The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 22, 1915, Image 1

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    The bend
Vol. XIII-
J'rlco Piihl Wns Approximately $o,.
OOO Jfotv On tiers lire F. V. Sill.
I vii ii ami P. It, lliooks Plans
are Made fur Xew llulldliia.
The Inrgest deal Involving lnsltlo
real ostato which ling tnken place
hero for many months was consum
mated ycstonlay when llnal papers
were signed by 1). B. Hunter transfer
ring the Pilot Ilutto hotel property
lo F. W. Sulllvnn nnd 1 II. llrooks,
of Vancouver, II. C. The considera
tion Is understood to have lieen ap
proximately $20,000.
Of the now owners Mr. Sulllvnn Is
a brother or Joseph Sullivan, who Is
running tho boarding camp at tho
llroeks-Scanlon plant, and of David
Sulllvnn, cashier for The Ilend Com
pany. Ho Is engaged In railroad
contracting nnd In boarding and
commissary contracting. Mr. llrooks
Is a usphew of Dr. U, F. llrooks of
tho Mrooks-Scanlon company, and Is
a capitalist of Vancouver.
According to Mr. Sullivan, who
npent Monday nnd Tuesday here In
compacting tho purchase, It Is tho
purpose, of the now owners to proceed
slowly with tho development of tho
property, first taking tlmo to study
tho Hlto nnd tho needs of tho town In
tho hotel lino. Tentative plans, which
mny bo cnrrled out -next spring, look volopment bodies against tho oxtcn
to tho construction of the first unit slon liv the Interior Department of
of a new building on tho southerly tho stnte's contrnct covering tho
sldo of tho present hotel, the portion Irnds In tho Ilpiiham falls unit havo
jiow occuplod by tho present bar bo-, been referred by Secretary I.ano to
Ing removed to glvo room. I.ntor, Commissioner Tnllman of tho C-on-nntl
iih conditions warrant, tho rest ernl land office This Information Is
of the frnmo building will be remov- contained In n letter recolvcd this
bU uiul tho romnlndor of tho new ho-, morning by Manager II. II. Do Ar-
lei constructed. The name of tho
hotol will remain tho same.
A pleasant feature of tho now
building, ns now roughly plnnned In
Mr. Sullivan's mind, Is to be n broad
verandah In tho renr ovofrokliiK the
ilvtr jtnrf facing tho distant motin
(tains. The, "Pilot inrrto Is tho oldest ho
'lei In llenll mill one of tho Intnl.
'innrks of the town, hiving been the
.'Btopphig plnce of (he Shnnlko stage
Hue nnd the hendnunrters for locnt
'or s In tho days of the early timber
Tushes. It Is now being run under
tho mnnngement of J. F. Taggart
who will turn It over to the new own
ers on January 1. Mr. Taggart will
romaln In chargo for thorn for tho
.tlmo bolng.
Meriy Chi'l-tinns.
"mm i. mux di:i.avi:d.
TlernuM) of unusual delays tho
muinlng innll from Portland wrji held
nt Fallhrldge until 11 o'clock thjs
forenoon. A local train was run over , Job completed. ntnr will be turned
the Oregon Trunk, nvrlvlng alioutlnta tho pipes nt once and tho city
10:30 n, m. The mcll will be In this supplied from the new source- Im
tftoruoon. medlctely.
W. I.. COlin, I'res,
Capital $25,000, Fully Paid .
City OMIcliiN.Kicrt Sny The) Will
Piohlbll Petty (J;,iiiblln In nemj
After Polii nnty t.
A strict prohibition on punch
boards and bingoes, trade col-is and
markers used In card ennin win i.
effective February 1. lrjlG. according
to Mayor-elect J. A. Hastes, who met
Informally last week with councll-men-elect
and holdover members of
the present council. This decision
was reached upon consideration of
some of tho policies to be adopted by
the new administration during the
ensuing year.
