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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1915)
Til! HEX!) .HllLLETIN, HK,Nil,,,qnE WEIlXKSIA; l);c)(1Kll 1, ,ipi5., PAGR 7. & LET US BE YOUR ' arita ClaQ OUR STp&ElS CROWDED WITH BEAUTIFUL SELECTIONS s A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY GIFTS FOUNTAIN VENS EDISON PHONOGRAPH ASD RLtOKDSftrkMtfatmuile Hand 'Painted China Cigars and Smokers' Sets LATEST BOOKS THE VICTROI.A Xht moijf mnJtrul Intltumenl In int uvrra. EASTMAN KODAKS Supttfor to alt, COMMUNITY SILVERWARE TUitiloflliklnJ, LIBBY CUT GLASS Nothing mart UoullfuU JjfE alto have a large assortment of Voilet Sets, Hand Mirrors. German 'Dolls' and Uoys of every Jnd. Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Pocket Knlccs, Box Candy. Let us fill your orders for Christmas Candy and Nuts. Reed and Horton BEND The Sfegggg, Store OREQON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS It. D. Mooro was In Portland over Sundny. N. P, Welder has returned from Everett. Victor Schrndcr of Holynt 1b In town today. E. M. Lnrn Ib confined to tho house with grlppo today. Dorn, on Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Catlow, a girl. Harry Illley Ib In from La Pino to day with his now truck. Mrs. A. D. Morrill was In from Powell Hutto yesterday. V. N. Hay was up from Tumnlo yesterday for a load of lumber. A. J. Kroenort returned Monday mornltiK from a trip to Portland. S. M. Wood of Itcdmond wns a business visitor lu Ucnd Thursday. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Halph Spencer Monday morning, a daugh ter. Emll J. Anderson of I.a Pino was In llend on Saturday transacting bus iness. Fletcher Edwards left Tuesday for Florence, whero he will spend, tho winter. MrB. Hetty Coon of Tumnlo was n guest of Mrs. S. Mcintosh over Sunday. Iftave H?oii ll'loticeb that puffs' are Coming JBacrc f i ? i ' ' n nt Fashion iimgalncs Miy Hint pun's will be Horn mutt this wining schmmi (linn eor liefoie. Wo liu n complete line of putts in Mock from which to nuiUo mi emly helci-tlnii, 1'uIIk mo mho to p tho rage this winter and the coming sptliiK Drop in anil heo our Illicit supply f hulr foiln. With Clirlotiiiiui tomliiK e limy liuio mhiu likely suggestions for j on. , , Ilbts. BbclTntosb i Uss TwTTtSTOrr M? OUR POLICY Capps Wc Pure Wool Clothes Wo want you to le MitMittl. If I'V chance you luue inailo selcVtU ti.afis not entirely to juur llLi..K. hrliw It hack and " 'ZZ'JulZ jouwho h Il.t - not entirely kiUHi; UiuL' Inevitable juid rfly iwt.irul. If jou are one ofti excepUouVjouUI Ikj gbd to reml tl.U lirrltullon. You are ureiMl to Jet us hear from jou. We want ou to l .VeLe. We don't t our pleasure over our l.iulneis ! Id by any ''""FtififfiT' "EA. SATHER General Merchandise M Airs. F. K. Swan of Seattlo Is vis- uing wiui ner sister .Mrs. J. (, Khodcs. ( , Tumnlo visitors In' town Tuesday wero Fred N. Wallace and J. N. 11. n (Jerking. Tlin Rntiiritnv lnpntlnir nt tlin f!nm. j mercial Club' will be held at tho Pll- j ot. uutte Hotel. A chicken box social will be given at the Arnold school on the evening of Saturday, Dccembor 11. ' Mrs. a. P. Putnam entertained ,h few friends nt n luncheon nt 'the 1 Cozy restaurant on Friday. H. W, llayley, of