The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 01, 1915, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    TAOR 10.
, i
On the Isthmus They Know What
a Real Rainstorm Means.
It Comet Down In Torrents So Dense
That tho Rest of the World Seoms to
Bo DlottocJ Out One Three Hour
' Downpour That Established a Record.
lteforo ua Hprenil the recusing, pow
erful, wuu HliliiiiiiorliiK I'ucllli'. Actosh
tliu buy, clear tin mi rtcliluK, lay l'uim
mn, bnclccil by Anron la lit. In regular
cfuluiKu tliu wnves swept In mi tlit
MSIltilH. Kuril wim till' Hcoltu de''rllied
by Mr. Harry A. rrnnclt In "SCmie l'o
llct'iiiiut 88" when Iib mill three com
nttles went one day for a hwIiii In tlio
Wo illved In. keeping nn eye out for
the hlmrkri, iiIHioiikIi wo knew they
never cninu no far In and probably
would not bite If they did. The huh
blazed down wlillo hot from n cloud-les-H
Hky. Tho lieutenant and KerKeant
Jnck 'find not been able to tome, but
We nrnitiKfd the rnecu and Jumps In
tho Hand, for all that, and after our
swim went Inlo I hem with u will and
A raindrop rell. then a few nioie,
then many mole, ltefore we had lln
ifllictl tho bundled yard datili It was
undeniably i-.ilnlii. Half a minute
later "biieketfllls" would have been n
weak Hlmlle. The blanket of water
blotted out Panama and Aneoii hill tho hay. blotted out tho dlstnnt
batherx, then even thoo Homo at hiind,
'u remained under water for n time
to keep dry. Hut the rain whipped our
fur-en na with tlmiiMiimlq of HtliiKltitf
IiihIich. Wo criiwled out anil dashed
bllnilly up tlio hunk toward tho hiiw
mill, the ruin licit I ni,' on our all but
bare hIJiih. It felt as It might feel to
Htiuid In Mlrallore.s loekH and lot the
wind pour down upon us from Hlxt.v
feet nbuu When at liiHt wo Mumbled
tinder cover and up the Hlalrn tit where
our t'lolhlui; hung It wax as If a weight
of many tons had been llfte.l from our
' 'J'hu huwuiIII was without Hide walls
mid coiiNlHteil only of a h licet Iron roof
and lloorn. The Monti pounded on the
roof w'ltli a roar Hint madu tho plgu
ImiKUagK necessary. It was as If wo
Mere Hiirrouuded on nil hIiIi'h by solid
wiiIIh of water and forever shut off
from the outer woild If, Indeed, that
had Htirvlved.
Sheets of water Blushed In fart her and
farther across the lloor. Wo took tu
huddling behind beiims and under saw
hcuclicH-tho militant storm hunted us
out mid wetted us hit by bit. "The
admiral" and 1 climbed up mid tucked
oursehes away on the forty-live degree
1 beams up under the renting lonf. The
nngry water gathered together In col
umns mid swept In and up to noulc us.
At tho end of an hour the downpour
had Increased some luuidred per cent.
That was tho day when little harmless
Minium lino themselves apart Into
great gorges mid left their pathetic lit
tle bridges alone mu, deserted out In
the middle of the gulf. That was the
famous May I'.'. IIU'-', when Aiicou re
corded 'I ho greatest rainfall In her his
tory 7.'J:i Inches, lrtually all within
three hours.
Three of us were ready to Hiirrenilet
anil swim homo through It. Hut there
was "the iidinlrnl" In consider, lie
was iliotWd cleir to Ids scarfplu. mid
l'auama tailors tear horilhle holes In
u pnllt email's salary So wo waited
mid dodged and squirmed Into Hiuallci
holes for another hour and grew hiciiiII
ly wetter.
At lentil h dusk hcKtiti to full, but In
Mend of dying with the day the fury
of tho storm IiiciciihciI. It was then
that "the admiral" capitulated, seeing
tale plainly In league with Ids tailor.
WlgwuvKlnp his decision to us, he led
the way down tho stall's and dived Into
(ho woild iiuiibIi.
