SLIGHTED A HERO. -ater on the Coaching Party Got - a Startling Surprise. HOST WHO PROVED A SNOB. a Thought Hit Guett Wai Not Claiiy Enough to Travel With Him and Hit Friends, but Waked Up After Awhile 1 to Find, Him the Lion of ihe Day. Hero Is ono of Captain James A. Berytnscr's best nuecdotcs, which ho ilil not put In his volume of personal reminiscences of pence and war: After tho close of tho war between tho states lu 1803 Secretary of War Stanton, at the suggestion of President Johnson, selected Mujor Orticral Kritii- els C. Harlow as tlio hearer of certain jlspntchcs to tho American minister. Mr. Aduuis, In London. It later do roloped that the main purpose of this mission wns to nllow the English army Dfllclnls to know Major General liar- low, ho being deemed by the president and secretary of war nn excellent specimen of n youthful volunteer gen- eral, who had served gallantly through out tho war. General Ilrrlow sailed for England Kvltli Ills olllclal dispatches, and short- lly after his arrival ho was presented to the Diiko of Cambridge, then com- iinnndcr lu chief of her mnJesty'B Ifoivps, by Mr. Adams, our minister, ind llkowlso to other high military FolMchils. Of course Oenoral Ilnrlow received traauy Invitations and wns able to accept but few. Ono Invitation which (lie did ncccpt was fur a week end Ejiurty nt the house of n well known major general of the Ilrltlsh army, re- lidding n few miles from Aldurshot. )n his nrrlvnl Harlow found n very .gay house pnrty, made up of distin guished social "lions nnd lionesses." fl have not the slightest doubt that Innrlow held his own In this dlstln- Igtilshcd company, nltliougu these high i-nrroy oftlclnls of her majesty's serv ice evidently drew n sharp line he- It ween volunteer nnd regular olllcors. iThls fact Harlow fully realized the ffntnrday morning nftcr his arrival. when, much to his surprise, his host tnnd tiltrn exclusive house guests de railed for "a drive" In a four-in-hand fconcli, leaving General Harlow behind. No Invitation had been extended to iltnrlow. and he wns left nlono on the idnzzn. being told by his hospitable jliost that there were n box o.f cigars lnnd the Loudon Times lu tho smoking frroom. which would keep him fairly (well occupied until their return. The coaching pnrty had liecn absent Inlwut tin hour when a troop of cavalry. reommnnded by u llrllNIi olllcor. halted In front of tho house. The olllcer nsk- fl for Ceiioi-nl Ilnrlow nnd. uikmi tWoting him, snld thnt he was com- inandcd by his royal highness the klluke of Cambridge to Invito Oenernl t Harlow to accept n review of her imnjesty's conunnnil (of some 10.000 Imcnl nt Aldcrshot nt 2 o'clock that Afternoon. General Harlow gracefully accepted the Invitation nnd, donning his "wnr paint." mounted nn extra horse, which Rlie Duko of Cambridge had thought ffnlly provided for Mm. nnd started for Aldershot with his escort. I Ah Harlow and his escort approached the reviewing stnnd the band struck up IgThe Star Smng!ed Rnnncr." nil tl.igs were dinned, nnd tho Duko of Cam- Krldgo rodo to the front nnd received Rcncrnl Harlow In a most courteous aniiucr. Naturally, General Harlow wns the enter of nil eyes. Harlow wns sur- rlsed to see tho coaching party of his ot directly In front of thu reviewing land. Its presence nccnunted for the nrly dennrture that morning, ir en- I'll! Harlow wns surprised one can liu- Rlne the surprise and ulsiiniy shown tho cay host nnd his party when ley discovered who wns the hero of So dny. General Harlow host nan Bring tho morning drive supposedly iurni'd of tho Intended review which lbs to bo hehl. but had not tho slight- Idea It was to bo In honor of his lest, tho volunteer general from tho mates. All sorts of npologles were offered. tt Gciicrat Harlow, In his dignified snner, iiollloly let his host under- end that ho understood tho situation tf - lv nnd thnt ho hnd evidently not tin Invited on tlio coaching party be- I use he did not come up to tho Lug- I stiiiidard of n major general In , jlr eyes, despite tho fnct that ho had j Dbnbly seen moro fighting than an ; Ilrltlsh olllccre on that Held. Snrlow wns urged to return, now it he was n "Hon" lu their eyes, but . er such a