The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 08, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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(Special to Tlio nullotln)
TUMAL.O, Dec. C Tho meeting of
tlio Development I.oaguo lnnt Monday
night wu8 very well attended. It wns
called for tlio ptirpofio of hearing n
talk on tlio oxy'rmltiatlon of tho
Jnck rabbit pest by it. A. Ward, U.
S. Illologlcnl export. President Orlf
lln Introduced Mr. Ward who gnvo a
vory lntorcHtlng doiuotiMtratlon on tho
host method of prepiirlng nilihlt pois
on. A. 10. liovett wns tho other
speaker of tho evening.
A meeting of tho W. S. U Club
wan called on Monday nftornoon to
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Parrah In Surprise
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hnsch have
been entertaining Hilly Holm and
Hoy Hinds of Horse Hldgo during
tho past weok. They drovo down In
tho lntter's car.
Vorti Yeck recently returned from
Hond with a load of supplies. Stevens and family of Wallaco
Idaho, have located on their claim
west of hero.
dinner at tho Brookings Hotel.
Charlie Davis of Stauffor passed
through here Tuesday on his way to
(Special to Tho nullotln.)
HAMPTON, Dec. 1. About 38
people attended tho community
Thanksgiving which wns held at the
home of A. S. Fogg. Tho bachelors
A petition has been circulated to I furnished two turkeys, tho families
have n bounty placed on rabbits In
this county.
V. I.csiioranco hns gono to Clil-
WHH CUIIUM till JtMJIIUliy IIIIUI IllHJIl l" . ... i . l1, .1, n,nwnr..... 'no aiiAnt
tnko nctlon concornlng tho nubile onB, wllero expects to bo employ-, o clock the afternoon was spont
uiko actio i concoininj, tno limine visiting and singing. A lunch w
i : " ZLn v i,v C. .1. Staufter wns a visitor In Bond! served by the men at 0 o'clock con
n,l Vm, Wllxr.ii Imiiln.l li,n lumber . during tho past Week.
for celling tln hall on Tuesday
furnishing the balnnco of tho dinner.
After partaking of a very bountiful
dinner served by tho ladles at 12
A coninilttco from tho Develop-
Mrs. C.
W. Host
V. Washburn and Mrs. S.
were nround taking tho
.,,.. i.,..r !,. t.w.i II... itn.lninm! BCliooi census uio mucr pun Ol UIU
rV.ttttimrM t1 ritiili Inat Miiiwlnv In mii. I WCOK
fr will. ll.nm nhni.t tho I At tllu BtoclnI HC,,o1 WOOtlnB n
road from Tuinalo to Itcdmond via
Ulltw Kallrt.
Tho West Side Wator I'sors Ah
Hoclntloii met Huturdny afternoon to
elect delegates to tho Irrigation Con
gress. Tho Decombor meeting of tho Tll
llcuni Mtonirv Club will bo hold on
tho third Instead of the fourth Satur
day of tho month. Mrs. C. .1. Mock
nnd the MIhiioh Mock will entertain
the club nt lllllcrcHt. Koll call will
bo (uotulloiiH from tho lllblo and tho
program of tho afternoon win con
Hist of p:ipei'H on ChrlHltuus cuhIoiiih
mill ChrlHtmiiH pictures.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. V. Ilucknr enter
Ifilneil at dinner on Sunday Mr. and
Mm. I'r-iuk Dayton and Mr. ami Mrs.
Tllako lleelcnr.
Mr. and Mm. J. W. Ilrovn had ns
dinner guoslH on Thursday Mr. and
Mrt. It. II. I'llrklugcr. Mr. mid Mrs.
3. I. Ilecliiir, Mrs. Vandorpool and
?Ir. Taylor.
Mr. anil Mth. C. .1. Mock. Miss
T.oTHiru ami MIhs MHrgaret Mock wore
dinner gtioilH of Mr. nnd Mrs. V. A.
Korbe on Sunday.
Hay III nun iiwdo an Important
buslnetw trip to Itcdmond Sunday.
J. A. Marsh spent Saturday In
llend on IhihIiiohm.
II i mill Mih. .1. N'. II. rinrltlnc.
MIkh Kay mid drover Clerking spout j Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. nnd
$7!i0'tax wns lovlctl to meet tho ox
ponses for tho ensuing year.
About thirty people attended tho
ilauco last Saturday night and all had
nn onjoynble time.
Mrs. .1. K. Smith has been on tho
sick Hat during tho past week.
