The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 24, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    tiii: hkni) nviAAvris, ijknd, ore., wki.vbsiay, xovemhkk 21, win.
1MHI5 ft.
. m
(Special to Tlio Bulletin)
TUMAI.O, Nov. 22. Tho school
children will Klve a program Wed
nesday nlKlit nt the hull under tlie
direction of tlmlr lerchnra Mliw .lames
wore married In Redmond Sunday
Tlio program for tho Council Club's
Inst meeting wns: Hok raising ns a
biiBlnpss, Mr. Van Matro; work or
tho Council, Mr. Tucke; Country
and Mum Ulllo. TIih main lenttires Krnded schools. Mr. Cutllp; Ilecitn
will bo n draniatlsHtloii of I.onBfol
low's pooiu, "Milos Staiullsh" and of
tho first '.riiHitkuKivisiK colobrated In
Kretl N. Wallnrp, James Orlllln, It
U. PlIckliiRtr, J. N. II. GerkliiB and
Itay Clerking attended tliu nicotinic or
tho Central Orogo.i Development
League at Hend lust Weilne-Mii.' Aim
nlto tho banquet given tho same
evening for Itobeit I J. Strahorn and
Anton V. Will and family liavo
lort thin week for Toledo, Oregon.,
whore lliuy will make tholr homo.
Jlr. Will has traded his ranch lioro
for property adlolnlug Dan Smith's
ranch at Toledo. Moaara. iiioiinon
owl Tweet, tliu other jiartlos In tho
Irado, have arrived with tholr fami
lies and will tako possession of tholr
new home at once. .
Sirs. C. P. IJecknr, Mrs. J. ft.
(Jerking and MIhs Fay Oerklng wore
illtuior guests or Mrs. it. LT. Mick
Inger on Friday.
Wendall Thomiison ruturned to
Ilond Saturday whom ho will ro
aiune his school work after bolng nli
tsent several wroks on account of
. J. M. Cirilfln, .1. N H. (Jerking. liny
Oerklng mid F. N. Wallace attondod
the meeting or the wator users of
that dlsirlri at the Clovordiilo school
liouio 1111 Friday night. .Mr. Orlllln
who spent several ..weeks this fall in
mtiUIiiK Hiiivoys fo'r wator supply In
tho iiioutitalus, told tho result or his
InvoetlaiiUniis and Olaf haurgaurd
OXplHluel the nil vantages of an Ir
llgntlnil dlstilct nud how to form ono.
Mr. and Mis. Smnwlhurst nnd fnni-
lions. Mrs. Waldron and Miss CSIIi-
son.1 The next meeting Is next Fri
day night.
.Mr Cyrus, who hns boon so III for
several weeks, seems slightly Improved.
fSnoelny to Tho Hulptln.)
PlNHMfHST. N'ov. 22. AW llow
oll or Portland Is visiting his brother
CIirb HowpII. of this place.
Mrs. McAll'tnr and daughter-in-law
F.dna rallnd on Mrs. 0. W. Sny
der Frldav nftumoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. O. Dietrich wore
Ilend visitors ono davs last wpek.
Mrs. F. II. I'lnkstnff and daughtor
Kllon were Tumalo visitors Thursdnv.
,1pss Hartpr of Tumalo passed
through here Saturday.
V. V. Swisher went to Ilond Tues
day. .1. .1. Ilassplbors of Kelson Is vis
iting C II. Spnugh and family.
Mrs. John Stylos -culled on Mrs.
IMnkstatr Friday.
1'uplls who mndo an averago 1
tween 80 and Jo per cent were Ruth
Havlev. ICtliel Snvder, Esther Diet
rich. Vlolot Spnugh, I.ovd Hoot, Ilejc
Innld Ilnylny. Clement Stvles nnd
Wavorloy Havlev. Thoso who inailo
an nvorago of 90 por cent or more
wero Hesslo Snyder and Lester Snyder.
cer were dinner guests at tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ilenklo Wed
nesday. Mrs. Ada 13. Mllllcan Is attending
the exposition at San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ueetson expect
to leave this week for Hillings' Mon
tana, where they will make their fu
ture home.
