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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1915)
THE HEXI) BULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, DECEMI1EU 1, 101B. I'AGK tt. .i ..' MARKINGA SAILOR .Naval Arm Insignia Worn by Uncle Sam's Enlisted Men. ty TELLS THEIR RANK AND WORK. The Bluejackets Are Proud of Thaie Clast Symbol, and Only the Novices Are Without Them Marines Have Their Own Special Insignia. Undo Sam seems to be n wise old boy. llo ban found tbo secret of uvcrt. In;; lubor dllUcultlcs und raising tbo -dignity of labor uboard ship by giving the marines and Milium wlio aio as tdgncd to special duties urm Insignia to distinguish tlielr callings and ranks. .Mechanics, clerics, carpenters und decli men arc given just ns much at tention when It comes to Insignia us nro tbo admirals, captains, lieutenants, -ensigns nnd other commissioned men. And If tho truth were only known the Jucklcs take even more pride In dis playing tho marks that huvo been con ferred upon them. Undo Sam bus a peculiar method of murklng bis men, but ho has never taken Into consideration that the pub lie would like to bo taken Into the se cret. The consequence Is Unit tho men who have becu honored with the dis tinguishing marks and It is only the novices or newcomers who have not n , mark of some kind must suffer iind bo prepared ulwuys wullo on shore have to answer the questions of tho curious. The Insignia, however, nro simple enough when understood. A symbol of Mome sort Is used to distinguish tbo man's following. For Instance, a chief .eomau has two crossed keys on his coat sleeves, signifying that ho has the keys to tho stores and Is a clerk on Imaid tho ship. An eaglo appears over every murk and there are qualifying stripes under the symbol to show whether the man Is first class, second elans or third class. If llo Is of the hit- er rank he has only ouo stripe. If lie Is a chief petty olllcer ho wears con necting lines between tho curved lino under tho eaglo and tho stripes. Oth erwise be simply wears tho eaglo uud the stripes. This Is true with nil men. In sumo Instances, however, tbo utrlpe" under the symbol typify the man's distinctive olllce. For Instance, it machinist of the .first class wears three stripes. A water tender has tbo hiitue mark under n propeller. A man with two stripes Is cither unrulier or u machinist's mate. A man with two crossed quills Is n pay clerk. A turret with 11 gun signi fies that I ho wearer Is a turret cap tain. A globe means the man Is nn electrician. A carpenter hits two hatch-i-tK. A crescent Irf worn by a commis si ry or u commissary's stewnrd. A -quartermaster In the uovy wears n wheel, while tho man with the same - distinction lif tho marlno corps has rosicd quills for bli Insignia. Many of the naval men also wear n " Ingle stripe across the shoulder. These who wear red belong to tho engineers' -corps. If n man with n red strlK has one white strlc on his cuff ho Is it coal passer: If two. ho Is a second class tlreman und If three, n third class tire man. Tho deck force wear n white stripe Across tho shoulder. If n mini has two tttrlpcs on his cuff he Is uu ordinary pcaman: If three, u hcntnau. and u sin Itlo stripe means ho U uu apprentice or it landsman. All t,he petty officers wear blue rat ing on the white clothes and led on tho liluc. A man who has won three sue esslve ifltlng medals for good conduct Is icrmltted to wear gold. Those who mre In llio special or the engineers' ilinincli wear their rating on the left inriii. and the seamen wear theirs on itho right. Enlistment stripe- are also worn, one for each four years. Chief J 'petty officers, besides having the con meeting lines over their Insignia, also wear brass buttons on their coats. Tho marine Insignia nre slightly dif ferent. In the llrst place tho mark ings are In gold and therefore much 'brighter and are moro noticeable. This Is true only with the dress uniform. "With the khaki clothes tho men wear Held chevrons with narrow marks. A marine corporal has two stilpes mid a t.ergeiint three stripes. A tlrst sergeant lias a diamond tinder Ills stripes, uud