The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 15, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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(Special to Tho Hullotln)
TUMAIA), Dec. 13. About 20
couples attended tho first Docomlior
ilatico of tlio Subscription Dancing
A larKO force of local mon turned
out on Saturday to help work on the
lmll. Tlionu who bnvo helped bo
far on tho coIIIiir of tho hulldliiK aro
.1. V. Itrown, Arthur DIckliiBon, C. J.
Mock. It. U. Ilalley. U. II. Itoot, Will
Handel, Chariot) Spangli, John Cocn
and Noll Hay.
Mr. tmd Mrs. 0. M. Couch enter
tained Mr. mid Mm. Charles Spaugh
nnd family nt ilinnar on Sunday.
Mr. mill Mr. Hob ilturgoou nnd
(laughter nnd Aire. .1. W. Snyder woro
dlnnur kiiohIh of Mr. nnd Mm. II. C.
Co civ on Sunday.
Mm. Ilahliit and llttla daughter or
Portland cainn horn recently and will
ppunil tho winter on account of tho
ilnughtoi'H health. Mrs. Babbit la a
sinter of Nell Hay.
C.rovor CnrlElng him moved tho
Iiiiuhi) on IiIh ranch nnd will build an
Mr. it nil Mm. John Cocn inndo n
biiHlncHH lilp to llcntl Monday niorn
Ing. A play called 'UntongllnK of Tony'
will bu given HiIh month for tho hon
ullt of llio church. Nino charnctorH
will tuko pait In tho piny which will
bo n two liour'H performance. Tho
exact date will bo announced Inter.
Church HorvlcoB Sunday afternoon
were very well attended Hov. Kengy
or llenil gnvo mi ititerofltiug Herinon.
Sovoral musical HelectltniH wcro glv
oii. MrH Tweet, a nowconier horo,
nniig n nolo. nH did nlso Howard Gar
rlHh of llond.
Hny llrnwii went to I'rlnovllln I-'rl-diiy,
rolurnlng on Sunday.
It. II. Wright him Hold IiIh T. I. P.
contract No. fl to ('. M. Miiynurd of
Hutlim, WaHhliiKton.
.1. H. Honglo Iiiih illmioxed of T. t.
I'. contract No. 10 to C. A. Nlckell
of he ivon worth, Wurhlngton.
Mr. and MrH (;. 1'. Ilncknr Hpent
Hovornl iliiyx at I'rlnovlllo hint week.
M. I). KcroggH, uimiaKor of tho Um
atilla Irrigation project from llermlH
liill, Oregon, Hpent Hovcral duyH hero
1 Mt week vlnltlng IiIh old friend, J.
M. (Irlllln.
A good iiumbar of Tiitnnlo men nt
tonded the meeting ut Redmond Hat
unlay. Tho following will bo tho
delegated lo the Irrlgntlou CniinroiH
from Tmmilo: Tumalo Develoutuent
leiiKiio, .1. N. II (ieiklng. .1. 1.. Couch,
.1. M. Cilllln. (1. llorimr. It. If.
I'llelclnger; Wont Hlilo Wnter UnorH
AmocIiiIIoii, Win. I). HaruoH, I'. K.
Havton, C. I'. llecWir. Win. K. Sin
ip, A. J. Ilnrtor, W. I'. (korK, of
Salem, nlteinatn: Tumalo Irrigation
Project, W. It. (Jorklnif. Kred N. Wnl
bire. (J. .1. Mock, (1. I'M I tow of Snluni,
J'lud II. Wllmin.
Sundny vIsltorH nt the homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Cliff Evans.
'Stops nro being taken to organlzo
n Parent-Teacher Association In Mil
lionth A. 0. Allen nnd Louis Schmorl
nutoed to Hend Sunday evening In
tho formor's car.
MIhs Emma Roberts, .who teaches
tho IIorHO Hldgo school spent the
week end with her parents near
Krnnk Hiirwltz was In Hond Tues
dny nnd Wednesday of Inst week.
Mrs. A. 0. Allen spent the week
end nt her homo near Horse Hldgo.
Jnckson Cllngan mndo a business
trip to llend Monday.
John lluckholr. Is plowing nnd
dealing :!0 rcros for Miss Nell Mas-ten.
J. P. Wllqtiet Is doing some car
pentor work for C. B. Harmon this
Lee HIgss returned from Powoll
Hutto Tuesday.
W. I. Warmouth nnd family loft
Wednesdny for Powoll Dutto to bo
gone all winter.
At the annual election of the
Hampton Valley Sunday school tho
following oftlcors wero elected for
tho coming yenr. Superintendent, A.
S. Fogg; secretary nnd treasurer,
Mrs. E. M. Peck; assistant secretary,
E. M. Pock.
8 -W.
