iiJI' .' .. -Z2L -ftuaar !!QbfiUrt'VB K-i-t-" .": -"ST.aJaeW-rJftiZj"- - .. . scrsaaswssrameraaBO'l' "J, -S "S; - M T ! rii -...,. ..w-il ilim ... i.MiflrnnA.Kj.i WJWMiiWJWWiimitw f H""Tr-""r uWX-W''wm.i.iwrhrti,i WHAilllLtWlgA.y- ty- ' ---frTvJi-II . 5Jt--- -j.- -n . 1.. .at -pa , ,- 7. ,d - i T M I. TJIE BEND BULLETIN, RENI, ORI, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 4018. TAQR 8. p ' 1NSLEY-KE WEDDING ItoTereml F. W. Kcagy Performs Cer emony at Rrldo'g Homo Wednesday R. 0. Hunsloy nnd Mlso Esthor 0. Chase were married at the homo of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mlnnlo C. J J, Chase, six miles east of town on Uio Bear Creek road, Wednesday night, Rev. Franklin W. Kcagy, of the Moth- uuioi cunrcn performing tho core mony. Tho brlilo wore n tlrnM nt shadow laco over white silk and car- rieu n bouquet or Hours. Mr. Hunsloy Is n son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Hunsloy of Hlllyard, Washington, and has lived In this section for about flvo years. Mrs. Hunsloy la the youngest daughter of Mrs. Minnie C. Chase and has lived horo for about a year, coming from Grants PnBa with her mother and brother In 19H. For tho prcsont tho young couple will make their homo In Central Oiegon. m WFOJMINGATE Rend Girl Ih Mnrrlod In Portland nt Pretty Homo Ceremony. From the Oregon Journal Is quot ed tho following account of the wed kI ding In Portland on Wednesday of r Hnrlelgh F. Langford nnd Miss Ilea trice WIngate, tho daughter of Mrs. C. 3. Nichols of Bend. "Mica Beatrice Wtngato and Mr. Hnrlelgh F. iLangford were married Wednesday, October 27, at high noon at a pretty homo ceremony which was solemnized at tho home of tho brldo's undo, Francis M. Brooks, Portland, Oregon. "Dr. J. F. Ghormloy of tho Rod ney Avonuo Christian church read tho mnrrlngo servlco In tho presence of the tmmedfato relatives. The bride wore n dark blue traveling suit of gabordlno, trimmed In fur with pic ture hat and carried an arm boquet of pink carnations. "The couplo plighted tholr troth bo- foro an altar of Ivy and potted plants. Autumn leaves and cut flowers graced thu rooms. Tho dining room was ar tistically decorated In rod carnations, "Streamers of ribbon and festoons of Ivy hung from the electroliers to the corners of tho table. After a dainty luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Lang- lord left on tholr wedding trip. Many beautiful and useful gifts wero re ceived by the bride." Cured Hoy of Croup. Nothing frlgbtons a mother moro than tho loud, hoarso cough of croup. Labored breathing, strangling, chok. Ins and gasping for breath demand Instant action. Mrs. T. Noureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., says: "Foloy's Honey and Tar cured my boy of croup after other remedies failed." (Recommended for coughs and colds, Patterson Drug Co. Adv. I Use Self-Ralslng Deschutes Pan cake flour. It Is always fresh and a homo product. Adv. BROOKHCANLON BROOKS-SCANLON Summary of Assessment Roll Exclusive of tho property of public servlco commissions, which Is as sessed by tho Stato Tax Commission, tho 1915 valuation of Crook county Is $7,552,895, according to figures Just sont out by County Assessor H. A. Foster. The decrcaso In the total valuation caused by the setting oft of Jefferson, county, Mr. Foster says, Is'approxlmately 2b . Mr. Foster's ngurcs nro as ionos: Acres of all land9 Acres of tillable lands In cultivation ....87,012 Uncultivated 96,710 Acrqs of timber lands Acres of non-tlllablo lands Improvements on deeded or patented lands 199,480 Town and city lots 737,640 Improvements on town and city lots 291,400 Improvements on lands not deeded or patented SI, 910 Stationary engines nnd manufacturing machinery 23,176 Merchandise and stock In trade .- s . 161,770 Farm Implements, wagons, carriages, etc 83, GOO Money, rates and accounts 80,010 Shares of stock , 154,820 Hotel and offlco furniture 7,935 Horses and mules 8,443 220,006 Cattle 22,612 458,575 Sheep and goals , 35,940 71,905 Swine j 2,774 7,843. Dogs . 