a M-rgeaut major has additional stripes tiuder the diamond. A gunnery scr Keuiit has u leaf and nn acorn under Ills str!K!s; n quartermaster sergeant line quills; a drummer has cross sticks nnd it trumpeter crossed bugles. Offl rrs In the marine corps have their In flgnU on both arms. Philadelphia North American. SERPENTS AS HYPNOTISTS. The Charm They Uso on Animals Thoy Succumb to Themselves. Cases of fascination by' serpents of birds and other small animals havo been too frequently reported to admit of serious doubt on the subject. Evi dently It Is simply n kind of hypnotism and based, like human hypnotism,, on the effects of rhythmical Impressions made upon tbo nervous system. Experiment has proved that tho mo notonous swinging of u glittering ob ject before the eyes will throw many men and women Into hypnotic sleep. When it serpent charms or fascinates a bird or small quadruped It employs n similar method. It sways, Its head with glittering eyes or sets Its brilliantly colored colls Into silent rhythmic move ment within sight of Its victim, nnd the latter gradually yields to tho in tlueuce. Hut the most dangerous serpents arc themselves subject to this very hyp notic control, a (act which Is tho basis of the proceedings of tho serpent charmers of India and those of oth er Countries where veuoiuous snakes abound. Music, or tho monotonous repetition of musical notes, appears to bo tbo most effective agent In serpent charm ing. It may be remarked that accord ing to some observers tho sounds pro duced by a rattlesnake, nnd even the loud hissing of some serpents, have n hypnotic IiiUucuce, or nt least a sort of paralyzing force, due probably to ter ror. The cobras of southorn Asia and the closely related najas of Africa will como out of holes, erect their bends and a part of their bodies and sway about In it kind of serpent dunce when they hear the notes of a pipe played by u skilled performer. ' However, no cobra charmer ever has sufficient cotilldenco In his control over his dangerous subjects to neglect the removal of their fangs. A cobra bite has becu known to kill a man within a few minutes of Its In fliction. Garrett I'. Scrvlss In IJctroit News. . MEAT IS A STIMULANT. Heneo, Eaten In Excess, It Is Bad For Doth Dody and Mind. Tho director of one of tho largest physical culture schools In tho United States said not lung ago to u friend of mine: "Every time I eat a piece of good beefsteak I feel as stimulated us If I had drunk a cocktail." This curious statement embodies n truth of which most icoplo uro un aware. Meat Is not merely n food. It also Is a stimulant, with dctlnlte exhilarating effects on both mind and body. Eaten In excess, moreover. It nets nine'' its docs nn excessive amount of tho alcoholic beverage mentioned by tho physical culture director. That Is to say, It tends. In the first place, to causo nervous Irritability, mak ing It more difficult for a man to con trol his passions und Bometlmcs mak ing him positively savage. And. in tho second place, when eaten In excess it makes him mentally Inert nnd stupid. The reason for this second effect Is well known to all scientific students of food values. Cooked meat, the form In which meat usually Is eaten. Is nut easy to digest. If too much of It I? eaten Imperfect digestion results, und tho blood stream Is poisoned by tho decomposing animal food In tho alimentary ennui, Not total abstinence, but tempcrnnco enough meat to spur tho mind, not enough to deaden It that Is tho lesson to be drawn from the demonstrated stimulant effect of nnlmiil food. II. Addlugton Ilruco In Kansas City Times. Argus Eyed and Hydra Headed. The term "Argus eyed" means watch ful. According to the Grecian fable. Argus had 100 eyes, and Juno set him to watch all of whom slio was jealous When Argus was slain she transplant ed bis eyes Into the tall of tho peacock. "Hydra beaded'' Is a term derived from the fable of Hercules mid the hydra. Tho hydra had nine heads, and Hercules was scut to kill It. As soon as he struck off ouo of Its heads two shut up lu Its place. That's All. The borrower, nt tho phone: "Is this you. Sillier? Yes. pretty well. Say. Miller. I've got half a dozen books of yours that you let me tnke last sprlug. I wish you'd stop for them as you go 1y And. say, Miller. I waut you to tiring over your set of Plutarch and that early edition of I'epys and your Trench dictionary. If I'm not at home you can leave them with the muld. Yes. that's all. Uoodby."