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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1915)
ASS PARK 10. Tin: iji:xi uuijm:tix, iiiind, oiu:., wed.vksdav, ii:ci:miu:u b, mis. I i t yim 1 IS FOR JONES BILL RECLAMATION AID INDORSED IS tho font tiros to be considered. Tlio SriucoReo Tread on Dlnmond tires la a good cxnmiilu of an nntl-Hkld that will not hold tho chnln In ono spot. "Chnltm that nro too loBso nro danKuroiiH also, for there Is a tun deiicy for the tiro to spin around on tho chnln and rip off tho rough tread. "Hut ahovo nil, chains should never ho used on city streets or hard, Imro roads, after tho thick tnlre nnd slush of the country Is past. Hy promptly rninovlnc thnm from tho tiros then. much unnecessary wear wfll ho saved. Adv. 10c Would Author lo HuwriifMitt to (tiiirRiLtoo Intciwt on llotul Ihsiio Imtii-KMitMl Is Nil 111 od m Oigu ulutlon Committee. Selected. BAN I'HANCISCO, Doc. 2. Tho Western StittoH Conference, tho pur tiaso of which In to father a National convention to ho held In Washington, 1). C, to urgo CongrosHlonnl niil In tho reclamation of arid, soinl-nrld ;nd swamp lands, was launched here todny at a conference of representa tives of ncvoral western Htntos. John 1. Hiirtiimn, of Seattle, chalrmnn of tho Washington Stnto lluclamutlon Uonforeuco, under whoso nuspicoH tho mooting was hold, was solectcd temporary chairman. An executive committee, composed of delegatoH from 17 wostfqrn states, Is to he announced tomorrow. This committed will decide, tho (Into of tho National mooting to ho held In Wash Ington hoop r.fter December 111. llouiliiinitoiH In Wuslilnutoii, llundiiuartcrs will ho In Washing ton, to InteroHt Congross Jn Federal uld for the arid districts unit to urgo moro perfect co-operntlon between l'odorul mid Htnto authorltlos In tho development of tho various Irriga tion projects. Tho conforonco today decided that tho linsln for representation In tho Niitlonnl meeting shall consist of tho (j'overnor of each statu nnd territory mid tho Secretary of tho Interior nnd three representatives to ho appoint ed by him. In addition tho delegates t will Include tho following: Ono from encli stnto, lo he appointed by tho (lovornor; ono from each Irrigation, reclamation, swamp or ovorllow dis trict or project; ono from onch Stnto Crnngo; tliroo, ftom the Nntlonal Chamber of Cominorco; ono from tli" genural lubnr counrll of stnto; ono from onch clearlng-hoiiKo orgnnl xatlon In tho United States; one from each rnlliond operated through Irri gation, reclamation, swamp or over flow 'districts; one from onch state, to reprenent tho civil engineering so olHtlcs;. ono from each ut.ito Irriga tion organization nnd three delegate from the Intonintlimnl Irrigation Congress and tho Nntlonal D.'ninngo (yOiigrosi. .Iimw Hill In lntloi-scd. Tho oo'iifoirnco Is pledged to work In the Intel (Ht. of n hill Introduced hy tionntor .lotion of Wr.shlugton, which wcnlil nulhorl70 the (loveriunont to nwlst In tho reclamation of arid, Moml-nrld nnd swnmp lauds by guar anteeing 'of pnymont of the Intertot mi IhiihIh liAHiied hy public districts fur the locl'iiiinlloti of such lands. The orgntilr.'1'lon ruiiimlttno wns ooinpoid cf the follou'lug: It. M. Itohttrts, Tulare, California; K. It. (Milliter, Wolror, Idnhu; O. Unit rutin nl 1'ortlnnd. Oipkoii: K. D. MIiihuIi, I'rsMrr, WpuhltiKtoii; llnri-y White, I'hof'ilx, AiUomi; 1,. M. Itlce, Sut U, WimhliiKlon North Dakota wns rciTHsented lv M. I). M'lienli. Tho resolution eommlttea wns .ns follow II. M. Stiver, Stmttlo; K. M, (Irmil, Ull Itlvor. Idaho: .1. W. Brew er . l'ortlnpil, Oiohoii: I.. .1. .McClel land, ICilio, Ntmutn: W. A. Hoard, MnoiniiiHiito, CullfiM-iln. AiUonn wni iftpioMiitt'il lv liiiri'v Whits of I.oa nstl. and Ni ith Dakota hy l, D, Jllnenh. TIRE MICE GIVEN Vtcrs of ('Indus .slmiild lie Cm of