The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 15, 1915, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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Pino b
thk m:i) nurximx, unxn, onrc., wniXKsiAV, deckjihku in, min.
I'AOK 12.
Worth While
The Reel Playhouse
Tonight and Thursday, MAX FIGMAN, in '
Victors at Seven
Essanay Dud Resolves Not to Smoke.
AillitM to llo (llwn by Many
I'loinlnenl Men District I'lim to
ltu Discussed.
(Tlio Orogonlnn.)
J. W. Iliower, Bocrotnry of tho Ore
gon development bureau of tho
Cli.'itnliur of Canitiiurco, linn announc
ed tlio lontntlvo program for tho an
nual meeting of l!i. Oregon Irriga
tion tintmiosj :t tho Inuiorlnl Ilotol
December 2S-30.
. Addresses of wclcomn will bo glv-
tin liv Mayor Allicu. C. C. Colt, proBl
dent of tho C'lintnbor of Cotnmcrco,
ami responses for western Oregon
mid eastern Oregon by 1. J. N-'ff of
.Modford iiikI C. S. Hudson, of llond,
Tlio second day of tlio convention
will bo ilovoteil wholly to u dlHciiB
hIoii of tho district inuthod of lltiuuc
liiK and developing Irrigation pro
JuctH. Tho dlr.ctisMou will bo lod by
Judge C. S. Craves, of Seattle.
Aiuoiif; tho acceptances thiiB far
received from men who will nddroBS
tho eongnMS aro tho following:
Governor Wlthycombo, "Irrigation
In Oregon"; President V. J. Korr, of
(). A. 0., "What O. A. C. enn do In
bohnlf of IrrlKntlon"; Prcsldunt 1. Ii.
Campbell of tlio University or Oregon
"OreKon'H Dovelopmeiit"; Attorney
(lunornl (I. M. Ilrown, "Orogon'n Ir
ilgntlou DlHlrtvt I,nv"; I.. M. Hlco,
of Souttlo, "Knglncorlng and Con
struction under tho district itln.ii' ; O.
I.niirgniird, "Ih tlio Irrigation district
a solution?": .1. T. Illnkle, of ller
nilHtou, "Klnnnclng IrrlKntlon iIIb
tilctH"; II. I). Ilotzol, of O. A. C,
"What County AKrlcultiirlHtR can do
for IrrlKntlon"; 0. C. Cliapiuan, chair
man OroKon Development llurenii,
"Humming ui tho work of tho con
vention Signs of tho tliiii'H,"
UolcgntoH from the CnngroeH from
Central Oregon iih ho far announced,
lloml Commercial Club Floyd De
limit, C. H. Hudson. A. I.. French, II.
II. Do Aniiond and V. A. FnrboH.
I.u l'luo Coniineiclal Club C. I..
Itmitton. IS. I.. Clnrk. W. I-'. Arnold.
A. A. Aya. and C. V. Cnrnilchael.
luttltHt Irfiko Irrigation Project
II. .1. Chn'ioweth. 0. I. HiinellilB,
Xlck Ijiniliurt, (i. S. Voiiuk mill O.
City of I'rlnttvlllH .lay II. Cptnn,
Will Wurawtrilur. llorgo II. Ituuwll
HI . W. Nobl.
Ttltimla . DniHlopmnnt l.oiiguo I.
N. l. (forking. .1. I.. Couch. J. M.
(IrlWn, U. W. Homer, It. IT. Fllckln
Uur, Wtwt Side W'nter Umtra Amwclntlon
Win. D. Ilnriio. K. 14. Dayton. C.
1. llMkar. Win. IC. Snuilnl. A. .1.
llwrlor. W. I'. CoorgB, of Salem, al
ter nl.
Tuiimlo Irrigation Project W. II.
OtfikiltK. Fwl N. WmIIhco. C. J.
Jlmik. (3. I'M Horn of Snlsin, Fred II.
VfflrolH. Ur to $100. Utet
imdl. D:iy Mulo CompNiiy- Adv.
Itomomhor. h Klve 10 frt music
IfMonti with ver pliuui sold. Day
Miplo Company. Adv.
,Mii)u-llwt I'ltistos Mttl.os Public Ills
Allluiugli the new city udmluUtru
tloH dot not take oltleti until early
In .Intmnry Its iuuiiiIiuih are already
giving ynrttitm thought to tho many
lirbl'itt Which nr to coiuh baroro
Hihih nasi ywr. CunferenciHi hnvo
lwMin eullgil. hy Major-elect Wastes to
dltrusH uuillem anil ho has auuoiinc
oil tlm ooiniultteti iippolntments to
It funnorly inatU whu ho take of
fk. 'VhwHJ'iii' hh follows;
Volltiti, lire ami lt(iior Itemise
"Itutiow, llruatvrhoiM wud .McKuy.