slight he preferred to re- to London, which he did. after RTlng n polite but dry noto of thanks nrrnnglng for his valet to pack up 11, things and Join him in London. Hw York Pon. Thrifty. fcl fear my cousin U going to marry a stingy man." jjVVhy roY" Irene fcii.'gcstod n morning wedding. fiSfthe snld to make It after lunch on hJ griinid that she would get one meal at home." taulsrllte Cou Wr-Jouriil. Falher'i Oaby, Wlllie'a Lady. SRiit m daughter' too young to ry, youug man. She'u Jut barely Tilss." Ehe mny win that way to you. sir. It Jibe Is it hit with me. -iimge. ortune is "Ke nwnir n unn ; niter men. It only shows men jusi ibey are -Hilling. MARKET RKPnr.T. NORTH PORTLAND, Dec. C Thero being no cholco stuff offored today, tho rent strength of tho cnttlo maricei couiu not be ascertained. Top steers however, nro quoted nt $7.25. A fow cows brought- $5.50. Today's run was more liberal than for some time. Over 7,000 hogo wcro on tho market Prices wero maintained nnd trading was nctlvo throughout the day. Quality was somewhat bettor and buyers worn mora lllmml ihnn usual. Tops brought G and bulk nt ? .sixteen hundred head of sheep wore received for today's market and buyers were eager to buy nt slightly advanced prices. Lambs again brought $7.50 'after n Weakness In tho market for n couple of weeks, nil other classes remain steady. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from, page 2.)" Creek Iluttes tho first of the weok. Karl Charlton has been quite sick for the past few days. "Grandma" Hrown Is visiting her sonB, Fred nnd Will, on the Johnson ranch nt Alfalfa, 'MIsslvcrson arrived recently from Washington to mnke nn oxtondod vis It with her brother nnd wife Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Iverson. Mrs, Alma Hnll was a dinner guest of Mrs, Guy Sears on Thursday oven lng. Win. Wells commencod baling his liny Monday. It Is estlmntod nt 200 tons. Mrs. John Tucko visited with her daughter, Mrs. Lou Heed on Friday assisting Mrs. Heed who entertained tho freshman clnss In honor of Arthur Tucko. Mrs. Page, from Idnho Is vlsftlhg her mother, Mrs. Stono for n fow weeks. J. L. McDanlels has completed n new hoiiBo on his -10 ncres of ditch land. Mrs. T. I. Tomplo nnd Miss Ada Morso of Redmond wero Sunday vis itors nt tho Morso ranch. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. C. Truesdnlo and Miss Dorothy, visited with Prof. J. Alton Thompson nnd family of Tum alo on Sunday. Win. Wilson Is building a largo stone collnr and milk house on his ranch. Joo Shearer mndo n business trip to Deschutes on Saturday, accompan ied by Mrs. Shcnror nnd daughter Huth, from thero going to Hond to visit with rolntlvcs over Sunday. II, L. Mooro has sold nlno stacks of straw to Hend parties, which will bo hauled to Hond for feeding. . POWELL HUTTE, Dec. 5 Mrs. A. D. Morrill has been suffering from nn nttnek of tonellltls but Is n bo tit again. Mrs. h. W. Hlalr, who has been down with lumbago, Is much Improv ed. II. T. Dealy bought two nnd ono hnlf tons of oats of A. D. Merrill last weok. Tho work on tho stavo pipe Is now Your Chance to get LIBBY and STERLING Cut Glass at Cost Just rrcrhed n new Hue of latent pnttcni!. In bracelets, luiValllei-s, Locks, Chains mid silk fobs, nil of - ( which will nuiko delightful CHRISTMAS GIFTS i:cryllilng guaranteed. Tho place . to do jour C'lii'KtiiuiH shopping. THORSON, THE JEWELER Fuel QUESTION SOLVED With Royal Blue Gas Producer i'n '! S!iJirjfe7iS rr 7 W' ' 1 THE HEXI) HULLKT1X. HEXI). OHK.. practically finished. New mud sills will bo put under tho box flumes when tho repairing will bo nil done. J. P. llowmnn and It. K. Davis mndo a business trip to Redmond on Thursday. Mrs. L. W. Blair and Mrs. A. D. Morrill wero Hend visitors Monday. Frank McCaftery was through here on business Friday. W. A. Fostpr Is feeding his hay to a lnrge band of cnttlo this winter. Ho also bought about 100 shopp this fall so using up his hay at home. Grant Ulnlr has beon holplng' Os car Prlckett a fow days the-"pnst weok. i- L. W. Hlnlr will go to Hend .Mon day to work for a few weeks. L. W. Hlnlr, C. I. Hlalr C. F. Hlalr, A. D. Morrill nnd Leonard Frost each hnulod n largo load of wood for the llutto