THE HEX!) HCIjLETIN, 1113X11, OHE., WEDNESDAY, XOVEMHEK 10, 101S. PAOE 8. ON THE ALLEYS Tho most lntercsthiB games rolled on the alleys this season wero thoso rolled Friday night, jtho Owl Plmrni. ncy taking three straight from tho First National Dank. Meredith roll ed high score and high averngo for the evening, 210 and 188 respective ly. Stiuidlntr of tho Tennis. Teams Won Lost United Warehouse ... 9 3 Owl Pharmacy 8 4 F'rst Nat. Dank 7 5 llend Bulletin G 7 Hend Hand 2 7 A. t.. Prniirli 9 7 Pot. 7B0 0G7 r83 417 222 Tho gamo scores wero as follows Xotcmhcr :i, 11)15. A. Li. French Players : 1st Dates 135 French 127 Dcezloy 101 H. Johnson . .171 U. Hauck ....170 2nd in i 13H 1G5 122 129 3rd 177 1G4 144 138 115 Av. 155 133 13.1 144 111 Totals ....713 705 115 213G Team nvcrage 152 Uend Dulletln Ployors: 1st Huff 137 Spencor 144 Ostlund 182 Steldl ' ICC Absentee ... .14,0 2nd 119 127 138 3rd 132 127 185 Av. 129 133 10? 1C3 140 130 193 140 140 Totnls ....7C9 C54 727 2210 Team cverago . . . . 1 4 S November f5, 11) in. Owl Pharmacy Players: 1st 2nd 3rd Av. Polndoxtor .. 1C0 1C1 150 159 Carmody ....ICC 193 189 183 Ersklno 110 181 10C 132 Gant 150 113 153 147 Morodlth ....210 197 160 1S8 Totals ....79C 875 700 2431 Team nvorago 1GJ First National Hank- Players: 1st 2nd 3rd Av. Hookmnn ...177 125 140 117 Hunter '. ...151 1GC 148 141 Doonnr 127 184 134 148 Sproat 1GG 152 170 10:1 Stover 159 1C9 150 159 Totals ..,.780 79C 742 2277 Team averngo 152 Cuml Hoy of Croup. Nothing frightens n mother more, than tho loud, hoarso cough of croup. Labored breathing, strangling, chok ing nnd gasping for breath demnnd Instant action. Mrs. T. Nourouor, Eau Clalro, Wis., says: "Foley's Honoy nnd Tar cured my boy of croup after other remedies failed." Recommended for coughs and colds. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. Use Sclf-Halslng Deschutes Pan- cftko flour. It Is nlwayB fresh and all horafl product. Adv. , 7 , , . i BROOKS-SCANLON BROOKS-SCANLON THE DESCHUTES RANGER - j& FOB, NOVEMBER jz j& Tho following extracts are from tho latest number of the Deschutes Hanger Issued from tho local forestry office: . Tho stone cabin on Walker moun tain, which wns reported ns having ncen under construction last month, is now entirely unclosed nlthouch not qulto finished. Work has been sus pended for tho winter, It being plan ned to complete tho cabin next year after the Walker mo'intaln lookout man goes on duty. Hangers Oney nnd Hnhn are still working on tho Davis I.nko Wickiup tolephono line, construction work be ing slow because of tho fact that a road Is being opened up along the telephono routo as the lino Is being constructed. Tho Upper Deschutes Livestock As sociation Is building some drift fence along tho west side of Crane Pralrlo In order to prevent tho cattlo from encroaching on tho sheep range. The work of painting and paper ing tho Pino Mountain Hanger Sta tion house Is at Inst completed, as Is also tho pnBturo fenco nt that sta tion. Hanger Oney nnd tho Upper Des chutes Livestock Association are building a stub telephono lino nearly two miles In length from tho Crano Pralrlo Hanger Stntion to tho "Cow Camp" on Crano Pralrlo whore tho association has Its headquarters. Oh September 19, less than a week after the mid-September rain occur red, a flro burned over about 300 acres of land near Fox Dutto In a few hours. Tho flro Bprcad rapidly but did no serious damage. It was put under control nt onco. duo to tho prompt action of Quard Miller. Buy More for Less We have opened a big line, of staples in groceries and can offer you more for less money. We have new and stan dard lines of groceries carried by no others in town. We will be glad to put . them up for your approval, We also can quote you economy prices in shelf hardware. H. E. BAKER Wall Street. Near Ohio THE LUMBER CO. Has taken over the lumber department of THE BEND COMPANY and will con tinue the retail business in Lumber, Building Supplies, Cement, Lime, Plaster, etc. w THE LUMBER CO. Tho first plot of 100 burned yellow pluo trees that arc being cxnmlned in connection with tho flro dnmago study undertaken on this forest wero tagged nnd described on September 23 by Hanger Hnrrlman and Super visor Mcrrltt. Deputy Supervisor Hnrphnm .wont to Sparks Lnko on October 7 nnd 8 with two pack horse loads of fish which he planted nt'that place. Enloe Brothers nro planning to start work drilling tho