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
HAMPTON' HUTTi:, Doc. 1. .lesso
Monroo nnd son Ktnory wont out to
Hond Monday to hnvo tho lattor's arm
examined. Ho hurt It oomo tlino ngo
by falling from a horso .
.las Wells hns gone to llend to
Mrs. Kred Miller and chlldron
Hpont Saturdny with Mrs. Hort Mceks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Hrown nnd chil
dren nto Thnnksglvlng dinner with
Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. M. Hrlokoy.
Mrs. Horace Hnsslor of Stniiffor
wns a guest nt tho Hrooklngs Hotel
Tho Holynt vchool children gavo n
literary program nt tho school houso
Inst Friday nftornoon.
Owing to slekuoHB, Oleta Monroo
nnd Herbert Mooks wore nbsont from
celiool last Mondnv.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. IllnniBii nnd chll
dron nnd MM ltetlm Cralinm took
Tuesday afternoon In llend.
Mrs. .1. J'. Parks was a guest of
Mrs. Albert Harper Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson nnd family
woru Itedmond vlHltors on Saturday.
(Spoclal to Tho Hullotln).
. OI.OVKKDAI.K, Doc. (i Mr. WoIhu
was slightly Injured by u fractious
horse the IiihI of the week.
Mr. Wnldioii Is milking a week's
business trip to Walla Walla. Ho
will vIhII at bis son's homo In Walla
Walla nnd bin dnusthtor Kloionco
who Is (filching at I'erndnlo.
Mih. (leu Cyrus Is mill unite 111
nnd MIhm (illmim Is boarding with
Mr. Waldrou.
W. Van Main' bought several head
of slook of Mr. Kryroar Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Abby wont to
Umlmnmt Tuesday for a few days'
vUll with fi lends and relatives.
Cloveidale Council will meet next
Friday evening nt which limn live
lleloftntofi wilt bo chosen (o attend
the IrrlnatlMi meeting to be held at
Itiidnuind Haturdsy.
Chilstiiiiis in I'lnnUan's Flats will
I ttttKud hem on Christmas eve, In
(lOiliiBlitK neeinl oilier speclaltltiH.
(iihi, CyniM went'li) the llend mar
ket with a load of IiIiIch and chickens
last TliuiMduy, leturuliiK with a load
of product).
MUm Mary Frvronr, who li attend
lag MbtMil In Itodmoiid, has been
KulM i(Ulli llidlposd the p.iat t.o
I.ltU Mlldrnd I'ugli Is nUo III
IPtn. HiVMtts Imik i load if grHlli
tit mul ThiundHy.
Fmnk Aiunld Is shlppliiK hundreds
tit moults to tho I'iM'lluud markets
tmeli wMh.
UHOoh Cyrus, who has been sick
for Mvwrul vvk Is convnlescent.
Mr. and Mr. Culllp mid family
wr umU Hi tliu llcudiy hmu on
ilr. A. (lriil. Din V,m Matre.
Waltur Ituyd, Karl (lrib and llobuit
IMWllli. Uiv Joluttd tho basket ball
team of UIsIhik.
rrmiVc Kelly la now working In
'Vh youim ioipl wer .-Ir-iKb rid
ltt on llm Fiyrnur llutte litst Sundny.
Novt Cobb has rtturnti from Ids
lift, whr be look a drove of cattle
fr Mr. Harris.
1'. 0. W Johnston has Just com-
)4td HAW ClAttM'U
CUiis Ward hud his herd of so mo
II bOriMM t lotH. Ten were found
Mtr Uwir Hrldae. Tlia rest have
ipl ton found.
Air. Tuck, with hi lc.un polled
14 ! out of tlit mud ii i i he can
Jfpt Sunditv. Wi are halni! an un
MCHKl Kiuouut of rain for this sue-
1. Turk wmH to Herns Wrilne
lamr. Ho U R'Mnv to the iimrona to
$ti htinntud.
ukst cui:kk.
A (SimmIhI to Tho llulletlnl
UOT OltKUK. Nov. SO. Mrs. 0.
Jdel outh mid fnintly ware Thanks-
Kh'ng HiiwtH at tho Jennings homo
ut ltQl-at.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hubbard nnd
uon Cecil spuut Thanksgiving with
Mrs. Schroder.
Mr. nnd MrH. O'cnr Hutelru John
slstlng of pressed chicken and turkey
sandwiches. In tho evening the
Hampton Valley Literary Society
hold their semi-monthly mooting, af
ter which soverol games woro played
nnd tho crowd wr.s treated to Ice
crenm. After thanking Mr. Fogg for
tho very generous ueo of his homo
nr.'d barn everybody went homo happy
nnd wishing Thnnksglvlng camo twice
a year.
