"'arr-'u !. E BEND BULLETIN. Vol. XIII. IJKXI) OHKGOX, WKRXKSDAY AFTKRXOOX, NOMIMIIKR lil, ll)ir. 08. AID IS PLEDGED Wl RELEASE I;PLEDGES GIVEN The City Council will meet on Friday evening to sot tho tax levy for the coming year nnd Saturday morning at tho Held school at 10 o'clock thoro will bo n meeting of taxpayers to fix tho levy for BChool district 12. Every taxpayer Is urged to bo present at each meeting. COLT A! ILLS SEE BIG FUTURE Tluuo will be n mass meeting of the C. O. I. Cb. wnter users nt tho Commercial Club rooms L OEBHHIT net Wednesday afternoon nt -1 o'clock. Thop urposo of tltfl AT meeting Is to preparo for tho homing before tho Utilities Commission. All members nro -uigod to be present. I Th STRAHURH M t IS Railroad Builder's Trip Through In- lorior Is Mnrkcil by Kuthmdusm of People Money, Rights of Way And Terminals Offered Freely. (TJi'a. Oregonlan.) KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 21. (Special) Hankers and blacksmiths, cattlemen and homesteaders, pledged support to Hohcrt E. Strahorn, each In his kind, during an eventful four days' trip through Central Oregon, completed today. Cash, labor, terminal sites and rights of way worooffercd, and tho rnllrond builder was assured that tha terms ho oxacted would bo compiled with. Tho strongest men of every com munlty visited accepted the respon sibility of undertaking tho duties prescribed. (,'ood Start Declared .'Made. "If tho promises mado to mo In Central Oregon nro fulfilled, and I linvo confldenco tlioy will bo," said Mr. Strahorn, " a good Btart will linvo been mado towards getting a railroad ncross thut big region. I am grati fied by tho spirit shown, not only by thoro who aro Important financially, but by the pooplo of limited means, all o whom sconi to want to havo a part In helping to bring tho railroad." Homesteaders In tho lovol Fort Hock country In tho north end of Lake county suggested grading about 20 miles. Mr. Strahorn will provldo tho shovels and scrapers and tho lioniestoadors will furnish tho horses 'and labor. Similar assurances were given by tho small farmers In other districts whero It Is hoped tho lino will como. Cash mid liniid Promised. Wealthy stockmen having larfji Interests from Stlvor Lake southwest to Klamath Falls nnd southeast to Lafecvlow pVomUVd rights of way and heavy cash subscriptions. In splto of tho fact that Mr. Strahorn said ho was not ready to accept cash "sub scriptions until after tho lino Is lo cated and all tho rights-of-way and tormlnal sites donated to his com pany, froquent tenders of financial support wore mado. Thee Umax of tho trip was at Lake vlow, Hio metropolis nnd county seot of Lako county. Judge Bornard Daly nnd William Shirk, tho two wealth iest men of tho county, and respect ively tho presidents of tho two lar gest banks In that section of Orogon, camo to l'nlsloy to meet Mr. Strahorn nnd C. C. Chapman, who nccompanled him throughout his four days' trip. Iloth gavo tanglhlo assurance of co rporation. lllnrkainlth Hedges fjWIOO. Judgo Daly presided at a hanquot In Lnkovlow, whero President Shirk, pf tho First National Dank, volun teered publicly IiIb plodgo or nnan cial support nnd where tho spirit or fZ WHOLE SECTION READY TO GIVE W. L. COBB, Pre. H. R. HUNTER, Vlce-Pres THOS. COBB, Cashier THE CENTRAL OREGON BANK Capital $25,000, Fully Paid Will Open for Business December First . 