27 340 Miscellaneous 100 s 5 Eat At The Hotel A LUNCH RRADY FOR SERVICE AT 11:43 I DINNER AT 5:30 I TRY IT t w w mAwwnwk i Buy More for Less i ' ' ' " ... i .I. We have opened a big line of staples In groceries and can offer you more for less money. We have new and stan dard lines of groceries carried by no others In town. We will be glad to put them up for your approval, We also can quote you economy prices in shelf hardware. H. E. BAKER W.ll Street. Netr OL.'o THE LUMBER CO. Ill Has taken over the lumber department of THE BEND COMPANY and will con tinue the retail business in Lumber, Building Supplies, Cement, Lime, Plaster, etc. THE LUMBER CO. Number 1,22.0,610 Vnluo $4,996,485 $971,110 $363,830 182,722 436,678 574.210 1,334,940 2,729,665 931,980 $7,552,805 t LTAMONT Storing Potatoes By A. E. LOVETT, County Agriculturist. Tho majority of men growing po tatoes aro acquainted with methods of storing this crop so that least loss will bo encountered. One or two special points affecting tho potato for storage may provo of value to the growers, especially those who have not before stored this crop. Tho general opinion nt present Is that the potato crop will bo below normal In tho northwest this season, and for this reason many will storo their potatoes with the expectation of obtaining a larger price In tho winter or spring. Either personally or ofTlclally, I could not and would not ndvlso tho farmer cither to hold or not to hold his potatoes, but It tho grower docs store his potatoes,, he should uso tho best mothods pos sible and pteservo the potatoes In tho best marketable condition. Potatoes should not bo stored In nir-tlght bins or pits. Any bruised or frosted potatoes should not do' stored, and, most especially they should not bo stored with good, sound potatoes. Potatoes should not be placed In largo bins, snugly packed Immediately after digging. Thoy should bo storod whero they will ro main dry nnd whero there Is no dan ger of freezing. Alter they havo becomo thoroughly dry they may bo placed In a cellar In medium sized bins or In sacks, but In elthor case should not bo piled too deep, Ulna or sacks should bo arranged In tiers so that air may circulate around them. It tho potatoes nro placed In pits, arrangement for vontllatlon should be mado by leaving a small opening covered with straw, or by time similar mothod. Although there may be exceptions to tho rule, It gonerally pays to sort tho pota toes at least n few times during tho winter, removing all specimens show ing a tondoncy to rot. Ono rotton potato may spoil practically a wholo oln or sack In a few weeks' tlmo, and heating or molsturo may spoil tho wholo lot of potatoes. Tho following ndvlco regarding tho building of n "Tump" for preserving potatoes Is sent out by the U. S. De partment of Agriculture, and may provo of valuo la this section: "A tump makes a fair substltuto for a cellar In emorgoncles when collar-room Is wanting to enro for pro ducts subject to Injury by freezing. Potatoes, root crops, and even ap ples may bo kept In good condition alt winter If properly tumpod. Cnrn should bo tnken to choose a nlnco for, tho tump where tho ground Is dry and well drained. A tump mado In tho shape of a round mound Is better than ono mado with n ridge, since It Is caslor to protect n given quan tity of potatoes or the like from frost by a circular mound than by an ob long one. Dig a pit to a lovol below tho local frost linn, cover tho bottom of tho pit with dry straw, pllo tho vegetables or fruit to be tumpod up on mis straw, pacK straw over top of tho pile, then bnnk up all around with a dcop covering of earth, Tho surface of tho tump should bo closo ly packed, so ns to shed as much water as possible It Is a good plan still further to protect It from rain and snow by u roof of somo sort, It only an old tarpaulin or ploco of oil cloth." REAL I34TAT1S THANHEERH. Iwtucil by Crook County Alntrntt Co, Sheriff lo Mrs. V. P. Edmunds-m tax lot 7. blk. 2, Sisters, Mrs. V. P. Edmundsan to Vlllard II. Wlrlz V, Int. It. 