FAQK 0. Tin: bend bulletin, bend, ore., Wednesday, December 1, iota. s,t ' &r MS '' f, fltV- G ' TUB BEND BULLETIN (Published Every Wednesday) GEORGE PALMEIt PUTNAM Publlshor , ROBERT W. SAWYEn Editor-Manager. FRED A. WOELKLEN ' Associate Editor. An indopondont nowapapor stand ing for tho B(unro doal, clean busi ness, clean politics and tho best In terests of Bend and Central Oregon. Uno year. II. SO Six months 80 Throe months CO All subscriptions are duo and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed subscribers and If renewal Is not inado within reason able tlrao tho paper will bo discon tinued. Ploaso notify us promptly of any change of nddresB, or of Idllure to re ceive tho papor regularly. Otherwise wo will not bo responsible for copies missed. Make nil checks and orders pay nblo to Tho Bend Bulletin. strelcli 'aritffcok to ecc ff oiir'powder Is dry, before" wo turn flgalh td our belly-full sleep? WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1, 1915. PROFITABLE BABBITS. It's n long way to Australia as well ns, to Tlppernry, but even In tho dis tant Antipodes thoy have had troubles similar to ono of Centrnl Oregon's. Tho Australians, how over have contrived to transform thi'lr Ha lilllty Into an asset. Altogether, the yarn and Its lesson In optimism may lio Interesting hereabout, so wo re print It from tho Providence Journal as follows. "Tho exportation of rabbit-skins from Australia now exceeds In vitluo over $3,000,000 annually, according to tho Sydney report. "Now this Is astonishing Informa tion. Tho AntlpodoH nro to be con gratulated. For years wo have been hearing about their pest of rabbits. Australians have long viewed with gloom tho overrunning of their con tinent. "It was CO years ago, or so, that an Incautious gentleman from Now South WnleH obtained from Europe, and turned loose In tho colony, threo pairs or rabbits. As tho population and wealth of Austrnlla Increased tho rabbits Increased; and more than cor respondingly. Until recently, It has been a tremendous problem how to check them to say nothing of ex termination. Thoy ilrovo tho far mers from their lands, and have threatened such devastation ns has not boon known since tho succession of plagues paralyzed Egypt. "Tho Australians have found n way, nl last. They hnvu solved tho exasperating rlddlo by turning the rabbits to prollt. A domain! for rab bit has been created In tho world's marts, It appears, especially for the iiklns. What was a nuisance, and n destructive one, Is found to bo mar kutnblo. "This Is merely nnother Illustra tion, of con run, of an Industrial mir acle with which wo are familiar tho utilization of what has been thought useless, tho working up of a by-product Into something of commercial vnluo. "Meanwhile tho happy situation Is that tho Australians are able to null what they have plenty of, and do not want to keep what, Indeed, thoy would hitherto have Iumiii glad to pay to gut rid of. Such luck Is enough to make Hint celebrated Australian bird, the laughing-Jackass, split IU ulilim with laughter, and the kangaroo leap for Joy. ' Reporting the sale of tickets for, the O. ,A. C.-Syracuso foot ,ball game being played In Portland ,thls after noon tho Oregon journal Monday af ternoon, said that reservations or seats had been made from linker, Pendleton, La Ornndo and Bend. The Journal continues: "Idahp and Bend spectators must start today In ordor to arrive hero In time for the big game, which will start whenRofer- eo ueorgo varneii .mows tno wistia. nt 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.", Sotncorie ought to toll the Journnl Jto wnko up. The TYRANNY OF CASTE. Desplied Hindu Pariah and Donds Ho Strive to Break. the Speaking of the defeat of equal BiiITrago In New Jersey, James It. Nugent, a leader of tho "antls" said: "New Jersc leads oft In the light for sane government, tho purity of the homo and the protection of her womnnhood." Mercy me! "We'd renlly enjoy having this political mo squito see some of Oregon's Insane government, impure homes and un protected wemnnhood under tho curso 'of equal sulfrago. Only wo couldn't stand him very long. Seventy five Oregon editors In spected the Penitentiary and Asylum at Salem the other day, and every ono of them was rclensed without dif ficulty. Tho management of our str.tu Institutions la very lax. Now comes tho Fort Bock Times, following In tho path of the