The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 10, 1915, Image 1

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NOVlJMnKH 10, 1013.
' ii i I iff i , . ; ,1 ii
Jioml Water Light & Power Co. Ar
range for 0cratlon on Terms Snt-
isfactory tu Owner Flour Mill
' Contract Assumed by Company
Carrying out promises rnnde both
Ijcforo andnftor tho recent franchise
election tho Bend Water tight &
rower Co. has just arranged with
Stoldl & Twcot (or tho use of tho
jiowor genorntcd at tho North Canal
dam on terms wholly satisfactory to
.Jjoth parties.
"' In connection with tho arrange
ment tho former company has bought
-outright the Steldl & Tweet water
system, which serves Lytle. Hlvorsldo
and Wlestorln, as mora Jully describ
ed olsowhero In this paper,
Tho arrrngoment In respect to tho
power Is In tho nntur of a. lcaso for
it term of years undor vhlch Messrs.
Stoldl & Tweet aro guaranteed a cer
tain annual porccntago on their In
vestment In tho plant. Their con
tn ct with tho Bond Flour Mill Com
pany Is nssumod by tho power com
pany, which has purchased tho polo
lino from tho North Canal dam Ho
tho (lour mill.
Speaking or tho matter Mr, Stoldl
cold thin morning that tho arrange
ment which hnd been concluded yns
JUIICUilJ ,, Mill Dtiinmv.uiji v
was n square deal," he said, "an
substantiates what President Brown,
of tho Bond Water Light &. Tower
Co. said last summer when ho offered
to undertnkoo provldo a market for
our power. If any differences or
op8lon still exist, which wero cre
ated r tno irancniso ngiu, i nopo
they will now bo wlpod out. We havo
"been treated fairly and aro ready to
Join hands for tho upbuilding of
Uend." Thomas Tweet, Mr. Stoldl's
.-partner In tho utility business, snares
'the samo fooling.
To Connect Linos.
As soon as necessary dotolla can
lie attended to tho power company
-?l)l connect tho rawer linos up with
Its present systeW.-rtwi&.ttn begin
on tho construction of a Una out to
the site of tho Bfdoks-Scsnlon plan
ar which wl bo operated by powor
furnlshod by It, arrangements to this
effect having Just boon completed by
Tdanager Koyes of tho Brooks-Scan-Ion
Co. nnd K. B. Miller, ot tho B.
"W. L. & P Co.
In connection with tho Increased
demand for power here Mr Mlllnr
mated boforo leaving Tuesday night
that tho matter of raising tho coni-1
Tiany's dam Is to bo lort, in auoyanco
tor tho present.
Till: DALLES. Nov, 8. Dr. H.
Tloa Norrls was taken to Salem today
ly Sheriff Levi Chrlsman. Norrls
was charged with a statutory crime
against a 16 year old girl, and was
tried In both Prlnevlllo and The
TJallos. Judge William L. Uradshaw
r Thn riailes 10 days ago sontencod
Norrls to from ono to 20 years lr
tho stato prison. Norris' removal 10
tho penitentiary was delayed by an
effort to appeal tho case to a hlghor
W. Ii. COBB, Prcs.
BANK , i
CkJ $25,000, Fully PM
1 i ' .71..
1 Will Open r; - - ;
8 J: for f'
v I Business ; ,
I J.December v
I hi ; First w,"
I ' If '5 1
f. J . fi. -, ' niiininrT""
I yr.ucom , v Tfo.vcoB8 a Jt hunter
J" w;i,vOlfOtfKU' ROstlFARKHAM I
Farmer Show Much Interest In De
velopment of Dairying In Central
Oregon Improto Herds.
Tho organliatlon of tho Central
Oregon Farmers Co-operative Cream
ery Company 1ms been Justified In
tho light of figures that wore sub
mitted at a meeting of tho directors
hold In Bend last Saturday.
