THR HEM) IHJLIiKTlX, HEX1), OnE WKHNfcsiUV, DECKMDKR 15, 1018. PAnn 0. V BEND TO BE A "' l H GOODFEL OW my ur seek r IMPORTANT JOB FEATURES PLANNED FOR CHRISTMAS I Community Tree Program to lie Held on Evening of December !!I-Eicry Child In Town to llccchc Pres ents Churches Co-operate. PUBLIC SERVICE POST IS OPEN I Dond Is going to bo a Sir. Goodfel- low on unnsimas uay. uoodfcllow- Sevcn Hcpiihllcans Aie In ItccciUo ."Mood for $1,000 Place Which Is AnlbUIo Only to, Knstcrn Oro- gonlnns Who They Are. ship Is to express Itself in ninny ways. A Christmas treo with all tho holi day festivities that should accom pany such a feature Christmas din ners for thoso whoso means are not sufficient to provide them, clothing and other necessities for tho needy, and n hearty yuletldo spirit, will coni- Mno to mnko tho 101C Christmas for iicnd tho biggest and best that the town has over experienced. Tho people of tho town havo taken to tho Idea with unexpected keenness and with n determination to mnko ,tho Community Christmas a success which will aBsuro it a permanent Iplaco in tho calendar for years to irome. Not to bo outdono by larger towns nd cities of the northwest, Demi III havo n Christmas commensurate vltli any other that will obsorvo tho olldny season in n similar manner. Tho Community Christmas Tree, o bo an entlroly democratic colobra lon, will bo hold on Christmas eve, ho program to bo held on tho lawn t tho northwest corner of wall and ihlo streets beginning promptly at :30 o'clock. Tho date was defl Itely decided on at a meeting of tho ommlttces in charge held Thursday Ight. It was tho expression of all l)io pastors of tho Bond churches lat they were desirous of co-opernt- ig In every way to mako tho affair succors, and for that reason de rmlncd to change the hour of hold g their programs so that their urches could participate In tho nornl community oxerclses. To nform with tho plan laid down by o Community Christmas Treo com- tteo tho churches will all hold their igrnms early In tho ovonlng to ns- o tholr romplotion heforo 8:30 lock. A plan is being evolved by Ich n solect program will bo ar ced, Including n par of tho pro- m given r.t tho churches, to bo n nt tho Community Treo. Oth- nuRlr by local talent Is also being nged. rent pains will bo taken by tho mltteo on decoration to mnko tho o treo to bo selected ns beautiful osslble. It, will bo brllllontly dec cd and olcctrlc lighted, tho olec- l effects to bo prepared by tho I Wntor Light & Power Corn- Plans nro being carefully o to accommddato several hun Tho big opportunity for tho cast-of-the-mauntalns olllce seeker comes at the next election. A plnco on tho State Public Service Commission, pre viously known ns tho Hallroad Com mission, Is open next November, and undor the law passed by tho last log lslatuto tho vacancy next occurlng must bo filled by a man from tho ens- torn Oregon district. Tho Job pays $1,000 a year, nnd is Important nnd Interesting. That it will bo sought by u goodly number of eastern Oregonlans Is already appir ont. A least seven Republican can didates aro already mentioned, but thus far no Democrats liavo coma for ward. Among ftio Republican candidates, avowed and receptive nro the following: 11. II. Corey, of linker. Ha has beon clerk of tho Commission for four ycarB nt $2,000. Ho has not held other public ofllco nnd Is not very widely known In tho district, although considered an nblo ofllco man. Hd Wrlcht of Union county. At present county clerk, to which posi tion ho has been re-elected continu ously. Ib credited with a strong fol lowing, nnd Is olllclcnt nnd popular and welt known. Jorry P. Husk of Union. Was speaker of tho Houso In 1011. In 1912 was on out-and-out Progressive nnd Is