The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 08, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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THH l!i:X IIUM.KT1X, IJKNI), tJHK., ,Wi:iN'i:HIAY, IlKCKMIlim 8, lOI.I.
(Published Kcry Wednesday)
Assoclato Kdltor.
An Indopondont novvspnpor stand
Ins for thu 8(iiaro deal, clean bust
noes, clean politico find tho bust In
terests of Hond and Central Oregon.
Duo jenr $1.50
.tilx months 80
Three months CO
r aii
atiliRcrlDtiona am duo and
-"AYAHi.!-: IN ADVANCE. Notices of
Jtplratlon are m tilled subscribers nnd
I renewal Is not mndo within roason-
ihle time tho paper will bo discon
Plonso notiry ns 'promptly of any
change of address, or of lallura to re
ceive tli" paper reg Marly. Othorwlso
no will not bo responsible for copies
' Make n'.l checks and orders pay
able to Tim Hand lliillutlu.
Eastern cnpltul clamors for a share
fn Central Oregon railroad develop
ment! And both arc likely enough
with the prcsont outlook.
As KIplitiK luis paid, lOnst Is Knst,
ninl West Is '.Vast but whenmor o
iiront) llio continent v.'o nro P'tHiuI'd
thnt, broadly spouklng, our East and
'our West seem to meet at about thu
t longitude of Chlcngo.
It Is at Chicago that tho east
bound Oreguiilnti first encounter
tin so oiitwmd and visible slg.i.' cf
olfeto Atlantic cer.lioiiril inoccduro
which bring homo tho fact that the
big Northwest country Is n long wav
tin. Of roiirso tho differences nren't
vory rovolutlonnry or tangible. Fun-
daineiitally folks are Just nbout tho
sonio. Externally, however, thero
nro countless llttlo' differences.
Chicago Is ubout thu "last fron
tier" for tho hrond brimmed lint;
onstorli of tho Windy City ho who
'"'H Ino Is a marked man. Pen
In) any profusion first nppear
; tho newsboy actunlly returns
(a froiji thu ulckut handed him
rnvolur's pockets becomo clut
wlth coppers. Dining enrs east
Icngo uiako tixtrn clmrgo for
id butter (which our western
iol), many men wear spats
'dcrablo number of them
ly froen faced and prob-
't spunk to you In a train
H ,11 r'orinal Intnuliictlon
ly, tho stnnilnril of
( und, to a less degruu,
,lgher; muanliig that
tiutid mo more of n
o personally nnd to
jt thu East Is talking
. i-.iigB war. prosperity
VJm 11 rat two are prot-
.ind logelher ami tho big
. under politics Is propurod-
j3"fiyonlnbly and nbsolulely the east
IspRTHpuriiiiH, sudilonly. almost over
night, as It has not been Tor years.
And the men who know, everyone
of tliein, forecast that all the country
frn.Ni Mm Atlantic to raclllc. Is oil . ()f thuso womenfolk nro knitting box
Unouestlonnbly the wnr Is more
universally discussed nnd moro Inti
mately fait In the East Minn It Is In
the West. That, of course, Is natur
al. Geographically, the oastorn states
are some 3,000 miles nearer the con-
Illct than nro our Pacific states. Then
countless eastern business men have
direct commercial relations across
tho Atlantic; thousands of them have
ofllces of their own In England,
I'rnnrp nnd (Jermnti.v, and hundreds
of thousands have bad direct nna
dally commercial nnd social dealings
with European houses nnd trans-Atlantic
people since bojhood. AH of
which brings tho war vory closo to
our tlntitle seRboHrd dwellers.
Also, the great eastern mnmifac
luring centers h eervbody knows,
mo Hooded with profitable orders
from tho Alllrs. This means large
deinRiid for labor, high wnges and
itnemploied activity In mntiy lines of
inatliiructure. The toflex of this, of
course, In n quickening prosperity
evoryw hero, so Mint the offceis of the
war upon our economic condition Is
very nppitieut and very closo to homo
to every money earner and tuonoy
spender In tho East..
Asldo from the business aspects,
uaitern feeling and partisanship re
garding tho war Is moro universal
than It seoms to be In the West. At
least. It Is mote apparent and mora
outspoken, It Is fnlr to ray that In
such rtntos ps New York, Massachus
etts, Connecticut nnd Pennsylvania
tho sentiment Is overwhelmingly pro-
Allies. Moro Minn thai, it Is distinct
ly blllorly nntl-ncrniun.