1QK ,5 l WX W - DIRECTORS W, L. COBB THOS. W. L, O'DONNELL the community was exemplified by a blacksmith, Insisting that he would Join thoso of moro means by paying In $300 cash as soon as tho subscrip tion roll was opened. At the I.akovlew meeting Mr. Stra horn announced completion of sur veys for 20 miles nnd thoso present undortook responsibility for securing the rights of way and terminal sites nnd presenting them to Mr. Strahorn subject only to the condition that tho railroad bo built within three years. The plats and legal forniB wero do llverod to the meotlng and a commit tee was organized to do tho work. Froo Kites Demanded. "Let It ho understood clearly that I will not pay 1 cent for rights of way or terminal BliV'a." said Mr. Strahorn. "I do not'enro how you get them, but they must conform to my specifications and bo turned over to mo all In shnpo, without my hav ing to conduct nny of tho negotiations or bo burdened with any oxpenso In connection with obtaining them." (Continued on Inst pago.) SETTLERS TO MEETWEDNESDJIY GOMPANYS ANSWER SARCASTIC C. O. I. Co. Makes Answer to Com plaint Filed uitli Utilities Com mission Charges nro Made. To prcparo for tho hearing of Its complaint against tho C. O. I. Co., tho Company water usors' association will hold a mass meeting In Hond on Wednesday, Docombor 1. Tho time of tho henrlug has not yet boon sot hut, according to a lotter from tho Utilities Commission, It will bo at as oarly a dato as possible. Answor to tho complaint was filed by tho C. O. I.. Co. last week. Do nlal Is mado of tho Jurisdiction of tho commission and In various other par agraphs tho company's contract with tho stata for tho reclamation of tho lands Is described. Othor paragraphs allege unfair treatment at tho hands of tho Btntoenglncer nnd tho making of fn.ao wports which aro said to havo, caused hostile newspaper crit icism. That tho company Is lucllnod to treat the case In a sarcastic manner appears In certain paragraphs, num ber 1 reading: "As to tho protonded nnd alloged purposes nnd objects of the misguid ed association above named as plain tiff, this defendant knoweth not nnd Is Informed not; hut Uio oBtonslblq purposo nnd object of said plaintiff ns exhibited by Its acts and utter ances seems to be to rnlso that par ticular brand of cllmnto whorowlth It shall not bo tomporcd or nuonchod by nil tho wntors of tho Deschutos river without their wasto or seepage" A portion of number 2 Is as fol lows: This defendant "admits that said lands aro dopendont upon water from tho Central Oregon canal, except tho gentle rains from heavon which fall Infrequently upon tho Just nnd un Just In that locality. v '4 8 COBB D. E. HUNTER ROSS FARNHAM PETITION TO GO TO LAND BOARD Commercial Club Wants Lands Tlmt Hiuo llecn Tied Up Opened for Ho men tend Kntry C. O. I. Co Ask That Tlnio lie Intended. What disposition shall ho mado of the lands embraced In tho llonhnm falls segregation Is a question which hns created unusual interest Blnco Tho Bulletin first reported tho termi nation of tho stato'B contract with the United States covering these lands a tow weeks ago. That tho lands should bo thrown open to entry 1b tho genornl feeling held by tho pcoplo of Hond and by settlers an tho C. O. I. Co. project In tho vicinity. Tho company pre fers that tho contrnct bo renewed for nt Vonst five years moro. Drought boforo the Commercial Cluji nt Its meeting last Saturday by A.'fJ. Walker,, of Alfalfa, discussion of tho club's action wns tho principal business to bo transacted. -'It wns finally voted that tho club send reso lutions to tho Desert Land Hoard and to tho Department of tho Inter ior protesting ngnlnst nny extouslou of time on tho contrnct and urging that tho lands bo oponed to ontry. The club nlso voted to nsk tho co operation of other commercial bod ies in this section to got tho desired action. Land Long Tied Up. The contract hotwoon tho stnto and tho United States and