v nuntf k TIIKllKXn Ill'I.IiKTI.V, IIHXW, OltK., WICIIXKSDAY, UKGKMISKIt 15, 101.1. 1'AOE .1. VI It: MAXIM'S MACHINE GUN. A Terrlilt Engine of Death Which Works Automatically. . Hnrly, lu life Hltitui .Maxim, showed lilmncir u marvelous genius iw uu in. vcutor. An Incident of his boyhood, in which Uio recoil of ii i-iuc uttriictcd his intention to uu iipimrent lo of pow. or. led him lu tSSl-'J to utilize the fun if the recoil to ood umiunt In u jnio' whlcli load Itself iiutouiatluilly aud tiros nt the ratu of V7u'nliitn tt minute by thu powers the previously wasted force. , The Maxim machine nun Is nn en slnu of tcrrlhlc destruction. Thin RU'n lias only u Hlnle barrel, which, when tlie shot Is tired, recoils the ilNtuuie of Jhree-()unrters of mi Inch, iii the other jmrts of tho Rttti. Tills recoil Hc'tsunov. JiiK the inneulncry whlih uutouiutfciil. Jy keeps up n continuous lire ut the ex traordinary rute of ttveUo rounds a ticcond. Each recoil of the barrel has there fore to perform the iieeesynry functions of extractliiR Mid ejectln the empty cartrldcc. of brlnclns up the next full one and pluclnu it In Its proper posi tion In the barrel, of cocklnc the ham mer and iiullltiK the tiller. As lnn ns the Hrlim continues theso functions are repeated round after round tu rapid succession. The barrel Is provided with a water Jnclict lo pre vent excessive licntliii?. Philadelphia Press. GOING ROUND THE WORLD. Tho Gain or Loii of One Whole Oay In Making the Trip. In sailing around the world eastward the days tire each a llttlo less than twenty-four hours, according to the speed of the ship, us the sun met n little earlier every morning. These lit tle differences nclded together will amount to twenty-four hours. This gives the sailors an extra day-not In Imugluatlou, but as mi uc-tual fact. They will have done nn extrn day's work, eaten an extra day's ration of food nnd enjoyed uu extra night's deep. On the oilier hand. In nulling' vct-. waid the hiiIi Is ocrtohen a little each . (lay. nnd so caeli day I rather ougcr than tncuty.four hours, mid (Mocks and wn Iclics nr- found lu be too fast. .Till ulso will mnouiit In Falling lirduVl the world to the point of departure to one whole day by which the reckoning has fallen In nrrears. The' ensfern hound chip. then, has gained u day, nnd the western bound ship has last one. This strange fact, clearly worked out lends to the npparcnt paradox that the llrst mimed ship tins a (aln of t o whole days over the latter. If we son pose them to hnve departed from port nnd returned tdgether. Westmlustei Uazctto. Official National Anthem. Do you know the olllclal national nn them, which Is supposed to bring the patriot tu hN feet? No doubt you think you do, even, ns lias been proved ngaln and again, when more than two or three Americans are gathered tc'iclhcr. that no one knows inoro than u phrase or two of the words, but do you rNo.for "Hull Co lumbia." ".My Country. 'Tin of Thee." ir the "Star Spangled Manner?" Of eourMi I hear the army nnd navy folk, familiar with regulations, nay "Star .Spam 'oil Ilanner;" but. Judging from tho uci.ous of audiences at vaude ville and movie shows leecntl.v. wb'i most It Is n tossup between nil three, with the odds favoring evenly "Hull 4'olunililii" and "My Country." Which sine Is It. do you really tnowJ-I'hlU--delpula Ledger. i SPEED OF PROJECTILES. How the Velocity of Cannon Qalls and Gulleti It featured. How fast does a bullet travel? The highest velocity ever given to u canuon ball Is l.irjd reet per second. This Is equal to a mile In little more than three seconds, or nearly twenty miles a tuluutc. A rille bullet docs not travel so fast hs u cannon ball, the itverago rate be ing 1275 feet -per second. This mat ter of speed Is tested u a very Inter esting way. A long wooden' shed Is used. In which a distance of exactly luo feet has bcou carefully marked olT. At each end of this space Is. a stand something like a target with u large circular opening where the