DtrMl, I'liitltc ways ud iwwer
HialAl. Rllvl Mild Caldwull.
Wiiyi ud MeM Urolerhous.
tttdl nd MeKuv.
HMltk tlUU. Hudow and llnw
tarliout. CVwrx mid public protrt
MeKy, CaUlwoll tud Hudow.
HwIm. order of bikini and !
tfcu Chlwll. Sialdl nnd SllvU.
'tetmlu'tj, $1 to H00.
IMEMlttk. i)' M4 Camiiy-
i '.iWo rry full lino of mjigleal
? Ihstrniiiuiitii nnd rclMlra, Day Minlo
mpny. Adv.
Census Just Completed Slums In -
civiiso of -7- I" Vonr.
Tho flgnrca of tho school consus,
JiiBt comploted by School Clerk Over
turf, Bhow an Increaso of 272 chil
dren of school ngu In District 12 In
tho pnt year. Altogether thcio arc
714 pupils In tho district ns against
172 n year ngo and 1GU In 1913.
If thu growth continues in tho
same proportion It Iiiih up to tho
proBcnt tlnio tho district will bo en-
Itlod txj rank ns n district of tho Mm
class In n short time. To bo In tlio
first class tho school census must
show 1000 pupils. Tho district then
Is untitled to n board or live directors
mid cortnln other advantages.
? Whoro do you trade?
Cllncya Grocery. Ailv .
At Mc-
Scullion, Mueller, McKay and I books
Visit llciid.
. After spondlng n fow dayii lioro M.
.1. Sainton of thu Ilrooks-Scanlon
Lumber Company and W. L. Mueller
of tho Muoller I.uinliur Coinimny, loft
Momlny night. Mr. Scanlon arrived
Wednesday morning, coming iih liu
mild, to attend to routine biiHlnesH In
connection with tho mill building
now being done by his company.
Mr. Mueller arrived Saturday, D.
I,. McKay coming In from Portland
with liliu. According to Mr. McKuy
tlio vlBlt had no espcclnl slgnlflcnncu.
Anson llrooks of Minneapolis, who
In associated ulth tils brother, Dr. D.
I llrooks In thu lumber business,
wuh lioro on' Friday only.
Mr. Muoller and Mr. Scanlon rep
reoont each a third InturcHt In Thu
Ilend Company.
Wo hnvo all tho latest popular
songs and instrumental mimic, 2 cop
ies for 25 cents. Dny Music Co. Adv.
.Mnjor-lClect 'IVIN Plans l.oval .MiitH
To Send Itnbblls.
MuetliiK at tho Hotel Wright on
ftnturdiiy the Commercial Club voted
that duluKiUuH to dm Irrigation Con
gums should be appointed by Prosl
dent Koyos. It ntio dlitcuBtied tho
Mending of Jiick rnlililts to Portland
at ChtlstuuiH tlnio and hoard u short
talk from Mayor-elect Junius A. Has
ten on his pollelos fur tlio coming
J our.
('. K. Short brought tho matter of
the rulilillH to thu attention of the
clnli, reporting that ho had lind a let
ter from "lllg Mut" Hill Strandborg
UHkltii$ for 3,000 Jack rabbits for
distribution aiming tho needy of
Portland. Tho club voted to rofer
tlit mutter to tlio local members or
tho Mut oi-KanUntlou. Head Muts
aro C. S. Hudson, J. P. Koyos, H. M.
I.arn. I'. C. Coe, It. M, Smith, II. J.
Overturf, John Stoldl. I). M. Davis.
It U iindoi-Htood that they will make
mi effort to provide tho rabbits.
Own Your Own Gas Plant
ViAo, Tto j fsfy.' IT
W rf'.
', 'II '
' ' jfiBBMfc- jf' 'k
' T. C. Clnrk Hosted In Kncoiinter With
i Thief.
While porrormlng tlio duties of a
! ponco ofllcor Inst Monday night T.
! C. Clark, a conductor on tlio O.-W.
II. & X. freight sustained painful In
juries ubout tho lands. Clark was
attempting to catch a man who was
trying to gain ontranco Into tlio wnro
hcuo of tho Carmody Drothers about
11:30 Monday night.
Clark heard some ono about the
wnrohouso and upon going to tho
building found a man trying to force
tho lock to tho door. When tho
would bo burglar Haw Clark ho fled.