17, blk. 2, Slnturs. Maurice P. Cashman to Clint Clem ens It. 2, blk. 20, Iloulovard add., Bend. Lytle Townslto Co. to A. P. Das- sett It. 15, blk. 38, Riverside. Robert Z. Davis to Ruben Stead man H so, H sw 20-16-10. Marlon P. Ong to Prank M. Harris It. 1, blk. 18, Kenwood, 1150. Levi D. Wlest to Thos. If. Ormo contract It. 1, blk. 34, Wlestorla, $300. Lytlo Townslto Co. to Mrs. Mary n. uoover us, v, i, a, um. 10, icivor side, 760. John J. Ciinningliam CONTRACTOR asd BUILDR Pla asd Estiattes TO THE RESCUE W wttl hk jovt Hsa. but you mutt net wirt much (bo gltlac our rucu band M work LOW PRICES, BSTTGRSGRVICG Bend Steam Laundry., AND DRY CLKANINQ wHoty DOES Mags uouhrm twt Ymt Dwte j. hi Pur '! BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ROBERT B. GOULD Ulvll Ik Engineer E W. W, FAULKNEIt, D. M. D. DENTIST Offlco Over PoBtotflco Depd, ... Oregon DR. J. O, VANDEVERT Physician nnd Burgeon Phono Rod 271 Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. 7-9 p. m. SntlierMlulldlng m.; W. O. MANNING, D.I. D. Dentist. Office In PIrst National Dank Building Tel. nil Demi, Oregon WILLARD H. WIRTZ Ij A V Y K It Prlnovllle, Orogon. O. S. BENSON Attorney At L n w Donson Uulldlng, Wall Streot Dead, Oregon. VEHNON A. FOuDES LAWYER First National Dank Building Bend, :: :: Oregon GEO It OB S. YOUNO Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. H. Mineral Surveyor. Room 5 First National Bank Building J. U. Bell A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. 11. Honor Abstract Co., Prlnovllle, Ore. Abstracts Insurance DRESSMAKING Mrs. A. P. Ballard With Mrs. S. Mcintosh BEND RLUMRINO AND HEATING COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Hoatlng WALL STREET PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER AND CONTRAC TOR WORK GUARANTEED II. P. SMITH DR. J. R. IMKR I'liytilclaii uikI Hiirgrou Deschutes Stato Hank Building Phono Black 711 DRAYINQ Bead Haulisg Co. R. N. PALSIERTON Wood for Sale OAlro with R. P. Mlntcr Ob3co Phone Black 06 lUwideacv RUck Vi m pnou 1 M I ' Oregon H. O.DIMICK Carpenter and Builder , ESTIMATES FURNISHED P. O. BOX 265 TEL. BLACK 522 Anderson Brothers Saw Mill ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND MOULDINGS DRY. 5 TOOK REASONABLE PRICES. l i Mil Northwest ol Bead. It. C. E L L 1 8 Attorncy-at-Ijnv United State Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON II. II, Do A K M O N D LAWYER Orogon Street. Bond, Oregon DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Offlco In Sother Building. Houru 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and ovenlnga by Appointment O. P. NISWONOER, Bond, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kniluriincr, Fnreral Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. L DH. H. P. HTOWKLLi Nnprnpathlc Physician Ofllco over Miller Lumber Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 5 Phoco Red 01 Hygienic, Dlotetlc nnd Natural Therapeutics Chronlo disorders n Specialty DR 11. 1. KKTC1IUM Ofllco hours! 9-12; 1-5 or by Appointment Dean bldg. J. E. Engebrelson .Plumbing and Healing Bend, Oregon 117 MINNESOTA HTRUKT INTIMATES CIIKKIU'ULLY PURNIHHKU JOBBING PROMPTLY DONE Fraternal Societies I. O, O. P. Bend Lodge No. 818. Regular meeting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock U Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothers cordially welcome. L. II. QLESS, N. O. GEO. P. QOVE. Secretary. ?CtriM,V,0XC6CW VACATION In Portland, ultli nldo trips imOildo, will Kho J on an I'lijoynhlo occn. klou, Mnka tho Multnomah jour liFfldiiinrtrra. Kcrvlco la-tier. Raton cuuttUtently loner. RATES TO YOU no Rooms , .$1 00 100 Room with hath, .l() 100 Itoonm il tli lm tli. ,88.00 'JOO Largo outside room. Rati Vtt.00 Extra person In room, 91.00 nddltlunal w& ?CKfA tffAr WMmauu HoofitiK of all kinds. Repairing promptly dono. J. A. HacCLOSKEV TINNINQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Comlcca and SkyllKhtii. Phase Airto B'omRswUi. -U - t J k SL fc-y.- Mr wrnni' ?" '-)l . - ...' 'j.- . j&' tST