valley school last Tuesday. The patrons of this Bchool are hauling tlie wood this winter freo to help keep down expenses. LEGAL NOTICES IX TIIK COUXTV COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK AXI TIIK STATU OF OREOON. In the matter of tho estate of John llloss, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned administrator of tho es tate of John llloss thnt ho has made nnd filed with tho County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, his flnnl ac count of his ntlinlnlstrr.t'nn of tho said estate, and thnt the Hnnorablo Judge of said court has set Wednes day, tho 11 ft It day of January, 191G, nt the hour of ten o'clock In tho foro noon of snld day, at the. County Court room nt Priiievlllo, Oregon, ns the tlnia nnd plnca for tho hearing of snld estate. Dated this 4th dny of Decembor, 1915. J. N. HUNTER, Administrator of tho ostnto of John llloss, deceased. 10-1 Ic NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Intel lor, United Stntos Land OIIlco, Tho Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1915. To Alvln Huntsman, of Rend, Oregon, of Held, Oiegon, Contested You nro hereby notified that Jos slo II. Thayer, who gives Hond, Ore? go n, ns her post olllce nddross, did on Novombcr IC, 1915, lllo In this ollico her duly corroborated appli cation to contest nnd sccuro tho can cellation of your Homestead, Entry No. , Serial No. 0bn30; Add. 09157, mndo March .11, 1911, July 22, 1911, for South '4 section 2, Township 20 South, Range 20 East, Willamette Morjdlan, and ns grounds for her contest sho alleges Hint Alvln Huntsman has wholly abandoned snld claim for more thnn six months Inst pnst. You nro, therefore further notified that tho said allegations wilt bo tak en as confessed, nnd your snld entry will bo cancelled without further right to be lienrd, olthor beforo this ollico or on appeal, If you fall to file In this ollico within twonty days nftor tho FOURTH publication of this no tlco, as shown, bolow, your nnswor, Manufacture your own gas from coal oil or distillate at a cost of 1c to Uc Per Hour Xo ashes, no smoke no soot, or no odor. No worrying with . kindling. K r e c demonstration at F. DEMENTS STORE BRIDGES & UTTER Sales Managers WEDNESDAY, DECEMHER , 1013. I under oath, specifically responding to theso allegations of contest, together with due proof thnt you hnvo served a copy of your answer on tho snld contestant either In person or by reg' (stored mnll. You should state In your nnswor tho name of tho post office to which you desire futuro notices to be sent to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. Date of first publication Dec. 8, 1915. Dnto of second publication Doc. IS, 1915. Dato of third publication Dec. 22, 1915. Dato of fourth publication Dec. 29, 191.5. 40-43p. NOTICE FOR Pl'HLICATIOX. Department of tho lntorlor, U, S. Land OIIlco, nt The Dalles, Oregon, Novombcr 29, 1915. NOTICE Is heroby given thnt John E. Johnson, of Rend, Oregon, who, on March 4th, 1911, mndo Homestead Entry, No, 08251, for SW SEW. NE hi SEVi. Section 22, S4 SWU. NWH SWV. Section 23, N4 NWV4. Section 2C, Township 19 South, Kan go 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mnke Flnnl Three Year Proof, to establish claim to tho lnnd nbovo described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner nt Hond, Oregon, on tho Sth dny of Jnnunry, 191C. Clnlmnnt nnmes ns witnesses: vAIbert D. McNonl, Daniel W. Heeler, David C. Rqgers, Howard F. Dyer, nil of Hend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 39-43 p. Hogtotcr. NOTICE FOR Pl'HUOATIOX. Department of tho Interior, IT. S. Lnnd Olllce, nt Tho Dalles', Oregon, November 29, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given thnt John II. Huchhnlz, of Hend, Oregon, who, on October 29th, 1913, mndo Home stead Entry, No. 012175, for SVj NE H, SEU So.. 4, NV4 NEW, Section 9, Township 19 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mnko Flnnl Three Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Hond, Orogon, on the Sth dny of Jnnunry, 1910. Clnlmnnt nnmes nn witnesses: Austin C. llnrhor, of Alfnlfn, Oregon, A. Craig Allen. Levi D. Wlllov, Hend, Oregon, John C. Cllngeu, of Mllllenu, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 39-13 p. Register. NOTICE FOR PUIILICATIOX. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Olllce, nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Novombcr 22, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby glvon that Charles J. Lovorett, of Deschutes, Oregon, who, on Juno 13th, 1912, made Ilomestond Entry, No. 010419 for 8WW SWW. Section 23, NWW NWW. Section 2C, KV4 NEW, Section 27, Township 10 South, Range 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intontlon to mnko Flnnl Three. Year Proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo described, beforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Hend, Oregon, on tho 30th day of December, 1915. Clnlmnnt nnmes ns witnesses: Lemuel A. Hrandonbiirgh, Charles M. Hedfleld, Henry (I. Orny. Charles R. Lowo, nil of Deschutes, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 38-12 c. Register. NOTICE FOR Pl'HLICATIOX. Department of tho Interior, II. H. Lnnd Ollico nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, November 8, 1915. NOTICE Is heroby glvon thnt John Jones, Assigncn of Kviilonn Hunnoll, of Hend, Oregon, who, on Derombor 31st, 1909; mndo Desert Land Entry No. 015321, for SEW 8WW. Section 33, Township IC South, Rnngu 12 rt, Wlllamotto Merldlun, has lllnd notice of Intention to mnko Flnnl Desert Proof, to out a Ml ah claim to tho land above described, before II. C. Ellis, V. 8. Commissioner, nt Hond, Orugen, on tho J Sth day of Decembor, 1915. Claimant names ns wKiiomm: Wllber X. Hui'iioll, Fred N. Van Matre, Floyd Crowdor, Parker C. I, Tlio Accommodating fi'ioccr, urn here to Mtll groceries as lieup mill MTW) )llll us lll-t I poHHlbly Clin. A I'KW SIMSCIAUS, OiilMimm f'MNlllus, per ImiiiimI I Bo, UOj Xut, JW lb, 3IH-, Sflu 1'i-eali frattM f nil Mini, Wwtcli for kiiliMHONl itt filt orMiigua, Jot In sejuuiii, T. R. McClincy The Accommodilisg Crir 7 zj W""""' Hardy, all of Hend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 37-41 c. Register. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Lnnd Office nt The Dalles, Orogon, November 2, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby glvon thnt Uur ton E. Davis, of Bond, Orogon, who, on August 12th, 1912, mndo Home stead Entry, No. 010613, for WV4 Section 32, Township 19 South, Rnngo 15 East, Wlllnmotto Mcrldlnn, has filed notlco of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, nt Hend, Oregon, on tho 15th day of December, 1915, Clnlmnnt hntuos ns witnesses: Otis C. Henkle. Henry H. Ford, of Hend, Oregon; Peter n. Johnson, Ivan L. Owen, of Mllllcnn, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 3C-40c. Register. IX THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OHEHOX FOR THE COUXTV OF CROOK. In the tnattor of tho ostnto of Charles Prlngle. deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, administrator of tho ostato of Charles Prlngle, deceased, to tho creditors of, nnd nil persons having clnlniB ngnluat tho snld deceased, to exhibit the in, with tho necessary vouchers, within six (G) months nfter tho first publl cation of this notice, to tho snld nil tnlnlstrntor nt his ollico pn Wnll street, tho snmo being tho place for tho transaction or the business of snld estate, In tho city of Hend, Crook county, Oregon. JAMES RYAN, Administrator of tho cstnto of Chnrles Prlngle. Dato of first notice Novomhor 10. 191G. 30-IOc NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of nn execution In fore closure duly Issued by tho clerk of the Circuit Court of tho County of Crook, State of Orogon, dated this 8th day of November, 1915, In n cer tain action of tho Circuit Court for thu snld County nnd Stnte, wherein Deschutes Stnto Hank, a corporation, Plnlntlff, recovorcil Judgment ngnlnst J. Snow Pnrmlnter, Defundnnt, for tho sum of Sixteen Hundred Forty Seven and 50-100 Dollara with Inter est nt tho rnto of 8 per cent per mi nimi from the 9th dny of August. 