Wet? We had not taken the third
Hlep before we wele stieamlllg like
lire hose. There was neaily an hour
of It. splashing knee deep through
what had been little, dry. windy hol
lows; steering by guess, for the eye
could make out nothing tlfty yatds
iiliiNid, even before the cheese thick
ihiikiusM fell; bowed lll.o iiouiikcuii
rinns under the hmdcii of w liter, stug
lerliuc txick and foith as the storm
caught us uosulo or the eaitb gave
whjt under us. "The admiral's" jhitent
leather shoo-hut why go Into pain
rul details)
Tho wall of water was as thick in
over when we fought our bowed mid
weary way up oxer the inllwiiy brlibte
When we IihiI gathered force- for the
Iskt diiMi we plmmed toward our suv
end goals. As the door of 111 slam
wed behind me the downpour suddenly
hluUned, As I paused before my
ruum to drain It stopped ralnliitf.
Umudng was orlulunlly it mode of
oNpiwsliig ittllKlous reeling, for In
MHiive. David's dancing before the MV
mid was often used III military ills
nliiys. thougb the lloiuaus, like or!
tiiitMls, usually had their dancing done
for them by hired Mhviw. London Au
bwew. A Test.
Mrs, Ku'ngg 1 tell .ou, women nrr
vy bit us etlicleut us tneii. 1 can do
Hiiythlug ,ou cnn. Mr. Kuagg nl so?
1. (inmie see you hang nil ,uur clothes
mi one book tu the eloet. Now York
Thrift of time will repay you In nftet
life with a thousandfold of protlt be
yond your most sanguine dreams.
WIllluiu Kwart UliulMuno.
One Through Human Aoenclos and
One Engineered by Nature.
Whut do j oil think of nn explosion
which scoops a hole 300 feet long by
05 broad and SO deep? That was what
n .traluload of blasting gelatin and
Vln'oty cases of detonutors did to n
siding 300 yards away from tho city
railway station of Johannesburg.
Pieces of the engine were found a
mile away, unit beside tho fifty more
or loss complete human bodies discov
ered twenty sucks were filled with hu
man fragments.
A most extraordinary piece of good
fortune attended this tcrrlllc explosion.
A reJhot missile, hurtling through tho
air, fell Into another dyiiamltu factory
nearer the town. Had that factory
e.plodel Johniiliesburg would unvo
been laid In, utter uiln. Itnt It fell
into the only pa. I of water In the place
and Instantly ipienched Itself.
lint all this H a mere nothing to
what nature can do. In modern times
the biggest explosion engineered by
nature was the one which blew tho
Island of Krakatoa to smithereens,
blotted out ou'i-y iriuo of a town of
00,000 people and killed l,"O.00O more.
It was caused by the lloor of the sea
cracking mid letting In the water upon
the Interior tires or a volcano.
Tho line ashes wet one thick that It
was necessary to burn lamps nil dny
In places liOO miles away. Theso ashes
were proved to have been carried com
pletely round tho world three times.
It affected the sunsets of Kngland Tor
thtee jears, giving them exceptional
brilliancy. Tho whole northwest const
of Java was coveted six mid seven
fret deep in ashes. Tho debris was
shot miles up Into the sky. The city
of Anger now lies a hundred feet bo
low the hou. Pearson's Weekly.
Dressed and Honied by tho Action of
tho Plants Thomoelves.
When a bullet or any foreign body
penetrates a tree not millleleiitly to kill
it tho wound cicatrizes almost In exact
ly tho Hiimo way as a wound on tho liu
limn body heals. If It did not destruc
tive microbes would enter and cause
decay of the tissues.
"Trees," writes Henri Coupln In Na
ture, "uro very well equipped for heal
ing their wounds, and, inoro fortuuato
than we, tin antiseptic dressing Is al
most automatically applied. Ah soon
as the lesion has taken place tlio vege
table reacts to tho wounded spot. Its
breathing at this point Is rpilckcncd
and at tliu sumo time protein matters
are rushed to tho scene.
".Many plunts uro provided with ne
cretlug canals filled with mora or less
gummy substances, which uro Instantly
poured out over the wounded surface
mid protect It. This Is true especially
of the conifers pines, firs, etc. of
which tlio resin makes a swift and lm
K'nneiiblo antiseptic dressing."