Thero Is n widespread feeling, ech
oed oy prominent men and women
who nro careful and conservative
thinkers nnd In no wise trouble seek
ers or trouble makers, that tho
Hulled States has won considerable
discredit for our lack of backbone
In dealing with Clermnny In regard to
tho I.usltunln and other Incldouts In
volving tho dcstiuclloti of American
lives through Teutonic notions which
freely nro characterized ns "wanton
On tho other hand It Is. but fnlr to
add that In tho mid-regions of. tho
continent public sentiment, as en
countered In Chicago, tho Twin Cities
nnd thu region embracing a Inrgu
(leriiuin-born and (lermnn-dcsccnded
population, not unnnturnlly leans to.
ward tho Fatherland. Here It Is Mint
the most bitter feeling exists and to
discuss wnr Issues Is n pastime,
fraught with explosive probabilities,
Socially, the war Is vory, very closo
to tho people of thu east. It Is tho
constant and unending subject of
I'oiiMjrsatlou. Many young American
men and women nro In Emopo on
Itcil Cross duty. One. encounters
senrcely n well-to-do family which
has not personal friends at tho front
nud an Increasingly largo number
hrvo lost frlciidii "somovvhoto In
France." Letters from the trenches
of ''landers nnd (lnlllopo',1, often are
produced mid rend aloud by Amoii
cnii women and girls In tho evening'
after dinner and a very large portion
but that seems taken for granted.
Will ho win? Ilepubllcuns say "no",
Democrats "yes" after the Immem
orial pro-election custom. r
t'niiio8tIonnbly the return of pros
perity lu strengthening JVlJson's
chances, een though IJeniocraUc
policies ami administrative actions
havo had no ten! bearing whatever
upon the economic- revival. On Mie
other hand, thoro Is no dpubt Mint
Ilryan's dcIlectlQii and thq Xcbras
kan now Is practically in open.' re
volt will split nsundcr tho Doino
crntlc support for the President.
This will Injure him In his pnrtv
tremendously; his adoption, nt tonBt
partially, cf the Republican policy; or
preparedness, may provo his political
undoing, by estranging the turn-tlm-other-chcuk
Democrats of the W. J
II. brand.
From tho Hopubllcan side, It Is
ponclblo that Ilsosovolt m: y wronk
ns much political ruin ns Ilrynn
seems bent upon accomplishing
tho ranks of Domocrncy. If T.
runs ho likely will wreck the O. O.
P. again. And Just what T. K. will
do the Lord, (und possibly T. It.)
alone knows.
Eastern sentiment seems to lenn
to the belief that with a sound can
didate nud with Roosevelt consenting
to be ii cnptrln, soy, Instead of coin-niRndet-ln-chlef,
the Republican par
ty has a most oxccllent likelihood or
returning to power noxt jear.
huslnoss isn't vory promising In Eur
ope ilils season.
"That," says docthals, looking to
ward Culebrn, "1b the most unklnd
esl cut of all."
Tho Now Ilcven railroad scorns to
havo cut Its last Mctlen.
Tho Atlantic Is now getting a touch
of tho pacific.
Cct.s I'ntll May 1 (o Put t'p Addition
ill lloniN on Piojert.
(Oregon Journal )
SALEM, Dec. 7. The State LoniU39-IO.c
Hoard today extended to May 1, the
tlnio In which Jason Moore shall bo
Heading, Methods In Arithmetic.
Thursdny ljuronoon. Arithmetic,
History of Education, Phjsiology,
Methods In Geography.
Thursday afternoon Grammar,
rinncri-nnliv. American Literature,
Physics, Methods In Language, Thesis
for Primary Certificate, Science-ot
Education. .' '
Friday forenoon-Theory and I rac
tlce, Orthography, Phslcnl Geog
raphy, Englleh Literature, Chemistry,
History of Education.
Friday afternoon School law, Ge
ology. Algebra, Civil Government,
Childhood nnd Adofesccnco.
Saturday forenoon-Geometry, Hot-
nny, School Administration
Saturday afternoon General His
tory, Ilookkcupliig, Muthods.
i mile west of Powell IJtitto s
William MuLecd.
