iJ "wmiujilj. w Tim w:xi nt'M.irnx, ikxi, owe, wicdxicsday, ii:cF,Min:n 8, ioib. fts. f" '' ' PAGE 8. i jll v , 1 m'- nniftiruii i r i ah mo t- ' l.ii' i kV. wr i Ml iifr f k FROM BEND 13-0' THE SQUAW CREEK DISTRICT IRRIGATION PLAN y It. h. TONNE LOCALS LACKING PRACTICE IN Muddy Field Prcvwitu Fast V(irk Victor Held Hcorcl(-w Until tho Fourth Quarter Tho Touch IIohii In I,w,t FIo Minutes. Outplayed, lmt not outgnmed, the Ilond All S'.nrs woro dofented by tlio rrlnovlllo-All Stnrs In a mntlncc en llnflomont lnnt Sundny nt I'rinovlllu by ii Bcoro of 13 to 0. Showing superior strength In til- rnoHt ovury doimrtmoiit, I'rlnovlllo Iilnyod a gnmo thnt measured up to ninny played by hoiiiu of the best col lego teams In tho northwest confer ence. Thoru .wns evlilenco that the tun in tmil been well drilled. Its charging vn3 hard nnd rnct. Its formations mill pnBBCH were difficult for the Ilond dufeiiKu to solve. Con sidering that tho Ilond tenin hud not bean In milts bIiico tho Thanksgiving day battlo In llund, tho locals played u rciiiarkublo dofoiiHlvo game. Tho Hold wan slippery which miiilo gains by I'lthor toam dllllcult to ninlco. Ilond showed decided weakness on offense, rnfnmlllarlty with Blgntils was con Unntly evident. Tho bnckfleld work wiih fantfr than In tho Turkey day game lyit thoro was Ioosoiiohh In hnndlltifc tho passes. Only twice durlnr tho entire gnmo did Ilond rHt"ht first down. Open Hold work 8 vo vhlch tho locals had to rely In ""nderrd hy tho condltloiiB of the ' v' Is. I.lnu plunges wero tho on. to iroictivo wayn of gaining. With rnveliirablo inoro nvolrdupolB In tho with ho Ilond dufoiiHo was stronger Icn(;rn the IlrHt game, itc-unforccd 'dMkliiBon at right guard, Ans- '"t left end and Sanders at cen- Henil lino wns much heavier. "own In Fourth Quarter. until tho fourth iiuartur waB Ho able to Hcoro. I'p to that looked like u no scoro gnmo Last nprlng there developed a plan , bed. Ueslden thoso Improvements It to tap tho Deschutes river south of has been pointed out that the main Ilond nnd lend tho wator Into Cllne chnnnol of uppor Squaw Creek In Kails, I'lr.lnvlow nnd Lower Bridge I several places Is dammed up with districts for Irrigation purposes. Thojiogg, trash and rocks. TIiub spread ph n Is knowp ns tho West etdo unit. ng tho wnter ovor wIu0 grnvo, ,)ar8 Later in tho summer nn Investigation whuro moro or Icsa ot tho wnter demonstrated that the wnter In Hluol8nkBi it s proposed that those Jama and SuttlcB lakeB were nvallablo for UQ removed and tho channel stralght thls Bnine district. Hut later it was nnn,i . , iiftu, ,i,n ,..,. ,, Shown Hint tho Vttcr Of HillO and . trnnalt In n nirrnw l.n.i. if i. ntl- Suttleslalos could be conducted Into mutcil that through tho nbovo men- iliu urumivicv, IllinriCI, lor VlllCIl no i tlnnnrl ltnnrnvnnint,u I, ,..., .If... ether water was nvallnblo, while nnd one hundred second feet of wator CI no I- nils, I'lr.lnvlow and Lower, CRn )0 Havc(i at an expense of from lour to nvo tnoiiKaiid dollars Ilrldgo could bo served from the Wcat cldo milt If noth'ug bettor. Perhaps It was providential that certain Lower Ilrldgo people honrd that tho Oreen Inko Just across tho illvldo between the South Sister and Ilroken Top might possibly furnish wator that could be turned Into tho Squnw Creek. Tho Lower Hrldgo people having been Informed thnt nil wator rights Including those for 18U5 and later had proven through care ful mcnsiireiiiniitB during a cedes of years to bo short. And they nlso learned thnt If prnctlrnl tho Oreen Inkofl, as compared with tho West sldo unit, could bo developed for nt least one half the cost per acre. An InvoHtlgntlon from Plalnview domaiiBtrntcd thnt n goodly supply or water Mowed from Oreen Inkcs, Lntor representatives from tho Squaw Crook Ditch Co., anil Lower llrldgu found that the Oreen lakes and vi cinity afforded an Ideal clto for a reservoir and that a tunnel through tho divide wts fenslble. Still later n company of surveyors from Lower Ilrldgo found thnt n 20 font dam would Btoro about "fiOO ncro feet of water. They ulso found that n tun nel C,3nfi fact long would deliver tho wntor to tho cast sldo of tho divide within easy access to Squaw Creek. Tho eHtlmntcd cost of both dam nnd tunnel Ib around $80,000. Through a comparison of tho squnro miles of wnter Bheds for tho Tuninlo. Squaw Creek and tho Oreen lakeB which was checked up by a comparison of the October flow for ench water shed Increased by tho per cent of Incrcnso