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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1915)
-Hi PAGE 4. TUB IlEXy IlCLLKTi.V. BEND, OIU3- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER it, iois. s I CI 1 Oil tiioy Htr$ tIvK I no In in la On wn) Hi ul Cl lnnlj. clltii Inrti vl ploj lop nml larr will froi tlml ox pi fori Iii Call' torli liorr? r.oof tlio com oil. r.oo, fin in ' of tl, hIiov will Tlio mnk , nncc." Hour 7"i p' rotni T). only boric rnllr KTVh Krow liPKll ' will muni , ill (I i nnd nrtlc ill.'il HI now Ron Halt A Chun It'Cll! I !.... " FOREST OFFICE PUTS OUT HP DESCHUTES RESERVE IS COVERED and Lava Lake region . I I Davis Lake, Odell Lake, nnd Cres cent Lake can all be reached by auto. I , Horte feed can be secured at DavIsJl Lake and at the west end of Crescent Lake. Excellent camping grounds , and fishing can be had at any of these places. .Maiden I'eaK, a t-oresi ser vice lookout station, can be reached by trail from Davis Lake ranger sta- tlon. ! Paulina i nd East Lakes are reach-1 ed by wagon road, passable by auto ' They furnish good fishing and camp ing grounds. Some hot mineral Interesting Place In Territory nre DoM-rllel nnil Resource" Lltol Lukes ami .Stream Offer Oppor tunity for J'lertiuro Seeker. One of the tt maps ever IstueU springs at East Lake are being de-( veloped as a tourist resort. This j leal Interest the lakes being located I In an ImmNvo crater, having a rim i In many pUit-s over 1000 feet above i tho lake lei ! The hlghet point on this rim, Paulina Peak. Is used as a, Forest Sen - lookout station and can bo rea tied bjr trail from Paulina Lake. Horse feeJ Is poor. Several Ice caves exist In or near .,in i-u-ri nr..n .nH h fns. ! the Forest, among which are the Ar- j x. . .,. u, ,., ,-'no,(1 'co ce- lfi mlIes southeast or cade range hat just been put out brnend. th 3outh ,ce CaT. ls , the Forwt Srvle hovvlng the Des- nortn of rrt Hock: and the Edison' chutes National form. ad th many ,p r-..- s .-. northwest of the: " lakes and pond available to the rec-'mj. Rlver ranger station. Laval reatlon seeker. I nutte, an pxtlnc tolcanlc crater, and; Printed tn the Uck of the map the aaj0lrinR ia,a fields lie west of are Are warntaga and requests for the the jjend-I-a P ne road lroper use of the forctt. with a de-i i scrlptlon of the forat and of the lakes and streams which afford rlsh- DDIMCUII I C mPPCDTC RPMflQ I Ing, camping and other recreation I UlliLIILLL flUULI III ULI1UU possibilities. Extracts from this descriptive mat ter follow: The Dowhute National Forest comprlf an area of 1.176. 201 acres located on the east lope cf the Cas cade) mountains. It Include moBt of the high mountainous country and part of the high Umbered plateau E F. Logan Furniture Company AVItli a complete line of Furniture, Stoves, Hugs, Carpets, Hods Springy, Mnttrc$c can gite you better prices than ou are able to obtain anywhere In Henri. Call In ami find out for yourself. Ever tiling new. We are receiv ing big furniture orders every day for some of the best home in llcnd. Let us furnish your home with tlio best at a smaller cot. E. F. Logan Furniture Company LAWRENCE III IlilUNG Wall Street Near Ohio Street. vMvvvv,iivvvVVVVVVtVVUv'vW,. Eat At The OTEL A LTAMONT i LUNCH READY FOR SERVICE AT 11H5 i DINNER AT 5:30 j I TRY IT I vvv.''iv,V4vvvViw'.v., TURKEY DAY CHALLENGE lloth 'Towns Materialize Gridiron Army For Game to lie I'lnjreri on Ux-til Field November I".". PrlneIUe has accepted Bend's surrounding the headwaters of the challenge for a Turkey Day football Deschutes river nnd its upper trlbu-, game to be played In Bend, and mob- tarlcs. It extends from the warm j IHzatlon In loth towns has begun In the Springs Indian Reservation on the north to the Klamath Indian Reser vation on the south. It ls estimated that the Forest con tains approximately six billion feet of merchantable timber of which nearly four billion feet Is yellow pine. Approximately 40.000 sheep and 4.000 cattle secure nt least part of their summer feed from the forest range. Most of these cattle and part of tbo sheep are owned by ranchers living on lands near or adjoining the Forest. A largo area of Irrigated or Irri gable land lies In the region north and east of the Forest, outside of the timber belt. Practically all of the water for Irrigation and domestic use on this land eomes from streams ris ing in the mountains of the Deschutes forest. In addition to their Irriga tion value the water from these streams ls capable of developing