During tho last five months tho
creamery has enjoyed a Bteady
growth. Tho farmors havo, boon pat
rontilng tho creamery moro active
ly than at the first ot tho year and
the deniand upon tho part of local
and outside consumers has greatly
Increased, Since Juno 1 the cream
ery manufactured 1,098 gallons at
Ice cream. Between November 1,
1914, and November 1, 1915. tho
creamery manufactured and sold
40,905 pounds ot button A portion
ot the sales were made when butter
was 6 cents lower In Boston and
6 cents lower In Now York In
1914 than It was at any time during
tho three years previous. During
the last year tho creamory has paid
top notch prices, ranging between 33
and 34 centR for butter tat.
Prospects tor a prosperous year
for tno creamery aro, according to
President L. C. Ilobarts, most favor
able, Farmors. ho Says, In districts
whoro dairying can bo carried on at
a profit, aro beginning to roallio that
raising dairy cattle will bring them
good roturnv. There was n notlco
nblo Increase this year tn tho High
Desert hay crop. Much ot this year's
crop will bo devoted to feeding, nnd
the Indications aro that thcro will be
ono third moro croam delivered at
the crenmery In Bond next year than
was delivered this year. Tho far
mers In tno country south ot Bond,
according to Mr. Roberts, aro par
ticularly fortunato In having good
pasture facilities which offer grazing
for live months out of overy year.
With tho present year's hay crop on
hand, conditions auger for a heavier
cream production this wlntor man
Artlclcx of Incorporation ' Tho Cen
tral (jretfm Hank Approved.
Announcement of tho personnel ot
tho officers ot Tho Central Oregon
Bauk was made yesterday, the oloc
tlon having taken place within tho
past tew gays, mo oiucors are v.
L. Cobb, president, D. K. Hunter, vlco
president, Thomas C6bb, cashier and
these' throe with W. L. O'Donnell
and Ross Farqham, directors.
Tho hank wllfXopen tor business on
December 1 and- already equipment
Is being received. This lncludos a
Burroughs electric lodgor poster and
a 3S00 pound manganeso stool safe.
According to a Salom dispatch to the
Oregonlan. the' bank's articles of In
corporation havo been approved by
the state suporlntendont of banks.
The capitalization Is 126,000.
The first snow of tho season fell
on Sunday. During tho day, which
was raw and windy, thoro woro fro
uuent flurries ohenow but nono stay
ed on the ground until after dark,
when the fall was hoavlor. By Ion
duv morning It had amounted to an
Inch, effectually ending tho dust
nuisance. Except for that left on the
bills surrounding town it was an
gono yesterday,
GOvi:itxon.-KM:cT to visit.
BOSTON, Nov. 8. Governor-elect
Samuel W McCall left hero today
for his son's ranch In I'rlncvllle, Ore
gon. Ho expects to return shortly
nftor December 1, In order to bogln
work on his Inaugural address.
D. E. nUNTKB, Vico-Pres
Executive Committee Sets December
88, 20 and 3) As Session Dates
District Law Will bo Chief
Topte to ' Bo Considered.
Tho fifth annual session ot tho Ore.
gem Irrigation Congress will be hold
In Portland on December 28, 29, and
30 at tho Imperial hotol. Tho dates
wero set at a meeting of the executive
commttteo In Portland Saturday af
ternoon attonded by Frod N. Wallace
of Tumalo, secretary of the congross,
and II. II. Do Armond, ot Bond, a
member of the committee.
According to presont Indications
the rhlet subject to be dlscussod by
tho congress win be lb district Ir
rigation law which Is being- looked
to nt the present ttmo as a moans ot
obtaining Irrigation In commupltlna
which havo given up hqpo ot nld from
the state or tho national rcclamnUon
That this will bo tho caso Is the
report brought back from Portland
by Socrotary Wallace who was" In
Bend Monday morning on his way to
Tumalo. Speakers aro to bo present
from California nnd other points
whero tho district Irrigation law Is
Ih offect and whero projocts aro suc
cessfully operated undor Its provis
ions. It is tho hopo or the men who
arujrooRt deeply Interested In tho
work ot the congress that s,tnto wldo
(inclusion of tho district law mar
resuU which will mako posslblo
amendments In tho law at tho noxt
session of tho legislature.