1 (UN
The Hund Flour Mill Company now
l 1. !. iin.ln.itnfn tltlfl
....... i . . .. . , .... .... . . ' lias UI1U Ul IIIU mvnk ii,-iw-i..v. ......
ruiiiurtm io nil no nil nuiuiiouai noun .. , .,. .i. ...... Tim
i ... i ,.. ;.. , ..,. sniiiinry nuns in mo nunimuBi.
j iu uiBiiiu tuu ivi iii iituiice ui ins c in
tract for tho development of the mln-i
highest grade products guaranteed.
WANTED GUI for general house
work. Mrs. II. J. Overturf. jut-
UVNTED Hoarders and rootners.
Ina'tilro Kenwood grocery. , 4Q.J
WANTEI) Cook who will do the
laundry. Inuulre Hulletln. 4otr
WANTED Cionn rag3 nt Th. 1)U1
If.Jn olllco. Goad price paid. t(
Lastly, tho women of Hip Enst
engerlv a8k how tho women and tha,
men of the west regard enunl suffrage'
now Mint they have It.
To which query It Is easy for an'
Oregonlnn to roply, "Equal Biiffrago
In Oregon Is making good, both from
tho .standpoint of women nnd of tho
conitnotjwenlth." And thou tho oas
torn womon omllo nnd say that stirply
they are going to win "noxt time."
G. P. P., Now York, Nov. 6
If tho Fcdornl authorities take the
samo view of tho Honhnm fnlls pro
ject ns they do of tho Morcon pro
ject tho request of tho Dcsort Land
Hoard for an extension will ho re
fused. One of tho facts Mint Com
lnloslonor Tollman snya should np
pear If tho Morson contract Is to ho
extended Is Mint tho project canbo
comploted by tho time, of tho ending
of Mm extension. Can thlR bo shbli
for tho Hcnhnm fnlls projoct?
eral waters of Summer nnd Abert
This extension Is conditioned on
the reorganization of .Moore's lake
project under the Oregon laws and
tho election of responsible directors
who are residents of Oregon. It Is
also required Mint bona fide experi
ments with the waters ot the lakes
shall bo made.
C. A. Sheppnrd, a Portland attor
ney. Is to hold $4000 In trust to ns
suro tho performance of tho condi
tions on tho pnrt of Moore.
Under tho plan, Mooro would ho
eliminated from tho nctlvo mnnngo-
linent and control of tho enterprise.
. j
Will glvo Instruction In elocution,
oratory, physical culturo and dramat
ic art, private or class lessons. Grad
uate of tho Western Academy of
Portland nnd has had 12 years tench
lng oxperlonco. Hcsldonco second
Plvnl house north side cast end. adv
Try delicatessen spoolcltles nt
American Ilnkery. Home made sal- j
nils, baked beans and cooked nients
Adv. .
LOST Plain gold ensu ladles
watch. Return to Hulletln ofllco and
recoivo rownrd. 3g-
STHAYED Ono yearling steer.
Red. Owner can linvu the snine y
Identifying smno nnd paying feed bill.
Phono Lowls ranch. Rural 317. ;,9-io
LOST Illack' shepherd do v utt
white throat and brenst, yellow n ino
and feet. Finder plcaso wtlte Mrs.
.1. O. Williams, R. R. H 3, Hen I ,0t!
TO TRADE 1 100 pound nrrr. 7
years old, In fonl, to porchoron h so,
for cows. Ilox 300, Ilond, Oic
eon. .10-41 p.
FOR RENT For month, Dec. 15
to' Jan. IB, to desirable parties, fur
nished house, Including piano, two
sleeping rooms In' house. Enquire
Hulletln. 39-41 p.
FOR RENT Chicken houso on
two lots. C00 birds capacity. In
quire Hulletln. 3Ctt
FOR RENT Ono three room and
ono four room house. J. Ryan &
Co. 37tf
If.yoti want to nfllllnte with one of
tho best bonollclary nnd fratcrnnl or
ders In tho world, you had hotter seo
W. O. Mntchett, local organizer for
tho Fraternal Order of Eagles, 4 Op
Notlco Is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Crook
county, Oregon, will hold (ho regular
examination of applicants for State
Certificates nt Prlnovlllo as follows:
Commencing Wednesdny, Decem
ber ir, 191C, nt 9 o'clock, n. m nnd
continuing until 8aturdny, December
18, 1910, nt 4 o'clock p. in.
