r;,".f!v ESGi-. THE IJKNI) HUIiLETIN, HENI), QUE., WEDNESDAY, NOVKMHER 10, 101B. PAGE 0. H . V ft- 1 " f f-' ifc t i c tc 1 c f c 6 n o Hi W T ir ifl H( 7! oi 111 rr Kl Kl in w) m ill nr n f ill nc go Hn i ci ii; mi' ii(4 lirv A I Ns .lij Hll Co dut )o ili lift not ltd cor wn 1 linl vImJ Htn ) '.(J I'nf IIIUj nut rlT OHt, ilo nrlj.' Mr, ity rtsf iiiit nhol hhU hUP lirlll 1 mil, Mil. iiar of var Win,, nit Qi ' i)il: reMt UHl1 Thai tn l .. fflttj IHIli' 1)011 ( -gj tlmt bun "V belt New, 1 REDMOND 39-0 LOCAL TEAM PLAYS GOOD FOOTBALL Farmers' Meetings and Courses at 0. A. C. Visitors Vco fliililiiNM-il In Every Jh'paitiiivnt (if .Saturday's (Sumo J f oino I'lutcn Vkvh Iiinanl Pn,H llamllly mill Hips up Line. Tho Ilndmond IiIkIi school football tenm wub ony picking for the Ilond high hcIiooI eleven Snturdny on tlio locnl Hold find wont down to defeat to tlio tuno of .19 to 0. At no stage of tliu game did Itodtnond Imvo nny rhnnco to score, while, npinrcntly tlio visitors woro nflllctcd with por nlyslii when Ilond flashed tlio forwnrd pans, tearing off from 15 to GO ynrds nt n crnck. ' Ilond kicked off to Hodmond, who lost tlio Imll on Its own '10 yard lino. Ilond oponod up with two clean cut passes and It was nIx minutes from tlio tlmo thnn Uoforco Ersklno's wlilsMo lilow tlint Gorton lind tlio ov.il iicrosH tho llnu for Mend's Initial touchdown of tho your. Htmnoll fail ed to kick goal. Score, Ilond C, Hod mond 0. Ilniiil klckod off to Red mond's 20 yard lino. Young Inter- coptoil a piihh and n long pass, Young to (Initio mid n right ond run by lltinnoll, brought tho ball behind Redmond's until llvo minutes nftor tho first touchdown. Tho llrst ipmr tor ended 13-0 In fnvor of llcnd. Fiii-miuiI I'llhN KITlTtiW. In tho second qunrtor Ilond klckod off to Hriltiioud'a 15 ynrd Una and tlio bull was brought back .10 yards. Hero Itodninnd showod n llnsh, using tho forward piisb hnnilily, .lohnson to Ktoukoph, and bringing tho bull to Ilmid'H 20 ynrd lino. A pnss, John son to Htiuihnph fnllod, nnd Ilnnd, In possession of tho ball, started n march for Iteilinond'n gonl. In tho renter of tho Meld Young shot n high long pnsH to (Irubo who toro off 10 yarils to n touchdown. Ilunnel! kick oil gonl. Scorn, Ilond, 20, Kcdmoml 0. On llond's klck-olT, Itodmond ad vnnced tho bull 50 yards In a pretty broken Mold sprint by Duval, Hod- mond'H left hnlf, but ost tho ball on downs. Ilrniiilonhurg, Head's enp tain nnd star hnlf bnrk, hero wont Into tho gumo with a laino shoulder, nnd In two minutes nftor ho bad planted his feet Into tho ground, ho rnn (15 yards In a broken Hold and tucked tho ball snfelv bohlnd Hod mond'H goal posts, lliiniiull kicked goal. Scoro: lleud 27, Iteilmnnd 0. Touchdowns Comti Eimy, In tho second hnlf Ilcdniond kick ed to llcnd, who brought tho ball to Itmliiiond'H 30 ynrd lino. Two clean passes, nno to tho right end nnd nno to the left end, brought tho hall to tho 15 yard lino. Two InickH by (lor tiiu nnd Young brought tho ball neross tho lino, llunuoll failed to kick Mini). Hcoro: Ilond 23, Itodmond 0. Hero llnilmoiiil bounn to conin back stronger, tonrlng off 20 nnd 30 ynrds ' (in lino bucks, nnd It bewail to look a though tho Itodmond beef was bo dinning to toll on their lighter nilvoV sarloH. but this advance was brokci up when (Irubo Intercepted n past. Two morn clean cut pnsseH from .lohiisnn to Umbo netted 50 yards and brought tho ball to Itedmond'i) olio foot lino. Tho uunrtor ended with tho bnll In that position mid at tho opening of tho next quarter llun uoll curried It across In nun buck. Ho failed to kick gonl. Tho gauio ended with tho ball In llond's posses sion on Redmond's seven yard line. Final score- Ilond 30, Itodmond 0. Young, mill (Joi ton Slur, i Despite the lilt; score the gnnio wn ninrkod bv brilliant IIiihIioh bv both tenuis. The feut'irn of the gnme was tho work bv Young nt full bnck for Ilond mid the handling of the pane's by (Initio nt right end. Tho duo worked like hlith whool veterans and Niuothoroil the lleiliuouil secondary dofeiiHo with their fust play. Itodimind's venket spot wns In the lino, lleud 1'opoatodly punctured It for long Kiilns. The bucklleld, de spite Its Vt eight nnd speed, was tin Mbh) to