tho ono ho- tween tho stnto nn.il tho prodeccssor of tho C. O. I. Co., to which that company hnB succeeded, for tho rec lamation of tho Henhnm Falls segre gation, explrod on Octobor 17, nftor tho lands hnd been tied up for, 10 yours. In that tlnio nothing was dono toward their reclamation boyond tho preparation of ouglnoorlng dnta. The C. O. I. Co. Is now unablo to proceed with tho' reclamation. Last week, however, tho company roquested tho Dcsort Land Hoard to nsk tho Government to grant n flvu years extension of tho stato's con tract with tho Govornmont., tho mat tor being beforo tho Desert Land Hoard at this tlmo bocnuso of tho re. celpt from (ho Commissioner of tho Genornl Land Olllco of n notification that tho Govornmont would glvo tho hoard 30 days' tlmo In which to 'bIiow cnuso why tho contract should not bo cancelled. Project Undesirable Now. Hcportlng on tho project last yoar United Stntos reclamation cnglnors, working under tho co-oporatho nur voy appropriation, ndvlsod that It Is not desirable at the present tlrao, but would, doubtless provo to bo whon the othor units In this section have been developed. , . A now phase In tho situation re specting these lands has recently do- (Continued on last pago.) BB esse We carry a complete line of goods FOR THE HUNTER Look over our slocli of Rifles,, Stiblgum' ' and Ammunition ! '.? 31 Bend H&rchare Co. ' Tln,Coinpiiny that put the "Wear" In IUrdwi.ro ' . . IF YOU DID NOT GET A CATALOG CALL FOR ONE i ffitt?' GROWTH. OF BEND PROPHESIED lrotnlnent Portland Men, Here In Strahorn Party, Impressed by I,o- i-iil Development nnd Spirit of People IntonlcMx Given to In Interviews given by A. L, Mills nnd C. C. Colt to n representative of Tho Hulletln on Wednesday both spoko with pleasure of tha present growth of Hond and Its prospects for tho future. "Tho construction of tho Strahorn system," Bnld Mr. Mills, "will maku Hond a big distributing center," while Mr. Colt's prediction wnB that within a fow yenrs Hond will be ono of tho Importnnt cities ct tho state. Mr. Mills said: Formerly It was tho theory that tho country must bo developed boforo tho railroads would build, but today It Is gcnernlly recognized thnt no country can properly develop without railroad facilities. It Is evident to dny thnt no ono of tho transcontinen tal linos will build Into Central Oro gon. Tho treatment tboy have re ceived from tho gonernl public thrpugh stnto and Interstate com merce commissions hns been such thnt they havo been unablo to Mont securities for additional extension and construct'on except whon tho de mand has bcon Imperative Such de mand tlooa not exist In Central Ore gon, groat os tho posslhllltlcB aro of this part of tho state It, therefore, becomes necessary for ub to tr.ko to heart tho motto adopted on tho old territorial sen), "Aolls volnt proprlus," "8ho lllus with her own wings." This menus that tho pooplo themselves must construct n pooplo's rnllrond to connoct tho dif ferent pnrts of tho stnto and bring Contrnl Oregon Into quick commun ication with tho outoldo world. If each nnd every mnn In Central Oregon will glvo something of tlio bevthat 1h In him In support of Mr. StTnhorn's proponed rnllrond I com fldontly Jiellovo thnt It will' bo built and tho dronm of Central Orogon will bo fulfilled; to-wlt, an Increased pop ulation that Is Justified by tho re sources of tho country tho road will trnvorso. Portland Is Intorestod ns It Is nnd must bo In every development of tho torrltory thnt Is tributary to thu Oro gon metropolis. How great tho support will bo from Portland romnlns to bo seen but I bellovo thnt It should bo something moro tnuglblo than resolutions of