La Grande, has ncceptcd a clerical position- In the II. M. Smith Clothing Company. Tho pint of Illver Terrace will be filed today with tho County Courl which Is In session at Prlnevlile. County Agriculturist Loett will spenk nt the Orange hall Friday af ternoon on rnbblt extermination, Tho current Issuo of Tho Oregon Country contains n picture of tho North canal dam on tho front cover. Tho First Nntlonnl Hank Is dis tributing an attractive thermometer calendar with n plcturo ot tho bank. llnrry A. Wyso hns returned from his Crescent homestead and will open n cleaning shop In tho A. L. French store. II. J. Hrldgcs and E. II. Utter nro In town nmklng arrangements for n demonstration of tho Hoynl gas pro ducer.. It. H. Grimes of tho Pilot Uutte ranch shipped a carload of high grndo steers to tho Portland mnrkot on Tuesday. The cafeteria dinner given by tho men of tho Methodist church Inst night In tho Commercial Club rooms was woll patronized. The regular business meeting of tho Ladles Library Club will bo held on Tuesday afternoon nt three o'clock in tho library rooms. A. Mcshcr of Portland, who Is In terested with J. II. Corbett In Cas cade addition, arrived last week for a short stay on business. Mrs. A. Lnttln of Pcntwater, Mich igan, formerly, a resident of Ucnd, arrived Thursday morning and Is n gucBt of Mrs. A. L. Fronch. Mr., and Mrs. J. Hnnsom arrived last week from tho Willamette vnlley to spend tho wlntor hero far tho ben efit of Mr. UntiRom's health. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Snow, ot Ilethel, linncsotn, arrived recently to spond itho winter here. Mr. Snow Is nn undo of Mrs. Itnlph Specer and II. J. Mc- Cann. i Georgo Golgcr, who formorly Hvod with hls'chlldren nenr Tho llend Co. lumber ynrd, hns been In from Dry Lnko 'for' hlB winter supplies this wtdk. Windows of tho First National Hank havo been lettered with tho wording to show thnt It Ib a depos itary of United States postnl snvlngs funds. Tho Presbyterian Guild will hold Us annual snlo of fancy articles nnd homo pooklng at tho Commercial Clli rooms Saturday nftornoon, De comber 11. A news joport In tho Oregonlnn from Washington Btatcs that a pen sion hns been granted to Georgo M. GrlmcB of llend, the amount being $8 per month,' V. V. Hnrpham, deputy forest sup ervisor ot; tho Deschutes National Forest rotiirnnd , Monday morning frijm a trliijtd Portland, whore ho spent Thnhicsglvlng. m Mrs. G P Putnum, who has been visiting friends In Ilond during her husband's nbseuce In tho east, left for Salem Monday night. Mr. Put nam Is expected to roturn to Salem soon. Miss Lllllnn Vrcdt, a toncber In tho Portland public schools, who wns cnllod to llend Inst Thurrdny on ac count of the death of hor father. Joh'n Vredt, returned to her home Frlduy night. Torkel Twcot, who has boon visit ing his brother Thomas, left Inst week on his return to his home In Liberty, Washington. Hoforo the re cent visit tho brothers had not met for 42 years. Samuol T. .Morris nnd Nina Pearl Murphy wero married at the home of the bride In Iirch addition on Thursday by Hev. II, C. Hartrnnft. Tho Immodlatu fnmlly and, n few friends were present. Two dozen mountain quail were received by Game Warden McKay on Friday from tho state game farm