Helleving that the use of punch,
boards Is a form of gambling, the new
administration, following tho lead of
District Attorney Wlllard Wlrtz, hns
Issued the statement that this form
of lottery must bo Btopped. and the
time limit set for their existence Is
February 1, which will glve places of
business nn opportunity to dispose of
punch boards now on hand.
The council was of tho unanimous
opinion that the use of bingoes, coins
nnd markers In card games Is also n
form of gambling nnd that ns they
serve only ns a subterfuge they also
have come under the bnn.
A decision wns also reached upon,
tho enforcement of the state wide
prohibition law. Tho mnyor-olect
and tho council nro a unit" (lint tho
lnw must be observed to tho lottor
after January 1. Just whnt course
will be pursued In regnrds to en
forcement has not been decided. It
Is, however, certain that soft drink
places, which are expected to spring
up after the saloons go out of busi
ness, will bo rigidly regulated.
Merry Christmas.
Protest Against Intension on Hon
tin in Fulls I'nlt Referred In 1 1 tin.
Protests by tho Ilend Commercial
Hub and other Centrnl Oregon do-
mond of the ilend Commercial Club.
It was Commlsslonor Tnlinnn who
recently gave out a stntmont naming
the conditions on which nn extension
of tho Morson contract would bo
granted. It Is expcJed that ho will
take tho samo position In respect to
tho Hcnhnni Falls lands as ho does
?m tho Morson project question,
which means Hint unless tho state
can glvo ovldcnce of an ability to
complete the project within tho UillO
asked for the extension, no extension
will bo glvon. ",
Merry Clu-Mmim. " '
The laying of pipe to connect tho
water tank of tho Ilond Wntor Light
& Powor Co. with Its now up rlvor
Intake will be completed today. HInco
the tronch oxcnvatlon was flnlshod by
eontrnctur M. J. Dsnlolson an oxpert
pipe layor from Portland has beon nt
woik. and tills afternoon, according
to Managor T. II. Foloy, will soe tho
P. T". IIFNTKR, Vice-I'res
(asln. r
ni:.t, oitKco.v, whixi:siay aktkhxoo.v, di:ci:mhku , iim.-.
Mill Machinery oii-ltond Audet-Mm
llrother's Stuck N Purchiitcil and
Wilt Ik Hauled In tn Iteml
Khcvllu ami Party vveie Here.
For the purpose of delivering to
thu llrooks-Scnnlon Lumber Co., nn
engine to be used by the lumber com
pany on Its logging road a number of
olllclnls of the Oregon Trunk cnnio
up to Dend on Friday In a private
car drawn by the engine. They left
on the evening train.
In the party woro C. 0. Joules, gen
eral manager of thu O. T. and tho S.
P. & S., A. M. I.upfer, chief engineer, '
J. Dickson, master mechanic, 0. K,
Votnvv, superintendent nnd J. A,
Llndsoy, superintendent of bridges
nnd buildings. While here they went
over the llrooks nnd the Shevllu mills
and called on a number of business
men to tiiiiutio about conditions.
Tho logging engine U n standard
rod engine, purchnsed by tho lum
ber company ft out the S. P. & S. It
has Just had i thorouth overhauling
In (ho Vancouver shops nnd Is now
at work on the logging road hauling
rills out Into the timber. Steel has
been laid already for threo miles.
Other snoioment recently recolv
cd by the lirooks.Scnu'on Company
Includes tho structural steel for tho
plnnor, which cnnio In on Moi.tlny,
and two car loads of logging enrs,
which hnvo arrived from Scanhin,
Minnesota, whore they vvero former
ly UBod. Machinery for tho saw mill
In on tho road.
Although the Griffin mill has shut
down for the winter thoro (s consid
erable lumber loft to be hnulcd In
to tho yard. Much of It Is tv ho us
ed In tho mill construction. The
llrooks company has also purchased
all the stook tho Anderson llrothers
mill him uu hand, amounting to
about ono million feet, nnd will haul
It In this winter.