In trees that have little or no resin
the wounded part turns brown. This
Is due to the appearance of a Juico that
seems to bo a mixture of gums and
tannin. And tho cells of tlio tree start
Into nctlvlty, proliferating and filling
up the cavity with new cells. If tho
wound bo largo theso take the form of
vegetable cicatricial tissue, which
makes a plug mid remains as a scar.
In the event that the wound bo con
fined to one of the limbs of the tree It
not Infrequently happens that tho limb
becomes dead and drops off, tho wound
healing and leaving the treo In nowise
the worse for tho loss of the absent
A Wclcomo Change,
"You look very mulling tills morning.
Illuks," said Ilarkaway.
"I guess I ought to be. I went to n
fortune teller Inst night, and she
prophesied Immediate financial re
verses," chortled lllnks,
"1 fall to m'o anything very Joyous
lu that." said llnrkaway.
"You would If you knew anything
about my llnances." said Illuks. "I tell
you right now that If they don't re
erso pretty dinged qulek I'll bo bust
ed." John Kendrlck lltuigs In Now
York Times.
Carlylo Would Talk.
Professor U'.ackle said of Carlylo:
"I admire his genius. Hut how ho
would talk, talk, talk, and give no
body a chance to put In a word! One
night 1 actually shook him. Ills wife
had been trying all the evening to say
something, but there was not tho
smallest oIiimico. I took hold of him
and shook him, snylng, ' jour wife
speak, you monster!' Hut It wan of no
Teacher Unsatisfactory,
"Why did you take lllnoru nwny from
school. Aunt Mainly?" u huly asked her
cook one day.
Aunt Mnndy sniffed scornfully.
" Viiiiso 'o teacher ain't satisfactory
ttili nie. Mis' Mnllyt What you reckon
she tell dnt chile ylstldy? She 'low
tint IV spell four, when even a Idjul
ud know tint It spell Ivy." Normal In
structor, Fteflsx Doner.
"l)ou't be so hard on the cynic. He
tills u useful oillce."
"I'd like to know what!"
"Why, his sneering disbelief In the
domestic virtues makes other people
spur up and practice them." Huston
Three Legged Stools.
In ancient times It was the custom
for dlsniitnuts In philosophy mid for
clea to be seated on three legged seat
An Indignant Poet.
Dcrnngcr, tho famou3 French poet
whoso greutcst gift lay In writing lit
tle poems which ho called songs, was
pnrtlculnrly depcudent upon tho chance
visits of the muse.
Ho was once visited by the author
and academician Vleunet, who snld to
"You must have written several
songs since I saw you lust."
"1 have only begun one." answered
"Only, one? I am astonished!" ex
claimed' Vlennet.
Ilernugcr becnino Indignant.
"Humph!" he shouted'. "Do you
think one cart turn off a song as one
turns off a tragedy?"
Outluwry existed In England and
Scotland' from very curly days. Earl
Godwin and Hcrewnrd tho Wake were
famous political outlaws. At one time
the sentence was used to punish uny
one who would not pay tho "were," oi
blood money, to the relatives of a man
ho had killed. In civil proceedings It
was abolished lu 1871). In the old days
on outlnw could be killed wheuovci
or wherever lie was encountered, but
this purt of tho penalty was abolished
The arrow that pierce the eagle's
breast 1st ofteu made of his own fealh
A Modorn Solomon.
A Philadelphia police magistrate wat
called ou to decide the ownership of a
dollar bill which was found lu the
street by a negro mid claimed to hnve
been lost by a whlto man. After hear
ing the story of cneh claimant the
coin t said:
"J believe the dollar belonged to the
White man. but since the negro found
It lie Is entitled to u reward. I there
fore decree that each tako 00 cents and
call it a day's work."
Rusty Steel.
Onions uro good for (.-leaning steel ar
ticles that have rusted. Hub the rust
spots with a piece of union mid leave
for twenty-four hours. Wash and pol
ish with bath brick dust, moistened
with turpentine. Wasli again In suds
mid scald with clear water. Knives
that have rust smiis of long standing
should he plunged Into an onion and
allowed to stand for some time. Fin
ish the cleaning process us above.