at ,Coivnllls. bne dozen Voro placed on the Hayley ranch nt Tiitnnlo nnd the rest oil the 36nes Tnii'dli east of tow n. W. D. Cheney left for Seattlo last night. Martin Knutecu, of tho Hsnd Hard ware Co., Is sick. Rye and Grnhnm (lour manufactur ed ln'an old fashioned French 'Hnhr mill.' ' Its purity Is unexcollcd. Adv. TO C31V15 CHRISTMAS TIIM?. " , Tjhq question of 'u community Qhrlstmns tree for Ucnd vhlch- wns brought up at the Commerolnl Club meeting on Saturday by C. E. Short, YjHf)) discussed at a nleetlnfi to bo heldoulght In tho Commercial Club ruoniw Attendance is urged from tho different lodges, tho diurchos, tho library club aud all others Interested In tho ocut. The committee, as so far appointed by President Kejes consists of Mr. Short und A. C, Fgnu. WAT15R fSHHS .MHHT. At the meeting ct tlio Water UBers ABSuclatlou of tho C. O, 1. Co., held this afternoon tho question of rins ing funds foi procccutlng tho om plnlnt beforo tho Utilities Commis sion was tin chief business under dis cission, About 3U liiumbers ot thu association wero In nttsndnnca nnd It wns voted thnt committees bo np pointed to solicit funds from ccttlers on tho segicgatlon. HL'lrSOX TO SPEAK. C. S. Hudson hns been notified through George E. 'Hardy, mnnnger ot tho Portland Chamber of Com merce, that hq Iuib been chosen ono of tho spenkers nt tho Fifth Annual Irrigation Congress to ho held In Portland, December 28, 20 nnd 30. Mr. Hudson will rcBpond to tho nd dress of welcome by Mnyor Albeo of Portland. Huy your Xmns candy nt American Hakery. Special prices mndo Adv. CHURCH NOTICES. I'rvNbjterlim. Services next Sundny ns follows: Sundny school nt 10 n. m. Preach ing ntnLl a. m. Preaching nt 7:30 p. in. At tho evening service, tho third, sermon In tho scries on "Tho Lngnllty ot tho Trial of Jesus" will bo preached from tho theme: "The Arrest of Jcsiib." Mrs. II. L. Hop kins will sing nt tho ovcnlng ser vice A cordlnl welcome Is extended to tho public. II. C. Ilnrtrnurt, pns-tor. HaptM. Illblo Echool 10 n. m. Preaching sorvico 11 o'clock, subject: "Govern mont,of the Church." Young peo ple's meeting C:30 p. m. Preaching sorvico 7:ao. subject, "Ancient Prophecies nnd Modern Conditions." Speclnl Blnglng nt both services by tho choir. Prnyer meeting WnlncH day evonlng 7:30, E. (I, Judd, pastor. A swoll lino of homo mndo candles nt American Hakery. Adv. SHEEPMAN IS KILLED. (Oregon Journal.) LA PINE, Nov. 30. Dan Anglnnd. ono of Oregon's most prominent ahcopmdn, who was stubbed In n sa loon nt Pnlsley Thanksgiving night, died thbro Sundny, after romnlnlng uncoiisetotiH for two days. Jim O". Kcofo, another slivepmnn, Is hold lu tho Pnlsley Jnll on n chnrgu of mur der. O'Kcefo clnlms that 'Anglaml' followed him nbout nil ihy Thmndny threatening trouhlo nnd thnt the stabbing wns In self-defense. Hccitusa of the big following ench man hns nnrong thu shcopinen of this section, the affair hns been kept quiet ns much as possible. Hnth men nro wall known In Ilond where they have sold their wool nnd done other business. PIANOS. Wo will soil, rent or place ono In your homo on free trlnl. Easy pay ments. J. W. Day Muslo Company. Adv. When you uso a snek of Truo Illue Flour you aro helping to build up the rewirrna of Contrnl