The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 15, 1915, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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In Commerce and Intellect It Is the
Capital of New Rutsla.
Odessa Is o-d of the raost Important
eaports of Russia, ranking:, by- reason
of Its population and Its foreign trade,
uflor Petrogrnd. Moscow and Warsaw.
Since It was founded In 1704 near tho
ijulns of n Turkish fort that fe.l Into
Itusslnn bands in 1T8U It bus rapidly
beiorao tho tntcllcctunl and commer
cial capital of what Is culled New Rus
sia. It Is tho principal export town
for tho extensive grain growing dis
tricts of south Russia, tho see of an
uicbblsbop of the Creek Orthodox
cniircli. the center of n fine university
nnd the headquarters of the Seventh
army corps-
The port lies on the shore of tho
lllnck sen. about mid way between tho
estuaries of Uio Dniester nnd Dnieper,
IMS" miles from Moscow nnd 3S1 from
Kiev. Tho city Is built fiiclng tho sea.
on low cliffs, seamed with deep ra
vines und hollowed out by galleries In
the soft rock, In which thousands of
tho poorest Inhabitants live. Itutnbovo
this are Quo broad tree lined streets
nnd squares bordered with handsome
public buildings and mansions In tho
Itullnn stylo nnd good shops. Resides
tho cathedral there nro dozens of other
churches, n One opera houe and tho
Pnlols lloynt, which Is a favorite placo
of resort. London Chronicle.
Probably the World's Mott Isolated
Wireless Station.
On Swnu Island. In the Caribbean
Is situated what Is probably tho
most Isolated wireless station In tho
world. Tho station crew Is made up
of three operators, two engineers, it
ook, a machinist and threo laborers.
No women are permitted to land on
tho Islnbd. Men who express a will-
bigness to go'lo Swan Island nro oblig
ed to sign a contract whereby they
agree to remnln nt least eighteen
months or wnlve their right to freo re
turn transportation. Those remaining
the full period of service nro returned
to their homes by way of one of tho
Central Anierlcnn ports nnd are grant
ed six weeks' vacation with full pay.
Strangely enough, there Is no diffi
culty In obtaining men to man the atu
tlou. Applicants:1 Indeed, exceed tho
number of vacancies. Hoard nnd lodg
ing, of course, are supplied, a boat
. , hearing all provisions necessary, lu-
eluding fresh meat, and the mall as
well, arriving regularly 'every two
weeks. Some men have remained on
the Island us long us two years und n
half and. subsequently, have been glad
to return to the statluu.-Philadelphia
Six Follies of Science.
The six follies of science aro the
squaring of the circle, perpetual mo
tion, the philosopher's stone, the'ellxlr
-of life, ma: ie nnd astrology.
In nil ages men of undoubted nhlllty
have tidied early and Into to unravel
the mysteries supiHsied to K connect
Vd with these fni.eluwtlng problems. It
Is not always remembered that such
Intellectual giants ns ll.icoii. Sir Hole
-lt ltoylo and Sir Isaac Newton sought
the philosopher's stone, lu the study
if astrology Lilly was for a time eien
pensioned by parliament.
Moi-t of these "follies" conferred In
direct beuellts upon scletict. for lu
becking one thing their devotees dis
covered mnuy number. The crnae for
the secret, or unknown, has Mill Its
hold tinoii men und Is seen In palmis
try nnd Ulndred cults.-Exi-luingv.
Cactuses of Arizona.
Arizona has mme than u hundred
kinds of cnetuses. und Tucson Is ttie
ciucr of the great cactus region of
Hie Kuuthwest. The-e odd plants range
in size from the noble suhiiaru. or giant
nctus, forty or fifty feet high, lo small
pincushion cactuses mi Inch or two In
diameter Snbuuni grow In great
abundance In the foothills letwceii
Tiicwjii nnd Vutun nnd lire always ob
jects of wundcr. It Is believed a lurgo
plant Is at least uoo years old. The
fruit begins to ripen lu June und Is
gathered In great quantities by In
dians, who make tine Jam und uUo a
jrewid sweetmeat of it. '
Why He Laughed.
'Wbnt nro yon laughing nt?"
"I wns Just thinking of my poverty."
"Well, what is there In poverty to
make you lolighV"
"It Just struck me that If 1 should
tiy chance strlUR right some day how
many thousands there nre wjio could
honestly sny ihey knew me when I
, didn't have a dullar."-i)eirolt rree
Gem Superstitions.