Mrs. II. Snyder nnd son Harry vis
ited from Friday until Sunday with
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Puraloy.
Mrs. W. I. Wnrmouth and daughter
Ilesslo spent tho dny with Mrs. C. A.
Hurrls Friday.
Miss Kthol Fogg called on Dnrle
Hurton Saturdny.
Mcsdamcs Snyder and Pursloy
spent Saturday at tho homo of Mrs.
Nelson Crow.
Alvln Hunting nnd V. I. War
mouth mado llnnl proof on tholr
homesteads before Commissioner A.
S. Fogg Snturdnv. Novombor 27.
Miss Hornlco Drown of Dry Lnko
called on Mrs. II. A. Purslov Monday.
Mrs. McNctt Is on tho sick list.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Harmon nnd
Dan McArthur took dinner at W. I.
Wnrmoiith's Monday.
Knrl Kollnr loft, for Tncomn and
other points Tuosday.
fSporlnl to Tho niilletln)
""MH.MCAN. Dec. C J. W. Hunter
roturnod to Hond Monday after
spending several days In Mllllcnn vnl
loy with his son Hay.
Mrs. Horry Oaks nnd Braall son
Williams, Win. Hoist and Clydo Nlc-i returned to Mllllcan Tuesday, after
odeums woro the guests of Mr.
Mrs. Fred Miller Inst Thursdny.
Vic Schroder went to Hond
Saturdny on business.
Miss lletlia (Jrahnm, Mrs. J. M.
Hrlckey, Mrs. J. llrown nnd Hoy
Fonts woro guests nt tho Mcoku homo
n short visit In llend with Mr. Oaks
Frank Sponcor loft Monday for
Chohnlls, Wnoli.'ngton, where ho will
spond tho winter.
TIior. Itcain, who hns spont tho
past throe yonrs In Washington, nr
rlved Monday for nn oxtended visit
with his pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win.
T. C. lOwIng hnulod posts from tho Ilonm nnd brother Clifton.
limber last Moudny. I Mrs. Arthur Hopo and llttla tlnugh-
llolst Is building n houso on; tor Lola, left Frldny for Albany, Ore-
his hoinestend. llert Meeka and
Fred Mlllor holiicd him sovornl days
this week.
Page Stauffor passed through hero
today on his way home nfter being
out for some months. During his
sojourn ho visited relatives and
fi lends In Teknmnh. Nebraskn.
Andrew Mlehlo of Prlnrvlllo nnd
Miss K'atheryn K. Hrlckev of this val
ley were married recoiitlv and hnvo
come out to live on thslr liomniitend.
Mr. Denning passed through hero Monday and Tuesdnv of last weok
today on his wny from llend to tho, Fred Ktgor loft Thursday for At-
Sherrll valley whero ho Is drilling linnv, Oregon, to spend tho winter
wolls. with his pnronts nnd other rolntlvot.
T. C. Kwlng took ThnnkBglvIng Ho will make tho trip on lioreoback.
gon, after a two weok's visit at tho
Norton and Klgor homes,
Mrs. L. Ooodmnn nnd son Wnltor
who have spont tho summer In Port
land, arrived homo Tuosdny. Mr.
Ooodmnn nccompanlnd thoin from
Hond for a fow day's visit nt homo.
A. A. (lllnioro Is cutting wood for
I'. H. Johnson.
Ceo. Mllllcnn visited nt tho Norton
Iior'o Monday.
Wm. Spe'iror w-is n HpiiiI visitor
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Norton spent
Thursday nt A. L. Henkles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Willard nnd C.
A. Smith, all of Hlvers, woro visitors
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Evnns Wednesday night.
Wm. Todd returned to Mllllcan on
Tuesday nfter a weok's visit in Hend
at the home of Ills sister, Mrs. Thom
as Moffott. .
iLouls Hall siiont soveral days last
of tho week hauling lumber for Clif
ford Mackoy'rf now houso.
Mrs. J. Illttncr of Portland, Is ex
pected soon for nn oxtended visit with
Mrs. A. O. Allen.
Mllllcan school report for month
ending December 3, number of pupils
enrolled 17, nvorngo attendance 13,
cases of tardiness, 1. Pupils neither
absent nor tardy during tho month
nro Opal Conoway," Paul Johnson,
Gladys Norton nnd Molba and Mor
wln Honkb.