Vlsa Judge. .
A Montana woman sued for divorce
because her husband kissed tliu serv
ant ghl.
"You want this man punished?" said
the Judge.
"I do." said she.
"Then I shall not divorce you from
him," said the Judge.
Not Quite.
"How Is the baby getting along In
trying to talk?"
"Well. I must soy his efforts hnve
not ns yet met with pronounced huc
cess." Ilaltlmore American.
Opportunity seldom cornes with n
letter of Introduction.
Boo Edwards for good house paint
ing. Adv.
To tho Editor of Tho Ilullotln:
Ilolow Is given a copy of tho body
of tho complnlnt sent In a fow weoks
ngo by tho Wator Users' Ascoctntlon
of tlio Contral Oregon Irrigation pro
ject. It Is n matter that ohould ho
thoroughly studied by ovory settlor
and land owner on tho project, for
tho tlmo Is coming soon when nil
will ho called upon for enrnost and
substantial support to carry It
It Is an undlsputnhlo fact Hint tho
unsettled condltlono now existing be
tween the company and tho settlors
has hindered progress In this part of
Central Orogcn. Settlors nnd hives-,
tors hnvo become discouraged and
gono to othor plnccs leaving untm
proved nnd Idlo lands all through tlio
segregation. Monoy Invested 1b dead
capital and even tho speculator la
passing theso lands by.
Kvory sottlor now living on tho
regrogntlon should mako It his busi
ness to find nut who owns tho Idle
or unimproved land adjoining hlin.
If tho ownor lives outside tho segre
gation ho should bo kept potted as
to tho progress of this movo. For It
Is dollnltely known that many of the
owners of ditch land living out of
Central Orogon nro willing to tako
their shnre of tho financial responsi
bility that Is very likely to como up
before tlio matter Is finally settled.
It Is to cortnln of theso outsldo
land owners that tho settlors nro In
debted for tho suggestions and In-'
eplrutlon that brought about thls.plnn
of a complaint to tho Public Service
Commission. A fow consultation
meetings were held near Hond by
sonic of tho wator users who woro in
touch with these Investors. This with
some legal r.dvlco put tho complnlnt
In Its presont shapo. It was then
brought up before the regular meet
ing of tlio wator users association at
Hedmond In October. Tlio members
present nt that mooting unanimous
ly voted to adopt tho moasuro and
carry It through,
As hits been publicly stated the
complnlnt hrs been served on the
compnny by tho Commission. The
water users hru-o eugnged the logal
Services of II. H. Do Armond to pre
sont their sldo of tho question and
nil are hoping for a speedy and sat
isfactorily adjustment of affairs.
The complaint Is as follows:
Tho plnlnUff for cause of complaint
against the defendant allegos and
That It Is generally known and of
ficially declared both verbally and tn
printed report that the canals of the
Central Oregon Irrigation Company
aro not of s"fflclent slie or capacity
or adequately constructed so as to
carry water sufficient to reclaim the
lands ombraced within their various
projects and that if all tho lands now
sold under said projects wore being
cultivated and domandlng the water
ns called for according to contracts
for each particular sub-division or
tract of land, that the said Central
Oregon Irrigation Company would
not be ablo to supply Baid lands with
wrter to Irrigate tholr lands.