An Innovation will bo tried this
year n cutting out tho set speeches
nnUiiaKing tno proceedings moro in
tho nature of n real tnlk-ll-ovor'gath-crlng.
The Portland Chamber of Com
merce. Mr. Wallacu reports. Is tak
ing tC lively lntorest In tho congress
this car, having reccnoy been
aroused to a realization of tho 1m.
portasco of tho Irrigation district
law, nnd will assist in every way
posslblo to make the meeting success
ful. . . .u
Those nrcsonl nt Saturday's moot
ing besides Messrs. .Wallaco and Do
Armond woro Ass, B. Thompson, pros;
lden( of tho congress, George U. Har
dy, oxecutlvo secretary of tho Port
land Chamber or commerce, c, u.
Chapman and J, W. Brewer.
Tho Bend high school has boon
placed on the Oregon standard high
school list by the stato superintend
ent ot public Instruction, This stan
dardization was made posslblo thru
compliance with regulations relative
to eaulpmont which was put In at the
opening of tho presont term ot school.
Prlnevlllo nnd Iledmond wero elso
placod on tho standard high school
HUUflKSS-KCOGfllN Wi:illl..
Samuel Burgess nnd Miss Mrrtlu
Scoggln ot Tumalo woro married on
Thursday afternoon tat tho Mnthodlst
parsonago by Ilev. Franklin W.
Keagy. Only tho lmmedlato relatives
ot the bride and groom woro present.
They will be at home'.after December
Oj " , ,' ' . Tj
a - .
Berid Hardware Co.
Th Company that put th "War" In IlardwaV
i .' :?
StioUln-Hlxon Power House, Sheds
nnd lry Kilns it Up Knst
IlrnokH-Hctinlon Mill Under Cov
erMachinery Is Coming: In.
Favorublo weather and tho nrrlvhl
of material has mado possllilo tho
beginning of new work at both tho
Bhevlln-HIxon and tho Brooks-Scan-
Ion saw mills thla weex.
Tho work on tho Shovlln-Hlxon
power homo which has been hold up
owing ta tho dolay In tho arrival of
steel for thq roof and bolters was re
sumed this week. Six of tho 11
boilers havo bcon Installed. Tho pits
for' tho 032x100 foot dry sheds weio
dug this wevk nud tho fuumltilluns
are being erected. The raising ot tho
sash and door factory wltl be com
pleted In two wfoks nnd tljo building
win men no ready (or installation it
machinery when It arrives.
Laying of the foundations and tllo
for the dry kiln was begun last week
and Is well undor wny. With tho
arrival ot two moro cars ot machin
ery, all tho machlnoryJor tho Hhovltn
Hlxon plant will bo on tho ground.
Tho order for wiring tho mill wan
placod today, and tho vork will bo
gla nt onco.
In order to enre for tho company
teams, a largo barn wltl bo built to
tho cast of tho mill, work on which
will begin so soon as matorlals ar
rive! At tho Brooks-Scnnlon yards tho
mllli tho raising of which began two
weeks ago, la now well under cover,
the roofing and siding having beon
put on this week. Excavations com
menced Monday for tho 9Cx240 foot
dressed lumber shed and tho founda
tions aro being laid today. Work on
tho rough lumbor shed will bogln
soma tlmo this week. Tho log slip
Is practically completed. Ties have
been laid to tho C, O, I. flume and
much work In being done on clearing
of tho right ot way for tho logging
road Into the timber.
Today Is pay day at tho mills.
Union of luntltullon. dire Find
.National ltwourco of otcr ? 100,000
Tho 'consolidation of th First Na
tional Bank and the Deschutes Btato
Hank, announced somo time ago, ho
enmo effective on Friday, all liabili
ties ot tho Jatter being assumed by
tho First National and all accounts
bolng transferred to it. Officers of
tho First National woro elected at
tho time of, tho consolidation a fol
lows. C. S, Hudson, president, IT.
