jjr"' THE 1IKND HULLKTIN, nKNI, OUE., WEDNESDAY, NOVKMIIKK 21, 10 IB. PAOE l. Crook County Budget for Coming Year. Eslltt.nteil Indebtedness January 1, 1910 County Judge, salary niul traveling expenses ,..!!.!!!. CommlBslonera, mileage and per dlom at court . . ', ', ', ' ' ' Iload supervision, mileage, viewing, etc., by conimlsslonois. ! ' ! Secretary of county court . , , . . i,JuBtlco court expense !!.'!!.' juvenile coiiri. expense , Sheriff's office anil expense of county jail .'.!.'!!.' Clerk's oiuco , Assessor's ofllco , .,,..!."!. Treasurer's olllco , , , ,.!!!.'!!! School superintendent's olllco , , ....,..!.!'. Library fund Clenernl school fund, 3 mill ley ...,., School exhibit nt county fair , , , v . , , , t High school i.wMitinn..., Surveyor's ofllco , , Coroner's ofllco Sealer of weights and measures ',',',', Water master , r County agriculturist ....,.,,.., j . County health officer ......,.- Widow's pensions '. . ," ,'...,.. Indigent persons , Insane examinations, etc ..Court houso expense, Janitor, fuel, light and power, telephone, tolngrnph, express, freight, repairs, etc Ilounty on coyotes Utobato on dduble assessments and errors Auditing county records election expenses .Jnforcement of antl liquor law Rt r ur tuuuj iiui , fk Printing procedlngs and publishing delinquent tax list ttsuniaieu suite iux , Bridges, culverts and miscellaneous GO.000.00 1,050.00 COO.OO 2,000.00 200.00 7,000.00 GOO.UO COO.OO 7,000.00 0,000.00 n, ooo. oo 1.070.00 3,160.00 400.00 24,000.00 200.00 10,024.00 3,000.00 400.00 250.00 1.000.00 1,500.00 180.00 4,000.00 0,000.00 150.00 3.5S5.00 2,500.00 300.00 500.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 33,000.00 20,000.00 Total expenditures Probable receipts from clerk's office .I224.G74.00 5,000.00 Net nmount to rnlBo $219,G74.00 ' WHY it succkkdh. Ilecauso It's for one thrlig only, and Ilond pooplo appreciate this. No thing can bo good for everything. Doing ono thing well brings success. Doan's Kidney Pills aro for ono thing only. For weak or disordered kid neys. Hero Is rcllnblo evidence of their worth. H. P. Steers, retired farmer, G02 E. Third, street, The Dalles. Oregon, says: "I suffered n great doal from backacho and weak ness of tho kidneys'. I tried ovory medicine I knew of, but without much benefit until 1 got Doan's Klil noy Pills. They fixed mo up In a short time and 1 hnve not been both ered since. I am now In good health." Price 60 cents nt all deal ers. Don't simply ask for n kidney remedy got Donn's Kidney Pills tho sumo that Mr. Steers had. Fos-ter-Mllburns Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. -Adv. L?i Try our fresh bread nnd pastry. Carmody Drotliers. Ilond street. Adv. 35 tt SISTERS FAIR PRIZE LIST by I.ang & Co., through Hobert Smith. Mrs. A. L. Temploton for best fruit pie A caso Hoynl Club pine npplo by Lang & Co., through Hobert Smith. Mrs. John II. Stcdhnm for best (Continued from pago 4.) Mrs. Ornves for crocheted center piece 1st premium t -50 Mrs. Craves for crocheted lr.ee, 1st premium $ " Mrs. H. K. Allon for crocheted lace 2nd promlum -0 Mrs. P. M. Ileedy for tatting 1st promlum 7C Mrst Graves for tatting 2nd prem ium 40 Ellen Ostor for plain sowing by ctrl under 10 yenrs 1st prom- lum -&0 Ellen Ooter far crocheted bootees 1st promlum -40 Mrs. W. F. Edmundson for display linen necdlo work 1st promlum 1 .40 Eda Towno for best dressed doll by girl under 12 years, one box of homo mado candy by Shrlner and Huey. Mrs. W. F. Edmundson for host display of needlo work, hand pnlnted sugar bowl nnd creamer by Mrs. C. V. Sllvls. Mrs. C. L. Donnlson for taking greatest number of pries, $2.50 cash nnd $3 worth of merchan dise by Ceo. Altkerf. Hnliy Contest Class Ono. Madge Zumwalt, score 95.2, 1st premium ' Mary Huntington, scoro 94.8. 