said lcet year to havo worked hard for Hanley. Is widely known. J. M. Kyle, mnyor of Stnnfleld, Umatilla county. Formerly lived at Salem. In 190C ho was associated with tho campaign of Jonathan Hourno, but later loft tho llourno standard. Hub many Influential friends. J. T. Mahoney of Morrow county, Has been a member of tho legislature, Has local following and Is said to be in a icccptlve mood. John W. McCulloch of Ontnrlo Malheur county. In 1899 was a leg islative momher from Marlon county. Has been district attorney for Mal heur for eight years. A -substantial candidate. Frank Davoy of Hums. Was speak er of the Houso in 1907. Conducted Harney County Nows nnd prominent In Harney Republican activities. At present on tho Penitentiary staff at Shoes at Shueys WE ANNOUNCE that in con nection with our fine line of staples in dry goods we have just added a new line of MEN'S BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. For Real Service you will not find any Better. Come in nnd look them over. SHUEY'S The Cash Grocer ox Tin: AU.r.vs. Tho closing ganicH of tho Ho ml Howling Tomnanioat wero rolled on the nllojs IVday night, tho United Wnrehouso taking three otialght fiom tho Owl Pharmacy. Norval Springer leads tho high av erago list with n Bcoro of 185 for tho scries and Is awarded tho mlncrallto bowling ball given by tho Hrunswick- Ualko-Collondcr Co. Fred Estea and II. A. Stover nro nvnrded a year's subset lptlo-i to Tho lloml Uulletin. having rolled the highest scofcB during tho season. Thceo B"bscrlptlons wore donr.ted by tho alloys. Howlers having tho highest aver ages aro as follows: Springer 185 Ostlund I?:: Cnrmody 178 S'.cldl 175 Slovor 175 Meredith 175 Torrell 171 Spront 174 Palmcrton 172 Polndexter 162 Urundenu 1 G2 Standing of tho Tenuis. Teams wo:: United Warehouse. 27 Dond Hulletlu 20 Owl Phnrmncy 18 First Nat. Hr.nk ....15 A. h. French 5 Dond Hand 5 OBt Pet. 3 900 10 CG7 12 GOO 15 500 25 167 25 167 Seo Edwards for good houso paint' ing. Adv. Sr.Iom. Mentioned by his friends as n nnaatMn svn n it I 1 n n children who w 1 bo recipients " '""'""' '"","""'"' , . esents, all of which will bo unl-! AM three of ho present members A careful canvass of the town,?' CM'"'0 " "T "EEI" i... ,mnn nron. Cnmpboll and Clydo II. Altchl- . .i. -m. f vn. M,iiil In son "man ineir lerius January i, ui. uiu tiuuii-o u. u.v.., ........ ... , .-, i ,iii. i,i,i- m, bo thnt no child will bo over- ",,,; " "" """ d on tho occasion of giving out unm lJlJ- nts For a good clean Bhavo, a good hair cut, facial massago or a chlno, visit tno .Metropolitan, on uregon street. Adv. tf T THE JONES BIL Text of McuMirc Now Pending For tho AxMlhtum-o of Irrigation High grado Shilling &. Son piano Day ! a r P.nln PIaiiu lint'A s.Mr. nnu .urs. om ..i" ""'"!.,. .on-j f,,- rhri.imn. nil. t -i i... ft titsilw I.UnMii la in v-v wit tn - tmi L.T tT i h evening of -M"" Company.-Adv, r " ------ Jommounlty Treo. to committees seiccien " -urn. Our Jitney Offer This nnd Br. - Don't miss this. Cut outj this slip, enclose with live cunts to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial packago con mining Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Com Hudson, general chairman, nro lllows: do and decorations Chas. fc. and T. H. Foley. t. ..., rn w f Tlinmnsnn. f't" """ " . . .....! ... nn..n1, nn.l Krnlin man: Mrs. R. D. Ketchum anu -',-(;; "ffiF CaUu nrtlc Tablets. Hold evorywnoro. aqv. Hrlnklev. aanco Rev. H. C. Jlartratoft, fcnnn; Mrs. n. k. urooKs, .nro. Davis, A. C. i:gan nnu rroi. Ins, edy homes Rev. F. W. Koagy, man; Miss Davis. Smith and Ilarnoi, JG00 player now $625. Day Music Company-adv your Xmas candy at Amerloan ry. Special prices maue rtu. strong nnd Well tit Hut. i,l