Wednesday forenoon Writing, U.
S. History.
Well known song as rovlsed In Now oilnesdny nrternoon Rending,
York. Massachusetts, Penncylvnnln j PhyMology. Composition, Methods In
and New Jersev; "I didn't rnlso JUyJ " ' --- "--j
And Bpeaklng of tho penco excur
sionists, how would wo havo llkod It
If n party of well-to-do nmntours
from Horlln, say, had cotno over In
lfifi2 nnd scol'ded us hocnuso wo
didn't quit fighting ami let tho unfon
dissolve peacefully?
FOR SALE Houso and lot. Price,
right. Terms reasonable. Inquire
A. E. Edwnrds, Hend Sign Co. 37tf
FOR SALE Small counter nt thoj
Cozy Rcstnurant. 34 tf
FOR SALE Modern houso nnd
lot on Ohio street, three blocks from
post olllco. Seo Whlttcd nt Dement
grocery or C. S. Henson. 38tf
FOR SALE 20 White Leghorn
pullets. Seo R. 1). Voorhees, Ken
wood. Hox 352, Hend. 4 Op,
FOR SALEor TRADE Good sec-1
ond hnnd 1 A ton Sternberg truck.
Inquire M. A. Uclnnd, 40p.
FOR SALE or TRADE For prop
erty In largo city In Oregon or farm I
lnnd, a Studebnkcr automobile, !i pns
sengor, 30 h. p., In good condition.
Inquire nt Hend Hulletln. I0tr
FOR SALE Thrco fresh cows.
for gifts
me Appreciated
by All Women.
We have a large
and Fancy.
Sets of Dishes
made up lor your
own individual
Let us show'
them to you.
Wlicro You Ituy For LESS.
girl to ho ix voter.'
"Tho Pence Ship" vonturo Is Mid
richest Ford Btory to (Into. However,
n brush with n submnrlno would gvo
It moro news value
Exportn sav It will requlro llvo
vears to build nn ndequato navy.
Foreign foes will please ho patient.
tho threshold of almost unprcemtent
ml tuonoiiili' iloHopiucnt and oppor
tunity. PetwImlstH nro as rme as
worn optlmlstH six inouths ago.
Nor Is the feeling of satisfaction
' rnil certainty restricted to any local
ity or line of business. Of course
the steel, munition nnd manufactur
ing ct'iilers, through war orders, are
llrst to reap Mm golden harvest. How-
vor, trade of every kind Is otlmulat
e und merclinutH nud business men
In all llelds nro doing well now and
fl they fare n rosy futuro. Even
In retail business nud In luxuries,
"Things are picking up" remarkably
Thu writer Is personally nwnro of
most promising beginnings of Christ
mas trade In many stores where hol
iday buying for several (masons past
has been practically nil. And this
loosening of Christum money iiumtis
thul mini are oiuphooil Kiduy nnd
full hours tun Insured for tomorrow.
Tim wonderful brightening outlook
Is In mi wise I'oullneil to the East.
The Middle Went, forlllled by
and scarfs and swntors any color
but grov ' For (he grey onus mo
sent by tlu Red Cross to Germany,
the other colors to the Allies,
Vuh, EiiKlalul and Franco are very,
very close to tho people of the eus- frlllL't flf mir nniitlnmit mi,l '
. .....p, ... ..... ..... ..., ......
their llfe-strugglu hns a deep strong
place lu the minds and heirts of their
friends on this side cf M-e Atlantic
And now no one piedlcts v hen the
wnr will end. .
Mr. Mnrs seomo to ho enforcing the
speed limit strictly so fnr ns thoso
Europonn "drlvos" nro conccriiod.
Moro pence In Scandinavia, less
fnr Wilson; Ilrynn didn't go on
Ford's pence ship.
