The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 08, 1915, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    TAOR in.
iworc 12.
tiii: ihjxi) iit-M.KTi.v, i:xi), oitn., wkdnksray, dkckmiikii b, ipi.t
eriflf Theatre
vi:ini:siay axi tiifrsrav
MAUV pickforr
Tho most popular Kill In tlio world.
"ix tiii: itisiirn"s cAititiAoi:"
M Kit W "INTtfE 1
Sm wrF bishops
ftanlS y ,p Wf WtX U At em ast.
? '
- i
'y ' .
I. i
".so.Mi-: nn:i." vitaorapii.
PARAMOIWT TltAVi:i.()(II'i:.
"Tin: faci: ix tiii: moom(Jiit"
"Tin: ixxi:u mtiTK" s-rpM rssanay
j'lisi Right or Wny Dccii ror (. r.
.V !!. Signed by Wlllliim Smock
Fifteen .Miles mo Pledged AN
irmly in Noiilliem County.
!?3SS )!$wviAyl ii H Tlle Worl,,'(' Greatest Film Star appears tor tho first time n
Z"""""-nfML y& ' S&Y I PARAMOUNT pioturo Him In Rond WEDNESDAY AND THPUSDAy
'- 'o,m Vl H ",V Tl"'3 msil(),"s 'AmHA!K." MARY PICKF0RD Is the most
:7lJfitj'fi ' m tnlhcd about movlo actress In the world.
JfvcMi ) f f M 7 I 1 . "A KACi: IXTIin.MOOXLIOIIT."
r" S 3V$& V ' W, 1 I Is RORFRT MANTKM. tho great Shakespearean actor's greatc! cue-
! 1 ySl VWV 11 1 ce8S' KeaturlllB "OHKUT WARWICK. This picture Is a Powerful
fy m bobert'wwwick jn I
fr -' VirTHE fflctSooHiiGHHll 1 Announcement
V ag&B 4V I From now on wo will glvo HKND THKATRE gorrs a
H "" chnngo a week program, SUNDAY, TUESDAY, WEDXESDVY and
m H FRIDAY. Wo now show you the famous stars of tho PARAMOUNT
Ip... .. . ..niir-
'111 Rill lfllll I Mil If L which had been executed by tho C. will ho further taken up in tliu
( 1,,'ikuvlow Examiner.)
Tho committee appointed lain week
to take up the matter of HeciirluK
the rlKht of way out of I.akovlew
for tho 0 recoil. California & Eastern
railway Ih composed of K. C. Ahl
Htrom, F. M. Miller. D. .1. Wilcox, II.
.M. Nolle and H. II. Chandler.
The pioposltlon of hccih'Iiik tlio
HkIiI of way was Itiimedlately taken
up and IIioho laud ownm'H wlio went
priwent nIkiiIIIimI their lutoiitlon of
(liiniitliiK tho ilKht of way to tho rail
road. ' H. II. Chandler is ono who Ih
prohahly affcclcd moHt by tho right
iif way. Tho railroad will eroHS
throiiKh about nlu miles of Ills laud
lu the Ci miked Crook valley, lie
tdmillled IiIm Intention or donatltiK
this r I k 1 1 1 of way and Hlaleil at tlio
time ho dcHlrod a Mtatlou at tho
piuiont Cluitidler Mlatluii.
Ollnn-H of tho rommitteit own In ml
ivir which tho rlKlit of way crnsnen
inn) wlin hIkiiIIIciI llielr Intention of
rtoimlliiK It wore I). .I. Wlluox, E. C.
Aliltrom and tlio Nolto-Utloy RiWklt'y
V.o. mm ropMwontatlvoM of tho lluutor
Land Co. Tho road will enmn two
foille of I). .1. Wilcox's, one of Mr.
AhUUroiu'K and nine lilmgluK to the
lluutor Uiinl Co. Tho latter fortlim
ll Jnnl oulNldo tho city lliultM and
tiid north.
Tho committee dttalMiiated certain
of It member lo ikhi tho dllToiont
land owiieiti nloiig tli rliilit of way
Mid got their Nttitudt) on tho propo
rtion of ddiintlug tho ntH'Pniir.v laud.
tTh romtnltlPti U vtry optlmlitic
over the outlook and look forward to i
vary little tiouiilo. In till there lm
been pltidgtid about 15 milva of tho
right of way.