Monday Crawfish and the Saturday Evening Alibi, with Thursday Afternoon Scraps. Bend Ib about tho only town In tho county which hasn't had a show, or n fair. But mills nro pretty nice, at tor nil. When it comes to presidential fav orltlcs, tho country to the couth of us Is solid for Uncle Bob Strnhorn. .Mr. Bryan says ho will never hold olllco again. At last BIB Is getting to know what tho peoplo want. i Nowhcio does Hindu priestcraft show Its original despotism more clearly than' in the ordinances prohibiting nil social communication with the "depressed classes," or tho so culled pariahs. Thoso who know conditions will agree that neither the term "pariah" nor "de, presxed" Is strong or explicit enough to convey to the minds of this readers the resit rendition of the tmrlah. 'A dug is allowed to come uenr a, man, a cat U aliened to enter 'a house, 'but not a purlnh. If even tho shaddw of a pariah touches a caste man the latter must bathe away bit pollution. One day on the bank of n, river n Brahman was performing his middny ablutions. A few pariahs were tugglnjr at n boat, with n rope tied to the must. Tho moment the shadow of the repc fell on the Brahman nt prayer he look ed nt the men who were tugging the bout and was fuilous with rage. UN bath was lost, hi ablutlonnry rites lost, by the touch of the shadow of u rope In the hnuds of pariahs. lie plunged Into tho river again, this time not say- I lug his bathing hymns, hut abusing the pariahs fur causing him extra trouble. The mnharnja of Triivnneorc and tho gnekwar of Barodii have already al lowed the pariah to send representa tives Into their Imperial legislative councils. The latter has established special schools and boarding bouses to facilitate tho education of tho "un- touchablcs" of his state. The pariahs themselves nro taking courage and ob jecting to the Ignominies to which they nro subjected. At tho least displease ure 'they go on strike and bring tho high caste people to their knees. Some time ngo tho sweepers and scavengers of Simla went on strike for higher wages nud made tlio government of his Britannic majesty accept the terms which they dictated. Busautn Kouimir Hoy hi Century Magazine. The Bend Flour Mill Company now has one of the hiost Up-to-date and sanitary mills In the northwest. Tho highest grade products guaranteed. Adv. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. FOR RENT. FOB BENT For month, Dec. 16 to Jan. 15, to desirable parties, fur nished house, Including piano, two sleeping rodms In house. Enquire, Bulletin. 39-41 p. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light house keeping. Close In. Rent reasonable. Inquire Mc Cllncy'si stare. tf FOR. RENT Chicken houso on two lots. 600 birds capacity. In quire Bulletin, 36tr FOR RENT One 'threo room nnd one four room house, J. Ryan & Co. ' 37tf When the cnnnl Is opened for keeps will San Francisco pull nnother ex-' position? Britannia mny rule the waves, but at (Billlopoll she seems to bo wavering. Dry farmers will havo tho edge on tho Irrlgatlonlsts nftccJanunry first. Everything's normal nt Portland. Lafferty Is running again, ' Which will end first, the European wnr or Carrauzn? Only the pnws nro full in'' Chicago on Sunday now, Shop early nud ship early. Slide, (loethals, slide! THE NOVEMBER WEATHER .lloml Is coining to be the Big Dog among Central Oregon communities. Above everything, It must never ho a dog-lii-tliB-inanger. The tlmo Is ar riving when moro and more wo can got what wn want, ns a town. Hut tho ultimate betterment of Bond do- pumls not upon us alone, but upon all I the 'Interior country and our nolgh- 'hor'roinmuiilllos. That country must bo, prosperous nnd tho peoples of ' those other towns conduit. Wo should try to havo them look to Bead fop, alii In their projects, mid nut ro HVd her suspiciously as n stdllsli hruto IlkHly to tils off till the best bonus to her own kennel. Thtt Big Dog should bo the hwt friend, thw willing big brother, ready to step In Hint help the smaller fellows. If we er.n keep working with that spirit Dotnl's progrtNM I sure. November saw tho first tall of snow for this year. During the mouth Just psiBt S'i Inches fell. The maximum temperaturo was 75 de grees and tho minimum was 6 degrees above zero. Of the I0 days In No vember 10 wero cloudy, nine partly cloudy and five were clear. Tho heav iest rainfall for u period of 2 t hours fell on the 