1915, together with Ono Hundred Sixty and No-100 Dollars attornoy'o fees, and the further sum of Seven teen nnd No-100 Dollars costs, and accruing costs, Notlco Is heroby glvon thnt I will, on Saturday, tho ISth day of Decem ber, 1915, nt tho North front door of the coiirlhouso lu Priiievlllo. lu snld County, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, soil at public auction, ti tho highest bidder for cash, all right and title thnt thu nbovo tinmed do fondnnt J. Snow Pnrmlutor, has or had nt dato of Bald Judgment In tho following property, to-wlt: The south westerly GO feet of tho northenstorly 175.13 feet of Lot No. 3 of Hlock No. 1, original City of Hend, Crook County, Oregon. E. 11. KNOX, Sheriff of Croak County. Dnted nt Prlnovllle, Oregon, this 10th day of November, 1915. lly FLOYD A. HOWELL. 37-41.0 Deputy. NOTICE FOR PUHLK'ATIOX. Dopnrtmont of tho lntorlor, U. S. Bend Garag Company Our Motto: SERVICE WHEN money for Service and in seeing that HAKIIK AM) IHOUWIItUI! IIO.N'D KTHI1HT. Bend-Silver Lake - and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Car Much Way Each Day. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. iUCCKJSGHS TO WKNANUV 1.IVKUV CO. Freight Trucks in Addition - VAC.K 11. Land OIIlco at The Dalles, Orogon, November S, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby glvon that Phoe bo I. Klnulsdn, of Alfalfa, Oregon, who, on May 27th, 1912, mndo Home stead Entry, No 0103C1, for NWW WH NEW, NWW SEW, and NEW SWW, Section 21. Township 17 South, Range 14 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intontlon to mnko Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo de scribed, beforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Hond, Oregon, on the 17th dny of December, 1915. Clnlmnnt nnmes ns witnessed: Henry E. Ruffe, Milton A. Palmer, JInry F. Henn, Donno H. Freoman, all of Alfalfa, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 37-41 p. Register. NOTICI- Mill Pl'HLICATIOX. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Laud Olllce nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, November S, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that Hor ceo E. White, of Hend. Oregon, who on April 24th, 1912, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 010230, for WostW-, Sec tion 0, Township 20 South, Hntigo 15 East, Wlllnmettc Meridian, line tiled notlco of intention to mnko Final Thrco Year Proof, to establish clnlm to tho lnnd nbovo described, beforo It. C. Ellis, U 8. Commissioner, at Hend, Oregon, on tho 17th dny of December, 1915. Clnlmnnt nnmes ns witnesses: Peter II. Johnson, Lloyd I. Owen. Hurtou E. Davis, Erie Hostland, all of Mllllcnn, Orogon, 11. FRANK WOODCOCK. 37-4 l,c Register. NOTICE Ob' CONTEST. Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, United Stntcs Laud Olllce, The Dalles, Oro gon, November 12, 1915. To Enoch Ahlborg, of Hond, Orogon, Contesteo: You nro hereby notified thnt John M. Stownrt, who gives Hend, Oregon, ns his post ollico nddrcss, did on No vember 12, 1915, lllo in thin ollico his duly corroborated application lo contest nnd secure the cancellation of your Homostcnd Entry No. , Ser ial No. 0-1119.1, mndu March 29, 191.1, for South , Section 17. Town ship 20 South, Rango IS Enst, Wll lamutto Mcrldlnn, and ns grounds for his contest hn alleges that said Enoch Ahlberg has wholly nbnndonod snld tract for more thnn nix mouths Inst pnst; thnt ho hns never resided upon said trnct nor cultivated the mime nor any part thereof, You nro, therofore, further noti fied thnt the snld iiIIoriWIoiis will bo t nkon ns confessed, and your snld en try will bo canceled without further right to be heard, either before this ollico or on npponl, If you fall to lllo In this olllce within twenty days nfter the FOURTH piihllcntlon of this no tice, na shown below, your miBVer, under oath, spcclllcnlly responding to these nllegntlous of contest, together with duo proof that you hnvo served n copy of your answer on tho snld contestant either In person or by reg istered mult. You should stnto lu your answer the nnmn of tho post ollico to which you deslro futuro uotlcos to ho sent to you. 11. FRANK WOODCOCK, Hoglstor. Date of first publication November 17, 1915. Onto or second publtcntton Novom hor 24, 1915, Dnto of third publication December 1, 1915. Date of fourth publication Decem ber 8, 1915. 37-40p VOlT spend your with us you pay we take pleasure YOU CJKl IT. ''3 .;.--" 1 i-