It is said that the amethyst used to
bo worn to promote temperance nnd
sobriety, the chrysolite to ward on fe
ver, the onyx worn round the uevk to
- prevent epilepsy, the opal to cure weak
eyes and Hie topaz to cure Inrinmma
tlou nnd keep the wearer from sleep
Making Things Even.
"Ilere's a youm: man that predicts
that tnovle shows will eventually
brine ?' u t-ent."
"Well, thing have n way of evening
tip. I suppose then we run listeu to
grnnd opera for n nickel "-Philadelphia
, -
. No Calm Medium.
There I no culm medium In a sit-tren-yeur-ohl
girl's vucnbulary. If you
. urt- not perfectly grand you are Insuf
., ferably odious. American Magazine.
Whatever you see to do that doesat
refclly concern you. don't do It
(Continued from Pago 1
rlgntlon district bonds nro unsaleable
llo It ltesohcd, That wo recom
mend the appointment of a campaign
committee of 3 to educate the bona
Ing public nnd bond buyers gener
ally on tho advnntnirn nf IrHimtlrm
district bonds with a view of making
a moro ready Bale In the open mar
ket. Whcicns, Tho modern plan for Ir
rigation development Is tho District
Plan, nnd
Whereas, Tho funds for financing
such Irrigation development must he
secured from tho publlo money mnr
ket which Is very dubious of the se
curities of tho Irrigation district ana
Whereas, la appears that tho Unit
ed States Government has oftored
dollar for dollar with tho state in
Irrigation construction.
Now, Iks It lte-olied, Hy tho Cen
tral Oregon Irrigation Congress as
sembled In Itedmond, Oregon, this
December 11, 1915, that we heartily
recommend for tho favorable consld-1
eratlon of the Oregon Irrigation Con
gress the proposition of submitting to
the people of tho state a constitution
al amendment permitting the state to
underwrite Irrigation district bonds
and tho submission of a law author
izing the same under proper limits
and thorough supervision.
Wheiens, Tho district Irrigation
plan Is not well understood by tho
pcoplo within tho proposed districts,
Whereas, Many orronlous Ideas nro
held In regard to tho effect of dis
trict organization,
Therefore, Ho It Hosohcd, That
tho Irrigation Congress be urged to
proparo pamphlets setting forth tho
advantages of the Irrigation district
plan and explaining tho laws govern
ing It, with especial rcforonco to the
distinction between Irrigation under
tho district plan and under tho Carey
Whcrea. Tho Irrigation questions
of Central nnd Kastern Oregon nro
matters not thoroughly understood
In other portions of tho Btnto, nnd
Wheiens, This lack of understand
Inc bns n tendency to defent meas
ures for tho boneflt of said Central
and Kastern Oregon,
Now, Therefore, lie It Uesolved.
That tho Oregon Irrigation Congress
nt Its next session bo urged to form
n publicity bureau for tho dissemina
tion of Information concerning Irri
gation in tho section cast of tho Cas
cade mountains to tho end that mons
uros for tho bonoflt of tho Irrigated
sections of tho stnto may bo favorably
received throughout tho stnto.
Whereas Tho Carey Act for tho
Irrigation of tho public lands of tho
United States hns provod a fnlluro
In Its oporatlon and there Is no fur
11101" possibility of reclamation under
Its provisions, nnd
wiii-inis. Tho district plan for tho
reclamation of nrld lands Is rapidly
gaining favor, being now eonceuod to
bo the best plan of securing Irrigation
Whereas. Urination districts, aro
self dependent and In their llrst
years llablo to meet with difficulties
until tho settlers upon them set upon
tholr feet, and
Wheions, Aid Tor Irrigation pro
jects In the oarly years is of double
vsliio and If obtained from the United
Stetes can be had on the moat f vor
nhlo tonus,
Now, Therefore, llo It Ue-idved.
That this meeting hoartlly endorse
tho principle embodied In the Jonos
bill. Senate C827, now ponding In the
IT. S. Congress nnd urges the Orogon
representatives In Congress to uso
tholr best efforts to obtain the pas
sago of tho act,
And Ho It Further Resolved, That
this meeting recommond to the Ore
gon Irrlgatlot Congross, the appoint
ment of n committee to bo sent to
Washington, l). a, to work for tho
pasoago of the sold Jonos hill.