Fred Klgcr came out from Hend
Saturday for a few day's visit with
homo folks.
John Holland was In Prluevlllo on
business Beveral days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hectson en
tortnlned nt a ono o'clock dinner on
Sunday. Covers wero placed for Mr.
and .Mrs. 10. Cook, Mr. and Mrs.
John Holland, Mrs. Mnry Hcetson,
Miss Mary Holland, Earl Powers and
Joseph Holland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hryant moved
to Hend last weok whore Mr. Hrvant
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Norton enter
tained a few friends at cards Tuesday
Mrs. A. h. Ilenklo who has been
Buffering from a severe attack of tho
grippe is Improving at this wrltlne.
Frank Spencer came out from Hend
Tuesday where ho has been employed
by the Hrooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.,
the past two months.
Wm. Mackoy, of Seattle, Washing
ton, Is visiting friends nnd rolatlves
In Mllllcan valley and looking for a
homestead location.
Abo Evan's now house Is Hearing
completion nnd tho Evans family
will move Into It this week.
Lewis Heohler came out from
Horn! Friday for a weok end visit In
Mrs. L. II. Schmorl Is still quite ill
In tho hospital nt Hend.
Cliff Mnckoy recently filed on tlio
Perry Hnrtoon Just returned from a
trip to Bond.
Opal Smith has been on tho sick
list sovernl dnys tho past week.
Carlton Demsy was through from
a horse nnd bruised quite badly. He
has( returned to his homo at Portland.
Among those who havo gone to
Hend for their winter supplies of
groceries are Messrs. Mercer, J.
Hasch, Hen Hhodee, J. E. Smith nnd
Howard Fclkorson.
Archie Smith has a cabin on his
Mr. Cownu nnd son Tom nnd C.
J. Davis mnde final proofs on their
homestends before C. J. Stauffer Inst
hns nccentnil n nosltion In liovd's hlte relinquishment In Mllllcan
meat market. I valley. He will commence work on
P. II. Johnson was In Hend on bus- n now house thoro within tho nonr
Iness Monday.
Geo. Mllllcan has had the mlsfor
tuno to lose sovernl head or horses
from lock Jaw the past week.
II. E. Smith passed through Mllll
can Monday onrouto from Pino
mountain rnnger station to Hend.
Ada I). Mllllcan sent tho teacher
nnd pupils of Mllllcan school n Inrgo
box or cut (lowers from Eugene, Ore
gon, Inst week.
A. G. Allen nnd II. E. Smith nutoeil
to La Pino Monday, where they wero
looking alter business Interests. They
roturned tho snmo day.
Howard F. Dyer was In Hend Fri
day and Saturday of last week.
Mrs. Mary Ilooney leaves Wednes
day for Portland to make her homo
ful ure.
Mrs. Mnry Ilooney wns a dinner
sucst at the Norton honlo Sunday.
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
LOST CHEEK, Nov. 1G. Mrs.
McLouth nnd children were Duck
Creek visitors the lattcf part of Inst
Miss Nclda Wlegel Is nursing a
fractured arm as tho result of being
thrown from a horse. Mrs. Wlegel
took her to Hend to have the fracture
reduced. They roturnod homo 'Sun
dny. '
Horace Ilrooklngs of Hampton
Butte was a guest of relatlvos horc,
with her daughter Anna, who Is a t Sunday
professional nurse .
G, W. Wltto or Salom, Oregon, hns
purchased tho Schroedor relinquish
James Hnrtoon nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
(Special to The Bulletin).
POWELL 1IUTTE, Nov. 22. E.
A. Uussott moved Miss Fay's plnno to
Prh.evllle on Mondny or lno( reek.
Road Supervisor Allen Wlllcoxon
nnd crew mndo camp on the Redmond
road Wednesday. They expect to
complete tho Redmond-Powell Huttc
road within tho next fow wcoks.
J. A. RlggB took a load of potatoes
to Prluevllle tho ilrst of last week.