for tho other sum mer montliB, It wnB found thnt thoro would bo a summer flow from Oreen InkeB of Bomo .11,500 ncro feet. This How can nil of this bo done? Moro than that, the Oieon lakes aro only nn estimate. Nothing can bo dono with thorn until definite measurements of tho wator Is deter mined. Who Is going to tnko the measurements. After somo Btudy It wns decided that this work would never bo undertaken oxcept by thoso vitally Interested In It. And tho in terested persons nro tho wntar users. Thn "dlHtrlct Irrigation plan" offers a solution for each problom. Conse quently n campaign setting forth tho JJir tW Jl Q I I nil holding tho Prlnuvlllo lluo,fl llireo frtlm uh much wnter ns l fo dlhtanro from their goal him tho county seaters had i bull to the 10 yard line Ih of ofTectlvo lino bucks, .ipllnited tho font, which Tout for Ilond In the gnmo Siun "j ii'ifi. On u dolnyi'd piihs, tho rUiliv J Inr hnd been drawn to the right ilUo of I'rlnevllle'B line. I.ls i. (or wlfli a rlear Held shot off Itond'B right' oud for u tiiuchilown. Hrnslus kicked goal. Tho tterond touchdown 1 .V' wltll,M Hireo inlnutoB nftnr tho one. PrliU'vlllo klekod off to d's (lvo jnril Hum. llrandenliurK lalved tho ball mid IihiI not ad- need moro than 15 yards when ho mm tripped by ono of IiIm tonmniatoi. ift'iul lust (ho bnll nn d wim oi the 2.r. yard IJiih and nxuln bv a verlei of bucks by tho il.iiH'iii-l.ltor ciuiibl liHtlim Lister carried the bnll over the lino for tho second touchdown. ltrosltiB railed to kick goal. J Thoro wero occasional flnsho or lndlvlilii.ll work by tho llonil team. Hiovor wiib particularly offectlvo on i tlofmiFo. lie wiib kooii to grnup tho Prlnovlllo formntloiiN and plnyn, but lt Willi nn oyo Bwnlleu uliut onrlv In tho "nuio ho was handicapped. Ward, at .lie, miiilo gains every time ho wiib nllml on a tncklo around pin v. bwlng U;4o the condition or tho Hold Stoldl ' bril hoiiIii dillleiilty In bundling tho forward puhh, but hla work on the orfiuiHo mib bettor than In tho first wiHUKonient. WllkliiHon. with 210 pound of beef In tho lino, holputl urontly to chock tho Llttr ind Law- mil luickB. HiinderM who played at center played n good doroiiHlvo gs'mo roiiMliliirhiK that ho xmib unacqiinlnted with tho hIkiiiiIb and had boon out for practice only u fow times. 1'rlmcln wont In at center and lloyd nt tncklo in tlio Iimt fow inlnutoB or nlny aid Imlil Lister In check. Krklnoi who took Kolley'M place at (niarterback, tdayed a gnml ganie. both on ofTeiiBlvo "unil dofniKo. II,. tore a ligament In IiIb right Hhoulder In tho early Btnges or tho gnmo which considerably him dlcapped him. The Prlnovlllo aggregation worked llko tittrnn. Tho lino wns woll drilled and charged low and fust. Luwhou used tho eastern Btylo or lino plunging which iiindo offensive work for tho backa effective. Lister. Law. on and HrotdtiH played good ball. HroHlua was offectlvo on ond runB and made several good trnliiB. Lawson and Lister wero hnrd to Btop on line plungeB, Whenever Prlnovlllo need ed yardnge, l.Uter was the man upon whom they relied to get It. Tho Kamo was well attended. A largo crowd of Head enthusiasts went over Sunday morning to nttend the game. now Hows from Squnw creek In tho summer season. It has also been pointed nut thnt three pnrnllel streams which aro al most Inst before emptying Into Squnw Creek could for little cxponso be thrown together and thus savo quite a Inns of wnter. Polo creek which runs about twenty second feet mid Is completely lost, could nt a nonil nnl expense bo ditched Into Squaw C.-olt. Another fifteen second feet of Kcepngo between the Squaw Creek Co.'h heailKato and Sisters could bo Hnved by conducting thn wntor through a ditch In place of tho creek Snow Flake Sodas Crackersas they ought to be Don't let another day go by without trying these delicious crack ers. 7n generous 10c and 25c packages alio In bulk Something New Snowflakc Sodas In a Tin box. TrlcoGOc. Tho box Is most uscluL Sco It at vour dealer's. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY PORTLAND. OnnCON ( THE fiOOP UUDOE AMP THE rmiSIDCKT OF fHE OHAHqE.) Putnam counts GRANGE I S k L (,.-f 0uV IwTf tK m if y-fj2 OniTLEMEN. HISTORy RECORDS THE nriuo ur si,riE MEN WHO DID MUCH ruKiHLIrt.CQUHTP:YANDWHOMlE REVERENCEP INTHE KI1MDS OP THOSE """" umEWISE.HI3TORy WILL KECOKP THE NAME OF THE OOODOUDOE.WHO HM lOLOMEHOFW-BCUT TOO ACCO. A SMALL CMEWl LASTSLONQERTHANA.BIQ MtW OF OROINARV TOBACCO. u"3rr'i-. . 