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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1915)
TllR 1HJXI) Hl'LLKTIX, IJKNU, OKK., WKDNKSDAY, DKCKMIIKK H, 1015. TAOE n. 1 FARMER'S WEEK AT CDRVALLIS SHORT COURSp. IS ANNOUNCED O. A. O. Circular Tells of tlio Two Kvi-nU Coming Knrly Next Ycnr, Dunned to Aid In tho Agricul tural Development of State. Tlio Oregon Agricultural Collego kca mtiilo tlio following preliminary announcement of tlio wlntor ohort course and tlio farmer's and homo maker's week to be held January and February, 19 1G. Complete programs for both will bo lcady for mailing about December 15. Tlio announcement In part Is as follows: Torpors' wcok for 1910 vill follow tlio goncral plan of last year's suc ccEsful session. Conferences and conventions will supplement tlio In terest of tlio regular program of lec tures, demonstrations and exhibits, n noon-dny convocation .will bo hold dally. Winter short courso, which follows farmers' week, will bo moro Immedi ately practical, Involving moro Indi . vltlunl instruction. than formerly. It will bo devoted to tho problems of tlio day that nro of tho most Interest and value to tho actual patrons In at tendance Admission. The courses and all entertainments offered In connection with farmors' week nro free. Thoco nro no ontrnnco examinations, no tuition charges, and no fees. Persons enrolling must bo ovor sixteen years of ago. Tho courao offored during winter short courso, covorlng four weeks, roqulro an en rollment feo of ono dollar, and In cor taln specified Instances small labor atory foos also,' to cover tho cost of materials used. Thcso fees aro In dicated on tho program for tho wlntor short courso, which will bo ready for mailing nb'out December 16. Specimen Dally Program. Specimen lectures and conferences for ono day of Jnst year's rnrmors' week nro Indicated by tho following transcript of tho program for Wed nesday, February 3. Sco conforonco programs, undor tho following schedules of other Wednesday lectures: homo makers, county agriculturists, county school superintendents nnd supervisors, ministers, nnd religious workers, fruit inspectors, women's organiza tions, farm drainage, brick nnd tlio workers, farmers' organizations, stato dairymen's association. 8:00-9:00. Hancock testing dem onstration, O. a. Simpson. Plnnt physiology as related to pruning, W. SI. Atwood. Methods by which plant diseases may to spread, II. S. Jack eon. Soiling systoms for tlio Oregon dairy farm, It. O. Hyslop. Ilurnl credits, Hector Mncpherson. Judg ing market classes of cattlo, K. L. Potter. 9:00-10:00 nabcock totting dem onstration (Cont'd.) O. a. Simpson. Dairy cow demonstration. Tho lat est recommendations regarding rem edies for orchard diseases, H. S.. Jackson. Judging mnrkct classes of cattle (continued.), E. L. Potter. I Household economics in rurat schools jiunneuu w. uaivm nnu assistants. Necessities and luxuries In dress, Hel- on l). urooks. 10:00-11:00. Pruning tho tree to bearing ago, C. I. Lewis. Tho chief soil types of western Oregon their valuo and management, H. D. Scud dor. Co-operative credit and tho American farmer (Illustrated.), Hec tor Macplierson. Household econom ics In rural schools, Henrietta Cal vin and assistants. Practical hints for the homo dressmaker, Kntherlne Hitchcock. 11:00-12:00. Pruning the bear ing tree, V. H. Gardner. Importance of proper adjustments of farm ma chines, E. M. D. Hrncker. Adver tising and selling farm products, J. A. Hexcll. Capital and equipment In beef production, E. h. Potter. Hints for tlio shopper, Annlo Uolilnson. Sterility and barrenness In dairy cat tle, H. T. Slmms. ' 12:00-12:30. General assembly, women's gymnasium. Music, addres ses, readings. 2:00-3:00. Food balancing dem onstration. (Organization of Willam ette Valley Shorthorn Association.) Tho early days of shorthorn breeding In Oregon, Gcorgo Onmntfo. Present dny shorthorn cattlo and shorthorn breeders, Frank Drown. Tlio small breedor in tho production of short horn cattlo, A, D. Dunn. (HuslnosH nnd organization meeting.) Tho rur al schools ns a community center, X. D. Shownlter. The study of fruit buds, E. J. Krniifl. Chafing dish foods, Mrs. Kcdzlc-Jones. Commun ity dralnnge, It. A. Hart. Address, C. H. Ecklcs. 3:00-1:00. linndsenpo gardening applying to 'rural conditions, (Illus trated), A. L. Peck. Organization of Willamette Vnlloy shorthorn associa tion (continued.) Tho readjustment of rural school activities to meet the community needs, J. A. Churchill. Feeding poultry for growth and for eggs, C. C. Lamb. Ilcsponslbllitlcs of tho shopper. Mrs. Tnhlot. 