I' The bend bulletin. Vol. XIII. nuxn, oiu:;ox, whdxi:siav aftf.uxoox, hf.chmhkii i, tins. -K an. COUNCIL SETS 15 ILL LEVY CENTRAL OREGON BANK OPEKS;cpLnn I rilV IP FnRRIISINFSSTHISMflRNIfJCUUriUUL LLVl ID CLUB LATE III PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION BEGINS WORK FOR CHILDREN CITY ELECTION TO CONSIDER BOND ISSUE LATER Mlllago Will PrtMluco $0,71 I of R22,. 771 Needed to Carry on Huslness of 1010 Many Sco Xeed of Itct- ter Flro Protection Here. At a public meeting held In tho Council Chamber Friday night, called tor tho purposo of giving public dis cussion of tho city budget for 191G, the council unanimously adopted the rocommendatlons of tho ways and -means commltteo of tho council and voted a 15 mill levy for tho coming 7ear. This Is ono mill higher than tho tax for 191C Tho levy will produce $G,744.20, of which $4,04G.90, upon a levy of 9 mills, will bo raised to meet tho In terest on tho sower bonds and 2, C97.93 on n lovy of G mills for cur Tont cxpenBos. It was tho feeling of the taxpnyors present who hoard tho budget and tho recommendations read, that tho most Toaslblo courso to pursue In raising tho additional $12,000 neccseary to carry on tho business of tho city for tho coming vear. was to lasuo bonds. All ngreod that tho estimates offered 1y tho council wcro nominal, nnd thnt tin a 50 mill tax necessary to ralto tho full budget amount Is pro- lilhltcd under tho city charter, a bond lssuo Is tho only recourse Consldcrnblo Interest wns manlfcs- od In tho matter of tho amount sot -aside In tho budget for flro protection for tho ensuing year. Tho amount allotted for this purposo was I1.G00'. Many present oxpresscd tho bollof thnt thoro should bo more adoquato flro nrotectlop and moro hydrants Instnllod In somo of tho outlying dis tricts. Tho Itoms contained In tho budgot -nro: Street lmprovementfl $2, COO. 00 T.tght for strocts nnd puhllc buildings 2.700.00 Snrlnkllng nnd oiling strceta l,R00tnn Flro hvdrants 800.00 Tiro onulpmont J. POO. no Police protection 2,200.00 Salaries: onglnoor, recorder, treasurer nnd attorney .. 1.000.00 Interest on sewer bonds . . . 3.fi00.00 "Rent of council chamber . . JI00.O0 LUirnrv allowance 180.00 Printing ino.00 Health 800.00 Sundries 1,000.00 Ingersol-rtnnd Co. Judg ment CGI. 80 TTnnnld registered wnrrants (excluslvo of flowago warrants) 4.G94.71 I.pH proceeds unpal st.d and sewer assessments . . . 2,732.72 $1,801.97 Total amount neccasnry to bo raised $22,744.71 fZ W. L. COUD, Pros. THOS. COBn, THE CENTRAL OREGON BANK Capital $25,000, Fully Paid FOR BUSINESS TODAY DIRECTORS thos. conn Y. L. COBB THOS. COUH U. K. Mi.vrt.il W. L. O'DOXNELIi ROSS FARNHAM Institution Itcgliis With Capital Stock of fjs:.-.,o)( H. m. Stephens Anhcs to He Assistant Cashier Tho Central Oregon Hank opened for business this morning In tho quarters formerly occupied by tho Deschutes br.nk at tho corner of Wall nnd Oregon streets. Thoro wore no ceremonies In connection with the event tho bank door being opened nt 10 o'clock by Cashier Cobb with tho statement that ho was ready for bus iness. Tho bank starts out with n capital of $25,000 and a surplus of $1250. Its oulcers nro W. L. Cobb, presi dent, D. u. Hunter, vlco prcstdont, Thomas Cobb, cashlor and directors, theso throe and W. L. O'Donnoll nnd Hoss Farnhnm. To assist Cashlor Cobb In tho con duct of tho bank II. M. Stophons ro cently arrlvod from Oakland, Oregon and will net ns assistant caBhler. Mr. Stephens has had consldcrnblo ox pcrlonco In tho banking business, having beon for Boven yenrs with E. O. Young & Co., In Oakland and for two years In eastern Oregon. CALLS IRRIGATION NETTING To Discuss Community Xeeds nt Red- iiioikI December 1 1. A call was Issued todny by Fred X. Wallace, secretary of tho Oregon Irrigation Congress, for a meeting to bo held In Hcdmoud Snturday after noon, Decombor 11. Tho call has been sent to nil tho commercial and Irrigation bodies In Crook nnd Jef ferson, In nil numborlng nbout 35. Knell body will bo nBkcd to send flvo dolegatcs to tho Itcdmond moot ing at which problems nnd necessi