Oregon. It purlM la. unexrejk'd. Tho next sack of (lour you buy, try It Adv. JUST AS CHEAP MADE TO ORDER First Showing Fill uxJ Wwltr SnpU Dick IGe Tailor CJfMung nd Prctusg iSpclly One Dollar Down lionus or nmmn!aCmS HOME Sewing Ma- PERFECTLY v'unti ' yur home and JSSr" $1.00 Per Week PERFECT, will keep it there. The Latent Model. E. M. THOMPSON j The Furniture Man. "Credit if You Prefer" KmJIm. Oil. Iklu nnd all kindi of Pirlnj Mluu nipple, iupuirtog tpauily, Make up your mind today to do yourXmas shopping early -If you will Buy your Amas Gifts NOW you will get the fBcsl Selections of our NEW 'MAS STOCKS which are ready and await your approval. GIFTS FOR MEN HUNDItEDS OK NEW PATTERN'S Men's Neckwear, ench packed In n distinctive )iolldny box priced nt. each !, l.V, 75c, $1 llEAUTII'UIi HLANKET HATH HOHES Hy far the largest selection wo hr.vo ot shown, priced nt 81.(10, sn.oo, SO.oo, $7.:iO OTHEIt ITEMS for men Include innulcuro sets, fur gloves, kid gloves, euspoiulcr setB, clgnr nnd clgnr ctto cases, collar hags, tlo holders, Phoenix sill; hosiery, knitted Bcarfs, etc. GIFTS FOR WOMEN WE DIHECT VOUH ATTENTION to our showing of holiday liandkurchlefB nlwnys n most nccoptnhlu gift many put up a lu nn nttrnctlvtf holldny box priced from ench fie to 7.le HOXED HANDKEIICHIEI-'S, per box We to 91. Ml LEATHER HAOS All tho uowuBt shnpos, priced from noe, hi. oo, !, $1.75, i?a,oo,, tjct.nn LADIES NECKWEAR !M M)e, 75e, 91.00 IAD1ES KNITTED HEDIIOOM SLIPPERS 7fle CHILDREN'S KNITTED I1EDROO.M SLIPPERS Mlc LADIES KELT HOUSE AND HEDROOM SLIPPERS onch . 9I.OO, SI. 15, 9 1. !! !. LADIES PHOENIX SILK HOSIERY In Holldny boxes, per pair 7ne, 91.00, IRELAND'S (1LOVES, per pnfr 9I.JW,, 9U.l IRELAND'S (SLOVES for children, per pair 9 1. an STOP AND SHOP AT NX AXMMIBUJS rJ- BROTHERS Satisfaction With Every Purcliaie wawm Try dellcntessen speclnltlos lit American llnkory. Home mndo sal nds, baked beans mid cooked inentn Adv. Tho Inlcsl fad In Jewelry Ib tho rrleniUhlp link. Add 11 link ot friendship to her bracelet. You will find tho links In Sterling Silver pric ed at SS cents und ongrnwil freo nt Myron II. Hymens, thu Ilond street Jowelor. Adv. CIIANUi: OK I'IKMiltA.M. Tho Ilond Theatre from now on will change program on Wednosdny, I'rldny, Sunday und Tuesday nights. Mnnnger Hodgson hns added Ilium from tho Essnnny ami (lonurul KJIiiih company to his wuukly titlructlotis, ( Adv. !, Depot Hotel thu homu of tho home Htender.- Adv. 31M Ip, Wear-Ever Aluminum Ware THE IIIXT I'Olt ()OM(J PI Itl'OSCS. It liifts lunger. Never rusts. Easy to keep clean No scouting nmoHNHrv. Helps food to cook evi nly Wear 'vr Atiiinliiiiiii has lieHii put to the most severe lests und the results show It to be sup erior to any other metal for looking iiIiiihIIh Wo have 11 complete stock from which you muy clel Come In and usk ub questions nbout It ITISAIiVAK A PI.EAHI HE IO KIIOU' )l It (JOOIIH. SKUSE HARDWARE CO. Shop Early for Christmas NOW IH THE 'IIME TO SELI'tT YOl'H CIIHIHT.MAH (HIT AMI ILi: IT LAID ASIDE. a roMPLi;-ii; live ir crrdiass Pl.HIl mi:s hll.VEIt WARE CHINA ma vict hi; sins sua i:it si:is 'lOll.l.TAItTKI.ES HOOKS SMOKINO SE'lh 'IOY.S .Many other uxeful mtidcN siiltuble fur gin. WnUli ln- , dOUM for hllggivitlons. Owl Pharmacy