4:00-5:00 Tho social and relig ious needs of rural communities, X. D. Shownlter. Tho farmer nnd tho budget, U. G. Dubach. Cnttlo feeding experiments nt Eastorn Oregon Ex periment station Robert Wlthycomho, Conforonco of representatives of wo men's organizations, Henrietta Cal vin, presiding. 5:00-0:00. Government publica tions for tho farmer nnd how ho mny uso tho stato library, Ida A. Kidder, Tho economic aspect of rural com munity life, II. T. French. 7:30 Goncral nssomlily, womon's gym. (.'Iinnictcr of Farmer' Week. Farmers' and homo makers' wcok nnd rural llfo conferences for 191G will consist of lectures, demonstra tions, conferences nnd conventions or various Industrial organizations 'of tho state. Results of activities launched ns n result of last year's conferences will bo roportcd nt tho forthcoming meetings. Additional associations bavo announced conven tions for this year. Distinguished sneakers from various parts of tho United States, specialists In the'r lino, will glvo nddresscs during tho weok. Tharo will bo special attrac tions of the most sterling worth, for women. Marketing nnd rurnl orga nization will also bo given particular emphasis this yonr. Tho ' weok, throughout, will provo n stimulating nnd liberalizing Influence. Character of Winter Short Courso The winter short courso for 1910, beginning January 10 and continuing to February 4, ,ill deal with tho specific problems uppermost In tho minds of tho farmors Just now. It will not bo a repetition of former short courses. The work, through out, has been reviewed undor the limelight of present day demands: nnd, where necessary, has been en tirely reorganized to meet tho needs of the hour. Oregon is undergoing rapid and pronounced chnnges in tho development of her nnturnl resources. Cortaln phases of agricultural effort that meant much to tho prosperity of the people five nnd ton years ago linvo now passed tho full tldo ol) their development. They aro there fore on the decline. Other phn&es of agriculture and of economic progress nro now forging Insistently to tho front. It Is tho class of problems nrlslng from thcso now conditions that the collego Is seizing upon to turn to tho advnntago of tho farmers of tho commonwealth. Attractions for Women. The Indoor work of tho farm Is usually ns Important ns tho outdoor work. This fnct has not been over looked in planning tho short courso. Tho homo economics departments, with the co-operation of tho depnrt monts of bacteriology, physiology nnd art nnd architecture, are offering courses that will give suggestion nnd inspiration for the enrichment of the home life Its food, Its clothing, Its health, its sanitation, Its rending, rec reation nnd appreciation of beauty. Itullroml Hates. Excursion rates aro offered by all tho railroads In Oregon, tho usual ono nnd one-third faro for tho round trip, on the certificate plan. In com ing to Corvnllls, buy n full faro tick et, securing a receipt from tho soiling ngont: after having your rccolpt vali dated at the collego, present this to tho ticket agent in buying your re turn ticket, paying ono-thlrd of tho rogular faro. i their Interest mny bo preserved Is to i executo now contracts with tho stato covering their lands or mako now selections, receiving credit for tho money thoy have paid In on their for nler ccntrncts. In a report submitted today to tho members of tlio Desort Land Hoard, J. Ij. McAllister, assistant Bocretnry, suggests tho only remedy. Tho nlno contract-holders, It Is shown, havo paid a total of $7,100.72. tuilo cummins affected mm WW '!: mm r. fC OM Coal in the cellar Hay in the barn Money in the bank TO RECOGNIZE ABILITY Pish, Oysters and Dressed Poultry ALWAYS ON HAND AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT AT THE CLUB CAFE Bond Street Oppoiite Ctrmody Oroi. POLICIES THAT PROTECT. The Oldest. Insurance Agency in. Central Ore. WE WRITE INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES It's tho way we write our policies." Our companies pay cts. on the dollar. We have o3r 4 satisfied policy holders. The largest insurers in Crook County are our leading customers Bend Insurance Agency Bend, Oregon POLICIES THAT rilOTECT. Nino Who Ilouglit From Columbia Southern Iso ItlghlN. SAM5M, Dec. 2. (Special.) Ilc causo nlno contract-holders of the Columbia Southern Irrigation Com pany failed to file with tho Desert Land Hoard prior to July 1, last, an assignment of their contracts as, provided by legislative ennctmont, ' tliolr only rccourso now whoroby Teachers Who Meet Requirements to Ho Given Ccrtlllcntcs. I A plan for giving public recognl-j tion to thoso teachers of tho stato i who havo