-Clevelaud Plain Dealer. Sure Cure. My lore. I wish you wouldn't paint." "All the women do. dear." -But It looks like an admission on your part that you are not already per fect, and that pains me." What could she do but stop?-Kansa City Journal. To wish l of Httle account. To sue reed thou must earnestly desire, and thU desire must shorten thy sleep. Ovid. The Peanut. The common peanut, beloved of tho smull boy, grows lu u way that Is dis tinctly original. The little plant scuds up Its shoots, with tho fruit on the end of a somewhat stiff stalk, and then be fore It ripens tho stem bends over nnd carefully pushes tho fruit underground Aw pigs uro said to be especially fond of these. It has been suggested that the plant does this to hide Its nuts from the porker's too Inquisitive Investigations. The Frilled Lizard. The frilled lizard of Queensland trov els on Its bind legs on level ground, keeping the frill folded when running. When attnckcl It expands this fold of skin, which stands nut like a ruff at right angles round the neck, giving It a most formidable asect. so that dogs that attack and kill larger lizards will often retreat before a frilled lizard at bay. Preliminary Discussion. "I offered ber my hand." said the young man. "Did she accept It" "Not exactly. She's n bridge player, and what the expects of me as u part ner Is'to lay my hand on the table and be dummy." Washington Star. The Rubber Belt. Tne trees and shrubs which produce some sort of rublr grow In a narrow belt round the world within 5 lU'srcM north and south of tbe equator. THE DESCHUTES RANGER j& jS FOR NOVEMBER j& j& The November lssuo of The Des chutes Kangor, Issued monthly from tho offico of 'the supervisor qt tho Deschutes forest, Is Just out. As n frontispiece It has a picture of n dao tree, n photograph taken In tho Phll llplucs by Supervisor Merrltt. Extracts from tho Hanger follow: During the latter part of Octobor Hanger South 1ms done n consider able, amount of Hold work In Ills 'dis trict In connection with thoxtenslvo land clasetflcatlon of tho Paulina for est which wtll bo prepared during the coming winter. At the ranger examination given on October 2G there woro eight can didates, all but one, of whom woro Forest Servlco employees during tho pnBt summer and soma for longer periods. Hanger Smith Tnylor of tho Cas cade National Forest, who has head quarters at tho Paradlso Hanger Sta tion, near McKentle Hrldgo. am lu Hond on October 28 with Hnngor Vincent to took nt tho new mltlB that nre being erected. Ho had Just broughtThls horses over to this sldo for the winter. Messrs. Bproat, Wcndovor and II. E. Smith completed a traverse, of tho portion of tho Deschutes rlvor through T. 22 S., H. 8 E nenr tho Wickiup Hanger Station, enrly in No vember. A special uso permit for n resi dence was Issued to H. P. Richards for a tract of two acres on tho Davis l.nko meadows. Richards Is ouo ot tho Juno 11 applicant;' for land in this region and decided to tako out this permit when tho land was clas sified as nonllstahlo. Deputy Gnmo Wnrlen Clydo Mc Kay and Mr. Merrltt mndo a trip to Crescent and Odell Lakes on Octobor 22 with n load of Eastern brook trout. Tho trout havo nlso boon planted In a number of other places within tho forest by Forest Sorvlco officlnls and othors during tho past month. Gnmo Warden McKay states that nil of tho llsh havo boon dis tributed. On November 13 Hanger Mahn went to Prlnevlllo to nBslst ns a member of tho timber cruising par ty that was organized from yearlong men to examine part of the proposed Rogers exchongo nrcn. Owing to the biiow nnd had woathcr, however, tho party wau broken up and Mr. Mnhn has returned to llend. Mr. Merrltt took a short trip to Portland on Novembor G, returning on November 7 with hogging Engi neer