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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1915)
$. i -' PA OK ft. THE IJKNII Ilt'Til.nTIN, IIKND, OIIE., WEDNESDAY, DECKMIIKn 1, 101G. c a I I 1 f .f PO LAND 1ST DO ITS SHADE SO STRAHORN SAYS ON RETURN Organized Poisoning of Rabbits Started in Crook County Ity County Aurtcitltuilst A. E. Ixirctt . Knows People of Central Oregon Will Do All They nro Expected to Do to Jinllil New Kallroad-Wliolo Trip Dcscrlbed-Is Trliiniplial Tour. , (Tho OrcRonlan.) "I know now that tho pcoplo of Contrnl OroRon will do nil Hint thoy nro expected to do to Imlld tho new railroad. It ronmlns only for Port land to do ItH Rhnro." This was tho observation yester day of Ilobort K. Strahorn, 'iretldaiil of tho Oregon, California & Eastern Hnllrond, on IiIh return from a week's tour of thoBo parts of the state's In torlor that nro to bo served by tho now road. "I found tho most Intcnso interest whorovor wo went," said Mr. Strn liorn. "What Impressed mo vividly wns tho enthusiasm shown by tho women nnd children, ns well ns by tho men. Whole communities have been aroused to thu Importance of dohiK this work. Mr. Strnliorn wns nr'coiiipnnlod on his tour by C. C. Chnpmnn, of Port lnnd. Thoy were received with cor- dlnl enthilslnsm everywhere. Thoy wore escorted from town to town by largo doleKntloiiH of loyal residents, eager to aid In tho dnvolopmcnt thnt Mr. Strnliorn proposes. Mr. Strnliorn declares that tho nil dress delivered at (lend by A. L. Mills, president of tho First National llnnk of Portland, aroused addition al enthilslnsm nnd sorved im an In spiration for tho meetings later In the week. Ho wns much impressed, too, by tho telegram of encourage ment rccolvod from "Hill" llanloy, tho well-known cattle king of Har ney county, who pledged bis support. Sovoral Contrnl Oregon enthusi asts accompanied Mr. Strnliorn and Mr. Chnpmnn over mpst of tholr route. Among thorn wns "'. 7. Young of Alkali I.ako, olio of the moving spirits of his district. Tho party left llonil rnrly Thurs day. Thoy passed through tho Tort Itock valley, wliero sovernl cross roads meetings wore hold. Farmers nnd tholr when came iiiuiiy miles to meet Mr. Strnliorn. A Huccessfiil meeting wns held un Iho farm of V. C. KlcWmoyer, wliero the Ilrst artesian well of tho Fort Itock country has heou struck. They reached Silver Lake late that afternoon and found the people and ix big 1 n ii oil waiting for tliem. Tho school children snug songs and shouted greeting!). Mr. Strnliorn spoke brlolly to them. The farinorn wore so enthusiastic that thoy volun teered to furnish their own tenuis nnd do some of the grading for tho new rnllrond. On Thursday night tin travelers bold a big meeting at Paisley. l.nltcWeiv Piiuhb'N Km oil. At Paisley Mr Strnliorn wns met by n delegation from l.akevlew who ebcortcd li I lit to thnt city. A big delegation from the Surprise valley In California nttendpil They nro nsklug for an extension of the uuw rnllrond. A Khimath Falls group also met tho party nt l.akevlew. They wore unable to drive their machines through the snow that covers the regular road, so traveled over a cir cuitous route by wny to (looso I.ako and Surprise vnlloy. The following moinliu the party visited the dense Lake valley, through which It is proposed even tually to construct n direct Hue be tween l.akevlew nnd Klamath Falls. This valley oNtsnds ucroiw the state Hue Into California. They proceeded then to Klamath Kails, stopping st Illy, where an In teresting meeting wns held Arriv ing at Klamnth Falls late Snliirdt" night, they found the psoplo wait ing for them. Sunday wns devoted to a casunl Inspection of the oountrv around Klamnth Pulls, including the Khun nth Indian reservation. The clluiiu of the entire trip enmr Monday night when 100 men nnd women sat down to u banquet given In Mr, Strnhorn'H honor nt the White Pelican Hotel nt Klnmath Falls. During the past week h. A. Ward of the Ulologlcnl Service, U. S. De partment of Agriculture, and County Agriculturist Lovett havo been or ganizing many communities In Crook county for organized work In Die noisonlnc of the Jack rabbit. This work of organization will contlnuo for tho noxt 2 weeks and, ob soon ns tho weather conditions aro favorable, It is hoped that tho wholo of tho county will bo covered with tho pois on nnd effective destruction of tho pest accomplished