proved themselves to be, progressive as well as successful In their work, has beon announced by Superintendent of Public Instruction, J. A. Churchill. To all teachers who meet the llvo requirements adopted h by tho Stato Superintendent there , will bo given professional teacher's certificates which will certify that tho holders havo not only taught suc cessfully during the preceding ycnr but that thoy aro progressiva and linvo shown a proper professional spirit toward their work. Tho certificates will bo issued by tho Superintendent of Public Instruc tion upon the statement of tho county superintendent that air tho require ments have been mot and that tho teacher deserves especial recognition of his attainments. Wlillo tho cer tificate will In;, Itself not entitle tho holder to tench, It .will bo of gront assistance to school boards In helping them to solect thoroughly progres sive and up-to-dnto teachers, who have been especially successful In their work. Tho requirements which must bo met for tho professional teacher's certificate aro as follows: 1. Having taught successfully for nt least night months during tho ycnr 1915-1910. 2. Having mot ell tho require ments for n teacher In n standard school and having compiled strictly with tho lnws relating to flro dangers nnd flro drills. 3. Having sent promptly to tho county superintendent all reports re quired by him or required by law. 1. Having attended the niiuunl teacher's lustltuto or teacher's train ing school nnd nt least ono local lu stltuto. fi. Hnvlng rend during tho ycnr, Discriminating Buyers Give Us Preference OEmm Has a Larger Combination of Strong Points in Favor of tho Insured than any other Life Insurance Company BEST FOR OREGONIANS Homo Office- CORDCTT nUILDIVC PnrlinncI Orr nomo vjmcc. Fifth .nJ MatriMn Stl roriianu, irc. A. L. MILLS I'mitm L. SAMUEL CmmI Mtnigtr Aehluy Forrest, District Agent. ALL THE MUSIC IN THE WORLD WITH THE Columbia Disc Graphophone and Grafonola DELIVERED TO YOU ON EASY TERMS $15.00 to $225.00 -that's the good-all-over, fur- coat feeling: that just naturally takes hold of the owner of a Diamonded Car, now at the beginning of the cold and stormy weather. 99 perfect, only one tire out of a hundred returned for adjustment, was the rcmurkable vote of confidence cast by your own friends, on your own roads last year, as well as by the many thou sands who rolled along- the highways and byways of every ono of these forty eight United States on Diamond Tires. There's a record for j'ou to tie up to, for, no matter where you nre, remember it was made on the same identical roads you motor on every day. Ask your Diamond dealer to tell you moro of this, and to put on Diamonds now. Then wo know you will bo an all-year Diamond enthusiast. DIAMOND "FAIR-LISTED" PRICES: 1 '. Slio 30x3 30x3" 32x3 33x4 Diamond Squcorco $ 9.45 12.20 14.00 20.00 Slzo 34x4 3UT4 37x5 "38x5$T Diamond Squoosco $20.35 2B.70 3.1.00 40.00 T undor tho BtiporvlHlon of tho I'nlvor city of Oregon or tho Oregon Agri cultural College, nt least two hooka on tho toucher's roadlng circle list. nirr husy. Only a fow dayH moro to get In nB charter liioinhor Krntornal Order of KngleH. Sponlc to W. O. Matchott, local organizer. -ion Ohservo the Winning. A cold that proiulHcu to "hnng on nil winter" la to ho dreaded. Prompt action Bhould ho taken at tho first warning of n cold anuozlng, chllll nesB, Blight Bhivorlng. Koloy'H Honey and Tnr innlccs quick work of coughs cohlH nnd croup. It clenrB nlr pnn- B.igcH, Btopa roughing, cnnea dllllcult breathing. Sold ovorywhero, Adv- Candies SCHOOLS AND nintriiKH SIIOl'M) MA Kit TIIIHIt SIC U'.CTIONS NOW. Wit WIMi HTOIIIt IT KOI I YOU. WARNER'S Whero Yon lluy I'or I". (OS J JJS "LEADER" TJT1 ill' With Columbia Individual Record , Ejector $85 Mahogany, Satin Walnut, or Quartered Oak. (Golden. Fumed, or Early Englbli) "The Jewel" $35 CtrnfUl. In tutty Jtlall, Stlttud Qtiamiti Oak. V"OU tie iaviitd t ny time to come in and Inlrn to the Ulett ColuniLi Records. We co get you toy wlectioo OO lllOlt DGtKC THE OWL PHARMACY SOLE ACENTS Don't Send Out of Bend for that Christmas Gift Look over our stock of high grade jewelry. If you do not find what you want we will gladly send for u memorandum package for you to select goods not carried in stock will he priced niixh lower than you will he ahle to get them else- where. MYRON H. SYMONS TIIK l.OND STKKKT JKWKI.KH Watch Inspector forS. P. A: S., Oregon Trunk Division. NWNNWMWW BUILD NOW! For a short time we will sell residence lots well located, city water and lights and lumber with which to build for , $10 CASH AND $10 MONTHLY J. RYAN & CO. r -A