thousands of electric horsepower. Aside from Its timber, grazing nnd I urgent calls have been sent to them water values, the Forest Is attractive to bo out f Jr regular nightly practice, to campers and fishermen. There are j It Is hoped that the game may be many mountain streams kept ell, played on Thanksgiving morning. In shocked with flsh. Several snow-cap- order to wake It convenient for those ped mountain peaks, some of them having early dinners on that day. difficult of ascent and some with gla- From now on the Bend eleven will clers on their slopes. Invite the be out for regular nightly practice. The men who responded Sunday were Johnson and Prlngle, center; Ward and lmberson, guards; G. Vande vert. Muszylnskl and Smith, left tackles, Stover, Rhodes, Woelflen, Kelley and Hoke, quarter Erskine, Pates and Houston, earnest' for the leading Central Ore gon grldlrcn battle on that day. In both towns material Is plenti ful. Old football stars from many parts of the country are residing1 In this part of the state and calls have been Issued for their appearance at the camps at the earliest possible date for practice. Bend has been on the field several times In the last two weeks and the lineup for the Thanksgiving Day fracas is well In hand. More than a full team report ed idst Sunday and for two hours the "has boons were In action and the results were promising. Considerable Interest has beea aroused In Prlnevllle over Bend's action following the s ggestlon of Douglas La son. coach of the Crook county high school, that Bend and Prlnevllle get together Thanksgiving for a game Prlnevllle has several wplt bnnvn fnnthall fitnrfl scattered around the Crooked river district and u m. mm . m I .lln.l.n. 1 fc A 1 J n A. M t A ' IIIUUUU1IU tlilllUCl. Uf3 lUCI, UiVlie level valleys along the streams and lakes afford quiet camping plsces. Thousands of tourists and pleasure seekers frequent the forest annually Thea recreational features are made ends morn Inviting txtcnufe of the many backs roads traversing the Foretit making half t arks and Steldl full back, many parts of It aectMWIble by auto , or tMRi. ) Among tb Intermitting places on , the forest are mentioned the follow., Ing: The MetoMus river vallev nnd ad-' )nt region tuny bt reached by auto j from Slem. Oregon. Along the) river U fouRd go4 aore fotnl. splen-; ltd camp ground n, and excellent fish tag. A huckleberry pat eh near Cabot j take can be reached by trail, which' continues to the foot of Mount Jef ferson Sultltw l.akc can be reached by auto and offers n, good camping and Ashing place. Blue take, a water ttlltsl volcanic crater. caH be renched hy wagon only. An excellent trail Wad to the BHtnwit of Mack Unite a Koret Sorvlce lookout nation, tram which one of the bast views la the entire region can be ebtnlned. The MeKenaie road which ero the monntnliM wt from Sitters, a fair auto road. The barren Uvt bU at the mirnmit. about 1 mile wide, are of nuUeual Interest Sparks Lh and the surrounding mounts I a mU lake constitute one of the moot lntereetln. regions on the force. An nuto mad extend frwu Pend to the Tumalo r mr at i lion from which wnsoti road leads to the ridjee seMtn of Broken Top. tfctMre a trail to Sfmrka loike where t found wotnl eaMntnc "grounds and hers feed and excellent flthtng. The gtwt-r mountain lie to the north. ttfan Top to the uortneaet, and. Unrnelor Hutte t the sou the t. All of these mountains nre high, snow enwHj peeks. th4 iMers mountain hit vine glaciers or some of their stopea. Uanr Inlereetlni pack trip can be taken (roan the take. Natural soda sprints are toenled about : all enat. Knll river, the main lvhn. river, nnd the mountain lake ami etrenm around tu head can reached by auto road a far up a Crene Prairie. A waaon road, bare ly nnnenhle for aeto. extend tu I.aa take Kscellent nshlng can W had at moet nolnta along the river and at the manv mountain Ink. Good liar feed can be secured near the month of Uavki Creek, at the. head of Fall Wlver, at Crano Prairie, a't tava take, nnd at many ether puluU along the Vstfi. JJour Itderestlns "wck trips arc pmIWo tram tho. Crane Prairie It WE HANDLE WOOL BLANKETS, lOTTON 1JL.VNKETS, LADIES COVER ALL APRONS, MACKINAWS, WOOL SHIRTS OVERALLS, UNDERWEAR. COTTON AND WOOL, HOS IERY, LOGGERS STAG SHIRTS, MENS AND HOYS TROCSERS. COMJXIRTS, J. 1. COATES TIIKrwVD. WE ARE TRYING TO MEET THE DEMANDS THAT ARE BEING MADE UPON US FOR ALL KINDS OF THE REST GROCERIES. SHUEY'S The Cash Qrocer POLICIES THAT PROTECT. The Oldest .Insurance Agency in Central Ore. WE WRITE INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES "It's the way we write our policies. Our companies pay 100 cts. on the dollar. We have over 400 satisfied policy holders. The largest insurers in Crook County are our leading customers Bend Insurance Agency i Bend, Oregon POLICIES THAT PROTECT. X Is expected that the team will have 'road between Redmond nnd Prlne at least two elevens out for practice villo on condition that $300 In cash this week and practice will be held and J 200 In work bo put up by the next Sunday afternoon tournout ls desired. and a big KINDERGARTEN OPENED. Kindergarten classes Monday. Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. Commercial Club rooms. For children between 4 and 6 years old. Basketry class Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2 to 4 clock. Commercial Club rooms. For0f the L. c. Young roads. iuiti-.utuiB jce .uoiddic-i mcai 3 6-3 7c. Ailv people of Redmond, Prlnevllle and tho Intervening country. The bond given by County Trocaur er Jordan as tax collector has been released. The surveyor has been ordered to make final survey and report at the December term of court on the pro posed George A. Jones and extension COUNTY COURT NOTES District Attorney Wlrtx has been ordered to file a complaint against the Pacific Telephono & Telegraph Co., and the Deschutes Mutual Tele phone Comprny with the Public Util ities Commission. Bert A. Haney's bill for J125 for professional services In the A. MceE. Tho recent session of the county court was one of the longest held this year, lasting from Wednesday to the .Ball case has been allowed. following Tuesday. I The office of water master has been A petition for tho organltitlon of suspended by the county court dur- the Ochoco Irrigation District will be Ing tho winter months. heard on December 10. Crandall & Roberts hare finished The sum of $500 has been appro- their work on tho audit of school printed by the court for tho Houston 'districts. WHY? Did the Bend Water Light & Power Co., when they built their new Power Plant use the best SANIJ and GRAVEL they could buy? WHY did the City, when they built the new SEWER SYSTEM, use the best SAND and GRAVEL the market afforded? The answer Is obvious. They KNEW that the best ma terials for concreto work pay the largest divi dends In the end. As we have been able to satisfy the exact ing demands of theso customers, we feel that your demands can be aa successfully met. We can supply you with the proper sizes of washed sand and screened gravel for your particular purpose. Ask for quotations. BOLTON, RUETENIK & MAY FRANK MAY, Manager BEND, OREGON "Concrete Ultimately, Wr Not Now?" STOP THIS FLIGHT of Oregon Dollars IKk fptt-'xffl ,. ufY'!'" j-we-L "''TSi--'lpKVf''' fc rte 2 c YOU ARE HELPING TO CUT DOWN SALARIES TO MAKE MORE UNEMPLOYED - TO MAKE TIMES HARDER GENERALLY for yourself and other Oregonians when you send money out of the state for anything that is produced within the borders of this Commonwealth Life Insurance Premiums paid to other companies drain Oregon of more ready cash annually than any other commodity: SERVE YOUR OWN INTEREST BY INSURING IN pr iirAO'ATlTif:reg0nFs Successful Life Insurance Company I IJ CjSWll I 11 W ,NVESTS ALL FUNDS IN OREGON SECURITIES EXCLUSIVELY ' i i . ? FURNISHES SUPERIOR SERVICE TO POLICYHOLDERS Best for Oregonians Homo Office Corbett Building, Fifth and Mormon St., Portland, Oregon A. U MILLS U SAMUU. ASHLEY r ORREST. '"ii . CmJIWi District Agent. P-. "SPEED UP!" to GO minutes an hoar by taking the "grind' out of typewriting I S AND smile ! For here at last is the master "'","""0 "" muKes it easy ior any stenog rapher to turn out more letters with less effort in the ordinary working day. The new Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's work and sets the pace that pays! Built for "Big Business" and its Great Army of Expert Operators These new features of the Royal add to the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style typewriter subtracts speed! The speed with brains behind it the all-day speed of the expert typist in the day's work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind. i Get the Facts ! StnJ forth "Royal man" and ask for a dumonstk.t:on. Or write u direct for oar nw bro-chure,-"flt,.r Sirvcce'and book of facta on Touch Typ!nrtta frea to typwrlter utr. . $100 W .-v-V-1'rrJiMjWiw Mlfc jSI iSsTitt n Ui'--tgfW ill , J7 in Conga S J. a Kl'DKLL. BEXD, OREGON'. h 4 -'UkEMiunWu