'jr.th when there was u precipitation of 1.7 Inches. Summary. Date Mnv, TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS, Notice Is hereby given that tho County Superintendent of Crook county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for Stnto Certificates at Prlncvlllo ns follows: Commencing Wednesday, Decern 'bor 16, 1916, at 9 o'clock, a, in., nnd continuing until Saturday, December 18, 1915, ntM o'clock p. m. j Wednesday forenoon Writing, U. S, History. Wedn,esduy nftornoon Reading, Physiology, Composition, Methods In Reading, Methods In Arithmetic. Thursday forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Education, Physiology, Methods In Geography. Thursday nftornoon Grammar, Geography, Amorlcan Literature, Physics, Methods In Language, Thesis for Prlmnry Certificate, Science of Education. Friday forenoon-Theory nnd Prac tice, Orthography, Physical it Goo r raphy, English Utoraturo, Chemistry, History of Education. ; Friday afternoon School law, Ge ology, Algebra, Civil Government, Childhood and Adolesconce, . Saturday forenoon-Geometry, Bot any, School Administration. Suturday nftornoon General His tory, Bookkeeping, Methods. J. E. MYERS, 39-10. c Superintendent. 1. Some old liialtls of both sows h.uo boon preaching the discontinuance of IntqracolloKliitu athletics nt the Statu University. Ami while the iiuthorltltM haum't stopped football and buimtia.ll games with other Insti tutions, the brake has been put on nthletle activities to u conilderitblo extent. A reusonnblo regulation of nthtutlcs Is well enough; studies should eouin first and guinea rtcond. Bui It Is silly pniillhiies to prattle about stopping Intercollegiate foot ball ami baseball matches entirely. If the regents permit such a move to progro too far, In n few years thoy will uvwiko to a university populated by ihtunielvo. their faculty, short lnjrtnl co-eds and long imlrvd male students. Thin iTho Balkan Drive.! Is th btisiiiuliiK of the lliiul triumph ot GuiiiiHii arms over the world," says an- editorial In tho Berliner Tage blntt. Friends, In thoo linos Is set funh the spirit behind Germany's wwr of agruwdon. Belgium has beo triumphed nvur.Hml turbla U feJlig Hjtj Intel ut tlfti conqueror,, Vihnllve lu oeeupy portion ot this self samo world, vltjw with equanimity tl! possibility of further Germanic ucywgnAt loul mil, ,Vo,.uut, heer 3. I. 6. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. IS. 18. II. 11. lit. 17. IS. 19. L'0. 21. 26....,., u . . i 27 a O. . e i 29 30 ..71 ..75 ..60 ..CO ..01 ..GO ..00 ..00 ..61 . 60 ..40 ..41 ..II ..42 ..41 ..44 ,.43 ,.55 , . 611 , .50 ,.56 ,.63 ,.64 ,.66 ,.66 ,.41 ,.40 ,.43 ..50 ,;4G Ilu. Char.ofDay 31 Cloudy. 29 Cloudy. 37 Cloudy. 29 Ptly. Cldy. 20 Ptly. Cldy". 27 Ptly. Cldy. 29 Cloudy. 26 Clear. 17 Clear. 15 Oar. 26 Cloudy. 1 1 Clear. 1 1 Cloudy. 13 Ptly. Cldy 12 Clear. 10 Cloudy. 22 Cloudy. 31 Ptly. Cldy. 27 Cloudy. 20 Cloudy. 22 Cloudy. 20 Cloudy. IS Ptly. Cldy. 20 Cloudy. 21 Ptiy. Cldy. 20- Clgudy. 6 Cloudy. 9 Cloudy. 5 Cloudy. 6 Cloudy, Norman II. Bean, an artist In brick and stone work, has Just arrived from Pnsadena, California, and is prepared to show tho peoplo of Bond what can bo dono In building with local stoue. If you want work woll done drop him a card at the post of fice. Adv. p Cleaning and Pressing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NORYAL L SPRINGER Up Slain Bern Building Call (or and Dclivci All Woik. Ordftt ulen by "Sonny" the Meticngct Boy A swell Hue of homo made candles at American Bakery. Adv. SCHOOL NOTICE TO PARENTS. Special attention Is called to the hours of opening of the doors ot the school buildings on stormy dnys. Whenever the weather Is bad all pu pils will bu admitted as soon ns the doors nro opened at S:45 u m. nud 1 p. in. Pupils should not ho sent to tho school ground a on those stormy days before those hours. . . " u.Jiuyvt.NS. BUY YOUK Groceries AT THB NEW MOAT MA.KKUT. Gilbert $b Son 39c t .a; Supornuundent. .n:M v. Try delicatessen spoctRltlas nt Amerlonn Bakery. Home made sal ads, baked beans and cooked meats Adv, DR. RILEY VETERINARY 1 1 located tt The Piemen Dam, Bend, and Mill care (or your Hortci and Cattle al )oui call, or I' h o n c 22X Alto will DEST RHEUMATlCjREMEDY ON MARKET FOR SALE FOR SALE Good cook stove, choap. Inqulro at Bulletin. 38tt ,FOR SALE Dry Juniper wood. At Homcscokers Land Co. 3S-3Dc FOR SALE Milch cow. Inquire Kenwood grocery. 