2nd premium "s Mrs. J. D. Howman, score 93.8, 3d premium Claw Two. Llewellyn Garrison, scoro 99.7, 1st premium 3 Eleanor McCabe, scoro 95.5, 2nd premium ,"'', Mrs. C. S. Woods, scoro 94.5 3d premium Class Three. Porry Metvln needy, scoro 94, 1st premium 1"'0 Special. Mrs. C. S. Woods for best looking baby, Japanese Chocolate Set. Cooking Department. P. D. Davis for display of honey In comb, Schilling's teas, brU.ng powder nnd extracts by Her Shuey Mrs. C. S. Woods for 4 pounds. but ter Vt cr.so noyal Club pineapple A Submarine torpedo Strike at High Prices ON Crockery Just nt tho tlmo when wo woro expecting our Holiday goods to nrrlvo, n delayed order of Crockory came In, and we are compelled to move It quick. This sr.lp ment Is not of tho cheap, chalky kind, that looks dull and souudB dead, but has a glossy finish nnd tho clear tone of a boll it Is tho kind thnt most doalors put for ward as a superior artlclo. Wo expected to put those goods forward as a leader nt our oponlng, but their arriv al at this tlmo forces us to mako ovon grenter sncrlfccs than wo nt llrst intended tho spneo must bo vacated for Christmas goods. There fore, wo offor: II Inch rinttcrN, .inc. Vi Inch Platters, ILV. Cups nnd Kiiiu'cim, (Ic, .I5c ll(l7CII. 0)4 IikIi Plates, He. Ijirjjo IkmN, 10c. Sunnr I tow In, U."Sc. 7S Inch Soup I'lut'w, He, (I for (15c. U Quart Pltclifis. 'Mc, Wash Howl nml Pitcher, BOc. Sco our 42 piece Dinner Sets. Ilegulnr $7.60 quality at $5.00. WK STILL LKADON NOTIONS Knuincluiire? Niiuill klzes, 10c mid tffc. Clothe Plus, I Do, for He. Diet. IdintiTiiH, largu hUc, (I.V-. Ilrooms, i!.1r, :l5c, l()c. CttllWIM (Slows, fie. Work HhlrtN, Hlc. lIumlUciclilcfH, .( Hold your Christmas or ders, but buy your necessi ties during this Mako-Koom Sale, for never again will such bargclns be offered. 11rt Ioor South of Murinlieiiiier'n. Why You Con Sove Many Dollars by Buying Your Groceries From Usi Quality, Low Prices and Service is the foundation of our increasing business Let us deliver that next Grocery Order W. C. McCUISTON HKND'S HKST GHOCEIIY. fruit and Jnm dlsplnv, one assort ed box Folgors products by J. A. Folger through Hobert Smith. Mrs. A. L. Templeton for best doughnuts, ono assorted box of Folgors products through Hobert Smith. Mrs. P. Huntington for doughnuts bnked from Deschutes flour, ono sack Deschutes, Spray Flour, by J. J. Wilt. Mrs. A. L. Templetcn for best look ing cake, nssditcd box Folgers products through Hobert Smith. Mrs. O. L. llrnnton for best display home mndo candy, ono set silver tea spoons by I). F. Kendall. Mrs. A. L. Templeton for loaf of broad mndo from Deschutes Spray flour, ono Back flour by J. J. Wilt. Mrs. A. L. Templeton for beet cook ies baked from Deschutes Spray flour, ono Back flour by J. J. Wilt. Mrs. n. S. Towno for best dozen buns from Deschutes Spray flour, ono sack (lour by J. J. Wilt. Mrs. E. Ij. Wnldron for lemon pie, 5 pound can Schillings baking powder, '' ltobort Smith. Mrs. E. L. Wnldron for pumpkin pie box assorted Pacific Coast Bis cuit by Ilobcrt Smith. Nnthan Henderson for pan blscultfl by bachelor from Truo Illuo flour, ono sack flour by P. II. Davis. Mrs. M. Kief for pan biscuits from Truo Hlue flour, mndo bv woman ono sack flour by P. U. Davis. Mrs. E. L. Wnldron for tnrts from Truo niuo flour, ono sack of flour by P. I). Dnvls. Mrs. A. L. Templeton for best display of cooking, ono cnoo of