.. T Wmi. Hmock, a rancher hImmU
,,tght mlloti north of town. IkMour
"Ike honor of Ih-Ihb tho tlrnt inrii tlgu
lug the dwxln for right of wy. Tub
Voad run Jmhb mile throiiKh hl
property He ramc Into l.ukwvlcw
last t'W mid Mliiued the deeila.
8e ICdttiudu for pa pur hailKlng.
'I'm Select IIIrIi School ItcpiOMMitii.
litiM 'I'limoiMin Minnlii.
Conttttuul who will reprwuent tho
Sti IiikciiI Rules (.iHeniln Elllbillt)
of llluli School Contestants Adopt
ed l.lloriiiy Piouiatu AtriuiKeil
At a meeting hold at Redmond on
Saturday and attended by represen
tatives of tho lilgli schools of llend,
Prliiovllle, Redmond anil Madras,
plans woro laid for tho nnnunl track
and field meet and declamatory con
tests to lie held In Redmond Satur
day, May 1!0, of next oar.
Tho events or tho Hold meet, which
will Include participants of both the
public school grades and tho high
schools woro llxcd. Tho Redmond
Commercial Club has agreed to linvo
the track. Hold and tennis courts in
Ilrnt class condition for tho occasion.
Ono of tho most Important steps
taken by tho conference was the
ndoptlou of eligibility rules and ac
ceptance of tho rules laid down by
tho Oregon high school nisoclatlon
oi which tho lending high (schools or
tho state aro members. Tho most
Important featuros regarding eligi
bility of participants lu tho events
were: Hairing all high school stud
ents over tho ago of 21 yours, all
post graduate students, and studouts
who linvo boon In a collego or uni
versity; adoption of a four year rule
whereby any student participating
lu high school track nnd Hold ath
letics will from then on bo Ineligible.
Students will bo prohibited from
c Miipetlng lu tho Hold meet If they
enter sulwoiiuoiit to February K. All
compotltors must ho carrying four
Hiibjticts and limning In at lonst throe
of the four.
In tho literary department tho
grade schools fiiu puhl'c schools Iwvo
been clasHllled ho that tlio gradn
school pupils will not bo compelled
to compote with tho high school stu
dents. Tho grade echnols hrvo been
cI'-hmIIIlmI lu three sections. Soctlou
No. 1 Included the Hint, second nnd
third grades; section No. 2, fourth,
fifth and elxtli, and section No. 3,
woven th and eighth grniloe. There
will be throe divisions in the literary
department for thp oratorical, drum
atlc and humorous selections. The
high school will be permitted In en
ter couteataut In two of those throe
Prof. It. (1. White reprocented the
lie ml high school at Sntui day's moot
ing and will Imvo charge of the track
and Held ovunU.
Chinches to Mo Asked lo Co-operate
in Picsentlng Progiams on Clnist-
iiiiin Ee at (Jciicral (lathcilng
Xcedy Families to ISo Helped.
.lust received the latest Vlotor
lecouU and Vlctrolas at Reed & llor
ion's, sucreseors to the Patterson
Drug Coiupnuy.- Adv.
To Pifhcut "The Windmills or Hoi
liunl" Tuesday,
"Tho Windmills or Holland." n
Dutch onoi'otta. will ho prewnted on
llenU High ftcbool lu a quadrangular next Tuesday evening at the lloud
rtlMte eoutest earl) In January will .Theatre hy tho Rend high kchoot girls
glee club uudor the direction of Mrs.
11. 1.. llopklnr About 'id voices will
partlolMto in throe performnncea ou
that day. A matinee performance
will ho hold at 3:30 to accommodate
Thoro will bo no disappolntod chil
dren in Rend on Chrlstmns morning,
If tho plans of a big committee to ho
nppolntcd by Mrs. C. S. Hudson, who
hn3 general charge of tho Commun
ity Christmas Trco to ho held elthor
on Christinas Evo or Clirlstmao morn
ing, matoi'lillze.
