'T?lto ;isrwrT ,WflSWKl HEaffiiiELliS &B&mAwtrwaML(-!$3Ba2&l !faif JKttiSKtif K m THE BEND nUJJiETIlC, I1ENI, OHM, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER .1, lqiB. ffiwpr - -- 3l pi MUlllutlMlwlM.iiaiiilli'WI'W'"""'1""CT' rAOE 7. 1 tl ON THE ALLEYS Thoro was nothing unusunt In tho games rolled last week In tho Bowl ing League. The Firm National llank dropped Its llrst game to the United Warohouso pin artists. Tho htehest , scoro In this series was rolled by rairaorton vino garnered in a 202 BCoro. Tho Bend Band team fell easy prey to the First National team, drop ping tnreo games, me highest band .ocoro was made by C. Springer, being ICG points, while Stnats rolling for tho bank piled up a scoro of 208. Standing of tho Tcnms. ! Teams Won Lost ! First Nat. Bank 9 2 United Warehouso ..10 Owl Pharmacy 5 ! Bond Band 5 ' Bend Bulletin 3 1 Ar L. French 1 Tho scorea of tho recent games ; wore: Band vs. First National. First National Bank Players: . 1st 2nd 3rd Tct 81S 769 G5G 41G 333 107 Forrest 102 131 11G Hoke 121 160 118 : McKay 99 145 66 iKIeallng ....127 113 114 10. Sprlngor ..166 131 127 Av. 116 133 103 118 138 Totals ....006 680 G40 Team ayerago 608 Bend Band i Players: 1st 2nd 3rd 1-StaatB 208 131 133 t Bookman ...101 14G 182 IDoonar 153 155 167 blunter 127 127 163 3tovor 190 182 183 Av. 143 142 153 139 185 posed budget to bo submitted by the tuuucu una u ue discussed at said mooting: Street Improvements, In cluding tho grading and cindering of a street approximately two miles In length, extending from tho business center of Bend In a southerly direc tion to connect with tho proposed Btate aid road, leading from Bend to La Pino: replacing crossings; cost of Improving street Intersections, etc S 2,500.00 Light for streets and pub lic buildings 2,700.00 Sprinkling and oiling streets 1,500.00 Fire hydrants ac $35 per yr. 800.00 Necessary additional fire equipment 1,500.00 Police protection 2,200.00 Salaries, Rocorder, Treas urer, Engineer and City Attorney..., 1,000.00 Interest on sewer bonds. . 3,600.00 Rent of Council chamber. . "300. Q0 Allowance to library 180.00 Printing , 100.00 Health 800.00 Sundries 1,000.00 In addition to tho nbovo, there Is a Judgment of Ingersoll Rand Com pany for S 561.80 Estimated amount of un paid registered warrants (exclusive of flowago war rants) 4,594.71 Lobs osttmated proceeds of unpaid street and sewer assessments 2,732.74 1,861.97 Totals ....781 Team averngo Warehouse vs. Warehouse iPlayors: 1st :ste 170 rorroll 134 llrnndcnu ...152 Palmerton . . .152 Sprlngor ..183 740 868 ..... .790 First National. 2nd 3rd 190 165 181 180 162 140 202 170 171 163 Av. 175 165 151 171 172 Totnl 791 900 818 Team average 833 First National Bank Players- 1st 2nd 3rd Stoats lookman . . Hunter .171 139 167 .159 171 194 .172 163 162 poonnr 124 148 180 3proat .140 177 124 Av. 159 174 105 15ft 147 Total amount necessary to bo ralsod $22,774.71 The certificate from tho County Assessor shows that the total tax able property within tho corporate limits of tho City of Bend amounts to 1377,636.00 anuMhat tho Public Utili ties In 1914 amounted to 72,020.00 Making Uio total taxable property amount to ..,.1449,655.00 35-36C II. C. ELLIS, Recorder, Total 706 798 827 Team average 797 Our Jitney Offer Thta and Be. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, cncloso with Ave cents to Foley & 2o.. Chicago. III., wrltin your namo and nddross clearly. You will re- rnlvn in return n trial nackage con taining Foloy's Honey and Tar Com pound, for coughs, coias nnu croup, Foley Kldnoy rills nnu foioy uainnr.- tic Tablots. Pjttorson Drug Co.-adv. THE OCTOBER WEATHER Month li Dry and Warm Compares With Liu Year. tn the month lust passed clear days continued to bo In tho major- : Ity, thoro having ween iu, as uko""" 14 partly cloudy and one cloudy. In this rranoet tho month comoaiod fa vorably with October, 1914, and It was warmor than a year ago, navins i a moan tomperaturo of 50.8 degrees as. against 48.G last year. Tho moan ' maximum was 733 degrees nnu mo ! mean minimum 28.2. 