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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1915)
-3T WBttHI L PAOB 8. THE IlKNl) BULLETIN, 11END, ORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1018. - i '. '. WRITES OF RAIL A SAYS TIME OPPORTUNE T-OR PROJECT Went to tlio Hospital. C. E. Blanchard, postmaster, Blan chord, CM., writes: I hod kidney trouble so bad I had to go to tbo hos pital. Foley Kldnoy Pills completely cured mo." Men nnd women testify thoy banish lamo beck, stiff Joints, BOro muscles and sleep disturbing bladder ailments, Patterson Drug Co. Adv. Truo Blue Flour has been a larger seller than any month before The whiteness, purity, excellence and the acme of good milling makes It a largo repeater. Adv. IJxocutlvo Bccrctnry of I'ortlnnd Chamber of Commerce Points Out Financial nnd Trmlo Ik-ncllU to Result U Portland nnd Oregon A recent number of tho Portland Chamber of Commorco News contains tho following artlclo on the proposed Btrohoi-n" ralhrny projects by Execu tive SocrotAry Qcorgo E. Hardy: In tho minds of many Oregonlans no mora opportuno time could have been framed by destiny for tho sub mission of tho project to build tho Orifeon, California & Eastern Hall jay through Central Oregon. Oregonlans need tho employment that will result from Its construction. Orogon business needs the stimu lant that wilt como from tho expen diture of ono or two millions of dol lars during tho next few months. With GO per cont of all labor em ployed by manufacturing In Oregon dopondent on tho lumber Industry, and with that tromendous forco largely at work on short tlino, nnd with Idlo men drifting to Oregon from every direction, It Is apparent that a rovlvnl of business Is to bo expected only from providing labor for willing hands. In tho construction of tho Oregon, California & Eastorn Ilnllway ma terials will bo lined that nro largoly homo products. It tho sum of jl, S00, 000 asked of Orogon In financing tho projoct Is put up, the monoy will como right bnck whoro It was secur ed. It will bo llko transferring $1, GOO, 000 from pocket to pocket In thu samo pair of trouBors. Tho raising of that sum of monoy Is neccssnry to show Orogon's faith In an omplro that win prouueo annually. Tho prompt raising of that sum will mako It posstblo to socuro tho bal nnco of $4,500,00 from Eastern sources. And probably from C6 to 75 per cont of tho oastorn monoy will romaln In this stato. Thcso advantages aro, however, only tho tomporary ones. Permanent bonoflts will bo realized when thn railroad Is In full operation and tho groat quantities or land products grown east of tho Cascado mountains begin to movo to market. Portland will bo tho gatowny for outgoing ship, monts, and at tho Bamo tlmo n splon did market will bo oponud In Central and Southeastern Orogon for those -axttclos nt comnwrco that aro ban dlod by Portland merchants. Eighty-five por cont of tho goods now consumed In Southeastern Oro gon nro shipped In from Ilolse nnd Rait Lako, A splendid committed from tho Chamber of Commorco has been se lected to aid Robort E. Strahorn In financing tho Orogon ond of the scheme It ronilnts of A. L. Mills, prcsldont First National Bank; J. C. Alnsworth. proslilont United 8tntcs Natlonnl Hank: W. M. I.add. protl ilont Lndd & Tllton Hank; Nathan Strauss, mnnngor FlolNcliner-Mnyor Company; Krnklln T. Orimth. prosl dont I'ortlnnd Hallway, Light ft Power Company: C. C. Colt, pro. dent Chamber nf Commerro nnd pres ident of tho Union Meat Company. Tho Now Bond Flour Mill Co.. Is now manufacturing Deschutes Self liaising Pancnko (lour. Ask your gro cor for It. Adv. For sign painting see EdwordB.