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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1915)
TIII3 I1END RULLETIN, DEN'D, ORE., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1015. PA OR n. I 1 4. Shearings Directly Paisley has bceu asked to provido a right-of-way for perhaps 25 miles on either side of town, north rind south, and also to provide ter minal grounds for a depot slto, etc. This matter Is nractlenllv nnHi,,i When asked to speak at the banquet last Thursday night, P. J. Urattaln declared that he and his brother were ready to give a right-of-way through their property anywhere and that statement is typical of those niacin hv all property owners whose lands may bo crossed by the road. A dopot site will bo provided In like inannor and thus our problems In that lino nro already settled Che wnucan Press. In nccordanco with tho announce ment made by C. W. niddell In Port land last week the new owners of the Prlnglo Falls Co., havo started work on their plan to develop the resources of the Prlnglo Falls country nnd lo rcclnlm tho arid land In the La Pino Dasln. The land to be reclaimed by tho company, amounting to about 2G0, 000 acres, has been divided Info units. Tho first unit, embracing 30,000 acres, will bo Irrigated In tho Hprlng as soon ds tho construction work on tho powor plant Is finished. La Pino Inter-Mountain. Mr. Strahorn mndo It plain boforo tho different nudlcnccs that tho fron tier townsltes would bo mndo tho per manent railroad towns wherever pos sible to do so, nnd that new townslto schemes would not bo looked upon with any degreo of favor. Lakovlow, Paisley and Sliver .Lake will bo mndo railroad towns, with tho latter n Junction point for two or mora roads. Mr. Strahorn Btnted definitely that tho old pioneers who have been struggling for years to mako fron tier towns should bo treated fairly nnd squarely. Sliver Lako Loador. With tho development of tho Prln glo Falls water powor nnd allied en terprises, tho building of tho propos ed Strahorn rnllroads, nnd possibly extension of tho Northern Pacific, tho development of Abort and Summer lakes, and tho many other proposi tions nro promised for Central Ore gon, Crescent should witness a wave of prosperity bucIi as no other town In Central Oregon has over had. With railroads coming Into Crescent, saw mills will coino, nnd with their com ing our water powor which. Is prac tlcally within tho town llmltB will bo iii BROOKS-SCANLON developed. Our water power possibil ities are not the largest In the state, but nro BUfflclent to furnish power for several sawmills nnd factories. In addition there nro other power possibilities within a few miles ot Crescent that could be doveloped which would furnish power for all tho mills and factories that will ever bo located In this part of Central Ore gon. It has been said that Central Oregon has a world of natural re sources. All that Is necessary la1 capital to. develop them. Crescent Nows. Therefore It can bo readily seen that Irrigation means much to tho farmer, tho local merchants and tho wholesalers. With water tho farmer can make a far bottcr living on much less lanu. no can men sell mo uai - ance of his holdings to others who will bo glad to buy, and ho can pock- et tho price, or pay for his water. Tho lack of water affects tho Individual, the community, tho wholesalers, and retards population and progress. Those who aro opposing Irrigation nro growing fowor every day.' -.uuu-1 rna Pioneer Tho first Teachers' Instltuto of Jefferson county was held at Culver In tho courthouse November 17-19. Tho fifty or moro teachers who gnth orod there wero filled to tho brim with Inspiration, and, what Is hotter than Inspiration, practical methods for getting good results. "Spread Englo" oratory waB conspicuous by Its nbsenco. Commott sense, a strong democratic spirit nnd good fellow ship prevailed. Jefferson County Searchlight Two things could bo plnlnly no- tlcod nt tho Bond meeting of tho Con tra! Oregon Development League Ono was that tho minds ot tho del egates centered largely upon tho Ir rigation question as novcr before. Tho other Is tho fact thnt the people ot the stnto havo been studying the Irrigation dlctrtct law and nro pro paring to form districts In tho var ious localities. Tho nctlon which Is bolng taken horo In tho formation ot a district is but a part of tho activity throughout