At nn enthusiastic meeting hold Ih
tlio Commercial Club rooms Mondny
night n tloflnlto decision wan reached,
to hold an outdoor Cpi)imunlty
Cnrlstmas trco, tho tlmo later to ho
decided. Mrs. C. S. Hudson was
chosen general chnlrman and .Mrs. A.
M. Lara, secretary.
Owing to tho preparations which
linvo been commencod lu many of tho
churches to hold their annual Christ
mas trco exorcises, It was decided to
confer with tho pastors of tho
churches to ascertain whothor thoy
would ho willing to consolidate their
piogrnnis and to glvo thorn nt tho
Community ChiUtmas trco on Chrlst
mns Kvo. Upon tlio decision of nil
tho churches with regard to this plan
hinges whothor tho Community Treo
celebration will bo held on Christmas
Evo or tho next morning. Tho sug
gestion has been made Hint tho
churches appoint n committee nnd
that another committee work
with them In adjusting two programs
without intcrforanco. If, hnwovor,
tho churches llnd that It Is Inndvls
iiblo to abandon tholr Christians Kvo
exercises lu tholr respective churches,
tho Community treo will probably bo
hold on Chrlstmns morning.
As to Just what tho character of
the program for tho Community troo
shall be has not been decided. Tho
most promlnoiit suggestion mndo wns
to offer Binall gifts to ovory needy
child, tho selection of tho needy ouos
to lie made by a committee competent
to Judge. It is also planned to supply
to all needy families a bountiful
Christmas dlnuer end If the Commun
ity true oxerclscs nro hold on Christ
mas morning this worklll probably
be carried on In conjunction with It.
Another meotlns will bo hold to
morrow night In tho Commercial Club
rooms when tlio nature of tho pro
gram nnd the tlmo the treo oolohrn
tlon will bo hold will assumo n moro
definite shape.
deed covering tho rights doalren
which had bcon oxcctited by tho C.
O. I. Co. nnd sent to tho Ilrooks
Scnnlon Compnny for use In enco Tho
Bond Company Kb grant.
C. O. I. Co. Once SntlMled.
According to this sniuo ofllclnl tho
C. O. I. Co., hns never objected to tho
manner of construction of tho bridges
nnd wns apparently sntlsflod wltn
what had been done, as Indicated by
Its sending tho deed to bo usod In
enso It obtained what It wanted from
Tho llend Company Furthermore,
Euglncor RcdHold of tho C. O. I.
Co., actually npproved tho hrldgo
Destruction or tho bridges was nf
Tcctcd under cover or darkness Stin
day night nnd on Monday the canals,
which had bcon dry ror somo tlmo,
wero cnrrylng moro water thnn had
boon lu them for months, making tho
replacement work dllllctilt. On Mon
day also thu C. O. I. Co. ohtnlnod a
temporary injunction before Judge
Duffy restraining thu Rrooks-Scanlon
Company from replacing tho bridges.
Sheriff Knox came ovor on Tuesday
hut boforo ho could mnko sorvlco or
tho papers tho work was completed.
Mr. Howard spent a portion of tho
day In tho neighborhood of tho work,
returning: to Deschutes In tho nftor-
(Continued from Pago 1.)
of tho utilities is $ ISO, 101. 12, mak
ing tho total tnxalilo value ror tho
county, $8,011,900.12. According to
tho budget tho amount to bo raised
ror general fund purposes Is $161,--158.82,
which Includos Indebtedness
of about $ 10,000,
In addition to setting tho county
mlllagu tho court mndo levlos for
various school districts, which had
failed to mnko them for thomsolves,
tho list being as follows: District 10,
C mills; district U, 5 mills; district
1C, 5 mills; district 20, two mills;
district 22, r. mills; district 25, 1
mill; district 20, 2 mills; district 20,
1 mill; district 35, 2 mills; Redmond
Union high school, 2 mills.
Voting PreclnctN Fixed.
Other business of general county
Interest nttended to by tho court last
week was tho fixing of tho boundar
ies of tho voting precincts, Including
tho establishment or now precincts
and changing tho boundaries of oil
Tiio city or Rend is divided lm.
three precincts, Rend precinct, No.
including tlio section hounded tiro.
river, Cnllfornia street, CaiciJi
street, tho Oregon Trunk tracks (
tho north Huo or North addition, Xi
I being bounded by, tho river, Aide
strcot, tlio tracks, Cnscado street at;!