Whereas, II Is conceded that the
whole Central Orogon district Is vl
telly Interested In Irrigation und to
attain rsiilts along thoso lines It Is
clear to ull that tho district plan Is
at present tho most foaslhle, nnd
Wheiens, Owing to tho condition ot
tho money market In rcKitlon to lr
r,mtinn nrnlecta In general. It wouln
seem desirable that In order to ad
vance the stability of Irrigation nonus
tho stnto Bhould guarantee tnierosi
on such bonds,
Therefore, Ho It Itesolvetl, That
this meeting urgo upon every citizen
f Pnntrnl Oregon to aid In bringing
about this result and that we oane-
clatly urge that everyone wno pos
sibly can attend the Irrigation Con
grots nt Portland with this Idea in
v'ew and that a campaign committee
of one member from onch aeetton be
appointed to work for ths Inrg.iet
possible attendance at the eomlng
convention ana
Furthermore, Ho It INsohwl, That
...i. nrmntuiloii entitled to repre-
dentation nt the Oregon I-rlwtlon
Centre, from Crook aaa jenereoq
counties, s-Ieet ono member of Pi
-epresentatlvea as an orgm:atlon
committee to outline a pjaa of pro.
cedurtf at said Coogrew and that all
delegates from this seetlan tot to
gether at said Congress.
,, .. Tim rvntral 0 racer. Ir-
rlgntlon Co. If .confessedly unablo to
complete tne reclamation "" -called
Bennaro Falls unit If tho con-
tract for tho reclamation of tho Irjida
between tho Stnto of Oregon nnd tho
United Stntes bo extended nnd
Whereas, Said lands will bo ss
tled upon It the contract is not ex
tended and If tho land is thrown open
to entry, mnlclng pocclblo Its forma
tion Into nn irrigation district,
Now, Therefore, Ho It ltesohcd,
That tho Depr.rtment of tho Intel lor
bo urgod not to extend tho contrnct
covering tho Ilenham Falls unit and
that it bo requested to tnko the prop
el' steps to throw tho lands opon for
public entry.
The Silvntlon Army soclr.l sorvlco
depnrtment cf Portland is dojirous
of obtaining vcsotahlos, fruits, meats,
clothing and anything that enn bo of
sol vice, for distribution nmong tho
worthy poor through the long winter
months. Chrlstmns dinners will be
served to two thousand pooplo, be
sides tho hundreds of families that
apply for assistance annually. Hail
rr.ds will hnul anything shipped to
.this organization freo If nddroicia to
"Tho Salvation Army Inductrlal
Home, 24 Union nvoaue, 1',
A mall sack delivered to tho Hotel
Wright more than 14 months ngo by
somo mail carrier from tho High Des.
ert country wns found Mondny by 11.
M. Abbott while cleaning in tho hotel.
Tho snek wns delivered to Postmas
ter Ford. It contained a largo num
ber of letters which woro stamped
and sent on their Journoy nfter more
than a year's repose
Depnrtment of tho Intorlor, U. 8.
Land Olllce, at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
December 13, 191C.
NOTICK Is horoby given that
Nan in Panoff, of Ilond, Oregon, who,
on December 20, 1911, mndo Homo
stead Entry. No. 09S0G, for N See-
tlon 23, Township 20 South, Itnngo
17 East. Wlllniuotto Meridian, has
filed notlco of Intention to mnko Final
Three Year Proof, to establish clnlm
to tho land nbovo doscrlbed, before
II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt
Ilond, Oregon, on tho 17th day o,
January, 191C.
Claimant names as wltncssos:
Turpo Ellcff. John Todoroff, both of
Ilond, Orogon; Orlea O. King. Frank
Porclvnl, both of Profilers, Oregon.
41-15 c. Itoglstor,
Department. of ,1110 Intorlor, U, B.
I.nnd Olllce, nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
December 13, 191C.
NOTICE Is hereby given Hint
Turpo Elicit, of Pond, Oregon, who,
on December 2fi, 1911, mndo Home
stead Entry, No. 09807, for N4,
Section 22, Township 20 South,
Itniige 17 East, Wlllninetto Morldlnn,
hns filed notice of Intention to mnko
Final Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land nlxivo described,
bnforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commlsalrfu
or, at Ilond, Oregon, on the 17th day
of January, 191 5.