1 The highest point reached by tho mnrpurv was 82 doErtiCB On tllO 2nd, -and the lowest 19 on tho 12th and tho 14th. Tho greatest dally ran go 'was CI degrees. In precipitation mo i month was lacking, rain falling on ' one day only with a total of .03 la tches. A year ago 129 Inches ten in October. . . Tho dally tomperatures ana cnar- acter oX day wero as follows: Date Max. Mln. unar. oi uay 1 79 34 uiear. 2,, 82 31 Cloar. 3, 79 26 Cloar. 4,, 75 29 Cloar. 6 76 30 Clear. G 74 31 Ptljr. Cldy. 7 72 29 Ptly. Cldy. 8 75 24 Clear. 9 71 32 Cloar. 10 73 21 Clear. ill 77 26 Ptly. Cldy. 12., 78 19 Clear. IS,,,, ,77 22 Clear. 14 80 1 uiear. 16..... .....77 Z6 rtiy. uioy. 16... 76 34 J'tiy. uiar. 17 75 28 Ptly. Cldy. 18 73 30 Ptly. Cldy. 19 72 33 uiear, 20., 77 33 Clear. 21,. ,73 29 J'lir limy. 132,,,., 76 29 rujr. uiar. ,23 57 3U uiouaj J24 85 31 PUy. Cldy. lC ....72 30 Ptly. Cldy. SO....... ...65 49 Ptly. CWf. ; 27 68 30 Clear. 28 71 31 5j'?ar,,.. S9, 73 a" iiyr- 130 ,..,70 za uioar. 31 . 65 23 Clear. LocUnf? the Trouble tin.... nnA Ij. nflTnrlnfif from back- ache, rheumatism, lumbago, bilious ness, sharp pains, sore wuscle and tlft Joints It Is not always easy to locate the source of trouble but nine . ... .... nt a,i It pan lia traced to overwork, weakened or diseased kid- rors. Foley Kidney rn ti "u .attit thousands of sufferers rat- terson Drug Co. Adv. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED BTATES. For tho District of Orogon, In tho mattor of Roy E. Woolloy Bankrupt: No. 3465 In bankruptcy. Notice Is horoby given that on the 17th day or scplombor, A. u 19 IB, Roy E. Woolloy of Bend, Oregon, tho bankrupt above named, was duly ad judicated bankrupt; and that tho first meeting of his creditors will bo held at my olllces, Rooms 830-831 Northwestern Bank Building, Port land, Oregon, on tho 10th day of No vember, 1915, at 10:30 u. m ut which tlmo oald creditors may attend, prove tholr claims, appoint a trustoo, oxamlno tho bankrupt, and transact such other business na may proporly come beforo said meeting. aSd icoMEsroM-T TAGS J The Royal does tho work of several typewritersin one it writes. Spcs cards and bills! All if without a dollar for "special" attachment . The one machine does it all. Writ a Dlroct for oar new Brochure, "BET TER SERVICE," and a bu ilful Color Photograph of the Nm Royal ta$tr-Aloit JO. J. II. KUDTCLL, Bend, Ore. THE WHITE IS KING LEGALJNOTIC i NOTICE OF TAXPAYERS MEKTIXO rinauiw n. ;--.- wUouncll bouco j ; - --r- nauiio meeiins " - -, .v council rooms at 8 rr""7' NovimWr 26, 1915, for the purpose of dtacueelBS with the eSW eouwH the itMM or ta proposed bBet lor .. ,.. . The BESTaJI-rouad Famrly Sewing Machine that eaa be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK aad CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold oh easy pay won to. Send name aad address tar our beautiful II. T. cata logue free. White Sewiig Bbchiie Ct. 619 MerehMta NatleTBak Bfeg Saa Fraaeieee. " CaHfeVaia Claims muBt bo presented In form required by the Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to. The schedulo fllod discloses doubt tul assets. Dated October 28, 1915. A. M. CANNON, Referee In Bankruptcy NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land OOlco at Tiro Dalles, Orogon, Octobor 30, 1915. NOTICE Is heroby given that Ann Mackintosh, Assignee of A. L. Mack intosh, Assignee of Archie Pattle, Assignee of Kenneth R. Dunn, of Bend, Oregon, who, on April 17th, 1911, made Desert Land Application No. 08721, for SWU NEK, Section 30, Township 18 South, Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mako Final Desert Proof, to establish claim to the land above described,' before It. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bond, Oregon, on tho 14th day of Decembor, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Archie Pattle, Samuel Vaughn, Wil liam C. Sanders, John Eglcy, all of Bend, Oregon. II. FRANK WO'ODCOCIC. 