil of them. I llnd It the host cough and croup medicine I over used. I used it for eight or ten years nnd con recommend it for croup." Snmo natisfactory results for coughs and colds. Sold everywhere. Adv. PHOTO: FOR Christmas YOU should placo your or der for Christmas photos now, to got them on timo for presents. Wo nro especial ly proparod with tho latest In Holiday folders. OUlt STUDIO IiAMI' enables us to photograph you DAY Oil XIOIIT. Tho best ro sults obtainable. Malto your appolntmonts now. TODD & SYMONS BOND STKEET i American Adding and: Listing Machine (EIGHT COLUMN CAPACITY) PRICE $88.00 F. O. IJ. MAYWOOD, ILL. Sold on one year's credit or 3 dis count for cash, MAIL COUPON TODAY American Can Company Chicago, 111. Please send booklet descrip- j tive of American Adding and I Listing Machine. "' AdJftu " T Clipped bom The Bnd Bulletin I ' JS-49-P Fish, Oys Dressed fers and Poultry ALWAYS ON HAND AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT AT THE CLUB CAFE Dond Sired Opposite Carmody Broi. Bend Contracting; Co. "No .lob too Ills. No Job too Small." Ilrldgo Construction Hxcnvntton of all Kinds KI'HCIAIilA', COXSTUCTi:i) SKI'TIO TANKS Teams for all kinds of heavy hauling at all times. Land clearing i:. O. CInik, Manngcr I'lione Mlack 151 G. I). Claris Olllco with Ilomcscckcrs Land Company. Oregon Transfer Company Olllco with Homoseokors Lnnd Company. Moving Household Goods Our Specially l'hono lllarlc 151 Coal nnd Wood Mglit mul Heavy I'rclglit KXI'ItKSH AND IlAOOAfJK AUTO TIIUCKS TO ANV l'.VKT OV Till J COUXTItV F. Dement & Co. Carries a complete line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fancy and Staple' Groceries. Let us figure with you on your Xrnas Order. Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the Business Center. Lots 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lois 50X125. $100 Tor Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Automoble Life Accident Surety Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET, BEND, OREGON .Member Tot-tlnnd ltenlty Hoard. VILLAGE SCHOOL SHOES For Girls and Boys "Tel-Til-Tip" Guaranteed not to wear out Children s . - $2.00 to $2.25 Boys and Girls'. $2.75 pair Waterproof school bag giv en away with each pair of Village School Shoes sold. Foot-ScBiilze Dress Shots for Men R. H. LOVEN tfWSSS? Repairing I if t r -CtHduM . jy jrv