well at tho Cabin Lake Hanger Stntion within tho noxt few dnys. Forest Assistant Sproat nnd party completed work on tho Chawaucan project on tho Fremont forest on Oc tober 15 nnd have returned to Bond. Mr. Wendover, a member of tho par ty who hns worked on tho Deschutes during 'wo provlous seasons, will re main in Dend for somo tlmo to hqlp In tho olllco work. Mr. Moffnt has returned to; his homo at T'ort Klam ath. Messrs. Deals and Dond left tho party somo tlmo ago, the first to attend college and tho latter for his homo In the cast. Went to tho Hospital. C. E. Dlanchnrd, postmaster, Mnn chard, CM., writes; I had kldnoy troublo so bad I had to go to tho hos- nlfnl. tfnlnv Klilnnv Pills comnlntnlv cured mo." Mon nnd women testify tncy uanisu inmo u."ck, sun; joiiub, sore muscles nnd sleep disturbing bladder ailments. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. For a good clean shavo, a good hair cut, facial massngo or n China, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon street. Adv. tf Don't Kill the Owls They Arc One of the Hest Ft lends or Tho Funnels in Contnil Oregon. Hy A. B. LOVETT, County Agriculturist. During tho pnst two years, wo have heard many farmers nnd een boiho townspeople tolling of their success In dcstrolng the owls which tlioy considered wero doing great dnmago by destrojlng a few of their chlcko'is Owls occasionally do kill and cut n chicken, but considered from n fnrm. Ing standpoint, they are one of tho most useful, nlso one of tho most harmless birds with which wo hnvo to denl. They feed principally on mlco, rats, squirrels, gophers, moles, In sects, worms nnd other vermin, and consumo almost unbelievable num bers of them. Their habits nnd meth ods of obtaining their food hno been carefully studied by ornithologists, nnd It hns been found that one pair of owls will cntch nnd eat from 7,000 to 8,000 mlco In ono year's tlmo where theso small animals nro plen tiful. Young owls will cat their weight In food of this kind dnlly If this nmountl s provided, nnd tho old birds usunlly provide n plentiful sup ply of food for their young. In Crook county wo nro well nc qunlnted with tho sngo rat, tho go pher and tho mole, nnd tho owl Is ono enemy of theso pests that will destroy thorn In largo .numbers. Tho larger owls will destroy several rab bits for food also. If thero nro any who doubt tho nblllty of owls to con sumo this largo nmount of food, or their valno ns n destroyer of tho ver min mentioned, I would urgo them to locato n pair of theso birds nnd keep an account of tho carcasses or skel etons discovered by tholr nest. If tho owls do bother tho chickens to any extent, protect tho chickens from their attacks, but do .not destroy tho owls. What has been said regarding tho owls will nlso apply largely to tho hawks found In this section. Either of theso birds tuny occasionally Kill and dovour n chicken, hut their main food consists of fnrm'pestR which nro causing our fnrmers n great deal of worry and oxpenso. Protect those birds wherever possible. doixo Tiir.nt ni'TV. Scores of Hcnil readers nro learn ing tho duty of tho kldnoys. To filter tho blood Is tho kidneys dutv. When they fall to do this tho kidneys nro wonk. Hnckacho and other kidney Ills mny follow. Help tho kldnoys do their work. Uso Donn'n Kldnoy Pills tho torted kidney remedy. Proof of their worth In tho following: Jos eph McDcrmott, Washington street, Oregon City, Oregon, snys: "I was rlmost lint on my hack with kldnoy nnd bladder troublo. I wns so latin nnd aiirr mat I could hardly noiiiiio i round, it wns nil I could do to get up In tho morning. My kldnovs woro irregular in action nnd tho kldnoy no crotlons woro scanty. I urod sovornl boxes of Dann'o Kldnoy Pills nnd I soon got v.'oll." Prlco 50 ceutH nt nil dcnlers. Don't simply nek for n kldnoy romedy get Donn'a Kidney Pills tho spnio that Mr McDermntt had. Fostnr-Mllburn Co., Props., Huffnlo, N. Y Adv. MAHKKT HIH'OHT. NORTH POUTLAND. Nov. 8. This morning's cattle markot opened with about 1000 head In tho poiu. Tho mnrltot on prlmo light steers wont 15 cents over Inst Mondny's top making tho ton $7 Nondoscrlpt steers of tho dnlrv 'ype nro flooding nil morHots nnd It Is no wonder that beef of good quality nnd fending com mand a premium. Ctws are holding Htcndy nt $5 25 nnd nil othor linns respectively following this rnngo. "A now record mndo In tho swo dlvln Ion." Seventy eight hundred