Claimant nnmos an wit lies sew:
N'sum Panoff, John Todoroff, Imfli of
Pond. Oregon. Orlea O. King. Frank
Perclval, both of llrothera, Oregon.
1 1-1 5c- Itoglstor.
-. . :
Donnrtmont of the Inturlor. U. P.
' I .mid Olllce. nt The Dalles, Ore
gon. Docembor 2, 1915.
NOTICK Is hereby given that Hu
bert A. .Sooggln. of Tumaln. Oregon,
who. on May 23rd, 1912, mndo Homo
stead Entry. No. 010815, for HH
8EV,. SsctlcnlS T. 10 S.. R. 10 rt
Lots H-4. Section IS, Township in
nuth. Range 11 Knot, Wlllniuotto
Morldlan, has fi'ed notlco of Intention
to make I'lnnl Threo Yoar Proof, to
oetnbllsh clnlm to the land above de
scribed, before II. C. Ellis. IT. S. Com
missioner, at Ilend, Otpkoii, on the
17th dav of January, 1916.
Claimant nmos as wltieoes:
Florence Sllvls, Ilend. Oreeon:
Orovor O. Pulllnm, Edwlq II. Kdlnu
ton of Tunislo, Oregon: Ellis II. IM
dlngtou of Sisters. Orenon.
41-16 c. Hoglstor.
Denartment of the Interior. Unltod
Ststos Ind Olllcn, Tho Dallos, Ore
gon. Deomlior ti, 1915.
To RaTiialls H. Arnotl, of 25 11th
street. Portland, Oregon, Coatos
tee: You nre hereby notified that
Oharlm Stovensonr Jr., who gl
Box 147. Ilend. Oretton. ns hl post
office address, did on November 2,
1916, file In this olllee his duly oor-
rolorated appllratlnu to oontost aid
seeure the cancnllatlon of your Home
stead Entry NV . Ferial No.
012059. made September 21, 1913
for NK NBU, Savtlon 0. A S
WH. Section 20. NWVi NWV4 NKH
Seotbn 29. ToVnshln 19 B. lUnge
20, E.. Willamette Meridian. a-d aa
pounds for his eontect he alleMag
that said Haynalls H. Arnell baa
wholly failed to oatabllsh his resi
dence on !A tract: has totally full
ed to cultivate iml Improve aaiie
required lv law end baa abandoned
same for more than one year last
You are. the'-wfore. furt'.er nnflflad
tbat the raid rllegatlans will be tak
en as eonfeseed. and vnur said cuitrv
will be eaneeled without further
rlecbt to be heard, either before this
efllee or on appeal. If you fall to file
Id this oCIbo wlthle twenty davt after
the FOURTH publlwtlon of this no
tlce. as rhown bInw, your anwor.
under oath, specifically responding t
theso allegations of contest, together
with duo proof Hint you have sorvod
n copy of your answer on tho snld
contestant either In person or b)
registered mall.
You should state In your nnswor
tho mime of tho post ofllco to which
you deslro futuro notices to bo sent
to yon.
Dnto of llrst publication Dec. 1C,
Dato of second publication Dec. 22,
1915. ,
Dato of third publication, Dec. 20,
Dato of fourth publication Jan. fi,
1915. 41-44p.
In tho 'matter of tho cstato ot John
Itiocs. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given by the un
dersigned administrator of tho cs
tato of John Hloas thnt ho has mndo
nnd filed with tho County Clerk uf
Crook County, Oregon, his Ann! ac
count of his ndmlnlstrntlon of the
snld cstato, nnd that tho Honorable
Judge of said court has set Wednes
day, tho fifth day of January, 19 1G,
nt tho hour of ten o'clock In tho fore
noon of said dny, nt tho County Court
room nt Prlnovlllo, Oregon, ns the
tlmo nnd plnco for tho hearing of snld
Dated this Ith day of Dccembor,
Administrator of tho estate of John
Hloss, deceased. 40-4 Ic
Department of fho Intorlor, United
Stntes Land Olllco, Tho Dalles,
Oregon, Nov. 22, 1915.
To Alvln Huntsman, ot Ilend, Oregon,
of Held, Oicgon, Cont'cstco:
You nro horoby notified thnt Jos
slo H, Thayer, who gives Ilend, Oro
gon, as her post olllco nddress, did
on November 10, 1915, lllo lu this
olllco her duly corroborated appli
cation to contest nnd secure the can
cellation of your Homestead, Entry
No. , Serlnl No. 08530: Add.