during tho favor ablo winter months. Arrangements for meeting and demonstrations In mixing of tho alfalfa and oat poison mixtures have benn mado to (Into as follows: Powell Uutto store, Docom- bor 1, nt 2 p. m.; Alfalfa storo, De cember 2, nt 2 p. m.; Powell Uutto Improvement Club, December 2, nt 8 p. m.i (Irnngo Hall, December .1, at 2 p. m.; Kowcr Hrldgo, Dccomber t, nt 9:30 a. in.. Ilcnton District, norm of Hodmond. December I, at 2 p. m.; Hcmstnd Vnlloy. December 7, at 2 p. in.; Mllllcnn, December 7, at 7:30 p. m.; Ilrothors, Decembor S, at 2 p. m.i Imperial, December 8. nt 7.30 p. in. Hampton, Dccomber it, nt 2 p. Ilrooklngs, Decembor 9, nt 7 p. in.; Klvors, December 10, at 2 p. m.; Paulina, Decembor 14, at 2 p. m. Other meetings will bo held ns they nro requested. ICncli community Is organized Into a club, usually called an Improvement club, having tho usual oinccrs of nil organizations, and In addition, an of ficial poison mixer and distributor, who lias charge of tho mixing of tho poison mixtures nnd distribution of tho samo and is usiinlly pnld by tha community for tho tlmo ho must put in. Thin mnn discovers when rabbits nro thickest nnd weather Is most fav orable for getting the rabbits and or ders n general poisoning when nil is so that no rabbits will miss a chance at It wherovor thoy may bo. Mr. Ward and other men In his scrvlco have had Bevornl years ex porleuco In tho eradication of rabbits as a pent. Eighty-eight different poison mixtures havo been tried out ed on rnlny, windy nights when rnb bits nre scarce. Cold, clear nights In November, December nnd January when snow Is on tho ground and nat ural food Is scarce aro best for ex posure of tho poison. Caution. Keep all utenBlls used In prepar ing poisons, sacks containing poison, etc., plainly labeled and out of the reach of children, livestock nnd Ir responsible persons. Poisoned alfalfa Is dnngerouB for livestock wherever thoy enn reach It and must bo watch ed to seo that It docs not blow out of fields or corrals In which It Is placed and stock thus become en dangered. When poisoned oats aro properly distributed In slightly scat tered doses thero Is comparatively Ernest A. Griffin to Scnnlon-Qlpson Lumber Co., s sw, sA no, so 1-19-12, Its. 5, C, 6-18-13. The Bend Co. to Geo. C. Cannon It. 9, blk. 10, Boulovard ndd, Bond. M. Lira to E. M. Lara Its. 5, G, blk. 11, Bend. R. L. Sabln to E. M. Lara came, $5000. Henry Llnster to Jns. McKclvy It. 7, blk. G, Aubrey Heights. Worked In tiro liny Field. Arthur Jones, Allen, Kans., wrltos: "I havo beon troubled with bladder and kidney troubles for a good mnny years. If It were not for Foley Kid ney Pills I would never bo able to work In tho hay field." Men and women past mlddlo ago And theso pills a splendid remedy for weak, overworked or diseased kidneys. Sold every whero Adv. by him and tho poisoned alfalfa hay and tho poisoned oats nilxturo have Uttlo danger to stock on tho range, been found most efllclont to the pres- i,ut 8lnco this statement must depend ent tlmo. Tho following propnratlons entirely upon tho distribution of tho aro recommended for use until tho poBon, nil responsibility for endan- results of experiments now In pro- fierlng livestock must bo taken by tho gross in tins section may uccomo ono putting out tho poison. available Poisoned Alfalfa liny. Dlssolvo ono ounco of strychnine sulphate In ttvo gallons of hot water and sprlnklo over sixteen pounds or good leafy alfalfa hay cut Into ono or two Inch lengths. This poison mny bo scattered in very small quanti ties along rabbit trails, or exposed In small heaps in locutions from which stock Is excluded. Poisoned OatM. Mix ono tablespoonful of gloss starcli In ono half teacup of cold water and stir Into ono pint of bolt ing water until It makes a thin, clear Mix ono ounco of powdered strychnine (preferably nlkalold) with ono ounco of powdered blcarbonato of soda (Arm and Hnmmor Soda), stir with the starch pasto to n smooth creamy mass. Stir In one tenth ounco of saccharine. Apply to twelve qunrts of good clean oats and mix m.; pasto All poisons aro most effective when conditions aro most favorable and tho distribution of theso poisons when conditions aro unfavorable, as thoy havo been In this section during tho past week or moro, Is n waato ot tlmo and money. Do ready to go nf ter tho rabbits at any tlmo through out tho next month and