-Adv. Sweet Clover in Crook County Result Obtained Under Culti vation Season of 1015. By A. E. LOVETT, Crook County Agriculturist. Early this year Swcot Clover was recommended by mo to tho farmers for dry land, alkali land and tho poorer soils under irrigation. EstI' mates as to tho value of tho crop for this section were made and farmers advised to try out small plots planted What is Better than being completely satisfied thrtt your clothes nre ns good ns the other fellow's? That's the kind of feeling you have when you get into any thing you buy of us. That's our business to make you feel that way. Slip into one of our MACKINAWS (fcC fn Mfl nnd get that "at home" feeling PJ l P1U WOOL BLANKETS will keep you tfl CAin (jC warm these chilly nights. Per pair pi.J" l" P" QUILTS, each $1.50 to $1.75- PACKARD SHOES always make the feet look dressed-up. Always wear well and look snappy. Wear a pair. They'll suit you BETTER. A. L. FRENCH MEN'S FURNISHINGS IN KENWOOD Clean up and paint up. Soo Kd wards. Adv. For a good clean shave, good hair cut, facial mnssago nr n chine, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon street. Adv. tf 'NOTIIER COUNTY HEARD FROM. (Silver Lako Leader.) Tho llvo wlros of Bond. Klamath Falls, Pnioy, Jjikovlow, Fort Rook and Burns nro getting down to Iiuh. Mtwi of making way for tho Strahorn railroad to come. From present Indi cations, the people of Control Oregon do not Intend to lot this new enter prise get away from thorn, now that Mr. Strahorn has got up his working heat ngnln. Tho commercial activ ity of tho Central Oregon couutry rlshtly belongs to Oregon's metro p. oils, Portland, nnd ovory cttlten should tnko prldo In seeing that she gets It. Tho conitructtng of tho Stra horn lines horo would effectually bring about all this. NO REASON FOR IT. You nro shown a way out. There ran ho no reason why any reader of this who suffers tho tortures of an nchlug back, thu auuojancu of url nary disorders, tho pains nnd dangers of kldnoy Ills wilt full to heed tho word of u resident of this locality who has found relief. Tho following la convincing proof: Mrs. J. v. Gatchol, nio Boventn street. Hood liver, Oregon, says: "I had dull, nagging pains ncioss inn small or my back nnd tho action of my kidneys was Ir regular. 1 tried soveral well-known k'duoy modlvlnos, but gat no rollof until I took Bonn's Kidney Pills. Thoy relieved mo at onco and tho backache left rau. My kidneys nre strengthened and my system was ton ed up. Another of my family had good rosults from Moan's Kidney Pills." Prlco GO cents it nil dealers. Dou't simply ask for n kidney remedy got Doau's Kldnoy Pills the same that Mrs. (latcbol had. Foutor-Mll-burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. Use True Bluo Flour. Whiter and better than ever. For sle by The New Bend Flour Mill Co. Adv. Lots 60x114, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights $100 to $225 TERA1S: $10 Cash and $10 Monthly. Special Inducements to parties whowlll build homes J. RYAN & CO. They Said: "You Can't Raise Corn" In the Northwest. But corn Is grown here good corn, small cobs, deep kernels, solid ear, and plenty bushels por acre. Every farmer every live stock owner every dairyman knows what corn means. Whether or not you know that corn Is a successful crop In this coun try, go and seo tho results of a campaign, for more pork nnd better pork, moro cattle, moro dairies and alios, and better times nt the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. UNION PACIFIC HYSTiai. CORN SHOW Walla Walla, December 2-3-4 Information and Premium 1.1st Fre upon application to A. o. i:g.n, T. F. Jl P. A. J. 11. COBBKTT, Agent, Bend, Oregon LOW FARES FOR THE ROUND TRIP H Lm'MLlkVsLS il to tho white blooming Sweot Clover. About 200 acres ot Sweet Clover wero planted in Crook county last spring. Blanks for reportB upon this crop were sent to all those wno naa plantod It, nnd reports have been re ceived from nearly all of the mon. In tho majority of cases, an entlroly sat lsfactory stand was not obtained, but men sending reports to this effect hr.vo usually blamed tho tlmo ot planting or the method used rather than the crop ltsolf for the unsatis factory stand obtained. In prnctlc ally every Instance, those who plant cd tho crop this season will plant a larger acreage next year. As a pasture crop, farmers havo found that stock will cat tho Sweet Clovor readily. No