ill to Cut Thorn on 1'iopoily, "Now Ih the time of tho eor," says tho muii imi of tht Dlaiuoud Control, "whttn li-wlu to m tha chnln cut tlm miuiH in. and If ou wnnt to kuuw (lit fundame itat reason why, jtut take a plc of rubber from any tire In (in littiul. and n pleru of chain in tho otliHi' then try to pnali them together with a ftv litimlriHl to a lhntml Muntl pruro. and ou liTe only ti allithl lda of the mm tttMat unttla btai chains and tlrtw. "U n niMit fHtl that lie must ww t'lmtnti. Dlnmond Mien will stand up ti them Ixmuttfulb If they aio prop erly put on; and for applying theuf ytm eau't Uo batter Miftu to follow tho ndvlea of the cbnln liuuiufnctur u r. "Itul ruiiwtitbar that tho funda mental piluelnlii of lining chains wltlKiul Injury to tlraa la to have thain so fitted that the will ereup nround the ttr and not bruise It coutluunlly In one plao. Tluuo Is llttltt danttar of tbla up amonth trwul tiros, but with tho uliuoat tMiillow as Wtrltuuut of rough "antt-akld" tread tin tho imrhut, thart l daugur In uttlnK n tiro whose projections will liold tht) chain stationary. "Soutn rough treads, however, ot ter no obstructions to hold to, while villi performing their nuM-skld fuiio iIobb. it UI bo woll for ovory mo torist to look to his own tiros In this rtinpect; nnd In buying now tires for u Inter wo.r, tht should bo ono of PRINEVILLE H1TS LOSE Itiul Check Mini (Jets Merchandise anil .Money. (Oregon Journnl.) IMtlNin'M.U, Dec. !. A man signing himself ns Harry Hardlcy Is nlleged to havo victimized several I'rlneville morclmnts Thursdny night, nnd to havo left town Friday morning after signing tho namo of A. 0. Fields to several checks. Fields is a farmer living near hero. Hardley visited tho stores late on Ihutsday evening and bought $18 to $20 worth of groceries, paying for namo with checks ranging from $f0 to $G0, securing tho dlffcrenco In cash, lie left tho groceries with In structions for their delivery next morning, beforo which time he had flown. At Kedmoml, Hnrllley bought now clothes nnd n hat. lie bought a tlokot for Portland, hut Is thought to Lo headed for Minneapolis Clean wards. up and Adv. paint up Sco Ed- Hicoiiiircndc(l for Croup. W. C. Alloy, Uoseley, Mo., says "I havo raised a family of forr chil dren nnd used Foley's Ilonov and Tar with all of them. I nnd It tho best cugh nnd croup medicine I over Ufod. I used It for eight or ton yearn and can recommend It tor croup." Snmo satisfactory results tor coughs nnd colds. Sold everywhere Adv. Xmas Gift Suggestions FOR MOTHER. AND BIG SISTER Tho cumlleat cf felt slippers $ I. 'Jr. ami S1..-0 A classy assortmsnt of boudoir caps ,111c mid 7.1c Fancy sewing nprons. Knit caps and tains. Dig wurm wool blankets per pair mill $.- Slll.'ollno covored nnd stitched Quilts to Si!.7.t A now linen tnblo cloth would bo very appropriate . .(Hie to 81.7.1 )il. llurson fashioned nnd knox knl. hosiery t -.le to ntic Clnrks silk nnd chamolsuede gloves. A beautiful nssortmout of hand bags St.'J.l to ftl Hand mlrrorn iltic to ( A complete lino of linen handker chiefs U.le mid .IOC "IX A HAD WAV." Many a Hend reader will feel grateful for this Information. If your back gives out; becomes lame, weak or aching; If urinary troubles set In, perhnps your kidneys nro "In a bnd way." Don't delay use Doan's Kidney Pills. Here Is good evidence of their worth. Mrs. Susla Itodgors, 912 Wilson Btreet, HoSd Ulver, Ore gon, says: "Kidney complaint camo on mo gradually and finally I couldn't get up. I had burning pntns all through my kidneys and I got so veak that It was nit I could do to get around. My rest was broken by Irregular kidney action and mornings I felt all tired out. While suffering In that way, I was ndvlsed to try Donn's Kidney Pills nnd I did so with tho best of results. They brought mo back to good henlth, relieving all tho troubles from which I hnd suffer ed so long. Whenever I hnvo needed n kidney medicine since, I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills with flno re sults." Price SO cents at nil dealers. Don't simply nsk for a kidney rem edy got Donn's Kidney Pills tho samo thnt Mrs. Itodgcrs had. Fos- tor-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. V. Adv. Try our fresh bread nnd pastry Carmody Drothers. Bond street. Adv. 35 tt FOR DAD AND BIG BROTHER. Tho cosiest of felt slippors Comfortublo leather slippers . ...tfil A pair of Pctorn dress shoes S.