PAorc-r; TiiMiiEtfn HVMi7rrNYnfei.vonE.,tAVEhtKsiWV xdVrt.umm it), ioib. I S t i . I J. O m Ch tin Sti tlv no llOi ml Or wa tin lnt (lit liu P do nn liu vl fr tin ox fo'l Co lol ho no th CO (!(1 no nn of Hh wl Tl mi ii ri HO 75 ro on lio rn Kr Kr 1)0 w nn ii r ill no Hn i lei llr no! pr A I Ni HI, (X III I'i IJ cci hn vlT i l'i nf .if n mi .11 1 M H if or KB hf hi "l 01 wi t'l a ii Qj P-r iff . Liv &r ; i' JIOMESTKADKlt HIVES KST1MATI3 ' (Junturu Times.) 'A homcHtcnJor llvlr.f? nbout threo miles west of town, Iieb kept track of profit nnri loss during tho punt yonr and gives an account of his business ups and downs for that per iod as follows: lieon liroko 301 times Ilr.d money . t Union Pifilsed nelglihorn ....... fl times Told lies 009 times Paid In conscience 0 times Dollnniier.t dolits unpaid . . 22 times Mlutnkon for preacher .... 11 times Mistaken for cap'talist .... 1 tlinn Found money 0 tlmns Took lintli 0 times Short on water 10 timet Told tho truth 1 times .MIbboiI prayer tnoetinR. . . . C2 Union Heon roasted ! I times Washed dhihos 2 times Missed meals 0 times Got whipped 8 times Whipped ntliors 22 times Cash on hand tit IiokIiihIiir . . . $ 1 . 7 r. Cash on hand at end in XOTICK OP SCHOOL .MKRTIXG. ' Notlco Is hereby given that a spe cial meeting of tho taxpayers of Schoo Dint. No. 12, will bo held at tho Held school In Dend on Saturday, November 27 at 10 a. in. for the pur pose of fixing the tax levy for 191G. 11. J. OVEIITUKF, 30-37C. Clerk. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. FOR RENT. -Chicken house on birds capacity. In- . 3Ctf IIITIHJET. Submitted by directors for School District 12 to bo considered at tax payers meeting November 27. , Teacher's salary, 101G. . .$25,500.00 Janitor hire and supplies . . 090.00 New equipment, special courses 2,000.00 Interest on bonded Indebt edness, l.i 37.r.0 ENOEIHtETSON KOlt.MS COMPANY. J. 13. Lngebrptfton announces tho Incorporation of bis business ns tho Central Oregon Plumbing and Heat Co. 1). F. I)ohirty, formerly of Van couver, Washington, Is associated with Mr. I'3ngoljrotson In the com pany. Tho now company Is equip ped to do all kinds of plumbing, heating, furnaco work, tinning and rooting In a HutlBfueto'- manner, with n completely ciiilppod tin shop In connection. Air. j.iigolirutgon Is the malinger of tho company. Adv. Sinking fund Text books and aparatus New furniture Fuel Light, power and water . Insurance Clerk him Enumeration TO PERFECT OIIHAXI.ATIOX. A meeting of potato growers from tho Redmond, Powell lltltto and Low er llrldgu districts was held at tho olflco of the County Agriculturist In Redmond, November Kth. It was de cided to organize a Potato Growers' Association In this suction, whoso purpose will he to Improve and mar ket tho potatoes grown by these growers. J. ,1. Elllnger, S, I). Mus tard and G. 13 Stadlg wero elected to prepare a constitution mid by laws for the association, and to innltu plans for the work to bo done by 't. A meeting of potato growers will bo held Novcmbor 20th at 2 o'clock In tho olllce of the County Agriculturist for tho purpose of adopting the con stitution and by laws, electing olll cers nnil starting tho work of tho association. All potato growers aro specially Invited to nttend this meet ing, mid If thoy see lit to Join this association. OGO.OO 1,000.00 1,500.00 COO. 00 C00.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 Postage, stationery, & misc. 1,500.00 $35,777.50 Estimated receipts, stnto tax $5,000.00 Estlmnted receipts county tax , 3,000.00 Estimate duo from county 2,400.00 FOR RENT two lots. GOO quire Bulletin. FOR RENT Furnished room with or without board. Private family. Inqulro II. M. G. c-o Bulletin. 