hullseye should be. Across each oitiMihii? Is Mlt-ntt-timl n miuiiM nln. tile wire, connected with a delicate Instrument In another room. The rltle from which the llrlng Is done Is so aimed Unit the bullet which tiles fl oni It nils both wiles. Obvious ly the dltTereiice In time between the cutting of the two wires marks the speed or the bullet through that 100 feel. When the llrst wire Is cut niiHitectrle current Is brokeu mid a rod falls, mov ing a pointer on a slide In Its descent The breaking of the second wire nets lu the same milliner on another set of rods, slides nnd pointers. The difference lu the mnrks ninde by tlie pointers on the slides tiiakes It pos sible to estimate the dltTereiice In their time of fulling, nnd from these calcu lations ncciiiate tlgures as to speed are obtained. London Answers. KEEPING HOUSE IN FRANCE. Naming a Race Hone. Some years ugo nt n sale of molim .vcnrllngs tlie Uuke of Portland unit iinutlier peer bid together for n tine nulmal. nnd tho contest between them was very keen. At length over twl was bid for the house. "If wc go on at this rate." said the other peer, "wo shall be paying fnt more than 'ho creature Is worth. Sup io.e we buy It between us?" The Duke of Portland agreed, and inter on they had a discussion us In what the Jmrso should be ealled. . "Well." said his grace, "as we are go ing to share It. why not call It The Loaf?' "-rUiudon Mull. SEEKING 'HAPPINESS. Little Things That Mflko Living a Joy Are Not Always Appreciated. We are told that happiness comes by piece mid that It Is these small bits linked together that umkc our lives worth while. Some of us are net con tent to i tike our happiness by degrees or at Intervals. V wriut It nil the time In big pieces, mid If we cutiuot. hare II that Wiy ve think that wc ure deprived of our natural rights and look iipou min-elvcs as Injured beings. It Is u ru llier slngulaV: oppression of human nature hov . ImppliuMs uffects I In' Individual. ' With' some of us It malic us friendlier toward others aud anxious that they should experience like Joys; with others It makes us mo hiii lulled with ourselves to think very much of our neighbors. . Perhaps those of us who know what the Joy of living menus have experi enced both of these attitudes nt dif ferent periods of our lives and are .ii IHisltlou, therefore, to appreciate a vnrylng vlewKlnt. but even so It Is only after we lose something of that Joy of living mid have found out for ourselves that there are shadows which no amount of sunlight can disperse thnt we can readily appreciate the blessing of whatever happiness may Mud Its way Into our, lives. The little things that count so much In our Intercourse with each other arc not always tegurded ns highly ns they should be. nnd for this reason we pass by much that would give, us Joy If we only knew how and where to Hud It. Charleston News and Courier. Economy Rules, and Food For One Day Only Is Dought at a Time. In tho Krench markets you can buy any portion of food you' may wish. Nothing Is too small. No tradesman stares If you say, "M'sleu. 1 want one egg," or "I will take u julipiart (which Is an eighth of n pound) of butter." And If you nsk for n half pound of meat ho doesn't cut It to wqlgh three quarters of n pound. ' Vnii don't let him, and he knows It. The French housewife hns been for generations ed ucating the French shopkeeper to sell In the way that bIio would have him. , It Is popularly supposed by some pcoplo thnt there Is economy In buy- dug In bulk. Hut the Frenchwoman pays otherwise. She says that .of a large Quantity some of It U almost Bure to spoil, and lu the end yon lose raoro than you have gained even by your wholesale price. So she buys her but ter, as everything else, Just enough for the day. Aud she bus u marvelous in tuition for guessing what that amount will be down to the very sou. The test of her skill lu housewifery, she con siders. Is nn empty cupboard at sun down. Then she lequlres no Ice to keep things over