losses from bloat havo boon reported excopllng In ono caso whoro ono man reports tho loss of three sheep from bloat on tho Sweot Clovor. This comes as a sur prise, but It will be welt for thoso handling tho crop in the future to re member this report and wntch care fully for Indications of bloat when pasturing Sweet Clover until we havo a larger experience with this crop as pasture. As a hay crop, It has boon found as accoptablo to the stock as Is alfalfa after thoy havo learned to Hkq it, and very llttlo trouble has boon experienced In getting tho ani mals to cat tho sweet clover hay. Tho failures In obtaining a stand ot Sweet Clover have been caused by planting too late on dry ground, hav ing the seed bod too looso nnd n blowlng-out of tho crop on very san dy soil. On Irrigated land the crop was this year planted as lata as April lain, and a good stand and crop oti tnlncd. On dry land Eeed planted af ter April 1st In no Instance gavo good returns. Tho opinion of tho mon who havo tried tho crop this year on dry land Is that the Seed should bo planted very early In tho season, probably any time after December 1st and not later than March 1st. It tho seed Is sprouted and growth of tho plant startod, tho crop will usual ly llvo and prosper throughout tho season. Sweet Clover Is not a "cure-all" or "tho only crop" for Crook county, we havo, howover, this yoar provon that It may bo made u profitable crop for pasture and hay on our farms In this section. Tho bettor' tho land nnd tho moro ideal tho moisture condi tions, the better will bo tho crop cf Sweot Clovor; but the crop will grow and pay on tho poorest land, on rocky land and alkali soils, and In places whoro other crops will not grow. This will probably provo to bo Its groatost value. If tho land Is prop orly prepared and tho seed planted early, It will provo a paying crop on dry lands. Howover, tho greatest valuo to bo obtained from this crop in tho noxt few years In Crook coun tywill bo the Improvement of tho soil byaddlng plant food and humus to tho soils whero tho crop Is grown, evonthough tho crop may bo pastur ed or raised for hay. This value Is obtained becausa of tho largo, thick root growth characteristic of the plant nnd becauso of its being ono of tho legumes which obtain the nltro gon necessary for their growth from tho air. Thoso looking for a crop to Improve their soH for larger produc tion will do well to consider Sweot Clover. Where other crops alroady grow luxuriantly, or where n reason able profit Is being obtained from tho lands in growing other crops, Sweet Clover might turn n less profit, and as stated in tho beginning, Sweet Clovor Id not recommended for all lands and under all conditions above other crops; but when othor crops will not pay, or It Is desired to Im provo the soil physically and chem ically, Sweet Clover will prove nt least ono ot tho crops which should be planted. For sign painting soo Edwards. Adv. Pool and billiards at tho Metro politan. Just the thing for n little relaxation In the ovcnlng. Adv. tf, ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little Want Ad will cost you. CASH FOR Turkeys WH WANT Abb YOUR TURKEYS AND WILL PAY CASH ON BELIV KRY AT OUR PLATFORM. PRE FER ALL BIRDS TO RE DRESSED RUT WILL ACCEPT HOME ALIVE. WRITE OR CALL FOR INSTRUC TIONS ON HOW TO DRESS. WILL l'AY PORTLAND PRICE LESS FREIGHT, LIVE RIRDS RECEIVED NOVEMBER 12th TO 17th; DRESS ED BIRDS NOVEMBER ICtll TO HHIi. The United Warehouse Company RUYERS FOR UNION .MEAT CO. iwdinnnfuTPurT I Vl zfzj; hi YOUR Attention For a Moment, Please You Can Cook With Electricity for a large family or for yourself alone. The Electric Stove is now perfected to the point where it serves as Kitchen Ranges or, in smaller form, as the Handy Little Meal Getter, right in your own room. For instance, on El Grillstovo, which costsjonly $4, you can Boil, BroU, Toast, Fry, and Make Coflee. Simply connect toyour light socket. l yMMM ii mm w h Pk7 ViWi '" PKaLft BEND WATER. LIGHT 2b POWER. CO. M sMsiP , ,FV .U' 4 r; i 0 i