C Coo, and II. A Bather, lce presi
dents! II. M Lara, cashier; L. O.
Mclteynolds and B. A. Stover, asslnt-
ant cashiers.
In announcing tho consolidation
Mr Hudson stated that tho combined
looslls of the two banks amount to
nvAf 4!IK(1 hftft ultti Intnl rnnnr,i
of over 1 4 00,0 id. A savings depart
ment will be opened January 1, which
will pay Interest of 4 on savings
deposits to bo compounded semi-annually.
j1 -,- B3 i
ffk. f'
Proceeds t (So Toward lurchiiMO of
Piano for IHgli Kchool First Num.
her Is XcxtTuesday Kvcnlng.
A lyceum course M flvo numbers
Is to bo glion In Bead this fall and
wlntor with entertainments' of n vaS
led character, tucludlng' yocal nnd In
strumental music anljHKmklng. Tho
procoous or tnwcoHnte, wnicn is be
ing arranged h' Peipt. White, ot
tho high school, are Jto'go toward the
purchase of a ptanb'for. (ho high
Tho first -number, which will ho
given on Tuesday night, will bo by
tho Beverly ontortalners, four young
women, who sing, read and'glvo mu
sical sketches. Other numbers, as
arranged to date, aro as follows:
December 6, Harry W. Arnold, lec
ture "Half a King," early January,
Tho Pierces, April 25, Moron Olson,
dramatic reader. Somo time In Feb
ruary tho Sequoia male quartet will
bo hero with M. L. Bowman and II.
M. Whetsel, who sank with tho Ilo
torlnn quartette last winter.
Tho coursd will bo given at tho
Presbytorlnn church. Boason tickets
aro now on salo at 2 for adults,
fl.GO for school children and 1 for
children under 12. Single admis
sions aro fifty conts. ,
Militant's Collection at Portland
Hhuiv ltftt'lic Award.
Speaking of tho potato .exhibit At
tho Manufacturers and Land Pro
ducts Show tho Sunday Oregonlan
snys: TH,
"Crook county will he remomborod
long nfter tho show forjts marvol
ous display of flno potatoes.
"Thcso potatoes wero brought
from tho Itodmond country and aro
nmong tho finest offered In tho entire
show. Somo flno onions and other
vegetables aro nlso shown, and thoro
Is an excollunt exhibit of tho products
from the now Tumalo Irrigation pro
S. D. Mustnrd, ot Powell Butto,
rocolvod tho prlso for the host collec
tion of commercial varieties of po
tato as wolt as a number ot awards
on individual potato ontrles.
Will Tour Central Oregon 'UH Party
hi ftiwr l'Hture.
. Ttobort II. Straltern, who iMQliasM.
to puiid tno uregon, uanrorrii nan
.Eastern, railroad from UeBd south
and east, to Lnkovlow, Klamath Falls
and other points Is oxpocted to mako
a trip ovor tho country Interested In
the near ftiturn.
Tho dates on which Mr. Btrnhnrn
will bo In Central Oregon are not
(ioflnltojy known, nor Is tho poraofltnil
ot tho party to accompany hlmr'Ac-
cording to tho iaho County i:xamlntr
Novembor 10 has boon set as a ten
tative data for tho arrival ot tho par
ty in Menu, nuns ror the entertain
ment of tho party In Lakovlow aro lm
Ing mado.
Tho Stato Ildltorlal Association
hold Its annual meeting tit Hiloiri 'Innt
week, fleorgo Palmer PulniSm, pub
lisher of The Bulletin, was elected
vice-president, K. K. Brodle ot thn
Oregon City Knterprlso and Phil H.