W. T. Andrews, who Is now on tho Metollus river malting nn apprais al of tho tltnbor in that vallsy. Logging Englncor Woodcock arriv ed In llend on November 18 nnd lott tho sumo day for Sisters so that ho may discuss the proposition with Mr. Androws. A preliminary examination of tho proposed 'rond from Mllllcnn vnlloy to East Lnko wns mndo by Hanger Smith In co-operation with local settlors. Entoo Druthers hnvo commenced work drilling tho well on tho Cabin Lnko Hanger Station north ot Fort Rock. All extra help In tho Supervisor's offico Is now working on land clas sification data of Bouio kind. This work will evidently bo tho principal offico work during tho following win ter. Tho following projects nro being worked up. High Desert, Including about -10,- Before you sign an application for Life Insurance IN ANY OTHER COMPANY Serve Your Qwn Interest BY EXAMINING The Policy Contract, The Superior Service and The Low Premium Rate of Orcgonljfc INSURANCE COMPANY BEST FOR OHEGONIANS Home Office: c0.raKNN Portland, Oregon A. L. MILLS President L. SAMUEL General Manager ASHLEY FOHHEST, District Agent. ALL THE MUSIC IN THE WORLD WITH THE Columbia Disc Graphophone and Grafonola DELIVERED TO YOU ON EASY TQtMS $15.00 to $225.00 NJVote "LEADER" With Columbia Individual Ik-cord or $85 Mahogany, Satin Walnut, or Quartered Oak. (Golden. Fumed, or Early English) "The Jewel" $35 CtmpUk In totrJtWl S.fcfrV Quartern Ou. A'OU tie inrittd t any ' time to come in od lnltn to ike Itlot ColurabU (Ucordi. We cm gel you any kIccUco on il.ort notice. THE OWL PHARMACY SOLE ACENTS 1)5:' ."iX PVMnj 'rt....i Id -. JHtu 'I'i'ii ' UHBB Hi 1 1 WW' ,, ..nli..l M.iVV Thank your lucky stars if you teel that way about it when you get good service from your tires, but there is a deeper and more under standable reason. The tire that you and every other motorist undoubtedly want most is not the result of hit or miss efforts. Some great factory has gone to the limit in giving you the best that human ingenuity can produce, and stakes its reputation on the result. That's how Diamond Tires are built nnd the great factory behind thorn i9 tho larg est rubber factory in tho world. The horse-shoe was all right to nail over tho barn-door, but for tho garage four Diamond Tires on tho wheels of your car con stitute tho best omen of good luck wo know anything about. DIAMOND "FAIR-LISTED" PRICES: 34x4 30x4" 37x5 3Bx5J" Diamond Squcccco 000 acres nlorR tho onst edeo ot tho Forest snutlieiist of Hond. Dig Itlvor. Including nliout 60,000 ncres south nnd west of tho HIb Ktvcr Hanger Station. Chuwnucnn project on tho I'roiuont National Forost, tho Hold work for which whs donu by Mr. Snront nnd his party this Biimmor. Tho Wnlkor Ilnsln, on tho old I'nulltm forest, which Includes tho nrea examined by 1C. 1'. Cecil In 1912 nnd tho extensive land classi fication report on tho balance of tho old Dcftchiitoa division of tho l'aullna forest which will cover nil ot that roglony not Included la Mr. Cocll's work. Thosa piojcctfl complete tho clas sification of tho entire DeschutuH us It Is now constitutod excepting bucIi portions of tho old Paulina no may bo left for Intensive classification when tho oxtenslvo report Is pro pnrod. A comploto report lins boon rocolv od from Hanger ilnrrlmnn concern ing tho big Houth Ico Cava tiro which occurred Into lu August. Tho total nrou burned over was 10,000 acres ot which 8, SOU woro National Forest timbered land, 100 ncres Natlonnl Forest inm-tlniliored, 1)37 acres pri vate timber lund Ineldo tho forest nnd 7 tin ncres outside tho national forest boundaries. Don't Send Out of Bend for that Christmas Gift Look over grade jewel I Hid what gladly .send package for not carried priced inuc will he able where. our stock of high ry. If you do not you want we will 'for u memorandum you to select goods .in stock will he h lower than you to get them else- MYRON H. SYMONS THE ItOND STREET JEWELER Watch Inspector forS. 1'. fc S Oregon Trunk Division. WA BUILD NOW! For a short time we will sell residence lots well located, city water and lights and lumber with which to build for $10 CASH AND $10 MONTHLY J. RYAN & CO.