0IU57, mndo March 31, 1911. July
22, 1911, for South Vj Bcctlon 2,
Township 20 South,- Rnugo 20 East,
Willamette Meridian, nnd ns grounds
for hor contest sho nlteges thnt Alvln
HutilBinnii has wholly abandoned snld
claim fur moro than six months last
You nro, therefore, further notified
thnt tho said nllegntlons will he tak-
ou as confessed, nnd your said entry
will bo caurolled without further
right to bo heard, olthor before this
olllco or on nppcnl, if you fall to lllo
In this olllcn within twenty days aftor
tho FOURTH publication of this no
tlco, ns shown below, your nnswor,
under oath, specifically responding to
theso nllegntlcim of contest, togolhor
with duo proof that you bnvo served
n copy of your answer on tho said
contestant either In person or by reg
istered mnll.
You sljoiild stnto In your answor
tho iinnio or tne post oiiico to wiueii
you deslro futuro notices to bo Font
to you.
Dnto of first publication Dec. 8,
Dnto of second publication Dec. 13,
Dato of third publication Dec. 22,
Dnto of fourth publication Deo. 29,
1915. I0-I3p.
Department of tho Intorlor. U. 8.
Lund Olllco. nt Tho Dalloe, Orogon,
November 29, 19 15.
NOTICE la hereby given that John
E. Johnaon, of Rend, Oregon, who,
on March 4th, 1011. made Homogtead
Entry. No. 0251, for 8Vi HE VI, NK
W .SKV, , Sectlou 22, SH HWU,
NWV, 8W VI, Section 13, N4 NWH,
Section 20, Township 19 South,
Itnngo 1-1 East, Willamette Meridian,
has ftlftd iintlre of Intention to make
Finnl Threo Year Proof, lo ostnhllsh
claim to the laud above deecrlbud,
before H. O. Ellis, U. H. Cnmmlwlonur
at Ilend, Oregon, on tho Sth day of
January, 1910.
Claimant nnmea ns wltneHie:
Albort D. MoNwil, Danlol W. Heeler.
Drvld C. Rogers, Howard F. Dyor, nil
of Ilend, Oregon.
39-43 p. Roglaler.
Department or tho Intorlor, U. 8.
Ijind Olllce, nt The Dallos. Oregon,
November 29, 1916.
NOTICE Is horoby given thnt John
H. Iluchholz, of Ilend, Oregon, who,
on Ortobor 29th, 1913, mndo Home
stead Entry, No. 012176. for RVj NE
li.HKU Sec. 4. N 4 NEW, Seotlon 9.
Township 19 South, Range II Enst,
Willatnnttn Morldlan, has filed notice
of Intention to mako Flnnl Throe
Year Proof, to establish claim to the
lund above described, before II. C.
Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Ilond.
Oregon, on tho Sth day of January,
Claimant mimes ns wltnesso-.
Austin C. Harber, of Alfalfa, Oregon,
A. Craig Allen. Lovl I). Wllley. Ilend.
Oregon, John C. Cllugen, of JHlllenii.
80-4S p. Rwglator.
Department of the Interior, U. S
Iaod Olflee, at The Dalle. Oregon.
November 2, 1018.
NOTICK la hereby given that
Charles J. Leverett. of Dewnutas
Oregon, who, on Juno 13th, 101'.'
made Homea'ead Entry, No. 01011
for 8WV SWVi. Seetlon 23. NW4
NWVi. Seetlon IC, EH NE VI. Seetlon
7, Township IC South, Range 12
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notlco of Intention to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above dosorlhed, boforc
II, C. Ellis, U. H. Commissioner, at
Ilend, Oregon, on the 30th day of
December, 1915.
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Lemuel A. Hrnndonburgh, Chnrlcs
M. Retinoid, Henry O. Gray, Charles
R. Lowe, all ot Deschutes, Oregon,
3S-42 c. Register.
Department of tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Olllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
November 8, 1915.
NOTICE Is horoby given that John
Jones, Asslgneo of Evalonn Htinnell,
ot Rend, Oregon, who, on Decombor
31st, 1909, mado Dcsort Land Entry
No. 015321, for SL'Vi SWtf, Soctlon
33, Township 1G South, Rnngo 12
East, Wlllamctto Morldlan, has filed
notltfo of Intention to mnko Final
Desert Proof, to establish claim to
tho land nbovo described, boforo H.