When Clnrk caught up yitli htm the
burglar struck Clark with n plcco of
motnl. Th cburglor has not beon
Wo hnvo any thing you wnnt In
Boinl-clnBslcal music. Day Music
Company. Ailv
7 Whore do you trade? At Mc
Cllncy'a Orocory. Adv .
A. O'llnin nud Miiitln I.oiigblin Kail
I'Voin Hcollold.
Anthonv O'llara and Martin
Loticbllii. both oinnloyees at tho
Sliovlln-Hlxon mill, woro ,sorlously
Injured Inst Thursdny In falls from
high scaffolds.
I.otighlln, who wns working on tho
humor, lost his bnlanco and 1h1! n
dlotnnco of IC reot, sustalnlnit a brok
en linn, sovornl deop gashes and bad
bruises. Moro sorlous Injuries woro
probnbly averted by Iris striking oth
er scnffoldlng boforo striking tho
ground. Ho was takon to Tito Bond
Hospital whero ho Is roported to bo
resting easily.
O'Hnrn was working on n scaffold
mi tho dry kiln and fell n distance
of IC feet, recolvliig soverrtMiruIsos
Ifo la also reported to bo Improving.
Sco Edwards for papor hanging.
Kvery sack of Hour innnufncturod
liv tho llotul riour Mill Company
cnnioH from wheat grown In Jufforson
nnd Crook counties. Adv.
A swell lino of home made candlea
at American lltikory. Adv.
(Contlnuod from Pngo 1.)
ed by tho spirit nnd tho enthusiasm
displayed by tho peoplo or liurus nnu
tin. linriinv Vnllnv. He has Instruct
ed engineers to run linos from ltlloy,
a point on thu prnsont main rouio,
tn itiirnu mill tliniicn southward and
oastward to Crane Creek (lap, con
necting at this latter place witn mo
O.-W. It. & N. Company's linn now
being built westward from Valo nnd
Cluing) DeiK-nds on Cost.
On tho roports of tho engineers
We can save
you Money
and Labor
Manufacture your
your own gas as
y o u consume it.
It's the Cheapest,
Cleanest, Hottest
and most conven
venient fuel known
Make us prove it.
Free demonstra
tion at Dement's
k SalcsMgrs.
Mr. Strnhorn will bnso Ills conclus
ions regarding tho construction
through Hums.
If It Is determined that tho cost
of changing tho route will not exceed
the additional sum that tho peoplo of
HuriiH propose, to rnlso, Mr. Strn
horn said ho would ho glnd to nml&
the change.
Ah a matter of fact, tho routo
through Hums would have somo ad
vantages. It would bo about 10
tulles shorter thnn the original routo,
but would require somo more difficult
engineering nnd construction worK.
C. W. Martin
Line of Ladies' DesJs, Library
Tables, Dining Tables, Dining
Chairs, Dressers, Rockers, Rugs,
the Charter Oak Ranges, all
make appropriate Xmas Gifts.
Why pay cash luhenyou can buy on monthly payments
"It seems to mc," ho commented,
In discussing tho position of Hums
In relation to tho now development,
"it Is n great pity that Biich n deserv
ing lot of business men nud pioneers
who have worked so hard all theso
years to build up such n substantial
little city as HurnB nnd tho country
Immediately surrounding It should bo
threatened with tho loss of a mnrkot
of their business nnd their prestige
as tho leading city of tho Harney Val
ley country. It seems that this now
lino should ho mndo to servo Hums
If It Is nt nil practicable to do so.
Proposed Itoad is Hut .Missing Link.
We have ten new houses to offer
you at a price and on terms of
payment never equaled in Bend.
These houses are of first class con
struction, with fir floors, plastered
walls, electric lights throughout, city
water and built-in kitchens. Every
thing complete. No two alike. Prices
$800 to $900
Terms: A small cash payment down
and $1 5.00 a month thereafter.
You cannot afford to pay rent when you can get a
home on these easy terms of payment.
. . Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets.
UlJiiwj Ji..i, , J ilMJii
"However, I want to mnko It nlalj
that wo do not want to extend th
Oregon, California & Knstem emA
ward nny further than tho O.-W. n
& N. Company wants to build w'esti
ward. Our purpose Is only to con.
noct up tho existing lines.
"Also, In carrying out the pro
gramme that our meeting at Burns
dovolopod, It was mndo plain that (lie
Harney Volley thus will )0 fairly. ,
well sorvod until some tlnio In the l
future when n north and south line
Is rendered necessary by the dovel
opmeiit of tho country south of liar
noy and Malheur lakes."
. w
i 1
ining jPBIMWi