ties of tho various communities will bo given full discussion boforo tho meeting of tho Fifth Annual Irriga tion Congress to bo hold In Portland, Docomber 28, 29 and 30. JEFFERSONJAXES LOWER Budget For Xcw County Promises Material Itcdtictlon. (Crook County Journal.) Tho budgot Is being advertised In Jofferson county, and it Is of Intorest to ovoryono In this part of tho stnto because of tho statements made con cerning tho tcxes for tho yoar nftor tho division of tho county was ef fected. Theso statements varied nil tho way from nn estimated reduction of tho taxes to ono half tho amount for 1914 to doubling thorn up to thrco nnd four times tho amount, accord ing tq tho vlows of tho speakers on tho matter of county division. Tho facts aro that tho amount which thoy flguro will bo necessary to raise for tho coming yoar will make tho taxes somo 10 to 15 por cont lower than they were last year. Theso statements nro made by tho of ficials of Jefferson county, it mny bo that tho Bavlng will be less boforo tho expiration of tho year. D. F. HTNTHR, Vlee-I'res Cashier 9 TWELVE A1ILLS IS TAX VOTED lncreaso of Fho Mills Over I.nst Year Addition Is Required to Caio For Xow Tcacliera and Kxpected Growth In Population Here. A tax lovy of 12 mills for School District 12 for tho coming year wns voted by tho tax payors at a meeting held on Saturday morning at tho Held school. Including ofllcors of tho district about 20 wcro present, of whom thrco woro womon. Lower thnn tho 1914 lovy by three and a half mills, tho 191G tax Is flvo mills higher than for last ypnr, the lncreaso boing duo to tho groat In crcaso In tho school population. Al ready this year new teaoheis and now equipment havo been added beyond that contemplated In last yoar's bud get and provision Is made for nlno additional tenchors noxt year to toko caro of tho 40 expected Incroaso In tho school populntlon. Othor additions to next yearls ex penso aro for additional furniture, and tho flrst payment toward a sink ing fund to retire tlio bonds Issued (Continued on last pngo.) WATER USERS MEET Plans aro Considered Paragraph of Company's Answer has Loral Interest Mombora of tho Wntor Usora As sociation of tho C. O. I. Co., aro mooting In Ilend this nftornoon to make further plans concornlng tho complnlnt brought to tho Public Utilities Commlsblon of tho stato. In addition to tho .portion of tho company's nnswor to tho complaint printed Hut week, paragraph 11 has & local Inlorost and Is given In full as follows: "Tho ugltatlon nnd complaint against tho Irrigation Company aro also caused and fomented by cot-tain persons located nt Hand, Orogou, and who aro momhors of said plaintiff as sociation, but who hnvo no Interest In or connection with tho Irrigation Company, and who havo no contract therewith, and tho Conornl Manager of tho defendant Is out of favor with such persons. ThroaU havo beon mndo to tho directors of tho dofond nuts by such persons that unless tho General Manngor of tho Irrigation Company was removed, attacks would bo mndo upon tho Irrigation Company; nnd that thoy woro going to "got'1 tho manager of I'm irriga tion Company If thoy had to "get" thj Irrigation Company to do ho moaning and Intending to convoy to tho directors of this dofondint tliolr Intention to attack, harraBs and ruin the defendant unless tho General j Manager of tho Irrigation Company was removed " ?!5l33rf5tjtSe TW ffiESSS We carry a complete line of goods FOR THE HUNTER . Look over our stock of Riflesi Stibtgiiris, . . and Ammunition . v :j::; EzamiJimiatHMiiiim :::':; Bend Hardware Co. The Company that put tho "Wear" in Hardware IF YOU DID NOT GET A CATALOG CALL FOR ONE yi?