Reaves Wlllcoxon Is building n
stono cellar and milk house.
Walter Vnndovert drove a hunch
or McCnll's cattle from lite Daven
pnrt ranch to the McCall ranch on
Wedncsdny and Thursday.
The Powoll Hutto Sorosls met with
Mrs, G. C. Truesdalo on Wednesday.
Although tho attendance was smnll,
those present enjoyed tho afternoon
apd tho rofreshmentB served by the
hoBtoss nfter which the club adjourn
ed to meet with Mrs. L. W. Van Dor
en on Decembor first.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Reaves Wlllcoxon
wero dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ross Hussett on Friday ovoning,
Miss Mnbel Allen spout Friday
with Mrs. Ida Morse.
S. R. Ageo Is building (in addition
or. two rooms onto his bonne.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shobcrt of
Hend visited with relatives hore on
Sunday, Mr. Shobort returning to
Hend tho snnio day. Mrs. Shobert
will visit with her mother, Mrs. c
C. Montgomery for a fow dnyo.
Mr. and Mis. Wnltor Foster were
dinner visitors nt the home or Mr
and Mrs. Joo Shearer on Sundny.
Win. Wolls Is loading n car of
wheat In Redmond to bo shipped to
Two miles of now road havo been
completed on tho HedtHotid-Prluevile
rond, under tho Buporvlslon or John
Tucko. Tho romnlndor or tho ,vork
will bo In llxlng up tho old rond
Miss Hattlo Huston and lien
Hurchtors wore married up on Hear
Creek Wednesday. Alter the cere
mouy, tho bride und groom cai. r to
Tom Huston's, brother of tho bride
whore they wore chnrlvarled by tuu
neighbors or that vicinity tho same
.Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Hayn mnde a
visit to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hajn of
Deschutes on Sundny nnd Monday
Six hogs that, wero hauled to Red
mond last weok from the McCall
ranch weighed 2320 pounds.
Mr. C. M. Charlton and son Carl
took n lond of grain to Hend the lat
ter pnrt of last week.
J. A. Rlggs visited with Allen Will-
(Continued on pago 11.)
And Investigate our prices
before buying your groceries.
AVe can snvo you money.
P. B. Johnson's
Mllllcan, Ore. Telephone
Pi -fi
We are SELLING LOTS nt less tlmn HALF the
price asked in other Additions of equal dis
tance from the business center.
Lots 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners
Lclo 50X125 $100 and $125 for Corners
$.3.00 Cash and $5.00 Monthly, 0 per cent interest.
Mr. Householder, cheaper to buy and build
than to pay rent.
Young Man or Yountr Woman, it pays to
put your money in Heal Estate when you buy
.Member Portland I (cull)' lloiinl.
fqnoriM. tn Tho Hnllotln)
MILLH'AV Nov 22 -Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. O Norton, Mrs. Arthur Mnpo Intent and will movo his fnmlly hero
Uy lime moved In recently and taken , "f Albany. Oregon, and Frank Spon- soon.
possession of the Williamson rnnch ,
thoy iiuruliHsod some time ago.
A Jmiiil I'lwtluii wiih held hero on
Saturday nnd curried uiihiiIiuouhIv.
Mr. Dora Hall (nlortuliied tho
wheel children nt a parly Friday
night nt the hotel.
Phil Smith lell MonilHV nfiernoon
for a visit at The DiiIIoh, Portland
mid MoMlniivHIc. lie will bo gono
Nil indelliiile length of time but will ,
stop to view the penary on tho O
liti'ibla belli going mid coming. Ilo
will no ns fur ns The D.illoH with An
ton Will In his 1'ord.
The high school pupil gnvo a rare
well mirpiltu party on Vym Will iu
her home on Saturday night.
fpelnl In The llllllotlll)
OI.OVKRDAI.E. Nov. 22. The
llrtt Paieiit-Toncher meeting of Clo
virdil win held nt the HAnol lin'jfo
last Friday afternoon. MIhm Oilmen
hiiiI pupils nave n short program nt
avery day work, then served refresh
ment to Mil present. A mothers'
tWftHitK followed. Mrs. Wnldro i
sH)ke on benefits of organized effort.