3 Op FOR RENT Seven room house. J. Ryan & Co. 3Cc FOR RENT Farm, 3 miles east of Head, Prlnevlllo rond, Lnrge red ham. Inquire at plnco or write Box 40, Bend. 3Cc FOR RENT I will buy you n lot and build to suit. $25 down and $10 per month up. Houses for $350 tin. Inquire Bulletin. 33-3Cp. FOR RENT My farm 2G' n)lls south of Bend. $50 per year. Ad dress L. Corbln, llend. 33-3Gp FOR RENT Four room furnished house J. Ryan & Co., 32tt FOR SALE. Not amount to ralso by taxa tion $25,037. GO II. J. OVERTURF, 3C-D70. Clerk. CHURCH NOTICES. Church of tfie Brethren. Services each Sunday near high school building. Sunday school 10 n. in. Branching, 11 n. in. A cor dial Invitation Is oxtonded to nit. Ira II. Fox, minister. FOR SALE or TRADE For auto In first class condition, desort claim relinquishment with or without water right in full. Telephone IUack 112. 3Cc FOR SALE Good fresh cows. 3 miles north west of Deschutes. John E. Williams. 3C-37p FOR SALE 'Nice- fat young geese. Phono Rural 43. 30-38c FOR SALE Driving horse and milch cow. Inquire Kenwood groc ery. 3G-37p FOR SALE Man's bicycle. Good condition, $5. Phono Black 112 3Gc FOR SALE Six weeks old pigs to roast whole for Thanksgiving. Al30 geese. W. J. Alt. 35-37c FOR SALE Fifteen ncro fruit and vegetable farm In Florida. Will trade for lot In Bond nnd balance tn cash. Inquire Edward II. Thatcher, llllllc'nn, Crook county, Oregon. 34-7p FOR SALE Small counter at tho Cozy Restaurant. 34 tf 1 fP ItaptM. Blblo school 10 a. m. Preaching sorvlco 11 o'clock. Sublcct: "The Things Wo Need nnd tho Way Wo Get Them." Mr. E. N. Strong of Port land will sing "Tho Good Shepherd, by VnnDawatcr. Tho ladles quar tette will sing 'Nearer My God to Thee," by .Myers. Young people's meeting 0:30, conducted by Miss Davis. Preaching sorvlco 7:30. Sub ject: "The Sun Bohlnil the Clouds." Good congregational singing nnd spe cial music by tho Indies' qmu-totto. Prnyor meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. E. G. Judd, pastor. "the m;iii: ik strong." Tho photoplay "Tho Luro" was tho Hint tunt started wide investigations lu many Inrgo eastern cities. It has elicteil praise from hoiiio of tho moat widely read Journals lu tho country, nil of whom pronounce It a strong picture, llend Theatre Wednesday and Thursday nlghtB. Adv. KINDERGARTEN OPENED. Kindergarten classes M o u d n y, Wednesday mid Friday nrtornoons from 2 to 4 o'clock, Commercial Club looms. For children between I nnd i! years old. Basketry class Tuesday ami Tiiursdny afternoons from 2 to I o'clock, Commercial Club rooms. For particulars soo .Margaret Wlest. :i-37c. Ailv Pictltytt'i-liiii. Sundny school at 10 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. Theme: "Insptra Hon for Sorvlco." Preaching at 7:30 p. in. At this service the series of sermons on "Tho legality of tho trial nnd donth of Jesus" will begin with a discussion of "Hebrew Crlmlnnl Law." Tho public Is cordially Invited to attend theso services. Mrs. 11. iL. Hopkins will favor tho evening congrcgntlon with a solo. II. C. llurt rnnft, pastor. Extra Special For your nlco homo buy a lot In lloulovnrd Addition. Adv. WAS JEHUS' TRIAL LEGAL? Great legal battles hnvo stirred the world. Still fresh In the memory of most of us Is tho famous trial of Dreyfus, but the greatest legal enn lllct that was ever fought was the olio over the life of n Narnrlno peas ant that tho world of today calls Jiwiis. Upon what he wild and did uwts the whole impor-structure ol our civilization, nnd Hint being the fH wo, In an advanced age of think ing, have a Just right to Inquire Into the legality of tho trial. Was the trial of .Iohiib legal In nil Its settings or was there u tdiadow of Illegality lu tho proceedings? Those questions are being