Work In the snw mill hns been
going somowhnt slowly while tip ma
chinery hns been on the road but
other branches of tho plant construc
tion hns becji progressing. Most of
the excavation for the siding Into tho
platler Is now finished nnd the pinner
shed Is raised.
About IKS men nro now nt woTk
T. I.. SueVllll, (if The ShovUn-Hlxon
Company, spent Thursday of last
week" hero with a niUllliflT of com
pany officials. In the party word 11.
II. Dea, J. K, Nichols nnd K. C. ShoV
lln, nnd also W. I). Skluuor of tho
S. P. & 8. Tho party spout tho day
at the mill nnd In tho woods whore
thoy wntchod tho operation of the
now log sktdder.
Following their visit It wns stated
that the Shevlln mill would begin
cutting on February in, as reported
In Tho llulletlii sovornl weeks ago.
The mill will s'nrt on n 2 I hour basis,
cutting 27.".tOfi foot of lumber n dav.
UU mnac
nn ISJnac
We carry a complete
line of goods
Look over our slock
of Rifles, Shotguns
and Ammunition
Bend Hardware Co.
The Company ihnt put the "Wwur" In tlrilwiir
Will Have Charge of !!H National For.
cMi lii Washington, Oiegon anil
Alaska To Take, l'p Duties
Karly In tla1111111.v-l.eatc ltcntl
M. 1.. Merrltt, supervisor of tho
Deschutes .National Forest for tho
last three years, has been promoted
to bo supervisor of Improvement
work In all national forests of tho
northwest district Including Oregon,
Washington nnd Alaska. Mr. Merrltt
will leavo to take up his new duties
sometime In Jnnuary and will hnvo
Portland iih his hcndmiurters. Ills
successor hns not been unmed.
Tho particular work with which
Mr. Merrltt will bo connected will bo
that of supervising and detailing all
Improvement work now undor wav
and contemplated In the 2f! national
forests In his district. For tho Inst
two years this work has not been un
der a speclnl man. With tho vnst
amount of work now bolng done In
tho untlonnl forests of the northwest
nnd Atnska It has been doomed ad
vlsablo to plnco a special supervisor
In tho field. Mr. Morrill's now po
sition will take him In to every pnrt
of his territory and ho expects to
spend much time, soon after enter
ing upon his work In tho field, ac
quainting himself with conditions ns
they twist In tho government's for
ests. I
Mr! Merrltt became supervisor or
the Deschutes National Fdrest In Sep
tember. 1012 coming from Portland
whoro he had had chargo of tho roc.
onnnlssnnco parties. Previous to
that time he wns supervisor of thojH. Slack! directors, 0. Ii. Monro, J.
Whitman National Forest In this , Pednrsen, A. Noff, II. llolgosen nud
state from 1010 to 1912. From 1000 , H. I". Grimes.
to 1010 he wns supervisor on the!
Washington National Forest In north
western Washington. Aftor his
graduation front the Town State Col
lege, Mr. Merrltt took tho civil sor
vice examination nnd entered tho for.
est servico golnc to (lip l'hllllplne!jr
whnro'hR remained until 1000,
During tho period during which
Mr. Merrlt hns been supervisor of fircsg , i0rtlnnl December 28, 20
the Deschutes Nntlonnl rorest a. vast,nn(, j0i w, ,)0 0(torei, ,,y tll0 0rvKOn
nmouiit of liiiprovomolil work has Trunk which will add two extra tour
beon done In tliu forest nlnng tl)n i iHtH nnd ono oxtrn roncli. This ser
llnos of roitil, trail nlld teleptioiio lino vtro will bo provldod for tho H1':1'!
construction. The Dosoliut.'ij forest: of Monday, December 27, ami will
hns ono of tho most roniplntit Myfl.'t.,,,,!,!,, lllo Uelilrnl (Iregotl delegate)
tenis or leiopnono exennnge or nny (0 leaVii lit (lid linino time, nrrlvlug
forest In the northwest. For the tl Portland oil tliu imiriilnu of In
coming year Mr. Merrltt line mnde nn 'camber. 28, tho day tlih Irrlgatlilll
elilbornto plsn for Improvement In congress oonvenos.
tho forest, special stress being plnrod Tickets to nil who tuiiko this trld
oi road biilldlng (o tunko the Interior' will bo sold on the fnrtllliata plan at
of tho forest more IH'i-whsIIiIo. It Is a sueelnl oiih and one third fnrn rnlu.
evperted that his silceettsor Will enrry
tho work forwnrd.