put out tho poison only when ho weather Is still nnd cold, when tho feed supply Is limited, when thero Is snow on tho ground if possible, and when tho rabbits congregate In numbers. Tho County Court has been nsked to npproprlnto money to nBslst In tho purchaso of strychnine for use In tho county but It will nlso bo' neces sary for tho pcoplo themselves to purchaso moro of this poison than would ho purchased by tho county should they seo fit to mako such an appropriation. Should anyono wish nny further thoroughly to coat eacli kornal. Scift- Information, write It. A. Ward. U. S ter sparingly nlong rabbit trails, niologlcnl Assistant or tho County Agriculturist; both nt Redmond. .. Inlilnannn.ifl nl nnnli lilnnn ' uuuiii u itiuiuajiuuiuui ut utii.ii iihi.u or oxposo moro llborally wliero stoc'.c Is not endangered. To obtain best results, dlstrlbuta In tablcspoonfuls along trails and nbottt hay stacks or stack yards whero rabbits aro feeding regularly. It Is a good plan to halt thorn to a For sign painting seo Edwardfl. Adv. favorable. Also, whero possible, all fuls of alfalfa In a clearing In tho communities In the county will dls-.sago briiBh or In fenco corners, Do tribute tho poison nt tho snmo tlmo not oxpoct results If poison Is expos- HEAT ESTATE TItANSFEIIS. Issued by Crook County Abstract Co. U. C. Coo to Snm P. Shearer ngrcc- favorablo spot by placing a tow fork- ment ro wall between Its. 7, blk. 3, It. 21, blk. 4, Hond. Sam P. Shearer and P. (THE POOP JUDOE MEETS BOOSTERS OF THE KEALTOB ACCO CHEW. ") JUUDGC.I'VE SWITCHED FROM ORCtNARV 1 TOBACCO TO W-B-THC MEW CUT K.CWU U Itobacco cntw. n MEANS HALT the sue I CHEW. MAtf TMtNUMBBR.HM.FTHE COST I AND rULt TOBACCO SATISFACTION. J HETOO.OUDGE.THE I SALT BRINGS OUT THE RICH TOBACCO TASTE THAT SATISFIES "1 i - - MANY men seem surprised when they find out for themselves thut W-IJ CUT Chcwing-thc Kcul Tobacco Chew, new cut, long shred is really much better than ordinary tobacco; to find that a small chew miilici) thut they don't havo to grind It; and that it laiti loader than the ordinary kind. , Get a pouch and fllve It a quality teit. "Notlca haw th ll brlnv, out Ihs rich taWca tuU" M.Ja ly WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Squire, New York City Pool nnd bllltnrds nt tho Metro, polltnn. Just the thing for n little relaxation In (ho evening. Adv. tf. PltlM'.VII.l.K IS CHAMPION. (Oregon Journal.) HKDMOND. Nov. 27 Prlnovllle today won clenr title to the football ehnmplouHhlp of Contrnl Oregon, de ftmtlng Hodmond high, by n score of ID to 0. Prluelo scored 47 points during tho tlntt half. making three touchdowns wltliln.n period of 10 inlnuto. UmMus. Prlnovllle full bask, was the hero of the Kiuim, mak ing nil the touchdowns except ono for Prlnovllle nnd a place kick from tho Held. Johnson, Stolnkopf nnd Duval starred for the Hodmond team whloh showed n Inck of practice nnd team work. (INK Ci'v- WOlin Is all a little Want Ad will cost you. ir STEAM HEAT CHASES WINTEU. "Why not enjoy tho comforts ot tho most systematic and econom ical way of heating. Tho cost of Installing steam heat Is pnld for many tlmoa by tho comforts de rived. Plenty of heat when nnd whero you want It at less cost than stoves safor, cleni.or, moro sanitary. Plumbing, Hoofing, Furnace Work, Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds. Central Oregon Plumbing and Heating Company PHONE KKD II J. E. ENGEIIRETSON, MGR. W. Ilrown ngreomont ro vnll between Itn. 20-21 blk. A, Ilcnd. Konwood Promotion Co. to II. J. Ovcrturf, Its. 3, 4, blk. 12, Konwood. Job. Miller to J. E. RcodAdMIPTA Ilcnd Pnrk Co. to Jennlo Stilnd borg It. 10, blk. 3G, Itlvorsldo add, Ilcnd. Tho Ilend Co., to OIIvo E. Mc Kay. Us. 3, A, blk. 21, Park add, Ilcnd. pilvo E. McKay to Tho Ilend Co. its. 1, 2, blk. 12, Park add, Ilend. I The United Warehouse Company Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD The United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Id n ilieprtnif building It l tlim-ougbly modern II u tiHitfortnble, commodious, clivm- lMS I'HOM mi CKXT8 IIP lit, ..n of nil nro ttttltuVd Hell Mt till- Ul;ilT HOTEIi tom Mes to all Interior Points HE 'RIGHT HOTEL IRONING BOARD WITH EVEHY G. E. Electric Iron mmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmm (Guaranteed Forever) IRONS AT ONLY $3.75 -s ! , m BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. V r -I t n a