C.Uhl study. .Mrs. Duckeli; Mothers
ixniilriii. . M'Her: PiirHiil-Teiic:i-oi-3,
Mrs. Ward; Plans or work. Mrs.
I X. II. Gerklnil. Mr. Or. Jin and
Ray Oerklng I ThiuhIo, A. E. I.v
Utt slid L. 15. auiltb or Redmond. Mr
Ianiisard. L. A. Hunt Slid scvrrnl
firm Uiweii Hlldgw were present nt
tha WHter users,' meeting held here
Friday night.
K. L. Waldron went to Hend S ui
Uoy, returning Monday.
Th IvfoiU sun of Mrs. Cxrl Woods
has leu having tunsllitls tho past
M?s. Tetnpleteu bad hs dinner
guests lust TkursdHy Mis. II E. Vm
eant. Mrs. Arthur Wurw'ler. Mrs.
J. iMroy Iktvldsuu and Mrs E. L.
Mr. (Ilst'leol, Mr. nnd M-s. Tem
WUn to Itwliuiiiul Usturda where
th took the train for the nn l'luii
I'lscti fair. After visiting the fair
lit f will spend the rest of 'he win
ter visiting friends and relatives iu
Clyde Jolnts'-ii mail n IiusIiiush ir'i
to Redmuiid Woduemlny.
Mr. Holler weut to Rwlnumd Frl.
dny for a lead of reiuent for Mr. Pugh
uho Is liulldliiK a Hue vlstem on his
farm recently ' purohased from Mr.
The upper grades of the school
huve oignuUod a UUtordale (niiioll,
Mr. Kelly nmilo u business trip to
Hend Thuisday.
Mr. -D-iklu marketed two loads of
oats In Hend Friday, letumiiiK Men
(lay. Several Oluverdate men are looking
lute the (imposition of putting n
through road (tern Wlese'H place to
liwtr l'rynvir's. This would make the
road to lleud uesrb live miles ueur
ur for tin.H entire section.
There will be a community dinner
nt the school house Thursday at one
p. in.
Mr. Ilendryx Is Iu Portland en bus
iness, Mrs. Wnrd gave a party for her
win Lyman Hajnumd Friday night to
which the upper grades of the school
were luWlod. (lames, taffy pulling
sail iv dainty liinoh Ke it ml merry
until the wee sninll hours.
Mr. Huruslde's son had u blrtlulax
dinner Saturday.
Miss Jeunie Woods and (loo. Gol
den were married Iu Hoduumd the
lust of the weok.
MUs llarseur and ltoy Itannolla
Boost Central Oregon
Kvery Sack of Deschutes Spray or True
IJlue Flour you buy from
The Bend Flour Mill
you boost Central Oregon be
cause every sack of flour manu
factured by the HEND FLOUR
MILL COMPANY comes from
the farms of Jefferson and Crook
counties. We have faith in the
quality of Central Oregon wheat
because it grades high and hns
the ingredients that make the
best flour. When you buy out
side you hinder the development
of the local market and hence
the Central Oregon fanner.
Therefore buy at home.
Bend Flour Mill Co.
HUM), oui:;ox
Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied. .
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
'''- aW"- .-"- a"'. -"-. w"'- j.'"- aw"' a."' aO"" oTr WT- aOT AOsl
5iT 7a& lit? 5?" 5aC 55 ?. 5" iC VaC a TC 5 rJ? .?
, tOW IS THE opportune
v 11 k5 me snce le avent of
pi iSt the railroads for you to
iJ build a home. Why
VAAks jeay construction until
it will cost you 20 per cent more
for the same building? The far-
seeing man is availing himself of
the opportunity of securing labor
and material very cheap.
We have the largest list of Resi
dence Property in Bend. Come in
and let us .quote you prices, and
you will soon decide that you can
not afford to pay rent any longer.
Bend Park Company