tho stato along this lino. Peoplo havo awakened to tha fact that thoso states which havo had this law In oporntlon hnvo made tho greatest ad vances along tho lino of Irrigation. Tho petition which Is being circulat ed Is bolng. signed by n largo major ity of tho property owners In .tho area which has already been solicited. In cortaln largo areas all havo sign ed. Deschutes Vnlloy Tribune. At a meeting ot wntor users of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Co., and business men of tho city, held horo THE -SCANLON LUMBER CO. Has taken over, the lumber department of THE BEND COMPANY and will con tinue the retail 'business in Lumber, Building Supplies, Cement, Lime, Plaster, etc. 0y? THE LUMBER CO. In Muma's hall last Friday nftornoon to hear O. Lnurgaard outlluo his plnns for organizing an Irrigation district of the lands under the Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Co's. segrega tion, J. V. Mooro was elected chair man, and II. A. Schneider, secretary After listening to Mr. Laurgnard's remarks on the plan L. E. Smith, M. A. Lynch and Earl Benton wero ap pointed a commltteo to confer with Mr. Laurgaard nnd discuss points vital to tho organization of a district nnd the committee was empowered to call a meeting of all tho water users and farmers on tho segregation to learn their views on tho proposition of forming an Irrigation district. Hedmond Spokesman. Banquets wore propnred for the party nt Silver Lake, Paisley nnd . Lnkevlow. At the latter pluco Mr. strahorn announced nnothor great BUrprlse that was received with much j enthusiasm. This was to the effect tlmt tho preliminary survey made by h8 engineers n fow weeks ago In tho .nrrilnr.. nnnh nf i.nitnviow wnn now tho nnni Bllrvey aniX asked tho pconlc )t,rn In mnkn nrrntieomnnts for tho rlght-of-wny. Tho entlro right-of-way along this part of tho lino and tho entire system Is expected to bo do nated. Fort Hock Times. Tho commltteo which waited on Hobert E. Strahorn nt tho Bond meet ing last weok was tol'd that as soon as the land north of Prlnevlllo was under Irrigation and tho nnnounce inonto nmo from Mr. Rogers that tho timber In tho Bluo mountains Is to bo milled, that Mr. Strahorn Is rendy to tnko u tho mattc'r of tho rond to Prlnevlllo. Tho timber will bo milled In Prlne vlllo, commencing within tho next 12 months without a doubt. Wo must and will Irrigate tho flat. Then It will be Mr. Strahorn'B move. Crook County Journal. Clean up and paint up. wards. Adv. Sco Ed- Itnrotniiieiiilrtl for Croup. W. C. Alloy, BoBcloy, Mo., says: "I havo raised a family of four chil dren and used Foley's Honey nnd Tar with all of them. I find It tho best cough and croup mcdlclno I over UBod. I UBcd It for eight or ten years nnd can recommend It for croup." Samo satisfactory results for coughs nnd colds. Sold everywhere. Adv. Dr. J. Q. Turner, formorly of Lowo & Turner, oyo special ists, of Portland, will bo In Bond ngnln Tuesday nnd Wednesday, Novombor 30 nnd December 1st, at Thorson's Jewelry store No chnrgo for consultation or examination. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Adv. For your nlco homo buy a lot In Boulevard Addition. Adv. ON THE ALLEYS Owing to tho loss of the best bowl ero on tho A. L. French and Uend Band teams, theso teams havo been dropped out ot tho league. Tho following Is n comploto sced ulo for tho four remaining teams: November 20 United Wnrehouso vs. Owl Pharmacy. December 1. Bend Bulletin vs. First National Bank. December 3. United Wnrehouso vs. First Nntlonal Hank. December C. Bend Bulletin vs. Owl Pharmacy. Statullnir of tho Tenuis. Teams Won Lost United Wnrehouso. . .21 3 Owl Pharmacy 18 G First Nat. Bank . ...1G 9 Bend Bulletin 14 10 Pet. 876 7G0 G2G CSS Tho gnmo scores wero as follows: N'm ember 1!2, ltMfi. A. L. Fiench Players: 1st Bates 141 A. E. Johnson 127 2nd 139 112 127 122 1C4 3rd lfi7 118 1GS 1G2 151 Av. 14G ny 135 140 1G0 Morcdlth ....110 I). Houck ...1G4 Dlnsmoro ...183 Totals ....73 1 GGI 73G 2134 Team average 142 United Wurohoitso Plnyers: 1st 2nd 3rd Av. 110 110 157 17B 1G9 158 13ti 13S 191 179 793 23G0 Absontcc . i . .140 110 Terrell 107 170 Brnndenu ...134 170 Palmorton .. .148 122 N. Springer ..178 1G8 Totals . .. .797 770 Team nvcrago 157 For sign painting boo Edwards. Adv. .market report. NORTH POHTLANI), Nov. 29. North Portland snttlo market took a sudden Jump this mornlngnnd