QnilM, Hrnnr. HOV. WIS., UJ: f M. .....a, .w-. gw ,,', y Kidney i ins comp.c.c.j - me or all soreness unu ii" back nnd now I am strong ond &s ever" Cola weainer waw Joints, sore muscles ana ir- ir bladder action muru uni- 1 Foley Kidney I'liw neip no ib nlimlnnto naln-causlng pols- jSold Everywhere. Adv. .kvii.m: judgc on nr.Ncu. (Oregon Journal.) iiniii circuit Judge Morrow up his docket. Circuit Judge T. Duffy of Prinevllle, tins mornims court in Portland to ro.u"... tha fhrlstmna holidays. Judge lw nsked for the assistance that lold cases beforo him might bo without further delay. WATKK USKKS MIIP.T. (Silver Iake Leader.) Silver Lake Water Usors as- nn met in adjourned session slder the report of the commlt- imed to fix the boundary uses j. Silver Lake Unit. Tho time. Leeks, being too short for the llttee to make a report on so Inn undertaking, they asKca iur it- Hme. which was gronioa in Matter of Endurance. "My diMr." wild Mr. Hawkins to IiH better htlf the other ciciiliig, "do you Liinw thut yon Imve one of thu best voIccm In the worltlJ" indeed V" rt'pllod the dpllehtcd Mrs II.. with n Hush of pride ut the conipll incut. "Do jou really think no1' i certainly do." cmitluutil the heart less husband; "othoruWu li would have been worn out loug nso!" Phlliidelphla Lwlger. Can't Do Done. Tbo Wife This iaM'r say thut New York doctor havo forme-l u wuloty to study methods fur staying the ndnnre of old uge. The Ilin-Uind Well, tell m you'ie trhil prevnrloiillon and re ducing the number of mndles In your hlrlhdny eiiko-i. mid nellbi-r will do It Voul't-rs StutuKiuau. Ho In Knnctcd by tlio Keniitc nnd lloiif.o of ItciirviientnthiY of tho I'nlt- cd Ktates of Ameilca In Congr heinblcd, Thnt tho declnred purfose of this Act is to encourngo tho recln- mctlon of lands undor Inwa enacted to that end by tho soveral States, and to provldo for. the co-operation of tho United States In aid therefor Hoc. 2. That whenever any district duly organized undor tho Inns or a'uy Stato, having for Its purposo tho Ir rigating, draining, or diking of lands within the district, and being author ized by law to Issue Its bonds tn pro euro funds for tho carrying out of tho purposo of Its organization, shnll dcslro tho co-operation and nld or Books for Boys Books for Girls Books.for Women Books for Men Picture Books for Babies. You Buy for Less at WARNER'S Tin: VARIIITY stori: conditioned that nny dofnultlng In terest shall bo paid by tho United States; and In case any district shall default in its bond Intercut and bucIi Interest shnll bo paid by tho United Stntos underwits guaranty, tho United States shall havo all remedies which nro given by law to tho bond-holder, ami tho bonds and Interest shnll bo mndo by Inw a lion upon nil tho lunds within tho district. Sec. -I. That tho Secretary of tho Interior shall from time to tlmo cnuso Inspection to bo mndo of nny work undor construction to determine whether tho work Is being cnrrlod out In nccordanco with tho plans sub mitted, and he may mako euch rule') and regulations as may bo necessary to Insure the carrying out of tho plnu approved, and ho Is furthnr author ized to approvo any nnd all acts and to mnko all rules and regulations no coBsnry nnd proper for the purpose ot carrying tho provisions of this act Into full force nnd effect. Kec. n. That any irrigation project which has been completed undor the provisions of tho reclamation act of Juno soventeepth, nlncteon hundred and two, and of acts amoudatnry of and Bupplomontary thereto, may bo organized Into an Irrigation district, nnd tho Socrotnry of thu Interior tho United States, it shall filn with the Secretary of tho Interior plan3 shall accept In payment for work nl and estimates of tjio work proposed jrnndy done nnd funds ndvanccd upon to bo dono for the reclamation or tho project, nnd for which paymont district lands, and shall mako app!!