commorclnl organizations and naws paper editorials. What I havo ocn of Central Oro gon, nnd more than thnt, what I havo, heard from rollablo sources, loads mo to bellovo thrt It is n country easily capable of supporting a million peo ple nnd It Is not n dream of an en thusiast to stnto thnt when tho linos of roads proposed by Mr. Strahorn (Continued on Inst pago.) ft ft ft ft ft fit ft ft ft ft ft ? II ft ft ft e f ft ' ft i ft ft ft ft umm ft ft T1AL0 DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE PLANS SEASOW ACTIVE WORK To lniprmo lloth llend anil Itcdnioiid ltoads and Take Measures to H- terminate .lack rabbits. Active co-oporntlon In work for tho Improvement of roads and for tho extinction of Jack rabbits Is promised by tho Tumnlo Development Lcnguo. Already members of tho club havo dono voluntary work on thu road bo tween Hcnd nnd Tumnlo, having spent several days dragging tho sec tion between tho cinders nnd thu grade, nnd greatly Improving thu por tion lending to Tiyunlo from tho brldgo. Plans nro now being mndu to obtain tho co-operation of tho Hnud nnd Hodmond commorclnl clubs in mnkiug further Improvements. Tho Redmond Commercial Club has promised to put tho road to Cllno Fnlls In good shnpo and tho Tumnlo pooplo will caro for the 11 miles from their town to tho fnlls. Tho Hond road will be clndored. Dele gntloun from the Tumnlo club will l)o presont nt the llelul Commorclnl Club meeting on Saturday, nud nt tho Ilcdmond club meeting on Mnn dny, to explain their pinna nnd ob tain assistance Estimates having convinced tho Tumnlo people thnt rabbits havo de stroyed 300 tons of liny In tho past season they plan n united effort for extermination of tho pust. For tho work n now plan Is proposed whereby poison potm will bo built at different points on tho project, thoroby elim inating tho danger of dnmngo to stock. In ench locality where tho pons nro placed smuo responsible mnn will bo appointed to glvo his person al nttontfun to tho work, mnkiug dully visits to tho pons. Tho association wilt also to-operato with County Agriculturist 1-ovett nnd It. A. Ward, of tho II. 8. Hlologlcal survey, In tho rabbit work. TIIF. POKTIiA.NI) DMLKOATIO.V. Tho Portland delegation In nttond Vnco nt thu Strahorn mcntlngs im Wodnosday Included A. L. Mills, pres ident of tho First National Ilnnlc C. C. Colt, prosldont of tint Union Meat Co., C. C. Chapman, of tho Oregon Voter: JV. llrowor. of tho Chnmbor of Commoreo nnd Phil Motchnu, Jr. They arrived Wednesday morning In n prlvnte car accompanied by W. C. Wilkes, of tho 8. P. & 8, nnd F. W. Itohlnupu. or tho O.-W. II & N. Mr. Chnpiilnu nccompanled Mr. Strahorn on his trip Into tho Interior, lenvlug Thursilny morning, the rest of the party returning to Portland. llltOTIIint TIIOPCHT m:.D. After a separation of II! years Th o inns J. Tweet nnd his brother Tor kol Ttt-eot, who wns believed to linvo I run slain by Indians, while he wis crossing the plains In thn enrlv sev enths, wero ro-unltnd In llend Inst Wednesday morning. Torkul Twwt U DiiKiiKed In mining nt Lllierty. WnHhluutnu. n'ld hnil sunnt Hiivnrnl vears In the Klondike. Tun meeting wns irnu(nt about iiy a rrlendl or thu fnmllv who happened recently to lie visiting In Liberty. C 8. IH'DSON, President I C. C'OK, Vlro President K A 8ATIIKII, Vice Pros. K. L. II, fririf 5 rlSS (fJviSS r tr5$i ffi f' tswS The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON Capita! fully paid Surplus - . . . ri:al iiANKi.va krrvici:. Regular hank loans: Wo aro preparud at nearly all Mines to make ndvuucca to rollablo parties for th'ulr reulruments, Wool and sheep loans: , Wo nro NOW proimred to loan money to sheep mon