net uwny from tho llend end" DiivmII. nt left half. Jackson nt fell wild SlunkiMih were responsible1 for UiiMt of Redmond's gnius. Kr lleud, Youiik nt fullliRrV. (Irubo nt right end mid lloyd nt tackle slurred for Ilond. Jackson played a fnst, hixidv giune nt nunrterback. Tho Ilond toMUi'plnyod a 200 per cent bet ter game Saturday thnn It did ngalnst I'rlnovlllo tlui preceding Sturdnv. The lineup has been groatlv strengthened nnd tho team Is working faster and more steadily. Ilond will piny n return gnmo noxt Saturday at ltodnmnil nnd I'rlnovlllo at Hand on November 20. Hy A. E. I.OVETT, County Agriculturist. Tho Agricultural College b tho fnr- mor'H school. Those who hnvo gono Into business for themselves and have families to support can not usually tnko udvantnge of n four or a two years' course, but tho Oregon Agri cultural Collogo has prepared a spe cial short courso for farmers, nnd theso will prove of great vnluo to ull who can tnko ndvantngo of thorn. To thoHo who can spare eight or nlno months from tho farm, tho ono year courso In ugrlculturo will provo of especial value. This courso Is also a vory good ono for tho young mnn or woman who feels that thoy can not nfford a four yenrs' courso. Of especial value to farmers Is tho "farmer's week" short courso, which this year will bo held tho week be ginning Jnnunry 3rd. Tho regulnr school Is closed at this tlmo ami tho ontlro Btnff of teachers and experi mentation officers Is given over to lectures and demonstrations for tho benefit of tho farmers in attendance Thoro woro last year 2,100 fnrniors In attendance. A much larger nt tcndnnco Is expected this yoar. Thoro should bo soveral In nttendanco at this courso from Crook county. Another meeting of Importance to farmers Interested In fruit growing Is thnt of tho Stnto Horticultural So ciety, which meets Novombor llith to 18th. Crook county is not, of courso, n commercial fruit growing section, but thero are many who nro growing homo orchards to whom this meeting would provo n benefit. At this meeting, thoro will bo given lec tures nnd demonstrations on pruning and care of orchards. I am a firm believer in farming ns a business, and In thnt business must bo included a study of nil of tho phases npportnlnlng thcroto. I Bhould llko to sea a largo number of our far mers tako advantage of theso courses and meetings. The Calre of Farm Machinery Tho Now Bend Flour Mill Co., Is now manufacturing Deschutes Solf Itnlslng Pnncako flour. Ask your gro cer for it. Adv. Clean up nnd paint up. wards. Adv. Sco Ed- The Wright5 Is Bend's Leading WHY? Hotel It Is n fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It In comfortable, commodious, clonn- ItOOMS FItOM HO CENTS UP Tlio wants of nil nro satisfied well nt THE WHIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT H0TEL IN By A. E. LOVETT, County Agriculturist. in normal years thoro Is probably ns llttlo need for protection of the farm machinery from tho weather 'n Eastern Oregon ns In any section of tho country, but oven In Eastern oro gon money may bo saved by protect ing nil farm machinery from tno weather. Some of our farm machin ery, Btich ns tho wagons and buggies, nro used tho year rouna, and In most instances nro out In tlio wot wcatnor In use, and still even with these two machines a shed would provo a sav ing of money. Our plows, harrows, mowers and rakes and most especial ly our grain hijidors deteriorate more rapidly becauso of tholr cxposuro .o tho wcathor than they do from use. I hnvo heard farmers In this section stnto that their machinery did not rust In this section, but upon Investi gation hnvo found a considerable amount of rust on practically all ma chines. A mnchlno shed can bo eas ily built nt ono side or end of tho horso or cow stablo nt vory llttlo ex pense. Somo of our machines nrc used only ono to four weeks through out tho yijnr, nnd the:r llfo should bo from ten to fifteen or twenty years. Howovor, because of cxposuro to tho wcathor, thero aro ver fow of our machloies that will la,st this length of tlmo. Tho machinery shed will pny even In Central Oregon. Another item worth considering In tho mattor of farm machinery Is tho pnlntlng nnd repairing of Bnmo. This