-haB not bean mndo, bonds of tho din cation to havo such plans nnd estl- trlct to run for n period of not to ox mates examined and approved, Tho coed forty years, nnd drnulng Intcr Secrotnry of tho Interior thereupon est nt the rato of four por centum per THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Come in, Shop and Be Convinced. Our line of Holiday I--- Qk is complete, including St-!.----)" Cut Glnss Fnney Perfumes Silver Wnre Hand Pointed Chiim Fancy Stationery French Ivorv Goods Girt Hooks Fancy Candies Manicure Sets' Tourist Tablets Smoking Sets Casseroles Toilet Sets Grafanolas Leather Goods Make Your Sclectiom Tbii Week and Gel the $csl Owl Pharmacy If you want Genuine Prices on Genuine HIGH GRADE FURNITURE Stoves, Hugs, Carpets, Ueds, Springs, Matresses, you can obtain them from us. , From our carefully selected assortment you can furnish your home to suit your taste and do it economically E. F. Logan Fiirniiure Company i.YWiti:xei: nuiun.vo Wall Street Near Ohio Street. This Space is Reserved m for tho nison Art Kxhlblt thnt will M L bo held by tho Public Sellouts ot M Ilend, Jnn. 26, 27, 2S nnd 20, m ' M afternoon and evening. Hv- m M crybody will bo Invited M L to thin exhibit which M M m every rcHpect. m M Moro detallH M M given 1 a t o r M ep Somo Comolatlon. "Tbere'd no consolation about bctns In Jail, mum." "What I It. my pwr man" "Aftwr 1 owe W to ''til lioNnly ben mnkw me lift up ami go down to be sure that tb Uek door's IocIm!." De troit Prco Pr. Yachting Ethics. In yarht raelug every yacht Is txjund by rule to abandon tbo rare nnd go jo the assistance of auy yosbt or (cron In perlL Work Is the txt thing Jo make ns love life-Ernest Renan shall cniiBo an oxaminntlon to be l annum. mndo of the plans and tho 'district project, nnd, if tho samo shall bo deemed feasible, or shall bo no modi fied as to bo feasible, the Secretary of the Interior may, on behalf of the United States, guarantee tho Interest on bonds to be Issued by said district for the purposes aforesaid. See. a. That the district bonds to bo guaranteed as hereinbefore pro vided snail run tor a poriou noi to exceod forty years, and tho interest to bo guaranteed shall not exceed four per centum por annum, ana v'th these limitations each Stato may prescribe the time and manner of the payment of the bonds of Its districts, The guaranty upon all bonds shall be Anv Irrltrntlnn nnu' ....-.. ,....-... , under construction undor tho provls-' Inns of said reclamation lifts may bo, organized Into an Irrigation district, and bonds as in this section mention ed nhall be received by tho Secrotary ' of the Interior In payment of work already dono and funds advanced, and additional bonds sufficient to complete thu project may be guaran-1 teed for tho purposo of sale, as pro vided in tactions two nnd threo or this act, and any irrigation projoct , authorized undor tho provisions of said -reclamation arts may be orga-i nlzcd Into an Irrigation district and shall bo entitled to the rlghtu and privileges granted by sections two and threo of thU Act Discriminating Buyers Give Us Preference OrcgonliS Has a Larger Combination of Strong Points in Favor of the Insured than any other Life Insurance Company BEST FOR OREGONIANS Home Office: JKSSKSS Portland, Ore. A. L MILLS r U SAMUEL Caftl Mur Azhley Forrest, District Agent vvvvv, v Cbnstmas SugGestion c9x)WW3x)ihclW(Mfxbdib SEND dMJMhfkiMhMti THE BEND BULLETIN To Friends and Rdalhei. A Year Around Gift Only $1,50 the Year mmwwuwtumtwimmiwwwAwtwmottumw 'l Iry S, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m. .?