(Special In Tlio Hullotln)
MIU.ICAN. Difp. 13 Tho meutliiK
onllftd for (ho purpo of bearing
Inlk on rabbit extermination Intt
Tliotday night watt wall attended. It.
A. Wind, !'. H. IIIoIokIc il import, Kave
n vary Inleientlng iloimiiiKtriitloii on
method for preimrlnn rabbit polium.
A. 15. lovlt of lleilinond mm tho
other poakor of llu evening
Millie ri choiil children received
ft liox of limit InilldliiK blnrhM Inii
wnfk Mtut by Mitt. Ada It. .Mllllcau,
from Sun KmnHnco, C.illfortila.
Mm. I,, II. Schmorl returned T u en
da v nflitr n mniilh'tt ntnv In llenil.
Mr. nnd Mn. CllfToid MncUev mit
(imI to Ite'id Tuvmluy, retiiinlni: the
Mtn dy.
A. I). NiiiUmi nnd A. I,. Ilenllle put
lip wood fur (1(Hi. Mllllrnn I -lit week.
Mr. nnd Mr. H, Keller and rlill
Artu have moved Imrk onto their
MIIIImM valley h anient end after nil
hMiie of live moatlm which thov
mnt In Hend.
llownid f. Dvnr left Sunday for n
ho It vlll In llend.
l.ouU llmdiler who In empbned In
llend Hpont the week end on IiIh Mil
llenil boniKXlciid.
Mr. hiiiI Mr. L. Keller and l'
rhlldieu ' Portland. l)regc-n. arriv
al In Mllllcau Thumdav -nl ha
wnvml onto their claim In the eaHt
Wild ut the vhIImv.
U II. Sclimerl came out from Hend
Saturday for hii inr Sunday
with heme folk.
Tho llnid-lliiriw auto trucl are
ruunliiK hkhIii. On Hccnunt of laid
rnudu tbwv hv hetiu laid up In Heud
thH pant iimnth.
Mr. and Mm. I otiU (llenn of Hend
Mtul MInm Mabel Wamwlev or (.'all f or
ul will Hpoud tho ChrlHlmaK holldtixs
'at tliv Iimiiih of thti fonuer'H nlntor,
M. A. I. Norton.
Sin A. A. Ollmo'-e mil M', Ver
non Cluvtmner vitillvd nt tho Johinion
homo TiiHxday.
VttmuH lllrvuir hauled a load
til mwreluuulhw for P. U. Johuiton hint
Mr. nml Mr. Pllffonl Mmkov vis
ited Mr. mid Mm. Ralph I'ei'ln Mon
day Hvenlng.
Mr. mill Mm. John Holland enter
ItUitHl iw friend nl ii'imr Sn'i
ll'"! Oovm W" olueed fer Mr
lid Mm. A. A. (llluior and Meuurn
It. mid U Kllr.
ilr. and Mm. Kruk lturwtti were
Ruudlty vltiltMm ut th (looduiaa
Mr, Venmn Clver ienl n..
WMl ilM)H of lnt Mek In Hend at Hie
hnwi uf lur Uler. Mm. tleo. S lloii-
lm ,. A OM'iiore lHed Mm A
A. Norton .Moiulnv
MlWn lrWiv tf ' "' lie'idM;
rHford MiioDv bil'.ld his houxo the
l)t two woK.
.Inaeiili llnlla'vl U eonttiu d to IiIh
liotn with tho grip.
Mr. ami M. iMpU Piiln wero
Uwiil vUllom Mondnv
Mrs. Ada, H. Mllllenn. who lias
upojjt Uio'part month attending tho
yjpoltlon at 8n KranoUoo, will vUll
l8t;r In l.o Aiigolo hoforo return
ing homo.,
Mr. nd Mm, l. H. Schmorl woro
fSpeclnl to Tho nullottn),
OLOVEHDAI.E. Doe. 13. Ooorgo
McAllister of PInlnvlow Is critically
111 In Portland
Mr. Kelly wns homo Wednesday,
rotiirnlng to Hend tho snmo day.
J. II. Miner of Hend was In this
section tho b Ht of tho week.
Mr. nnd MrH. Cyrus nnd family
visited tho WoIro homo Sundny.
Mrs. Van Mntro nnd .Miss Idol
Miller woro Chrlstmns Stopping In
Hend Snturd.iv, returning Stindf.y.
Coo. Hlvetts left today on n busi
ness trip to Hutto, Montnnn. Ho wns
accompanied bv his father nnd wlfo
iih far nn Redmond.
Clovordnlo Council elected ofllcers
for tho yenr 1 H 15 ns follow: Presi
dent, Willis Vnn .Mntro; secretary,
Wnltor Hovd: tronsuror, John Cotter.
Tho retiring secretin', Mr. Skolton,
gnvo n review of tho work dona bv
tho'cluh tho pant year and prcsontcd
tho club with n set of song books,
containing old time songs. I. Milan
nnd Marlon Van Mntro Hang n duct.