until the next day. Tho cost of Ice, whlcli lu many nn American household amounts to $1 a week, would be an uuthliikablo ex travagance In France. There Is, no Ice box among the llttltigs of the Paris kitchen. Instead, there is lu every npnrtmcnt tho cold storage cupboard, set In the kitchen wall with shutters on tho outside, through which there Is always a circulation of nlr. A wire netting on tho Inside of tho shutter pro tects tho food from dust. Tho cupboard Is nn entire success In keeping food for the length of tlmo thnt the Parisian housewlfo requires, else, you may be sure, she would not use It. for Hhe never throes nnj'thlng nwny, Not to waste the smallest scrap or crumb W n- fundamental dogma of her housekeeping creed. Kven every Htnlo crust of blend must be saved. It Is grated to, reduce It to crumbs. These nrc kept lu the tin can that sets on thn chemlneo shelf over the stove. There nre llvo or six purposes for which you use breadcrumbs-for French toast, for bread soup or for pudding, for lin ing poultry or lu frying croquettes or "breading" chops, or. very Important Indeed, Is It to know thnt by mixing nn equal part of theUi with chopped meat worth only 10 centime.! nnd nu egg nnd rolling all In n cabbage leaf to bake In the oven they serve the clever purpose of making the meat go nt least twlco as fur iignln. Yes; It Is Homo fussing to tlx It. Hut It doesn't matter at nil thnt this takes time. The Frenchwoman .applies nlwnys but one test. "Is It cheaper?" Pictorial Jto view. Great Difference. "Some say that marriage Is n lottery wlih ns." "That's n step above the south sea Islanders, where Ihey tnnrry a girl to the man who can offer the most cocoa nuts. There it's u rntlle." Ixiulsvltle Courier-Journal. A Chance at Katt. He Did your mother uppenr pleased when you broke the uews of our en gagement? She Yes. Indeed. She uid she had always wanted to tell yon wbnt she 'bought of your habits f lress mid speech and total lack of go 1 manners uud literary taste, mid felt jiow she had the right to express her wolf. Itlotiuioud Tlmes-Ulsputch. Letter For Loiter. "Why does n poet begin so many of (its sentences with 'O?' I'qulied the lolltlclnn. "There's no answer," replied Mr. Penwlggler "Why does n speeehuink er begin o many of his M-iueiue-i with I?'" Washington Star. Puzxled, Hvery man who Is uot a mon'ter. mnthrmatlclun or mad philosopher I the slave of some woman or other. lcorge Plot. We nre puzzling our brnln to knqw which one of these fellows we are. Ohio State journal.. Outdone. 'Tie doted on Alice nnd would Uave married her but for her mother." "Ah! Hei mother" "Yes; her mother was still more at tractive." Revenge Is sweet only In nntlclpa tlon, never In accompllshmenL ycuth's Companion. Oardens In he Ice, A glacier when It dlslodgesltself and sails away over tho Arctic ocean never travels alone. In tlie wake of every larrc ono Hunts u line .of similar com panions. The nsklmos cull this phe nomenon, "the duel; and ducklings." mid any one 'who has wuicficd the progress of the wild duel; followed by Iter biood wljl nppreclate the uptltude of the name. Strange as It may seem, plants grow nnd blossom upon those gieat Ice mountains. Wlicn n girder Is at rest moss iittifches Itself to It, protecting the Ice beneath,' Just as Kiiwdust does. After a limit the moss decays and forms a soil, lu which the seeds of buttercups aud dandelions. brought by the wind, take root and nourish. . Profejjlonnl Pawners. In many of the menu streets of I.on don there nre professional pawncrs wmiien, well known to the pnwuhrn hers, who for hiiihII payments lul clothes mid household goods to pawu for their neighbors. It Is stated thnt the fuu'tloii of the professional pawn er Is twofold. The woman who pawns through u n'1'ogul.ed Intermediary gets a larger loan than she would If she d'd the business herself. For the pawi broker the professional pawner gum unices the good faith of the owner mid will be able lo exercise pressinu In icuse of default. louden Express. i A Swimming" Grindilone'i " Rome of the fishermen on the rlvn Tyne. lu Huglaiid. nre nor only Igno rritit. but Btui'ld. On one occasion two of these fishermen were caught by u heavy freshet nnd driven out of the river to sen. As the story goes, one ol the mm saw In the dusk n hoop tloat Ing by. The hoop was full of fomn. 