$&?f&l 0 BOARD VOTES TO ASK EXTENSION Hcforo Couiiuertiiil Club Protests IjiiiiiI Hoard Passes on llenhiuii Falls Matter lluort to Obtain Heeoiitddcratloit Hclng Made. SALEM, Nov. 30. (Special.) llecauso tho letter aBklng for an extension of tlmo on tho Den ham falls unit hall already gono from the Desert Land Hoard to tho Interior Department when tho telegram off protest was re ceived from tho Ilend Commer cial Club Inst wcok, tho mem bora of tho board Informally agreed to take no further action. At tho meeting of tho Desert Land Hoard today tho matter wns not brought up as It Is con sidered ctosod so far as tho board Is concerned. It Is under stood that a strong protest to Washington mny help toward obtaining tho result desired In Crook county. lloforo tho nctlou had been tnkon which was contemplated by tho mo tion ndoptcd by tho Commercial Club nt Its meeting a week ago Saturday In rospect to thu llenham Falls segre gation tho Desert Land Hoard voted to request tho Department of ho In terior for n live yoar extension on Its contract. On Friday a wlru was sent tho board asking that Its action bo reconsidered and resolutions of pro- te8t wero adopted by tho club nt Its mooting on Saturday, Tho vote by tho Desert Land Ilonrd was ginned at Its regular meeting on tho Tuesdny following tho consider ntlon of tho subject by tho Commer cial Club. So tar ns Is known thoro was nothing boforo tho board touch ing on tho matter beyond tho roquoBt of 3r,C. O. I. Co. that n llvo year extension bo asked. Tho attltudo or tho Interior Department on tho mat ter Is not' known. Tho resolutions adopted on Satur day wcro submitted on behalf of tho permanent Irrigation commltteo of tho club by Ita chnlrman, V. A. Forbes, Thoy are ns follows: Resolutions Adopted. Whereas, tho Federal Government heretofore segregated 74,198 acres of land, In Crook county, Orogon, for tho purposo of Irrigation, which tract Is commonly known as tho Henhnm Falls tract, and on which contrnctH are now pending between tho Fed eral Government nnd tho Stato of Oregon, nnd tho Central Oregon Ir rigation Company, nnd Whereas, said luud has beon so segregated and under control for a period of moro than ton years, and no Improvement made thereon, nor any attempt to Irrigate tho lands em (Continued on last pngo.) ? ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft R R it ft ft ft ft & ft ft ft ft ft f - ft Hot Soup Sen oil at Lunch Time for Xontinal Sum-Thnnks;lliiK lloxos Dlsti Minted To Hold Sale. Thp Hcnd-I'nront Toachor associa tion added another activity to Ita list on Monday whon It began the serving of hot soup to school chll dten who bring lunches to school. Tho soup Is served nt n nominal charge of two cents per bowl, dif ferent members of the association having chnrgo of tho work from wcok to week, Tho school board hns fur nished a hot plata for tho work, all other expense being borno by tho as sociation. An especial need In connection with the serving of tho soup Is dish towels nnd tho association would bo glad to receive donations of towels or money for their purchase. For Thanksgiving tho association distributed 13 boxes containing veg etables, fruit nnd ment, Mrs. O. A. Thorson tho president of tho neso clntlon, who personally nttendod to tho distribution roports that ho boxes woro very thnnkfully received. Tho association parcol post salo will bo hold on Thursdny, December 9, nt tho Commercial Club room. OBSERVE GUN WEDDING Mr. nnd Mrs. Moses Xlswongoi- He tclo l'i lends on Tuesday. Mr. mid Mrs. Moses Xlswrougor ob served tho fiOth unnlvorsnry of tholr wjddlng nt tholr homo on F.lghth stroot yestordny nftornoon. Invita tions wcro Issued for n reception from on6 to four, nnd during thnt tlmo tholr homo wns lilted with frlonds. Souvonlr cnrdB with tho names, "Mos es Nlswonger," and "Maria Murray' and tho dutea "lSOC-lOlC," printed In gold woro given to nil. Mr. and Mrs. Nlswonger wero mar ried In Ohio on Novombor 30, 1805. Thoy havo lived In Orogon for 12 yenrs. Of tholr flvo chlldron four aro living and alt aro Id Hoid, CF.LHIHWTi: SILVKR WFDDINO. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry I.luster celo hrated their silver wedding on Thurs day. Twenty ono guosts, Including A. I.luster of Portland, were present to partnko of u dinner served In honor of tho occasion at tho I. luster homo. Following tho dinner many gifts wero opened and displayed to nil. i.vst'HAxen h.ti:s IIAIMHI). Word has boon received h) the lo cal underwriters association of an In croaso In Insurance rates affecting all residence proporty In tho city outside tho zone In which water h)drmita uro sltunted. Tho lncreaso Is nt least 2Gfr for all pnllolcH, giving tho rtwi- doncoH affected tho same ratoa as country risks, with nddltlonnl charge luiKfld on proximity to other build in g. It Is expected that hh ii result of tho lncreaso Mops will be taken to obtain moro hydrants and other Urn protection. C S. HUDSON, President F (' COH, Vice President i: A 8ATIIKK, Vice Pro. H L. II. txy "5r,5" ''CJ? "2rr WMmm Ihe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON Capital fully puld Surplus - - - . Itl.'AL HANKING HHUVICL'. Itogular bank loans: Wo nro prepared at nearly nil tlmo to make advances to reliable parties for their requirements. Wool and sheep loans: Wo are .NOW prepared to loaji money to sheep men fur the purchase of sheep. Wo are now prepared to advance you lOe por pound on all wool )ou store In thu Warehouse nt Ilend, at 8 per cunt for either 00 days or six months. Sheep men do not have to soil at prosunt prleos iinlwui they wish. The money I ready for you. We aro NOW prepared to make loans on cattle for six mouths, for feeding purposes, hut not on range or nuo stuff. Wo uro NOW prepared to mako loan on rood farm lands, with good water rights, no matter wuari) Vioxtcd In Central Oregon, the bigger the loan the better, pro Mdlng the proposition Is u good one and will itund trios ost Investigation us to values und title. Write ut for Information. Hank by mall and secure our services. TE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND I CANDIDATES BEGIN TO APPEAR .1. A. Hastes has Apparently Clear Field for Mayorallty Miss Cole man to He Opposed for He-elec-Ion Cotiucllmcii Aro Out. With tho city election only six da'ys away Interest lu tho ovont Is begin'-, nlng to IncreaBO and It now seems rip parent that there will bo a full quota of candidates (or nil olllces. For tho mayor's ofllco only ono can didate has announced himself, J. A. Hastes. Ills nomlnntlou papora woro filed somo'tlmo ago with wall over a hundred slgnorB nnd It Is now agreed that ho will havo a clear Hold for tho ofllco. Other ofllcors to bo elected aro a city treasurer nnd thrco mombora of thu city council, tho present Incum bents being Mnry K. Columnu, treas urer and Mnrtlu Kuutson, Tbeo. Auno and .1 D. Davidson, councllmon. Miss Columnn Is expected to ho n candidate for re-election hut none of tho coun cllmon whoso terms expire hnvo an nounced tholr desire for another term. Candidates for tho council whoso papers nro now botng circulated nro John Stoldl, C. V. Cllvls nnd C. M. McKny. 11, II, Daves la reported to havo the mattor of running for tho council undor consideration. F. O. Minor Is understood to bo n candi date for city treasurer against Miss Coleman. Tho oloctlou will bo hold on Tues day between tho hours of R n. in. nnd 8 p. m., tho polling plact. doing tho council room In tho Johnson building on Wall stroot and tho Murphy build ing on Oreonwood nvonuo. For North Horn! precinct tho elec tion ofllcers nro M, J. Kclley, chnlr man, John Steldl and C. P. Nlswong er. judges, Clniidn Kolloy nnd Dennis Cannody, clerks. For South Ilend tho officers aro J, J. Kllno, chairman, O. C. Honklo nnd T. W. Trlplott, Judges, and It. (1. Illackwoll nnd P. C. Garrison, clorks. Orogou street Is tho dividing lino between tho two products, All nomination papers must bo Hi ed with tho city recordor boforo flvo o clock Saturday afternoon. oi'Fi:its H.1H rnii: Acrordlng to H (1. White, pilurl pal nf tho Ilend high mchool, tho l'i rat National Hank of Ilend, through Pres ident C. S. Hudson, has offered ii no prize which Is open to nil atudontn In the high Heboid. Tho distribution of tho prize has been left to the dis cretion of tho high school faculty. Of the amount, $20 will be set italdo i.a nu award to the high school atu duets making the debatn ton in thin vuur. Tho remainder will probably io devoted to scholarship purposes. M LARA. Cashier (J McllKYNOLDS, Asst Cashier, A STOVKIt.Amit Cashier 42.VOOO M.tXX) fj 5,)l . r ( V