Mr. Mlllor gnvo n tnlk on good ronds
nnd how lo make thorn In Clovordnlo.
Tho Tnttlor wns rend by Donn Van
Mntro. A llvo wnter meeting follow
ed. MesflrH. Skolton, Wol?o, Vnn
Mntro. (Jotter and Cvrus woro np-
poluted to attend the Redmond meet
ing Satnrduj.
MrH. Woodworth wont to Hend on
Saturday In Join hor husband whn
linn been there tho past week having
dental work done.
(), AnilniH wnH n liuslneM vlultor
In Redmond Snturdnv.
Mr.' mid Mrs. Ilomlry. and family.
Mr. nnd Mrn. Pugh mid dnughtors,
Mm. Kollv and fanilly woro ontor
tnlned nt tho Miller homo Sundav.
MIhh (ilbson mid Mrn. Wnldron
made n tilp lo SlMoi'H to'dny.
(Special, to Tho Hullotln)
HAMPTON, Dec. 8. Dunn McAr
thtir took n trip over Into tho Dry
l.nko country Thursday.
Mr. nml Mrn. ('. II. Hnrniun nnd
daughter Di'.rl nnd I). MoArthur took
H'ppor nt A. S. Kogg'H, Friday ovon
Ing. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Pumloy stnrted
for llend .Saturday.
Hurr lllaelt nml innthor. Mrs. L,
lllurk, enllml on Mr. Vnrco S.-.turilay
to Ket Rome notnry work ilnno.
.MIhh Dnrlo Hurtoii Hpent Sunday
wllh Mis I'ogic.
(lee. WdIIh took Sunday dinner
Willi Newton Wolh mid fanilly.
Mr. nnd Mm. O. Davidson wns In
Hampton Monday.
1). MrAttliur culled nt N. Ilrown's
I''. I.ognu was a Hampton vliltor
.Ilinmle Ilrlckev In Hawing wood for
J. O. Whlttnker this week.
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
f. Wnrmouth was n huslnesstvlsltor
hero last Friday.
V. Schroeder returnod from Hend
Inst Thursday. ,
Mrs. Jake Hook of Pleasant Val
ley was up laBt Tuesday to make
somo purchases nt the. Brookings
Pago Stauffor of Stauffor spout
sovornl days with Hort MeekH this
Cecil Alhorfs, who has been work
ing In Huck Creek, has returned to
his home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hort Meovfl visited
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Mlllor last
Jtmmlo Hrlckcy Bawed wood for
J. O. Whlttnker last Monday and
W. I. Wnrmouth nnd family loff
for tho Powell Hutto country Inst
Tuesday. Thoy expect to bo gone for
the winter.
Jlmmlo Ilrlckoy nnd I':n Zleroff
worn vlaltora In this vicinity Inst
Owing to sickness I.cona Monroo
nnd Oeorglu James wcro nbsent from
school today.
Hort Mcoks mndo a business trip
to Misery Flats Inst Monday.
Wm. Ilohortson Is hntillng hay
from tho Dry l.nko district.
(Ftporln: o Tho nnllotln.)
LOST CHEEK, Doc. 7. Pngo
StniHTor. who hns been vl3ltlng rel
utlves In tho vicinity of Tokamah, No
hrnskn, has returned to his homo
Hen DoWItt nnd fnmllv have mov
ed over to Silver Creole for tho win
tor. Charles Davis nnd Tom Cowan
rtartod for Hend InHt Mondny. Mr.
Davis expects to ninko n tr'p to Port
land nnd Seattle hororo his return.
S. J. Hubbard wns n buslnoss visi
tor In Hond during tho past week.
It Is reportod that Dannls Mc
GrniKli Is I" tho h'l.'idtul nt Dunn,
Hufforlng from mi nttuck or appendi
citis. V. D. Harris ontortnlned a num
ber of friends ntftt chlckon dinner last
Mrs. Couch nnd Mrs. MoLouth nut
i cd out to Hrooklngs store one day
tho past week.
0. II. Young nnd sen Itohert butch
ered n flno hoof last Saturday.
(Speclill to Tho nnllotln.)
POWELL HUTTE. Deo. 13. Mr.
nnd Mm. Chnrloi Curtis have moved
Into the John Rhode homo for tlio
remainder of the winter.
HoaveH Wlllcoxon roturned from
PortliMid en TueHilnv of last week.
MIhh Helen O'Noll vlalteil nt the
(luv Sears h -me on Thursday night.