'Wn nro wived!" exclaimed the man "Here's a grindstone swlmmltigl" St Louis Globe-Democrat. It Wat a Flro Cod. The artist William M. Cha once hired n tlsu. painted a picture of It In two hours mid afterward sold It to the Corcoran Art gallery tit Washington for -MHVX Mr. Chase afterward In formed lid' tlsh dealer who had rented hi in tho fish of the price he had wvl' ed for the picture. "Well." i-oimutu' cd the fishmonger. "It was u line cud. -Philadelphia Hecord. The Mald'e Reply. As Wliltmn U-iij over her fair face he whispered: "Darling. If I should- ask you In French If I might kiss you whul uinild yon answer?" She. railing up her cmity knowledge of the French language, exchiliut-ti "ISIIItt doux!"-F.xctinuge. A Continued Story. "What did your wife ay when yon stayed out so-late last night?" "1 don't know. She han't finished ttlllnc It all to me yet-"-Detroit Free Pre. " The coward only threatens when tie U safe. Coetbe. Disparagement. "I hope you never talk about your neighbors," said the exuding friend, "I never do," replied the frivolous woman. "They're mi a .vfully uninter esting lot." Washington Star. A Reporter's Scoop. Iteiwrter I've got a good piece of new here this morning. I've found n person who hns been confined to one room his entire life. IMltor (Jood! Rcild It up. Who Is It? Itcporter Why. a tliree-dnytold baby nt our house. Philadelphia Itecord. Contolatlon. First Criminal Ijiwyer Facts nre stubborn things. Second Criminal Law yer (cheerfully i Oh, yes! If they were not our fees would be smaller. Pitts burgh Press. Down and Up. Hcivgng He's u low down crook. Itlldiid Who's a low down crook? Howgiig Tlie mail higher up. Chicago Herald Cleaning and Pressing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NORVAL L SPRINGER Up Sl!r- Drtn Duilding Call (or and Deliver All Wotk. Ordm lilen by "Sonny" the Meutngcr Boy HUY YOUR Groceries AT TUB NliW A1IJAT mAPKLT. FREE DELIVERY Gilbert 3b Son DR. RILEY VETERINARY It looted 'l "Die Pioneer Ham, Drnd, and will care lor your I lortei ana Cattle at your call, or Phone 221 Alio iflli DEST RHEUMATIC REMEDY . ON MARKET ALL THE MUSIC IN THE WORLD WITH THE Columbia Disc Graphophone and Grafonola DELIVERED TO YOU ON EASY TERMS $15.00 to $225.00 "LEADER" Witli Columbia- Individual Record Ejector $85 Mahornny, Satin Walnut, or Quartered Oak. (Golden. Fumed, or Early Engluh) "The Jewel" $35 &ktk4 QMtHnd Oak. y'OU aie invited t .ny lime to ccxe in ind lulen In die liet ColumbU Rrfnrdi, Wc cn get you tor w lection on inoit notice. THE OWL EOLE PHARMACY ACENTS 1T0 YOU REALIZE that MJ Christmas is only 1 0 days away, and that if you haven't purchased your Gifts it will soon be too late to do your CHRIST MAS SHOPPING EARLY? flOur complete stock of Mens Furnishings at Your Disposal. THE THINGS MEN LIKE- we have them. NOW is the proper time to MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SELECTIONS. A. L. FRENCH MEN'S FURNISHINGS Fish, Oysters and Dressed Poultry ALWAYS ON I IAND AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT AT THE CLUB CAFE Hone! Street Onpoiite Carmody Droi. Don't Send Out of Bend for that Christmas Gift Look over our stoelc of high grade jewelry. If you do not find what you want v we will gladly send for a memorandum package Tor you to select gootls not carried in stock will he priced' much lower than you -will he ahle to get them elsewhere. THE IIOND STREET JEW EI.ER Watch Inspector I'orS. 1'. & S., Oregon Trunk Division. HWHW BUILD NOW! i i For a short time we will sell residence lots well located, city water and lights and lumber with which to build for $10 CASH AND $10 MONTHLY J. RYAN & CO. I M