34-38 c. Register. XOTICE POn PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S, Land Office at Tho Dalles, Orogon, September 13th, 1915, NOTICE Is hereby given that James R. Bcatson, of Mllllcan, Oro gon, who, on April 11th, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. 010178, for Eost Mi, Section 12, Township 20 South, Rango 15 East, Wtilnmotto Meridian, has filed notice of lntontlon to mako Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, beforo II. O Ellis, U. S. Com missioner, at Bend, Oregon, on tho 26th day of November, 1915, Claimant names as witnesses: Alwyn F. Loc, Earl Ij. Powers, Potor B. Johnson, Oeorgo Powors, all of Mllllcan, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 3 2-3 6c. Register. fjTThe expectancy of good service ceases to be ex pectancy and becomes conviction, when you. come to us with your TROUBLES Bend Garage Company Our Motto: SERVICE BAKGR AND THORNURUB BOND STREET. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It la a. fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable commodious, cIoab- ROOM8 PROM SO CENTS CI' Tho wants of all are satisfied well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL 1 L (MrMnu CENTRAL OREGON LINE The Portland Chamber of Commerce Invites You tothe MANUFACTURERS' AND LAND PRODUCTS EXPOSITION Portland, Oct. 25-Nov. 13 Second Annual Show of All-Oregon find Southern Washington Agricultural Pro ducts and Manufacturing Resources. ROUND TRIP TICKETS sold on a re duced basis from Central Oregon Points, Oct. 28 and Nov. 4, and 11. Final return limit seven days after date of sale. J. II. COKBETT, AGENT. DEND, OREGON. Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL Bend-Silver Lake ' and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Car Each Way Each Day. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. Freight Trucks in Addition Oregon Transfer Company J. II. WENANDY Vliono lllnck 151 KxprciM nnd IlnKnnno Auto Delivery Prompt arid quick sorvlco. Tcnms for UkIU and heavy hnullng. Odlco with Homoscokors Land Company. Bend Contracting Co. "No Jul) too Illff, No Job too Hmall." IlrldRO Construction Kxcnvntton of nil Kinds Sl'KCIAIilA' CONBTHUCTKD BK1TIO TANKS Teams for all kinds of heavy hauling at all tlmos. Land clearing li. O, Clark, Mnnnfccr l'hono lllnck 151 O. 1). Clark Odlco with Homosookors Land Company. r 'sssmi fKo0 1 I 1 - CL w for cold and dampness Perfection Oil Weaier , t A sure remedy for the cold, damp days. Inexpensive to op- erate easily carried from room r to room. Smokeless and odorless. f Dealers everywhere. Far bttt rettiks utt Peail Oil Standard Oil Company (CUmU BnJ AAAAAAAAAAAA.. t -iHt ooop oupat n cowwtHPiD gy thi CArrin. ) iuoae,WAHi youTOKNOwTHC cattain or oun rmeiNcr. Hi1 5IH.0K fOUTMI XM.T0SWC0 1 '" CMtWj ClAP TO KNOW THAT TOU JWOMtMT ONTOSACCO I At 400PAyOUA couht ptcmom ( 9 swot YOU bl the cops are wise to the little chew that satis fies with a nibble of the Real Tobacco, Chew tucked into their cheeks they are happy on their beats. No bunches to disfigure the face. The little chews mean the pouch lasts a long time and saves coin. A little chew of cure. rich, mellow tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough cuts out so much of the grinding and spitting. fvV'j 12Lrl W & A l Pl r ASK YOUR DEALER PO&VV-B CUT CHEWING TOBACCO.IT IS THE NEW REAU TOBACCO CHEW-CUT LONG 3HPEP, Take let tlita oncquorter tho olj ilza chew. It will lie taora satlifring' lliaa a mouthful of ordinary tobacco. Juit Uka nibble of It until you find tho ltrcnth choir that auItiyou,tlieu tea how easily iod rcnly the real tobacco taite comti. how It iitUfitt, how rsucb 1M you hive to soil, how few chews you take to be tobaoeu tatitocd. That's why It li Iki KmlTuhaut Chite. Tbal't why It coits leu ia the eod. The Uito sf pure, rich tobaeeo don not nd to be covered up. An iscm oi ucorloo eiMl iwcelwuog nakti you iplt loo mucn One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. fNtfee hew fae Milt brlftflfl out fbc Hai tfeaec tavrtc) WEYMAN-SKUTOr COHfAXY, It IUm Syure, New Tork Qtg 4 i'il i lUi V UM KHWWIUS "r -- 22 iB&girvjHj i8ZtZ:;zmim3m', toyw"" ' ,3hjpr-i Jk4