can easily bo dono on stormy days when thero Is llttlo outside work that can bo done, nnd If tho machines nro ropalrcd nnd painted when stored af ter using, it will be found thnt n good deal of tlmo and money can do snved, not only becauso of tho saving through this special care, but also becauso of tho clear knowledge of tho repairs necessary Immediately af ter using tho machine. "A penny saved Is n penny earned," and this can bo no more rapidly proven than by keeping tho mnchlnory In best re pair nnd protecting It from the wentlior. tatoes have all exceeded last year's crop and tho price Is down. Uso True Dluo Flour. Whiter nnd bettor than over. For oalo by Tho Now Bond Flour Mill Co. Adv. Pool and blulnrds nt tho Metro politan. Just tho thing for n little rolaxatlon In tho ovcnlng. Adv. tf. For sign painting boo Edwards. Adv. Locating tlio Trouble When ono Is Bufforlng from back ncho, rhoumntlsm, lumbago, blliotvL ' ncss, sharp pains, soro muscles anrt stiff Joints it is not nlways easy in locnto tho Bourco of trouble but nln tlmo out of ton It can bo traced to overwork, weakened or diseased kid ncys. Foley Kidney Pills have benl ofitted thousands of suftorors. pai " . terson Drug Co. Adv. , ONE CENT A WORD Is all a Htiii'fT Want Ad will cost you. 19 KENWOO Lots 60xU4, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights 100 to $225 TERA1S: $10 Cash and $10 Alonthly. Special inducements to parties who will build homes Trim llluo Flour has been n larger seller than nny month boforo. TIip whltunotw, purity, oxcollonco and the nemo of good milling makes it n largo rupontor. Adv. J. RYAN & CO. CROP REPORT ISSUED Figures Show Oioiui'h Product Inn ExceciN a Year Ago, Except Apples Tho latest government crop report Just complied by tho bureau of crop cstlmntcs making comparisons between production and prico in tho present yenr and a yoar ago,' shows that out of-tho llvo articles mentioned all but ono Is moro plontlful this ye.ir In Orogon nnd bringing n lowor prico. Tho Oregon npplo crop Is 100,000 bnrrels short of Inst year's produc tion nnd Is bringing 18 cents n bushel (L moro. Wheat, oats, barley and po- CASH FOR Turkeys XtK WANT ALL YOUlt TUItKKl'S AN1J WILL PAY CASH OX DELIV KKY AT OUIt PLATFOHM. PKE- feu all mans to he dhessed HUT WILL ACCEPT SOME ALIVE. WHITE OH CALL FOK INSTHUO TIOXS OX HOW TO I1IIESS. WILL PAY PORTLAND PHICE LESS FREIGHT. LIVE HIHDS RECEIVED NOVEMHEK 12th TO lTtli; DHESS ED HIHDS NOVEMHEK ltStli TO 10th. The United Warehouse Company BUYERS' FOK UNION MEAT CO. They Said: "You Can't Raise Corn" In tho Northwest. Hut corn Is grown lmro good corn, small cobs, deep kernels, solid ears, and plenty bushels per acre. Every fanner ovory llvo stock owner eory dairyman knows what com means. For sign painting sco Edwards. Adv. Our .Iltny Offer ThU mill .V. Don't Hints this. Cut out this slip, onoloxo vth llvo contn to Foloy Co., Chicago. III., writing your iinnio nnd add loss clonrly. You will re folvo In return u trial package con taining Foley's Honey nnd Tur Com pound, for coughs, coldt nnd croup, Foley Kldnoy Pills nnd Foley Cathar tic TnbloU. Pattorncm Drug Co. -adv. Use Deschutes Bprajr Flour. Whit er and better than ever. For ile by Tho New lleud Flour Mill Co. Adv. Whether or not you kno.w that corn is a successful crop in 'this coun try, go nnd sco tho results of n campaign for moro pork nnd bottor pork, moro cattle, moro dairies nnd silos, and bettor times at tho Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. IXION PACIFIC SYSTESI. CORN SHOW Walla Walla, December 2-3-4 A. ' 3 i 1 "" I "fill YOUR Attention For a Moment, Please You Can Cook With Electricity for a large family or for yourself alone. The Electric Stove is now perfected to the point where it serves as Kitchen HaiJRe, or, in smaller form, as the Handy Little Meal (Getter, right in your own room. For instance, on Ei, Gmi.lstovo, which costsonly $4, you, can Boil, Broil, Toast, Fry, and Make Coffee. Simply connect tojyour flight socket. Information nnd Premium List Freo upon application to A. O. K(1.N, T. 1 .tt P. A. J. II. OOlUUrrr, Agent, lUnuI, Orvgou LOW FARES FOR THE ROUND TRIP mm FNvoil 1 fori 1 1 pEWJ L BEND WATER. LIGHT (& POWER. CO.