for the purchase of sheep. We aro now prepared to advance you 10c pen pound on all wool you store In thn Warehouse at Hond, ut 8 pur cent for either 10 days or six mouths. Hhoup men do nut havo to soil at prevent prices unless they wish. The money If ready far you. We are NOW prepared to umku loans on cuttle tiff Ix months, for feudlax purpuiwtt, I wit not on range or she stuff. We are NOW prepared In make loans en flood farm lands, with good water rlghu, no niftttnr where loealod In Central Oinon, the bigger tha loan the batter, pro vdlng the proposition la a goad ouy aad will aland luv et Invesllastlon to values aad title. Wrlto us fur lufurwaliun. Dank by mall and aeeure our mrvivf.it. THe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND t"3" LT Z' jL2r k2 -i SUPPORT FOR STRA HORN ASSURED Hntliuslatlc Delegates From Kvery Section of Central Oregon .Meet to if Reorganize Development league New Olllcors nro Elected. At tho biggest and most enthiislas tic meetings over hold In llend tha Central Orogon Dovelopmont Lenguir wns reorganlted Inst Wednesday qml aid and support for tho Strahorn rail road projoct promised by speakers from Portland nnd from ovcry por tion of Central Orogon. ' Hesldes Mr. Strahorn nnd A. Jj. Mills nnd C. C. Colt, of tlo Portland committee, thoro wore proiumt repre sentatives from every town from Cul ver to Hums nnd Lnkovlow. Snow on tho ronds hotwoon Fort Klamath and Crescent provontod tho nttond nuce of tho Klamath delegation. Iloguu with n meotlng In tho af ternoon In tho Dronm Theatre tho proceedings of tho day ended nt n lianipiet given In tho evening by tho Hond Commercial Club, In thu 12m blom Club hnll donated for tho oo caslon. Messrs, Strahorn, Colt, Mills, Thompson nnd Chapman spoko nt both meetings. In thn evening, In addition, most of tho Interior towns to bo touched by tho now Hiiob wore heard from. Of tho speeches, nsldo from that made by Mr. Strahorn, those mado by A. L. Mills and 0. C. Colt, nrounod the greatest applause. While rnrc ful to nay that tboy could not spotk for tho city of Portland their Individ ual promises ofsupport. and especial;,. ly Mr, Mills' assertion of his deslro to got Into thn gtimo, nnd his plodgo of his heart, his hnnd nnd his pock et, wero received ns meaning the suc cess of tho projoct so far ns tho Port land end wns cuncornod. Mr, Ktraliorii'n Hpwcli. Introduced by Tonstmnstor M. M. Lnra early In tho evening Mr. Stra horn was recolvod with great np plauso. lloforu proceeding to his prepared speech ho told somothlng nf his work In othor sections, of tho sort of rond ho IntonCort to build nnd of thn support ho oxpocted, A ref erence to Novomhor as nn anniversary) month with him and tboroforo nn A satisfactory tlmo In which to stint tho now projoct, wns n thomn Blazed by later spoakors to tho umusotuont of tho nudlonco, Mr. Strnhorn'n prepared ipoech concluded oh follows: "Having now satisfied myself that tho construction costs cun bo kupt within tho original estimates, nud on vnrloiiB othor hitherto unsottlod mnt tern, 1 am today finally ready to say thut I will enst my lot with you on this great undertaking. Hut I urge you In your enthusiasm not to ovor loolc tho vory serious Hides, of tho von. turn. Don't for n momiAit forgot thu conditions I havo named from the be ginning. Miixt lteelop ItoiomreH. "First, Immediate, nggnmslvo ,aud continuous offort of nil of you and your communities to work out thls Irrlgntlon, drnlmigu, HUb-dlvlslon and (Continued on pngo 0.) M. LARA. Cushler (I. .MellKVNOLDS, Asst. (!nshlor. A. .STOVKR.Awt. Cashier W.000 W.000 m fVHfJA94fJf Wt'MfJWlrxt-. "jr Lmd' ftU. VT t k T5 tri ffifr)fiVh?& I y 4,i i' - il