Eight now library hooks woro ro
ceived last week and patrons of tho
school nro cordially invited to bor
row them.
Frank llurwltz nnd dnughtor Colin
nnd Goldlo, woro dinner guests nt
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. Good
man Frldny.
At a mooting of tho members of
tho school board held Saturday, De
cember -1 th. It wns decided to pro
cure tho necessary equipment to
make ours a standard school.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Hoborts of
Hend visited Mllllcan friends Sunday,
Mr. Lovett, tho agriculturist, will
sponk at Johnson's ntoro tomorrow
night on rnhblt extermination.
Arch Pepin of Toledo, Oregon, hns
filed on government Innd In tho west
end df Mllllcnn valley and will move
his family horo within tho nonr fu
ture. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G. Allen nttondod
tho dnnco given by Mr. nnd Mrs. li.
D. Wllley at tho Ten liar ranch last
Saturdny night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Honklo and
children nnd Mlso Opal Conowny
wcro guests nt tho home of Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. D. Norton Sunday.
Iloy Kollor Is bnck on his Mllllcnn
vnlloy homestend nfter n livo month's
absonco which ho spont In Dend. Mrs.
Keller Is expected out this weok.
Hooper Dyer wns qulto HI first of
tho week but is Improving nicely,
Tho danco given nt tho homo of L.
W. Davis last Wcdncsduy night wns
well attended nnd all report n good
Frank Hatch camo out from Hond
Saturdny for n short stay on his
ranch. ,
Leo Touser of Portland camo last
weok and is staying on his father's
homestend in oast end of Mllllcan
Mary Holland was confined to hor
homo sovornl days last vcok with tho
L. Goodman loft for Hend yestor
day to rcsumo his duties In Lovon's
shoo shop nftor a short visit with his
Wm. Iteam and son Thos., were
Hend visitors Wednesday and Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hoonoy nro ex
pected homo from Portland this
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnckson Cllngan
havo Issued Invltntlons for a danco
to bo given nt tholr homo near Horso
Hldgo Christmas ovo.
il.lttlo Hornlco Evans was confined
to hor bed with a vory sovero nttack
of grlppo Inst week.
Frank llurwltz was a Hond vliltor
(Special to Tho nullotln,)
POWELL DUTTE,, Doc. 4. Com
mlBsloner J. F. Ulanchard waB a
guest at tho road camp on Monday
evening of last weok.
Earl Saundors Is hauling baled hay
to Hend.
, Tho Powell Dutto Sorosls mot on
Wednesday with Mrs. W. iL. Van
Doren. Tho club adjourned, to meet
with Mrs. Wm. Wolls on Docombcr
The children of the Shopard school
surprised their teacher, Mlso O'Noll,
with a handkerchief showor last
weok, tho occasion bolng Miss 0.
Nlol's birthday.
C. C. Charlton took a load of
wood to Prlnovillo on Wednesday.
G. M. Cornctt to building an eight
room houso on his ranch a qiiartor
of a mile west of tho Powell Hutto
post office.
Wm. Alt of Deschutes, was out la
this section on Monday of last week
after two of hla horses that havo been
around hero for soma tlmo. Ho re
mained nt tho Uussott ranch over
W. T. Henson moved his household
goods to his homestead on Hear
(Continued on pago 11.)
And Investigate our prices
before buying your groceries.
Wo can savo you money.
Mllllcan, Ore. Telephone
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick k Lumber Co.
Every Sm;k of Deschutes Spray or True
lllue Flour you buy from
The Bend Flour Mill
you boost Central Oregon be
cause everv suek of flour manu
factured bv the BEND FLOUR
MILL COMPANY comes from
the farms of Jefferson ami Crook
counties. We have faith in the
quality of Central Oregon wheat
because it grades high and has
the ingredients that make the
best flour. When you buy out
side you hinder the development
of the local market and hence
the Central Oregon fanner.
Therefore buy at home.
Bend Flour Mill Co.
imxi, omxioN
fW IS THE opportune
h iSJ 4 time since the advent of
& is the railroads ror you to
Ji ks build a home. Why
delay construction until
it will cost ypu 20 per cent more
for the same building? The far
seeing man is availing .himself of
the opportunity of securing labor
and material very cheap.
We have the largest list of Resi
dence Property in Bend. Come in
and let us quote you prices, and
you will soon decide that you can
not afford to pay rent any longer.
Bend Park Company
- -ifc-Kjfe.Oi