hend woro unloaded for todny's trndn. Hogs nro showing somo weakness al though tho drop In prices woro not nB heavy ns uxpoct,od. Ton limit brought Jfl.10, a dlmo under tho closing of Inst week's close Monday pconiH lo bo fnst losing Its populnrltv ns n sheep markot dny. Only 411 hood being offered. Ono load .of cholco wethers wero sold nt $0. De mand Is excellent for good Inmlm nnd yearlings., flood Inmlm will bring 7 15; owes $5 to $5 50: yearlings C to I6.2G; wethers $5.50 to G. Oicnjicr Than Homo Mmle. You cannot mako a good cough medlclno at homo for ns little ns you pay for Foloy's Honoy nnd Tnr. nor can you bo sure of getting the fresh, full strength, clean nnd puro mater ials. Did you ovor hear of a homo mado cough medlclno doing tho work thnt Poley's Is doing every day jII over the country Patterson Drug Co. Adv TO THE RESCUE WHO DOES HOUR LAUND W will v your llntn. but you mutt not wait much Urn rtttlox our rcu bund t work LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICe Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANINQ taanaaimwHMBMi& AvwfaTrfw v n k$5i I HmMUMBgW Put Your Duda IsOurSuda" BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HOHEHT II. (lOULI) Civil puoji Oregon Kiigluccr V W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I) 10 X T I S T Office Ovor Postolllco Dend, ... Oregon DH. .1. C. VANDEVERT l'lij Mtclitu nnd Surgeon Phono Hod 271 Hours 0-12 a. m.: 1-5 p. in,, 7-9 p. m, Snther Itiilldlng W. O. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Olllco In First Nnttounl Hank Hullding Tel. nil Hond, Oiogoii WILLARD H. WIRTZ Ij A V Y K U Prlnovlllo, Oregon. C. S. HENSON Attorney At I n w DoiiBon Hullding, Wall Street Dend, Oregon. VERNON-A. FORTIUS Ij A V Y E It First National Hank Hullding Hond, :-: :-: Oregon O 13 O 11 O 11 8. Y O U N (1 Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. K. Mineral Hurt e) or. Room 5 First National Hank Hullding J. U. Doll A. W.'HIuih CHOOK COUNTY AHSTItACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Hancr Abstract Co,, Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstrncts Insurnncn HEM) l'M'MIIINO AM) HEATINIJ COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing Stonm and Hot Water Heating WAMi STREET DR. J, It. HAItlt PlijhldHii mill .Surgeon Deschutes Rtnto Hunk Hullding Phono llliu-k 711 John J. Cunningham CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates DRAYING Bend Hauling Co. It. N. PAIiMEH'lOX Wood for Sale Olllro with II. 1. Mluter Olllco Phono Itlnck (1(1 Residence Illuik ITJi jr w H. O.DIMICK Carpenter and Builder ESTIMATES FURNISHED P. O. BOX 265 TEL. BLACK 522 Anderson Brothers Saw Mi ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND MOULDINGS DRY STOCK REASONABLE I'KICES. 5 Miles Norlhweit of Uend. Phone Andcrton llro. Ranch. H. C. E L L,I S Attoi'iioynt-Ijnw United States CommNsloncr First National Hank Hullding HEND, OREGON II. II. Do A R M O N D liAWYEU Oregon Street. Hond, Oregon DR. J. 11. CONNARN l UN T I ST Olllco In Snther Hullding. lloun. 0 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays nnd evenings by Appointment. O. P. NISWONUER. Dend, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kmhutiticr, Funeral Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWEMj Nnprnpntlilo l'lij ulclnii Office over Miller I.umlor Co. Willi Street Hours ,9 lo 5 Phoio Hod CI Hygienic, Dietetic nnd Natural Therapeutics Chrnnlo disorders a Specialty DR It. 1). KETCH I'M Olllco hours: 9-12; 1-5 or by Appointment Henu bldg. J. E. Engebreisoii IMiniibinjj nnd Heating Bend, Oregon 117 .MINNESOTA STREET INTIMATES lilHKHFUMiV FURNISHED .lOIIIIIXd PROMPTLY DOXU Fraternal Societies I. O. O. I Hcnil Loilgo No. S18. Regular moetlng ovory Mon. dny night at 8 o'clock In Hath or's Hall, Visiting brothers cordlnlly wolcomo, I,. II. OI.E88, N. 0. OEO. P. GOVE, Socrotnry. VACATION In I'ortliind, Mltli side (lips outside, will glo joii mi ('iijo)iitilo i Kill slim. Mnld) the .Multnomah jour hemlqiinrtern. Kertlco iMtter. llntt'N iniislsteiitly lower. HATES TO YOU no Room $1 (Ml 100 Kooiiin ultli hntli. .Sli) 100 Himhiih wllli Imlli. .Ijt-'.OO l!0(l Ijirgo outMldo rooniM,x Hull IfJ.OO Uvti n icrsiin In room, $1.00 mldltloim! Roofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly donu. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor GutterlnK, SpoutinR, CornlcuH and Skylitita. J V - 'CAVlMWOA'tCaY ,f