Merry (iiilstiiuis.
Tbo I.lbrnrv Club nnltod approxl-
mnti'lv $40 nt the Itiimmnge flsio
held In tln CniiMnrrrlnl Club noms
i ueniay aiiernonn :mi evening
' !'b
1 i 'm.La
D.illX 1'ioUlit ami Passenger Trains
to Operate hhoitly After .laiiuaiy
1 lliislnoss Iiirrpiisi Jiisttitos It
The heavy Increase In both paise
ger and freight business In nud out
of ilend during tho last live mouth
has Justltled the Oregon Trunk Rail
road In resuming dally passenger
and freight train service to replace
tho present dally mixed train ser
vice. The now arrangement will be
coino effective o.irly In Janunr.v.
There hns been n marked and
steady growth In trnlllc In and out
of Ilend In Iho Inst live mouths, ac
cording to J. II. Corbott, local agent,
and with the outlook for the coming
ear moro promising than It has been
for some tlmo pnHt, the Oregon Trunk
believes that It Is Justified In giving
local trnlllc more efficient trnln ser
vice than It has had for the last seven
mouths when mixed trnln servico was
put on the read. It Is also felt that
offering straight passenger nud
freight servico will conduce to more
travel between Portland and Ilend
and points beyond. Tho railroad Is
expecting n heavy Inrrenso In tho
freight business nfter February 1 ow
ing to tho expected lumber shipments
when the mills open for business.
Merry CliiistuiiiH,
Meeting Held on Saturday lust It it-
tlon Is In (lorn! Condition.
At a woll attended meeting of the
stock holders In the Contrnl Oregon
Farmors Crenmory hold on Saturday
the business of tho past yoar was
dlsoussed nnd officers elected for the
coming term.
According tn reports presented nt
tho meeting tho crenmory In now do
ing three times the business It did n
yoar ngo nnd Is pnylng good prices
for buttor fnt, tho November price
having been .11 Vj cents, which wns
slightly above the market.
The newly elected officers lire,
itrnttlilulit . O I.. Mmirn. vlrn nmntilnnl.
'J. C. Smith, secretary-treasurer, J.
Merry ChiiMinni,
To Put on Kxtrn Cars For Delegates:
i Monday Night,-
(3.W.AI..1 .ln..t...k in nil il.w. (v,il..i
L.i., , ,i' n,,,.,, i....,.ii.. o,.
.ji'i..ii iiuitnv w. . --ev
Meny t'lii'Ntmns.
nnul llgurort foiuplled by sahool
',,.,k II. J. Ovtuturr Indlesle h total
school population of 7.10 In district
i u, kuii of six ivi-r I bo figures llrst
i nnouiiced. Of tin- 75o, 370 hi boys
.Hid - 1 1 are girls.
i .. .
YH'v'&",m2P "mrei "vum- nvni "iS'r "f "&? "ii,rs iwaf ts?
teilLSJ c " HI'HSON. Pns'.dHiit
i V-S ' f. ''K. In- Pr. hUPiiI
ii"3 K. A. rfATIILH, Vki. ITb
at CS.l
liTe First National Bank
( Hplllll filllt iltii
Suiilu . . . .
For many rssoiis this will be the Usttt simI Hirrlst
Christmas Hwud has ever hsil. . ,"'
la all th years to come, no matter wltoj othsr nuod
tilings roine to llund, we will pHdmldjr nwvsr mm tits
time when wo have the suiim to connrslulate ourselrxM
that we now have.
Wo wish there were other towns In tns Nortbwuat where
two new mills to employ- around 1000 men would com
mence snwlnic logs In p early sprliiK of l&lfi.