Cnllfornia street, nnd No. G being ij
otner parts or tho bltj
Deschutes precinct Is broken
tho territory west of tho river becomj
lug Kenwood iircc'nct and tlintnntM
oast sidu romulnlnir as Desrlnn,. I
Other precincts nffectcd in tho count;!
nro Montgomery, McKay, Lowu
1 1 rid Co. Roberts. Johnson Crook. Mirl
Creole, Howard, Ronr Creek, CattJ
Creok, Powoll nutto, Alfalfa, Imperl
in!, Hlllman nnd Hat Rock.
RontI Money Set Aside.
A dollnlto appropriation by tljjj
court oi jiu.uuu tor tno uso of tbifl
istnto under tho direction of tho stiua
highway engineer to bo spent on this
highways of tho county assures tliu
expenditure of a llko amount by tsil
state, making a total of $20,000.
According to tho plans of tho stiltl
highway engineer tho money will UH
spent on tho Crntor Creek road soutll
of lloud.
fIm chon at a trv-out tomorrow
morutug at In o'clock at tho high
Vehool. There nro iteven aspirants
, lor ih two team which will repre-
gait Mend nt home agatnat Itodmond
1 'Mad Prluavllle at PiluevllW. Tliu th children and those deairlug to
Imk dahgtlna at home will support iiin to the nfternoou tititortnliimeat.
lite aiimiatuon cuargea ror mo inau
noaa will bo 10 cents for children and
it 5 cents for adulu. There will Im
'Ihg aMrmatlve and the vUlttug team
ttie negatlva of the iueton, Iteaolv
4; "That the I'niiett fttatea ahould
doit tan esaentiil f.iiuree of the two evenlQK perforuiaarea, the uri
Vwlaa wUttnry cyatem " t T:S0 and the second at S-is :
The eonteattmu In lomorroW'a clock, and the admlaaton will lie la
mwllwinarieM re MMile Pugalay. cents.
Howard Young. Alex Meratlorf, Slier , Tia giiia glee club haa lieen prae
, VUMt MR. W"'hr Fox. Mariart ' tUjlng for Uia entrtalnient for ev
ufrkomytCM, Tom Fbgg unit Floyd Ray-.oral woaka.
Th wtMgara will each rarely $S Uvery sack of dour manufacture.!
Hum a(frd by the Ftrat NcUoiHl'lir the Rend Flour Mill Cowpaiu
laO. Tk tWWW W inviUHl eoino iroiu mmi grown im javeraoa
..lAfthftV ,.m.i.I . nntl HrnnK ndiinllMA -AiK
yww Wfaxro '
A hwoII Hue of homo maiio candles
nt American Rnkery. Adv,
(Coutlnnud from Paso 1.)
nnd Crook counties. Adv.
i'lkt tt wm tMtita lli. llfli nntflnniiv
tinvtng an ensqineut only. Whan the
ogctag road wgg begun, although the
Urooke-Scatiloii oiipauy fall that It
bad auaolute oroM the canals,
formal periut&lutf to do o wns ask
ed of Mr. Howard lu ordor to avoid
any possible dimoijlty. ltepliiig. Mr.
Uowgrd asked that The Rond Com
pany gle him certain rights over Its
(and aa a congldaratlon for the gram
to the RrookSoanlon company.
Thla wgi rdfueji hy Tho Rend
i x. wiu'nu' ,tujt. my luwn.r-sjvnHiwu
iCvinpato mtttrned to Mr. Howard a
top Pajdng
We have ten new houses to offer
you at a price and on terms of
payment never equaled m Bend.
These houses are of first class con
struction, with fir floors, plastered
walls, electric lights throughout, city
water and built-in kitchens. Every
thing complete. No two alike. Prices
$800 to $900
Terms: A small cash payment down
and $1 5.00 a month thereafter.
You cannot nflbrd to pay rent when you can get a
home on these easy terms of payment.
v u ;
"" fed
rear; v
Office corner Wall anil Ohio -Streets.