;tt I h b & TIIK HKNI) HULtiKTIX, IIKX1), ORE., WEDNESDAY, NOVKMHKIl 10, 101.1. PAGE 7. TOWN ELEVEN ORGANIZED, PRINEVILLEJSJMLENGEO local Former Football Stars Start Practice for Turkey Ray Ilnttlo In Ilcml Many Turn Out. In a football season whoro the boat lnlil plans of coacliors and dopsters lmvo been upset from the. Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, and .In a season whero tho sporting columns hnvo been crowded with gloanlngs from tho gridiron camps all ovor tho country, tho "has beons" of tho pig skin gamo nro beginning to Itch for n scrap. it appears that former football men In Rond have boon touched by tho beo, and steps woro taken lato last week for tho organization of a town football team. Tho matter of tho organization of a town team wis BUgge3tod to Ilend followers of foot ball two weoks ago by coach Lawson of tho Crook County High Bchool. Upon their return to Rond several former football men began a survsy of tho town and assembled tho names of a Buftlclont number to raako up two teams. A light signal practice was hold last Sunday afternoon and on tho be lief thnt a team can bo organized, a challenge has been Issued to Prlno vllle through Mr. Lawson to meet tho Hand team hero on Thanksgiving Day. It Is expected to hold lato af ternoon and evening practlcos during tho weok with tho high school elevon to got In condition for thp game. A formldablo lineup has been se lected and assurances wero given by the men that they would Indulge In tho necoosary training to prepare for the struggle. Those who roported for practice 8unday afternoon were: Ersklne, Prlngle, Steldl, Stovor. Kelly, Arn springer, Muszylnskl, Dates, Rhodes, Hoke and Woelflen. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOK PURIFICATION. n.n..imant nf th Interior. U. S Land Ofllce at The Dalles, Oregon, November 2, 1315. NOTICE Is hereby given that liur ton E. Davis, of Rend, Oregon, who, on August 12th. 1912. made Homo, stead Entry, No. 010613. for WH Section 32, Township 19 South, Itange 15 East, Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of Intention to mako Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before H C Ellis. U. S. Commission cr, at liend. Oregon, on the 15th day of December, 1915. Claimant names as wes3e: -Otis C. Henkle. Henry R. Ford, of Bend Oregon; Peter R. Johnson, Ivan Owen, of Mlllican. Oregon. 10n U IL FRANK WOODCOCK. i-4l. "e"gter- NOTICE OF TAXPAYER MEETING Pursuant to order of the City Council notice U hereby siren that a ' 1 ATTENTION! To keep up our service to standard, we have engaged Mr. Guy Alley to take change of our repair depart ment. Mr. Alley, is a man who has had a widerangQ of experience, is an expert repairman, machinist and electrician.- In brder to keep this man, we must have the cooperation of our many friends and patrons. We respectfully ask tne automobile public to join with us and help build a garage service that Bend can look to with pride. BEND GARAGE COMPANY Motto: SERVICE. BAKER & THORNBRU.E i- y- i- , v I public mooting will bo hold at tho council rooms nt 8 p. in. on Friday, November 20, 1915, ror tho purpose of discussing with tho city council tho ItcniB of tho proposed budget for tho coming year. Tho following is a copy of tho pro posed budget to bo submitted by'tbo council and to lio discussed at said mooting: Street Improvements, In cluding tho grading nud cindering of a street approximately two miles In longth, extending from tho business centor of Bond In n southerly direc tion to connoct with tho proposed stato aid road, loading from Ilend to La Pino; replacing crossings; cost of Improving strcot Intersections, etc $ 2,500.00 Light for streets and pub lic buildings 2,700.00 Sprinkling and oiling streets 1,500.00 Fire hydrants ac $35 por yr. 800.00 Necessary additional tiro enulpmont 1,500.00 Police protection 2,200.00 Salaries, Recorder, Treas urer, Engineer and City Attornoy 1,000.00 Interest oneewer bonds.. 3,000.00 Ront of Council chamber. . 300.00 Allowanco to library 180.00 Printing 100.00 Health . 800.00 Sundries 1.000-00 In addition to tho abovo. there Is a Judgment of Ingersoll Rand Com pany for 501.80 Estlraatod amount of un paid registered warrants (exclusive of flowago war rants) 4,594.71 Less ostlmated proceeds of unpaid street and sewer assessments 2,732.74 1.861.97 Total amount necessary to ... bo raised 122.774.71 The certificate from the County Assessor shows that tho total tax able property within tho corporato limits of the City of nend amounts "0 ; 1377.035.00 and that the Public mill- . ties in 1914 amounted to 72,020.00 Making tho total taxabio property amount to . . . . $449,055.00 35.36c H. O. ELLI8. Recordor. NOTICE FOR PUI1LIOATION. Department of the Interior, U. B. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 30, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ann Mackintosh, Assignee of A. L. Mack intosh, Assignee of Archie Pattle, Assignee of Kenneth R. Dunn, of Uend, Oregon, who, on April 17th, 1911, made Desert Land Application No. 08721. for SW NEU. Section 30. Township 18 South. Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make Final Desert Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, belore It. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on tho'14th dny of Dccombor, 1915. Clnlmant names ns witnesses: Archlo Pnttlc, Samuel Vaughn, Wil liam C. Sanders, John Egley, all of Rend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 31-38 c. Rcglstor. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land OIllco nt Tho Dallo3, Oregon, Soptombor 13th, 1915. NOTICE la horoby given that James R. Ileatson, of Mllllcnn, Ore gon, who, on April 11th, 1912, mado lUAnostcod Entry, No. 010178, for East V4. Section 12, Township 20 South, Ranpg 15 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to mako Flnnl Thrco Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo de scribed, boforo 11. C Ellis, U. S. Com missioner, at Rend, Orogon, on tho 20th day of November, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Alwyn F. Loo, Earl L. Powora, Potor R. Johnson, Qeorgo Powora, nil of Mllllcnn, Orogon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 32-3CC. Rcglstor. NOTICE OF HALE OF RKAIsPROP ERTV UNDER SEWER ASS1W.S- MEXT XUMIIER I. Ry rcnBon of warrants numbered 03, 04, 05, GC, 67, 08 nnd 09 for delinquent sowor assessment No, 1 duly Issued by the recorder of tho City of Rend, Orogon, dated Novom 1)0 r 3rd, 1915, In tho mntter of sower assessment No. 1, mndo and ontorod in the docket of city Ileus of said city of Ilend on tho 7th day of Aug ust, 1913, nnd on tho 19th dny of AugUBt, 1913, wherein tho horolnnf tor described property was assessed and charged for suld Improvement, tho number-of tho warrant, tho de scription of tho property, tho amount assesHOd for snld Improvement nnd tho uamo of tho ownur or reputed ownor in each caso being nu follows: 03. Lot 1, block 1, $50. Henry Llnstor. 04. Lots 2 nnd 3, block 2, $47.25. F. O. Minor. 05. Lot 9, block 2, $17.25, Marlon ii Lei 99 er ram Whatever the weather out' scfe.agoodoil heater makes sunshine within. rut M J A- VI i '. -ii rr r pi 'fin; C33l H Perfeciion Oil Heaier Inexpcnslva to operate cully carried from roomtoroom. Smokeless and odorltaa. Deal era everywhere. Forltil hmuUi im PtarlOil. Standard Oil Company (California) AAAAAAAAAAA Coo. 66. Lot 1, block 23, $80.50. Illoa som & Ilaumgarton. 07. Trnct A, $128. 1). M. Davis. 68. South half parcel 10, Lytlo Acres and south enst quarter, parcel 15, iLytlo Acrt'B, $100, R. O. Ilowsor. 69, East ono half parcel 22, Ly tlo Acres, $70. Nellie U. Ray. All of snld abovo described proper ty bolng sltunto within tho city of Ilend, county of Crook, Statu of Oro gon. Notice Is horoby given that I will on Saturday, tho 4th day of Docombor 1915, at 10 o'clock n. m. at tho front door of tho city hall oh Wall street, tu tho city of Ilend, Crook county, Oregon, sell at auction, to tho par son who shall pay tho assessment, costH, Inturest and accruing routs, and IntoroHt tliereon, iwid tnko a cor tlllcato at the lowest rato of Interact, nil tho right, tltlo and Inturest tlio owner or re puled owner or nny.other p orsuti has or had In mild property at thu date of said assusHinuiit. Dated this third day of Novombor, 1915. 8.IC. ROIIKRTS, Chief or Police of tho City of Uond, Crook county, Oregon. 3 5-3 On Bend-Silver Lake and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Cur Eitcli Way Each Day. RIPE IN THE EASY CARS Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANUY LIVEKY CO. Freight Trucks in Addition Oregon Transfer Company J. II. WK.VAN11V Phono Illarlc 1.11 Kxprt'MN mill Itiiggugo Auto Rolltery Prompt nnd quick service. Teams for light und heavy hnullni;, OIllco with lfomescokers Land Company. Bend Contracting Co. "Nu Job too Rig, No Job too Kuiull." Rrldgo Construction Excavation of all Kinds SPECIALLY tX)NSTRU(ri:i) SI.ITIO TAXKH Teams for all kinds of heavy hauling at all times. Land clearing i:. O. Clark, Manager I'tiond Itlack im U. 1). Cl W OIHce with Homeaeekertt Laud Company. 1