-I..10 to S.1.00 A mncklnaw Is an A-l gift . .i?.1 to SH Horo Is a combination that will ploaso hlin; mi Arrow shirt, collurs and ties - to match. Ho would cortalnly npproclnto a blan- - hot robe :i.1( to 8(1 A pair of our cotton, cashmere cot ton or silk sox .2.1c to .10c (live him a now vallso'or handbag SI.'J.1 to SI0..10 A gooil woolen Hwontcr cqnt H'J.ti.l.SIl (llovos, handkerchiefs, tlo plus, cuff links, ourf, hats. PHOTO: FOR Christmas YOU should place your or der for Christmas photos now, to got them on tlino for presents. Wo nro especial ly proparod with the latest In Holiday folders. OUU STUDIO MMI enables us to photograph you DAY Oil XKSIIT. Tho best re sults obtainable. . Mako your appointments now. TODD & SYMONS BOND STREET FOR THE KIDS Tho dr.lntloet of folt sllppora 7(ic to 81.10 Cillu little In ottios with boot Jack , 8-J..10 Sweaters, rod, bit.), whlto 81 to Mrcklnnwa In host of wool. , Infanta rnboa ,ioc Infanta moeeralns t.ic These arc only tt few ot the ninny suggestions we lmve on display E. A. SATHER General Merchandise r 'I American Adding and: Oregon Transfer Company Mot lug Household (iooiU Our Specialty Olllco with Homcscekora Land Company. Phono llliick 1.11 Co.l mid Wood Light anil lleiivy Krvlght i.imu:ss and luntiAdi: AUTO THUCKS TO ANY l'AUT OF THK COUXTItY Bend Contracting Co. -:---' ' "Xo Job to lllR, Xo Job too Smalt." Itrldgo Construction Kxcavatton ot all Kinds Sl'KClAl.l.Y CX)XSTllUOTi:i) SKIT10 TANKS Teams (or all kinds o( heavy bnullnit nt all tlmos. Land clearing i:. O, Clark, MamiKor Vliono Wuck -ISi 0. 1). Clatk Olllce with Ilomesoekera Laud Company. Listing Machine (EIGHT COLUMN CAPACITY) PRICE , $88.00 F. O. D. MAYWOOD, ILL. Sold on one year's credit or 3 dis count for cash, MAIL COUPON TODAY. American Can Company Chicago, III. Please send booklet descrip tive of American Adding and Listing Machine. Nam dipped (torn The Bcod Bulletin The a Idea JUST WHAT TO GET HIM is a Difficult Thing to Solve at CHRISTMAS TIME We Have the Big Idea BATH ROBES in many unique patterns and designs. Various weights and colors. NAVAJO RUGS- Something acceptahle for any room. SOX AND TIE SETS in many colors, silk ARM BANDS. A TRAVELING BAG is a useful and servi-" ceable gift. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE line of shirts in the latest styles and patterns. IF HE NEEDS A MACKINAW, let us talk the mackinaw gift to you. GLOVES-kid, knit, driving and tiuto gaunt lets. A. L. FRENCH MEN'S FURNISHINGS We now have a remodeled and up-to-date store," and solic it your trade in Gro ceries and Hardware. F. Dement & Co. WALL STREET, OPPOSITE 70ST OFFICE Lots at Half the Price r " Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the Business Center. Lois 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lois 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY fire Autot5olie Life Accident Surely Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET. BEND. OREGON Member l'ortlnnd ltenlty Hoard. VILLAGE SCHOOL SHOES For Girls-and Boys "Tel-Til-Tip" .Guaranteed not to wear out I Children s STnn in S2.55 I Boys' and Girls'. $2.73 pair I Waterproof school bag giv en away with each pair of viuage iseiiool Shoes sold. Foot-Sckulze Dress Slues for Men R. H. LOVEN AoLrLsKHloDEs Repairing I J-4-p