C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt
Hend, Orogon. on tho 18th day of
Decombor, 1915.
Claimant nnmes as witnesses:
Wllber X. Htinnell, Fred N. Van
Matre, Floyd Crowder, Parker C.
Hordy, all of Ilend, Orogon.
37-41 c. Roglstor.
Hy vlrtuo of nn execution In fore
closure duly Issued by the clerk of
tho Circuit Court of tho County of
Crook, Stnto of Oregon, dntod this
Sth dny of Novembor, 1915, In n cer
tain action of tho Circuit Court for
tho snld County nnd Stnto, wherein
Deschutes Stnto Hank, a corporation,
Plaintiff, recovored Judgment against
J. Snow Parmlntor, Dofondnnt, for
tho sum of Slxteon Hundred Forty
Seven nnd 50-100 Dollars with Inter
est nt tho rnto of 8 per cent per an
num from tho 9th dny of August,
1915, togethor with Ono Hundred
Sixty nnd No-100 Dollars nttomoy'a
feos, nnd tho further sum of Seven
teen nnd No-100 Dollars costs, and
accruing costs.
Notlco is hereby given thnt I will,
on Saturday, tho 18th dny of Decom
bor, 1915, nt tho North front door of
tho courthouse In Prlnovlllo, lu snld
County, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon
of said day, soil nt public miction. i
tho hlghcBt bidder for ensh, nil right
Your Chance to get LIBBY and
Cut Glass
at Cost
,lut received u new Hue of latest
patterns In bracelet, ImYnlllcrs,
Locks, Chains mill hill; fobs, ull of
which Hill umbo delightful
Emm- thing gtiai-unttiMl, The placo
to do join- Christinas shopping.
Our Motto:
WHEN VOU spend your
money with us you pay
for Service und we take pleasure
in seeing Unit YOU (JET IT.
Bend-Silver Lake
and way points
A Seven Passenger Touring Car
Kaili Way Kueh Day.
Walter Coombs, L. D. Fox, Pioneer
Auto Stage and Truck Co.
Freight Trucks In Addition
nnd title thnt tho nbovo named de
fendant J, Snow Parmlntor, has or
hnd nt dnto of satd Judgment In tho
following property, to-wlt: The south
westerly 50 feet of tho northenstorly
175.13 feot of Lot No. 3 ot Illock
No. 1, original City of Hend, Crook
County, Oregon.
Sheriff of Crook County.
Dated at Prlnovlllo, Oregon, this
10th dny of Novembor, 1915.
37-4 l.c Deputy.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Lnud Olllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Novembor 8, 1915.
NOTICE Is hereby given thnt Phoo
bo I. Kinnlson, ot Alfnlfa, Orogon,
who, on May 27th, 1912, mndo Home
stead Entry, No. 0103GI, for NWU
WV4 NEW, NW4 SEH, nnd NE4
9WU. Section 21. TownBhtp 17
South. Rnngo 14 East, Wlllamotto
Meridian, hns filed notlco of Intention
to make Final Threo Year Proof, to
establish claim to tho land nbovo de
scribed, boforo II. C. Ellis, U, S.
Commissioner, nt Ilond, Oregon, on
tho 17th dny of Decomber, 1916.
Clnlmnn. mimes ns wltneasea:
Henry E. RuITo, Milton A. Pnlmor,
Mnry F. Ilcnn, Donno II. Frcomaii, nil
of Alfnlfa, Oregon,
37-41 p. Roglstor.
Dopnrtmciit of tho Interior, U. B,
Land Olllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Novembor S, 1915,
NOTICE la horoby given that Hor
ace E. White, of Ilond, Oregon, who
on April 24th, 1912, mndo Homestead
Entry. No. 010230, for WcatH, Sec
tion 9, Township 20 South, Rnngo 15
Enst, Wlllamotto Meridian, hns filed
notlco ot Intention to mnko Flnnl
Threo Year Proof, to ostnbllsh cliilm
to tho land nbovo described, boforo
11. C. Ellin, U 8. Comiulsslomir, nt
Hend, Oregon, on tho 17th dny ot
Decomber, 1915.
Clnlmnnt nnmos ns witnesses:
Polor II. Johnson. Lloyd I. Owon.
Hurton E. Davis, Erlo Hostlatul, nit
of Mllllcnn, Oregon,
37-4 l,o Roglstor.
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