3S-39p FOR SALE Houso and lot. Price right. Terms reasonable. Inquire A. E. Edwards, Bend Sign Co. 37tf FOR SALE Small counter at the Cozy Restaurant. 34 tf FOR SALE Modern houso dnd lot on Ohio street, three blacks from post ofllce. Seo YVhltted nt Demont grocery or C. S. Benson. 38tt FOR SALE Tent house partly furnished, on lot for Bale, both in Pnrk addition. Cnll on Mrs. T. W. Trlplett. 39c FOR SALE Board and room for six men may be obtained by Inquiry three doors east of Kenwood gro cery. . 39p FOR SALE Cheap If takon nt once, lot on old Drake lawn. 11. II, 100. 39c WANTED. Room and board for six men. In qulro third door east of Kenwood grocery. ' 38-39 p WANTED To soil flfiy foot lot on Bond street, down" town. S. S. S64. 39c WANTED airl for general houso work. Mrs. H. J. Ovorturf. 39tf LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN UP Bay maro and colt at Knsprovltz homestead, Hemstnd valloy. Branded 7H on loft shouldor. Owner wrlto P. O. box 11, Bend. 33tfc LOST Plain gold enso ladles watch. Return to Btillotln ofllce. nnd recolvo, reward. . ttl 3Qt,? STRAYED Ono yearling steer( Rod. Owner can havo tho samo by Identifying samo nnd pnylng feed bill. Phono Lowls ranch, Rural 317. 39-40 TO TRADE OR EXCHANGE TO TRADE Tho best butcher business In Vancouver, Washington. Will trndo for Improvod 40 If closo to Bond, Oregon. Seo Homeseekers Land Co. 3G-39e Holiday CHINAWARE New and Beautiful Salad Bowls Plates Cups & Saucers Sugar & Creamers Extra Special GLASS Water Sets ' Including Trayt -$1.00 t . I You Buy for Less at Warner's The Permanent, Progressive, Reliable Store of Bend Watch Our Ado. Nel Week For CHRISTMAS t. Suggestions 4 tf g jf tf ' ff tf This week we are better prepared to show you a Complete Line of RUBBER GOODS The best line in town. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY GENERAL MERCHANDISE DR. A. A. BUBBIS. Naturopath. Dr. A. A. fiurrlB, Naturopath, wishes to announce to tho people ot Bend and vicinity that ho has return ed to Bend for tho practice of his profession and will bo glad to see his old friends and acquaintances. Dr. Burrls has beon practicing over fifteen years and has had splendid success In the treatment of almost alt diseases of the human body. He Is a graduate of tho Omaha College ot Osteopathy, Tho Wcltmer School of Nevada, Mo., and the American Col logo of Naturopathy of New York. Naturopathy Includes all tho nat ural methods ot healing, viz: Osteo pathy, Chiropractic, Hydrotherapy, Electro-Therapy, Swedish Massago, Vibratory Massage, Magnetic Heal ing. Tho olllco equipment consists ot tho latest appliances for the treat ment of disease, such as the Botz dry-hot-air appliance for tho treatment of paralysis, rheumatism, stiff Joints, contracted muscles. Also Dr. Minims Violet-Ray Thorapoutlc iLnmps for ln-i flnmatory conditions, tumors, goi tres, abnormal growths, etc., Elec tric Heating Pads, Electro Sweat Blankets, strong Eloctrlc Vibrator,, etc. Doejs It pay YOU to risk your llfo and health with u cheap, liioxpcrlenc el practitioner, who 1ms had perhaps only a few months' Instruction In ono branch ot DruglcNS Healing,, when you can get tho benefit of fifteen years of experience in nil forms of disease noil methods ot l)ruj.'le,-s treatment? Member of Stato mill National As sociation of NatroputliH. Ofllco at Rooms 2 and 3, Bean building, Bend, Oregon. Seo Edwards for papor banging. Adv. SOME BETTER. VALUES .Men's Heavy Shirts fjtl.00 to $2.00 Heavy Underwear, per garment rJoc to 1(11.00 Heavy .Mayo Union Suits i I$1.U3 DISHES 1 1 Inch Platters ,'...'... .iW'c Jl! Inch Platters ' ,. m l'-c Cups and Saucci-H Oc; il3c per do.. O J4 Inch Plates c Large Bowls 10c Sugar Bowls 2.1c 7)4 Inch Soup Plate,- rf .....-,.-. tic; (I for O.lc 2 Quart Pitchers ?, " . ........ .' :Wc WiiMi Boh! nnd Pitcher , ISOc Enamel .Ware, small tlen "...".'... .'. toe and 1,1c Clothes Tins, -I do.en , .1c Brooms ,......., , . . ,2.1c, il.lc, -10c BriihS King Wash Hoards IOn Clothe Hungers !c OUR PRICKS ARE RIGHT MODERN Cleaners DRY CLEANING STEAM CLEANING and SPONGE CLEANING LADIES WORK GIVEN CAREFUL ATTENTION. SAT 1SFACTIOX Oil NO PAY. WE IK) REPAIRING AND ALTERATION. LET WYSE CARE FOR YOUR CLOTHES AND BE WELL DRESSED. ' ' 1 SUITS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED: " MODERN CLEANERS -Harry A. Wysc PHONE BLACK 001 w WITH A. li. FRENCH sly" .. :n Ji yi f r ;UC!.'