Tho holiday nctlvlty In tho King-
Hummers or record cruM anil nign
prleiM wus aliend) iMMiiid and fit;
llnruclitlb. Tin demand for fuod
wt lifts und iuw piodiiets from this
territory Is sure, the prulltnble prices
surtnlu and the calls for Its nuuiii
facturod prodin'ts are and will lm.
prodlglnus As lu o. klern eltlos, Chi
uago nud tho njlisr centers of the
inld.c,iuntr. faro a winter when ap
parently iiuoinploymcul will ho next
to unknown.
lu short, money Is plentiful, work
era are busy and demand for pro
ducts, iKith from the hind nnd fac
tory, Is nil that could ho desired.
Railroads nro handling mi amount of
freight unprecedented In recent
years and are spending money
on equipment and Improvement. Ex
ports far exceed Imports. A period
of sound trade enlargement Is as
sured. And een where the wnr Is
doing most to quicken trade tempor
arily ns lu New England nud Pennsyl
vania, those nt (he commercial helm
say there will lit) un slump when thu
euntllct Is er and war orders cease.
Ho tb tide of proprlty U rising,
rapidly. It la How lug to the south
nud bids fair lit retrl Hit) econom
ic illstrtMg eitperUHiciMl by the hard
lilt eottou growers. Of especial In-
"Preparedness" comes noxt to war
rn n topic of chief Inlureit Indeed.
Mm two go together. A grent man)
sound men and strong ucwspapeis
nro urging Mitt Uncle Snm arm him
self mightily. A anuller element de
cry armament, branding It ns mrrnl
mid economic folly 11 la stated, tino
somewhat believed, Mint Interests
who will protlt from the sale of or
mnuiAit i ud munitions have it large
share In pushing the propaganda fir
preparedness which. If entirely sue-
twocn-sful, will fortify them against tin
Cleaning and
Up Sum Prn PuiMinit
Call lor and Drlivci AH
Voilc O dm uWn by
"Sonny" the Mtiitngcr Doy
rainy ln when Europutu war onlert
rouse to Hood their fnctcrlef Pork
berrel prepaiodmwa will be pei
hnw the I'1 guest Issue in the forth
coming CongTMis. To do what the
prepmed ietM advocate- would have
dene tnnd they npitenr to embracr
the great innJorlO, bath In numbers
rud Influence, of the count! v, ex
cepting only sections of the sleekly
contented middle West) will Impose
heavy iluauclnl burdens on tho tax
pa) ers.
It neoins rcntonnble to assume that
a general comprnmUu will bo reached
whereby somothlng closely related to
nctunl 'preparedness" will be attain
ed nationally, nnd certainly needed
reforms will he required In our mil
itary ndnilnlstrntlou whereby somu
reasonably efficient returns, from n
defense standpoint, will be received
for the enormous expenditures which
somehow n the ptlHt seem to have
been productive of llttlo hut political
fruit for tho consumption of tho i
faithful constituents back home. I
One other Item titular this hend.
It I predicted lu welMuformtMl quar-1
Urs that "prepivdutt" very XI W 1
will be the hobby upou which Roose
velt mav attempt to return to the
White Houso.
Gilbert (& Son
torest to us of Orevon, U l Uowlngi .,
bndl' westward It will nienn liet-1 War. prpareduea ud polltle
ter markets for lumber r.nd 0,lur pHti 11 1 a nrenldtuiUAl ytar,' the
jiu)iie for development ntrprle. f mroiP AmotUniv bo Is btnnlHS to
llejd will ,Ih witUtled liu)ed ithould hiiM merrily.
Ut uroat new mills bo foreed Inlot Of course Wilson' will run for re-
over-tlnio produatlon und grateful It election, he bus never said he would,
It loclrd nt The Pioncti,
(Urn, Ocnd, rvl hill ore
lor) out I lorr nd Culc
t you( call, or
P ll O la C 22X
i Alo mIU
, i
First Get-Acquainted
Bargain Day
On Saturday, December 1 1 , C. W. Martin will place his
$6,000 Stock of Furniture,
Rugs, Linoleum, Sesnd Ranges, Etc.
BARGAIN. On this day we will give you the best
BARGAINS you ever had the pleasure of getting in Bend.
When we say BARGAINS we mean BARGAINS. Of
course we cannot afford to give these BARGAINS every
day like the BARGAINS we are going to give you on the
1 1 TH OF DECEMBER, but in order to get acquainted
we will give you one day of Bargains that are Bargains.
-The BARGAINS are here for you. If you don't get
jhem don't blame me.
Saturday, December 11
One Day Only.