Bates of I ho Paclllo Northwest, of
Portland, woro re-elected as presi
dent and secretary. treniuiror, respec
tively, J. ', IKirle, ot tho Nowa
Times, Fores.1 (Irovo, was elected to
tho executive committee.
C B. HUDSON. President K
I' C COK, Vlco President L
i; a HATHKll, Vlco rres, b A. HTOVKH.Asst, Cashier
li?e First National Bank
Capital fully paid
Hegular bank loans:
Wo are prepared at nearly alt times to make advances
to reliable parties for their requirements.
Wool and shoop loansi
Wo are NOW prepared to loan money to sheep men
for the purchaso of slieop,
We are now prepared to advance you IQa per pound
on all wool you storo In tho Warohouso at Bead, at
per cent for either 90 days or six months,
Sheep men do not have to sell at present prices unless
they wish. The money Js ready for you.
We are NOW prepared to mako loans on cattle for
six months, for foodlng purposes, but not on range or
she stuff.
We are NOW prepared to mako loans pn good farm
lands, with good water rights, no matter whore locale
In Central Oregon, the bigger tho loan the hotter, pro
viding the proposition 1 a good one and will stand c!o3
est Investigation as to values and title, .
Write us for Information. Bank by mall and secure
our services.
Will Get Supply Prom lleocrvolr Ner
C. O. I. Co, Ilume To Kxtend
Uno at Once Twenty-Two Car
Loads of Pipe nre- lteiuktl.
A continued pure water supply'fer
tho city ot Bond with bettor pressure
for tiro protection and, Incidentally,
tho Immodlato expendlturo of several
thounand dollars for labor, la assured
as a result ot rtio action of the elty.
council at a meeting on Friday nfgliti
Under the plan recommended by
tho council nnd agreed to by the
Bond Water Light ft Power Co4tlfe
company will extend Its plpo lines "
river to tho Central Orocon flume ot
a point where a natural reservoir Is
formed. By arrangement with the
O, O. I. Co, the reservoir will bo sup
plied from tho flume. From the res
ervoir tho water will flow by gravity
to tho present reservoirs In tho city
and Konwood.
Pure Water U Nought.
Since the building ot tho new dam
and railroad bridge over the Des
chutes and the certainty that IokkIk'
opcrntluns In connection with the
new bow mills would fill tho river
ahovo tho dam with logs It has bocm
agreed that some method of purify
ing tho city water was doslrod. Whew
horo In August, Charles A. Ilrowa
president of tho Bend Water Light
& Powor Co, statod that his conipaH"
oxpoctod to protcat tho city In the
matter of water and at that tlmo pro
posed n filtration plant for the pur
pose. Since that tlmo the company has
had the, matter under consideration,
according to statements mado by K,
1), Miller, bofore the council on Fri
day, and In view of the fact that a
(Continued or last pago.)
Captain of !tetfgTtm B4li
lliiinnii Dynamo hi Take V
As nlost people know, building mw
mills Is not Tom tUiovlln's only ac
tivity. Tha following from a recent
Issue of the Oregonlan tolls of so
other matter that Is almost equally
Interesting to hlm.
"Captain Wilson, Immediately aft
lor Saturday's game, when Yslo was
humbled 16-0, by Colgate, tolograpli
od to Minneapolis for Tom Shtovlln
to take chargn of. the team.
"Shovjln ls human dynamo and
can get moro action out of a team n
a short spare, ot tlmo than any Yalu
alumnus Bo dynamic s his powor
that he would bo a failure as u coach
If ha hamllod tho toam for n long
period for they would go stale from
"A fow seasons ago Tom received
a "hurry-up" call, nnd ho roachod
tho Ynlo field after prnctlco for tho
evening was In progress. Ho had '"
tlmu to don a uniform, so throw 'oK
his coat and began Instructing thu
ends In "busting ii k" tho Interfer
ence. Ho strenuously did he labor
that lm wss coinpallod to purchase a
new suit huCore going to siwr.
M LAIIA. Cashier
O McItKYNOLDS, Asst Cashlpr;