wont to $ for best sleors. The market la fully 30 to 36 -cents higher for snmo quality Btuff as last weok. All offerings woro sold nnd for tho most part welshed boforo noon. Tho mar ket hns a strong tondoncy. Hogs not to bo outdono by cnttlo put on n flvo cent ndvanco this nftornobn going to $0.15 rind finishing stonily. Eighty six hundred head wont over tho scnics, tho largest Blnglo dny receipts ovor marketed nt North Portland. Tho ease with which thoy wo o ab sorbed was romnrkablo. All Hhcop linos nro Btcndy with but short sup plies bolng marketed. Top lninbs still nro quoted nt $7.50 For n good clean Bhavo, a good hair cut, facial massago or ti chine, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon stroot. Adv. tf TO THE RESCUE WHO LAUND W wUI four llnn. but jrou mint not wt much Mm irrttlnc our rou band M worM LOW PRICES. BETTER SURVlCO Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRV CLEANING "Put Your Outfs In Our Suds" THE WHITE IS KING (of JA)i III!' I of E3Bfl-N. .. B9n yHiliflf The BEST all-round Family Sowing Machine that can be produced. Made In both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 6)9 Merchants National Bank Bldg BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HOI1EHT It. GOULD Civil puati Knglneer V Oregon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DI1NTI3T Ofllco Ovor Postortlce nond, ... Orogon DIt. J. C. VANDEVERT Pliytdclnu nnd Surgeon Phono Unci 271 Hours 9-12 n. m.: 1-C p. m.: 7-9 p. m. Snther Ilulldlui; V. O. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Ofllco In First National HniiU Dulldlng Tel. .Til Hontl, Oii'uon W1LLARD II. WIRTZ L A V Y : 11 Prlnevlllo, Oregon. O. S. IIENSON Attorney At L n w Hanson Hulldlng, Wall Street Ilond, Oregon, VERNON A. FORRES Ij a v y i: it First NntlonnI Dank Hulldlng Ilond, :-: :-: Oregon 0 H O It a E 8. YOUNG Civil nuil Irrigation Engineer. U. H. Mliicriit'Himejnr. Room G First National Hank Dulldlng J. 11. Hell A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) SuccoBsors to Tho J. II. Manor Abstrnct Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. AliBtrnctH IiiBiirnnrn rend plumiiing and heating company Sunltnry Plumbing Steam and Hot Wntor Heating WALL STREET DR. J It IIAIIII P1i)'hU'Iiiii mill fSurgroii DoBclnitcH Stnto Hank HulldiiiK Phono llliuk 711 John J. Cunningham CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates DRAYING Bend Hauling Co. It. N. PALMEHTON Wood for Sale Oniro with It. P. Mlnler Ofllco llione lllack (III Itonlileiuo lllurk 122 tim leU 7 vvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvv 5 s Eat At Thk OTEL LTAMONT H LUNCH KHAUY TOR SPUVICH AT I IMS DINNIJR AT 5:30 TRY IT VWVVVVVVVWV1VVVVV O'DONNELL UNION MARKET H. O. ELLIS Attomeynt-Lnw United States Commissioner First Nntlonal Hank Hulldlng I1END, OREGON II. II. Do ARMOND LAWYER Oregon Street. Horn!, Oregon DR. J. II. CONNARN I) It N T I S T Omco In Snthor Dulldlng. Iloun, 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays nnd ovenlngB by Appointment. C. P. NI3WONOER, llond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kmhnlmcr, Funeral Dlrt'ctor. Phone. Lndy Assistant. DR. 11. D. STOWELL Nnpnipntlilc PIijhIcIiiii Ofllco ovor Miller Luinlor Co. Wall Streot Hours 9 to 6 Phono Red CI Hygienic, Dlotutlc and Natural Thornpnutlcs Chronic disorders n Specialty DR R. D. KETCHUM Ofllco hours: 9-12; 1-G or by Appointment llcan bldg. J. I. Engcbrelson Plumbing mill llcnting llcnd, Oregon 117 MINNESOTA STREET ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISH EU .70II1IING PROMPTLY DONE Fraternal Societies I. O. O. F. Ilond Lodge No. lit 8. Regulnr mooting overy Mon day night nt 8 o'clock In Hat ti er's Hall. Visiting brothou cordlnlly wolcomo. L. II. OLEH3, N. O. GEO. P. GOVE, Bocrotnry. VACATION In Portland, ullli hide trips imtftlilii, Mill ttlto )ou mi ('iijn)nlilo nt en fclon, Mnhn I ho Miiltmiiiiuli jour lirmliinrti-rs. HiTVIrn Ix'ttor. 1 Intra (oiiNlNlently timer. HATES TO YOU no Roiiiiih $i oo too Rikiiiih with lintti, .(tl.,1,) 100 Hoiiiiim with liatn. .2.00 -DO lirgo iiiilslilii riioniH, Hull lp2,0U Elrn pormn In room, $1.00 mlilltloiml J Hoofing of all kinds. KejmlrlriK' promptly donu, .1. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting Cornices und SkyllKhts, I VS- - fOh'TlM'O.OmW MHMMMMHn LT I 3CS3339arWHfeS BROTHERS ': J San Francisco, California ITtTAlJE '" '.!;