That tho said Central Oregon Irri
gation Company has constructed a
certain flumo which diverts water
from tho Deschutes river through the
Central Oregon Canal to lands under
this project: said lands being sole
ly and entirely dependent upon this
flumo for their wator supply, and that
said flumo Is at the present time
worn out .and condemned and Is liable
to go out nt any time, In which event
nil the settlors under tho said Ccn-
trnl Orogon canal project would be
without water for either Irrigation
or domestic purposes, and that tho
Central Oregon Irrigation Company i
knowing tho condition of said flume
falls nnd refuses to mnke nny pro-,
vision for tho reconstruction or tho ,
rebuilding or of tho properly repair-1
Ing of said flumo so as to tako away'
tho danger of Its going out, and do-i
dines to Bpcnd nny money for ttiol
benefit of tho settlors using water
flowing through this flume, and that
thorn aro hundreds of settlers under
theso projects wfaoso livelihood de
pends upon tho existence of this
That tho contracts of tho Central
Oregon Irrigation Company with the
State of Oregon for these projects
will expire about Juno 1, 1917, nt
which time tho said Irrigation system
consisting of flumes, canals, etc, will
he turned over to tho settlers nnd
that this plnlntlff representing prac
tically all tho settlors on tho project
stato that by Juno 1, 1917, tho said
flumo will bo In a much moro corlous
condition tlirn It now Is nnd that It
Is tho Intention of tho company not
to spend any moro monoy on said
ilunio or on Its ditches knowing that
tho peoplo will tnko tho samo over
on said date
That tho said Centrat Oregon Ir
rigation Company collects from tho
settlors each year thousands of dol
lars In maintenance fees ostensibly
for tho purposo of keeping tho said
system Including the flumo and canals
in good condition, hut that Instead
of using these snld mnlntonanco fees
for tho purposo or repairing snld
cnnnlB and flumes ns required and
needed, only a small portion of such
monoy Is put back Into tho segrega
tion for repairs and up kcop of tho
system. Tho bnlanco thereof being
UBcd for tho paymont of high salaries
and for othor purposes unknown to
tho plaintiff, and that tho said do
fondant refuses to allow any of tho
members of tho plaintiff horoln ac
cess to tho hooks of tho (Sompnny or
enlighten them In nny respect regard
ing tho iibo mndo of tho monoys ro
colved for mnlntonanco foes.
Whorofore tho plalntlfT prays (hat
tho Public Sorvlco Commlsdion com
pel tho Contral Orogon Irrigation
Company to koop Its flumes nnd
A. vLo
January 3 to 8. 1916
Live InformMlon, Practical Help fur the Home
the Harm, lh Community.
Convention, of Oifiuii'i OreslKt Indtntrlc
Coufeit nets 011 Oicun' Mort Villi Problems
Two thoumnil people itleixled lilt rrir, It It
great place tu mnke ftiem! with live
thlnlrx iml live thought!, good
wurkvm, in4 K"i work.
January 10 to February 4, 1916
A rrictlcit Agricultural Courae In Nut Shell.
Appliett Science In Actual Work of
the I'uriu lud Household.
Corrcipomtence Couriet Without Tulllon.
l'.xpert Instruction In Mutlc.
Reduced railroad riten.
For procrim write to The College Eichinge, Oregon
AjriculturjJ College. Corulili. ilw-Ji to M)
YOU should place your or
dor for Christmas photos
now, to got them on time tor
presents. Wo aro especial
ly proparod with the latest
lu Holiday folders.
OUK STUDIO IiAMl enables
us to photograph you DAY
OH X10HT. The best re
sults obtatonule.
Make your appointments
ditches in first class repair, and that
tho malntenr.nco fees collected shall
bo used for tho purposo of repairing
and keeping lu good condition the
said system and to enjoin the de
fendant from allowing tho said sys
tem to deteriorate anticipating tho
tu.'nlng of tho samo ovor to tho Waer
Users on about Juno 1, 1917, and
to tnko such other nnd further action
in the premises as may seem Just to
tho settlors on tho snld project.
Saturday, December 4
BACON fffi.1 18c
Sugar ffi $1
Special Prices on Fruits
and Vegetables.
Apples 1.25 to 2.50
T. R. McClincy
The Accommodating Grocer
With n Complete Line of
Rubber Goods
Heavy Work
Stag Shirts
New Caps ,
from which to pick we cnn
oiler you Better Values.
We carry everything needed for
Wi'nler Weather.
Men's Furnishings
We now have
a remodeled and up-to-date
store, and solic
it your trade in Gro
ceries and Hardware.
F. Dement &
Lots at Half the Price
Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from
the Business Center.
Lots 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners
Lots 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners
Central Oregon's Leading
Fire Automoble Life Accident Surely Bonds
Member l'ortliuiil lteulty Hoard.
For Girls and Boys
Guaranteed not to wear out
Children s . 2.00 to $2.25
Boys' and Girls'. 2.75 pair
Waterproof school bag giv
en away with each pair of
Village School Shoes sold.
Foot-Sctulze Dress Steftf
R. H. LOVEN h'oe5 Repairing,