asked on every hand and beginning with November 14, 1915, tho undersigned will attempt to an swer questions along this lino at the Sunday evening services at tho Pros liytnrlnu chinch. These addresses will not be theological hut In the ful lest Kiie possible, the res lilt of re Kcmrch work In the matter ns It per tains to the law that governed such cases lu those days. The public In general Is Invited to attend and hear thuno uddrtmMtH and. If they so desire, ask qiientliuiti after tli services are over. There will be nine of the ad drown lwKlunluK with "Hebrew Criminal Law," and follow lug ever) Sunday evening thereafter II. C. HAItTltANIT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK. In tho mutter of the estate of Charles Prluglo, deceased. Notlco is hereby given by tho undersigned, administrator of tho estate of Charles Prluglo, deconsod, to tho creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit thmn, with tho necessary vouchers, within six (0) months after the llrst publi cation of this notice, to tho said ad ministrator at his olllco pn Wall street, the same being tho plnco for the transaction of tho business of said estate, In the city of llend, Crook county, Oregon. JAMES RYAN, Administrator of the estate of Charles Prluglo, Date of llrst notice November 10, 1915. 30-40C Cleaning and Pressing .SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NORVAL L. SFRINGER Up Sliirt Hon MuiMing Call lor .ml Drlon All Woil. Odlrii tilen by "Sonny" the Meucngri Uoy Double Rice Boiler 2 qimrt size. Double eout gniy enameled wure 25 cents Berlin Stew Pun 0 quart size double eout gray enameled ware 2 5 cents Men's Caps Heavy winter caps with pull down a great value 25 cents Men's Woolen Socks You'll be surprised how heavy they are. An un equaled value 2 5 cents These and hundreds of other bargan's at Warner's The Permanent, Progressive, Reliable place for you to trade American Adding and Listing Machine ; (EIGHT COLUMN CAPACITY) PRICE 4 $8o.00 F. O. B. MAYWOOD. ILL. Sold on one year's credit or 3 o ' dis count for cash, MAIL COUPON, TODAY American Can Company Chicago, 111. Please send booklet descrip tive of American Adding and , Listing Machine. Wet Feet Cause Colds Colds are Dangerous Avoid Colds by having Dry Feet. The famous Goodyear Rubber brands in duck pacs, overshoes, rubbers, laceits. The red rubber patent process pacs, made by the United States Rubber Company, will give you better service in wet weath er. Now is the proper time to use preventative measures against illness. A warm Mackinaw will keep you warm these snappy mornings and evenings, and a Gaberdine Raincoat will keep you dry in the hardest rain. A. L. FRENCH MEN'S FURN ISHINQS FOR SALE Land. Any pnrt of 1C0 acres, or all. 13. J. Ilogers, Tura alo, Oregon. 31tr FOIl SALE Nicely furnished 4 room modern house, good corner lot. Price, $1400.00. So mo term. J. Kyan & Co. 32 tf WANTKI). WANTED Hy man and wife, po sitions togother. Ilanch work pre ferred. Heat of references, C. E. G. Bulletin. 3G-37p WANTED Hy llrst class cook, po sition In hotel, restaurant, lionrdlng house or camp. Good broad and pas try. Inqulro nt Mrs. Mcintosh's mll- llnory store. 36p LOST AM) FOUND. TAKEN UP Hay mnro mid colt at Kasprovltz homestead, HemtaJ valley. Drandcd 711 on left shoulder. Owner wrlto P. O. box 11, Ilond. 33tle LOST Plain gold enso ladles watch. Itoturn to Uullotln olllco and recelvo reward. 36tf TO TItADE OR, EXCIIAJfai:. TO TItADE Tho best butcher business In Vancouver, Washington. win irnuo ior improved -iu ir cloie tj to llend. Oregon. Sco Ilomoseeken Land Co, 3C-39c Nam AdJren Were You Prepared 0 AS WE SUGGESTED LAST, ff EEK I Clipped from The Dcnd Bulletin jS-49-p IMUI1 KSTATU Tit WSI'KltS. lMH'd by t'lixik fount)' .MiMr.ivt Ci. NorttiwtMl Tovnnltt t'o. to Kd' W. Ainlroii It. 18, blk &. N. W. T (?. 