V ulsh thpie were othsr lons thai ecu Id look forward
to new iniiiitbly pay roll of thousand of dollars eauii
month, lor insny ysers to r me
To all w wish a .Merry Christmas and to our IV00 rus
fomsis. und the hundreds of piospseilvs customers we
i.jiir-iis the hopt) that tbelr savings In this liank will
itni'il Hum to make olhrrs Imppy and emiif rial. la ou
this, lifet.d's i.est ChrUtinav, u l ou inaa) u'lu-in io ciiiiii.
$2,615 IS RAISED
TtivlOO Foot Striirtute With Lot Can
He Obtained for $.,(H)U Hiillillng
To lie Modern Throughout
.Many Subscribe for Stock.
With $2015 of tho necessary $RO0O
subscribed, the proposed gymnasium
for Head is nssurod.
Tho llnntico committee consisting
of II. A. Htover chalrmnu, A. 1..
French, P. C. Garrison nnd Itov. II,
C. Hnrtranft r.nd Dennis Carmody, on
Tuesday raised more than $l,i!00,
and expects that before the week Is
over rally $1,000 will be subscribed.
At n meeting held last Thursday
afternoon toutatlvo plans for tho
building weru submitted and a dis
cussion wns hod relative to the best
site for tho building, nnd It wns de
termined that the property on Wall
street nenr tho Ilend Steam Laundry
known ns tho Lucas property, would
best serve tho needs to which tho
building will be put. Tho plans aw
now submitted provide for a frnmo
structure .70 foot by 100 feet, or n
brick building of the same dimen
sions, Tills phase Is later to bo de
termined. Thu Interior will hnvo n
sufficiently large Moor space to per
mit Its usu for Indoor athletic con
tests, public meetings, nodal func
tions nnd theatrical performances.
It will hnvu nn elevated stage, gym
minium equipment, showers, and pos.
slide rending rooms.
In order to pormlt a lurgo number
to enjoy the benefits of tho new In
stitution the shnion are lining sold
nt a par vnluo of $10. To glvo Indies
nud those undor tho ngo or 21 yonT
an opportunity to becoino stoeV
holders a ono half share plan was
adopted, each ono half share selling
at $fi. There nro many subscribers
to this, plan. , 4',1
Soon to liM'oriioinlc. .
As soon mt Uq. qniiYW i( tli town
Is completed stops" will be taken to
Incorporate, This will bo In charge
V' Yi At.Fnrbos, chairman, U, Q, NN
Us, Hobs Filrnhnin, C.H. llenson nud
If. II. De Armond.
Tho following hnvo subscribed
on the basils or $10 per rJywL.-ilq'i-Stover,
$20 1 First National llauKt
$100; K, i:, Huwydr, $nt (luy Me
Jioynoldx, 111); IJ, M. I.iim, I. ill H.
i, Hopkins, $K); It. (I. I.Hinli.irHoil,
$10: i:. II. Deumaii, $10: A, M.
Prlnglo, $10, United WarnhoiiM Cd.(
$0; .1. F. Tnggart, $10: ClmrloH W.
Krsklne, $10: Fred A. WooJIIon, $10:
A. C. Kgnn, $10: H i:. IloluirtM. $10:
W. J. JJprniti; $;u; II. J. Ovuitujf,
$r.o: J. A. Huston, $20: J. C. itliodui,'
$10; II. W. Hkuie, $10; Tbo lloud
Co., $100. J. T. Ibieslsy, $10; IL 0.
Norton. $10: II. !:. Allen, $10; J. F.
Arnold. $10; 11. K. Hmlth. $10: D.
V Mcintosh. $lo: Wlllard M. Hut
ton. $10; C. S. Hunter. $10; A.. J.
if'ontlnued on Just pun )
M I. Ml . Cashier
li Mi-KKYNUUMt. st. Cashier,
A. ,SIOVKIt,.s..t f'j.hivr
2." i s)