Shores extracts by Cy Buckingham Mrs, M. Kief for best display of baking from Truo llluo flour, ono sack of flour, by P. n. Davis. Mrs. E. H. Edglngton for best dis play of Jnms, 1st promlum ... $ .50 Lois Towno for best cake by girl under 18 years one box of assort ed Folgers products by J. A. Fol- .ger through Ilobcrt Bmith . Mrs. A. L. Temploton for receiving greatest number' of prizes for bak ing, ono box of Imperial choco lates, by tho Imporlnl Candy Co., through Geo. Altken. SDoYouWantMoreMoneyS For Your Hides and Furs? If you do we enn iliotv you the nay. Write lor the moil up-to-date, and at tractive prirellit eter mucd. It' full ol Intereiting and reliable information. Free to you for the aiking. McCALLS DECOY and our POISON nAI IS increaieyour catch 100. Decoy, 2oi.tubei, 35c; 4oi.C0c; Vi pint $1. prepaid. Sute Death Capiulei, $1.75pcrlOO. Expreuprepaid. Trappers lupplier at loneit prirci. Catalog Free, Northwastorn Hide & Fur Co. 200 lit St. N.. MINNEAPOLIS Eitibtlshed 1800 . jjy nW II n if3St!"vi III Al -g?&ffillilrl'gri!il American Adding and: Listing Machine (EIGHT COLUMN CAPACITY) PRICE $88.00 F. O. D. MAYWOOD. ILL. Sold on one year's credit or 3o dis count for cash, MAIL COUPON TODAY American Can Company Chicago, III. Please send booklet descrip tive of American Adding and Listing Machine. Nam A64rM dipped from Tbe Dtnd Bulletin J4-49-P C. S. HUDSON', President. U. V. COH, Vice President. i:. A. SATHElt, Vice Pieslilcnt. E. M. LA HA, Cnxhler. Ii. O. McHHYXOUIH, AvsUtunt Cashier. II. A. STOVHIt, Assistant Cimhlet. Bend The First National Bank of mmmmmmmmmmmm bend, OREGON mmmmamm United States Depository for Postal Savings BEND, REDMOND, PR1NEVILLE OREGON With fifteen years of experience jn the Banking busi ness and total resources of over $450,000, we are now handling over 1 800 accounts and solicit yours. WE BELIEVE THE'oNLY LASTING "PRESTIGE" IN THE BANKING BUSINESS IS GAINED BY SERV ICE, and render service to our Customers as follows; Regular Bank Loans WITH OUIt KNOttXr.WJi: OK MKUIj CONDITIONS AND OUlt I,,lt(li: UK. SOUHCIM WU AUK PUIU'AUKIK TO JIKKT KVKIIY I.KdlTIMATK DKMANl) 1'OU LOANS. Sheep and Wool Loans WU HKPHKSr.NT THK COI,U.MHIA HASIN WOOIi WAItKHOUKH COMPANY OF KOHTII POHTIiilM), AND HAVK IX)ANKI IN THIS TKItlTOHY OVKIt ijWMKIO THIS rAI.lt ON KHKr.P AND WOO I,. SIIKKP MKN NO IiONUKIt HAVK TO HACItl riCH TIIKIU WOOIij WK AUK Pltr.PAHKH TO .MAKK AHVANCKS AT Hi VOK HUNNINO r.APKNSKS, ANI I.IHKltAIi ADVANCKS ON WOOIi HAI.K DAYS, IK Till! PIUCK IS NOT 8ATISKACTOHY. Cattle Loans THUOUGH Till: POHTI.AND OATriiK LOAN ).MPANV OK NOHTH POUT LvVNI), WK AUK PHKPAHKD TO MAKK IX)ANS ON KKKDKHH AT Alili TI.MKS. Farm Loans WK HKPHKSi:.T Till: YKH.MONT LOAN .i THPST CO., AND CAN .MAKK LOANS ON ROOD KAUMS, I'OH .'I TO 5 YKAK8, AT tifc. WK .MAKK OUH OWN INSPKCTIONS AND CLOSK M)ANS IN IIKNIt PUOMPTLY. Safety Deposit Department OUH 8AFKTY DKI'OSIT VAULTS AUK TIIK LATKST AND SArKST. IIO.XKS I'OH UKNT AT KUOM $:l.O(l TO $.1.1)0 PKK YKAH. YOU KKKP TIIK KKY WK KKKP TIIK IIO.V. ,i Savings Department .JANUAUY lHt, 11)1(1, WK WILL OPKN A SAVINCS DKPAHT.MIiNT IN WIIKJH WK WILL OPKN ACCOUNTS I'OH 91.11(1 UP, AND ALLOW t INTHHKST TIIKKK ON, COMI'OUNDKD IN JANUAUY AND JULY. SMALL ACCOUNTS SOLK.'ITKD. ASIC OH WH1TK lOH PAHTICUiaitS. KQUIPPKD IIY K.PKHIKN('L', lHi: HIXOUHCKS AND WITH TIIK AIIOVK CONNECTIONS WK AUK PHKPAHKD TO IIKNDKH KVKHY SKHVICK TO PATHONS CX)NSISTKNT WITH OOOD IIANKINO, AND IT WILL UK TO OUH MUTUAL IlKNII KIT I'OH YOU TO DO YOl'll HANKINO Ht'SINKSS WITH THIS HANK. The First National Bank of Bend BEND, OREGON t ' I