'vC.NV(,-VV.v r ' t v . . ' i . .r.T N!lr!YflIlCPJ lscrs owe the comfort of i i . ' u,'"i"i-l Hl Tobacco Chew, ntwtut, hnt ihrtd-Xa Irlciul. who loM them about it. W-II CUT Chewing U rich tob.cco u iiiui cliew taUci the place of n bl wnd ol ordinary tobacco and it lutli, Oet u pouch und dive it a quality tcil. 'N,"1cl.owtl..ltbrlnf.oullltlchtob.cco..., MJ. lj WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union &p.r,, N.w York City OKT A lll'STia: OX YOl'. if you want to bo a charter mout her In tho Fraternal Order of Hanlon. Auk W. O. Mntchett nil about It. 40p Pool and billiards at the Metro politan. Just the tlilnt; for n little relaxation In tho evening. Adv. tf. The Wrigfht Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is a fireproof building It Is thoruuKlily mmlerti It U comfortable, commodious, rlenn- ItOO.MS I'HOM BO CKNTH IU' Tim wsntH of nil nro milMUsI well nt , TIIK WltllillT IIOTKI. Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL ndvnntngca of tho district plan has been going on for several weeks. Tho first meeting was held nt il.owcr Ilrldgo then nt IMalnvlew, Sisters and Cloverdalo. Lower Drldge r.nd Plain view favored tho plan almost to a man. At Sisters nnd Cloverdalo there was Bomo reluctnnco on tho part of a few holding older rights to enter the district. They knew thnt their rights woro gcod rnd free from In cumbrances. They feared that the district plan was n schema to rob them of their rights and then compell them to hslp dovelop a lot of now 'water wholly for the benefit of new lnnd. At tho Clovordale meeting ono Friday night a decided turn In ravor of tho district was brought about through Information presented by O. Lnurganrd, engineer for tho Tumnlo project. Ho mado it plain to thoso present thnt tho oxpenso would be In proportion to tho benefit received. No benefits, no cxponso: fifty per cent benefita, fifty per cent expense And full prlco for now lnnd. llo also pointed out thnt If nny person wns afraid of tho district plan nnd sat isfied with his present wnter right ho could remain outside of tho district Tho district would deliver his wntor tho same as Is now dono by tho com pany. Mr. Lnurganrd gave his opin ion that nfter duo Investigation ho would bo surprised lr tho district was not organized and every water user included In It. Tho district law prov!des"1or five directors to bo elected by tho water users. It Is their duty to Investigate tho different parts of ho system. When n proposition Is found feasible every water usor Ib entitled to vote for or against It. If fnvorablo tho directors hnvo power to promoto tho undortnking. Under such a system It Is believed that the district watered by tho 8uuaw Creek could by next spring do tho nocossary work to do velop enough wator on tho Squaw Creek watershed to tnko caro of all water rights hoforo and up to 1905. Thoy would nlso mensuro tho flow and mnko other Investigations of tho Green lakes so that by next fall tho district would bo ready either to fn- vor or drop tho proposition. Tho lnuds In tho nbovo proposed district are In various singes of development, from a high Btnto of cultivation to raw sago brush and Juniper land. Thoro Is no reason why nil of the abovo mentioned lnnd can not be come Just ns productlvo nnd well de veloped ns tho very best if only tho wnter can bo supplied. Wo bollovo that tho water. Is available The dis trict plan gives ovory proposed wntor usor an opportunity to hnvo a hand In tho development of a grenter Oro- gon. Tho destiny of Oregon Is In our linnds. Shnll wo simply exist nt a Btnrvatlon rnto? Or shall bo boost j tho district plan, bring down tho water, develop the land nnd mnko Oregon great? For sign painting see Edwards. Adv. Try delicatessen specialties at American Dnkcry. Home mado sal ads, baked beanB and cooked meats Adv. Tho latest fnd in Joweiry is the Friendship' link. Add a link ot friendship to her bracelet. You will find tho links In Sterling Silver pric ed nt 25 cents and engraved free at Myron H. Symons, the Bond street Jeweler. Adv. For'slgn painting see Edwards. Adv. The United Warehouse Company Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS 'hams, bacon and lard V The United Warehouse Co. A. M. Fringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon IRONING BOARD WITH EVERY G. E. Electric Iron (Guaranteed Forever) IRONS AT ONLY $3.75 !sjfSP BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. ONK CIWT A WOIII) Is all a little Wont Ad will cost you.