1st add, Horn!. Guy It. DuvIh, tniHtee, to l.oul MuDlrmUl. Vt Intermit lt. 1, :', -tk $, lluiul. Oregon Trunk Hy. to Diwcliute It. It. Co., trwots in a.17-U 6-1S-12 Minute M. llrown to Samuel l' ' Khejtrur It. SI. tmliillv. I, llend. II, J. Overturf to llend Park Co , pt. It. I. I-1S-12. ' A. J. Keepvor et ill to N. S. I.ellh eil agree. It. 1.2, blk. 80, Center ml I. , Ilond, 71k0. , llend Park Co. to Frank V. WIl IIiuiihou wil. It. 11, blk 100, Ut add llend Park. I Cora A. ltroutorluiua to Frank Smith, lotle uuro. i Sniiio to name part I.ytle ncro. Of the smaller companies that have entered upon Lyceum work In recent ' yours none have given better mU- faction than tho lloverly Hutrtain ori). an organisation of oharmlnK young women who give a dlvorsltlud and Interesting program, tit unce nov el and entertaining. Musical miui br In Dutch costume aro one of tho attractive features offered by.ho company, whoso members slug, read, play mandolins and guitars and give musical sketches In charming; co?r, ttunjp, GuttiiruloKues by MUs lthn Smith' are also featured. At Prosby- terloT church Ilond, Tuesday, SJqy- L t-mbor lfl. Adv. K f IIUY YOUR Groceries AT THH NIJW AllIAT AlAKKkT. Gilbert (Sb Son DR. RILEY VETERINARY Ii loctlwl at The Pnt iUm, OcnJ, and JI cue lor your Motki and Cattle at youi call, or P It O It C 221 '-J AUo mIU ' BEST RHEUMATIC REMEDY ON MARKET 1- -- d. IT IS NOT TOO LATJEjfNOW. If yon need Ruhhers' t)vershoes, Wool Sox, Gloves, Raincoats or Boots we can give you the hest brands. Stock up in these winter necessaries now. Latest models in Overcoats and Ralmacaans just fn. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY GENERAL MERCHANDISE Diamo&db win out over the roads you know . It is n perpetual brttlo between tires and roads and victory is harJ-. ornod. The strength and toujh- nes3 of tho rubber m Eiarr.or.u Squceneo Tread Tirca resists tho roughest road wear yawning rut3 do not tal;o toll from Diamond Squeegees. Tried for years en every road that leads In or out cf this city on all mcUc3 cccra Diamond Squeegeea havo proven their unfailinB8upcrior ity, end more than satisfy car owners, Wc havo almost discon tinued making smooth treads, becauso tho small (lesa then 10',v) increase wo ask for Equccgeo treads has made Diamond Squeegees so popu- , hr that 90 of tho Diamond Tires sold to consumers aro Squecgeo Treads, Squeegees were put on tho market becauaa they proved to be the moat satisfactory non-skid ttrt tests prove that In addition to this the Squeegee construction (more rubber where the wear la hardest) males Squeegees the best Long Dis tance tire at the price. Elarnond "ratr-liat" Prices: U. 30 x a 30x3r 3ax3J" hi x 4 Dtacioad Sq-J9fee $ 0.45 U.13 2JX0 34x4 30x41 L .amoad 37 xS 38 x SHI 40.00 SOA!0 f,'l m CIIAIIM AND diKANMNKSS are both personMed In the com plete both room flttlnga which we can show you, Thoy not alone niako for greater clonnltaess and health but for refinement as well Though thoy look luxurious, nnd nro so tho coat la not na great oa you may Imagine. Lot us toll yju for how little wo can romodol your bath room. C'K.VTlLVIj OIIKGOX PLI'MIUNO .M IIIUTI.VO CO., J. 12. ICiiKehretMui, Ikt. PLUMIHXa AND HKATIXO 117 JIliineMitn St. llend,, Or, I If iK m f ) Ski SNOWFLAKE SODAS in the new Family Package crisp and delicious Snowflake Sodas now come packed in a sanitary tin cake and cracker box. At your dealers. Per box 50c also in 10c and 25c packages ahd'in bulk look lor this name oa every package PACIFIC COAST4 BISCUIT CO. PORTLAND, OREGON I. ."J JE! J t - v9t&nmmsii? far-ift- Kewv i tkAJRltk''Vrrnir mi nivmnmvmii iw