To have received i check nmount-
I lag to more thnn $100 for tho salo
).iu MeArlhur took supper with i of 10 turkeys Is the proud oxper
Mr. and Mm. J. O. Whlttakor Mon-l lenee of Mrs. Wii'Ipco Sniltli.
day evening. I Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon upent Tues
livery Sitek of Deschutes Spruy or True
Ulue Flour you buy from
The Bend Flour Mill
you boost Central Oregon be
cause every stick of flour manu
factured by the BEND FLOUR
' MILL COMPANY comes from
the farms of Jefferson ami Crook
counties. We have faith in the
quality of Central Oregon wheat
because it grades high ami has
the ingredients that make the '
best flour. When you buy out
side you hinder the development
of tl'ie local market and hence
the Central Oregon farmer.
Therefore buy at home,
' . Bend Flour Mill Co.
day with Mrs. A. W. Unyn.
Mrs. Ida .Morse was formally ro
celved Into tho Eastern Star of Red
mond on Wednesdny night.
Hnno Jacobson returned to his
home at Roberts last week.
II. J. Harris purchased a fat cow
of E. A, UUBsett recently.
Joe Townscnd, who has been living
on Will Hrown a homestead for the
past year, has moved onto Ed Par
son s ranch.
County Clork Warron Brown has
roated hla dry land nt Powell Hutto
to Lowls Holland.
E. A. Dussott visited In Prtnovlllo
on Friday.
Work on tho stnvo (lumo has boon
completed and a force of men Is now
nt work making necessary repairs on
tho box fltiino,
"Grandma" Hrown visited with
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ross llussett sovornl
days laHt week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesso Shohert roturn
ed to Bond on Wednesdny nfter sev
eral days visit with relatives hero.
Mrs. A. W. Hnyn visited hor daugh
ter in I'rlnovlllo on Thursday.
Mrs, Jo3 Shcnror nnd daughtor
Ruth, returned from Hond tho first
or last weok nrtor several days' visit
with Mrs. Shearer's paronts, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Orowllor.
Gus Hhodo and Mr. Huston or
Hear Creek shipped two carloads of
sheep to Portland on Saturday.
Mrs. Heaves Wlllcoxon returned
from' Portland on Saturday night, af
tor a two weeks visit with friends nnd
Mrs. Guy Scars visited In Prtnovlllo
on Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Wells was confined to
hor bed sevornl days la3t wook, owine;
to h very bad cold.
Henry Twcot, of Bond, visited Ills
rnnph nt Powoll Hutto on Sunday.
Mrs. G. C. Trucsdalo ontortnlned
nt Sundny dlnnor, Wallaco Smith and
family, Ilea Powell nnd Miss Paulino
Truesdalo In honor or hor birthday.
POWELL HUTTE, Dec. 13. The
threshing machlno Is still humbling,
but n day or two more will ho tho
end or tho threshing sonson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. C. Blnlr nnd rnmlly
loft yesterday for a 3 month's stay
in Portlnnd. Mr. Hlalr will work nt
his trnde as printer until spring.
Shopphord district will hnvo n
spelling mntch with Hutto Vnllay
district next Friday to bo held at
Butto Volloy school house.
J. P. Bowmnn mndo n business trip
to Redmond last Friday.
Mrs. L. W. Blnlr and Mrs. A. D.
Morrill woro guests of Mrs. W. A.
Bates of Bend, last Mondny nnd Tuos
dny. E, F. Archer Is nt work ror n dny
or two on tho llunio,
Ora Fostor will soon tako the han
dling of tho mnll on tho rural route.
D. A. Patterson will dross two
boove3 for tho local ninrkotu this
Duy your Xmns candy nt American
Bakery. Special prlcos mado Adv.
A swell lino of homo mado candles
nt Amorlcnn Bnkory. Adv.
When you ubo a sack of Truo l)lUj
Flour you ore helping to buildup th
resources ot Contrnl Oregon, fa
purity la unexcelled. Tho next sack
or flour you buy, try It. Adv.
And lnvcstlguto our prices
lieforo buying your groceries.
Vo can siivo you money.
Mllllcmi, Ore. Tclcphono
C-AH PAID Oats, Barley!
i Rye, Hay, Po
tatoes, Onions, Parsnips, Red Beets, Cabbage, Poul
try and Eggs, Hides, Pelts and Junk. BRING IN
YOUR TURKEYS for Christmas Friday the 17th.
Community Shipment of Hogs Saturday, Dec. 18th.
Bring your dead farm capital and come to the Com
munity Auction Sale, Dec. lUth.
Redmond Warehouse Co.
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
WWOV IS THE opportune
Z1 k time since the advent or
1 IS 4,
the railroads for vou to
a home. Why
construction until ,
it will cost you 20 per cent more
for the same building? The far-
seeing man is availing himself of
the opportunity of securing labor .
and material very cheap.
We have the largest list of Resi
dence Property in Bend. Come in
and let us quote you prices, and
you will soon decide that you can
not afford to pay rent any longer.
Bend Park Company
V, .'