iaff"iaBRfr-j;j(3iuocTnr I. ' ll i t 1 i 1 ! IV l i i f ,' n.-; U I) 18 F V Mi v J m I'Aou 12. TUB IJB.VO fll'MiKTIN I1BXD, OHH., WKDNESDAtf, OCTODBn SO, lOHT. Lillian Russell IN RACE TRACK DRAMA WILDFIRE Tonight and Thursday Jjena Theatre "EVERY SHOW WORTH WHILE" Robert Warwick IN '' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN "MABEL AT THE WHEEL" RICHARD CARLE . IN "OPENED BY MISTAKE" PARAMOUNT TRAVELOGUE SATURDAY MATINEE THE MAN of THEHOUR Sunday, Monday and Tuesday as to iu:suMi ci.i;i m;nciii:oxs. Tho Saturday luncheons of the Commercial CIuli. which have been omitted for tho past two weeks on account of tho I'rlnovlllo and tho Sis ters fair, will lio resumed this wcok Ht tho WrlKht hotul. (leorgo i:. Har dy, executive secretary of tho Tort land Cliniiiliitr of Comniorcu Is ex pected to lie present nnd Importnut business will Ijo taken up for which a lull nttondanco Is desired. to oi'iiN utits m:xt month. Cleorgo 8. Young, accompanied by A. J. Wulton nnd II. J. Chonowotli. left on Sunday for Grnmlvlon whoro tin engineering party will continue Investigations of tho Suttles I.ako project! prclliuliiary to lotting the contract for the work. Illdo will iio opened on November 22. O. l.ailr gnnrd and Mr Wcltoti spent two days on tho project In company with Mr. Young and V A Forbes last wcok. ' TO IIOI.H HI'IX'IAI. HBItVK'BH. Tho Annual Harvest Thanksgiving of tho three union churches cnut of llond will bo held next Sunday, Oc tober 24, ot the Orange hall, north oaBt of llond. There will bo n pro gram supplied by tho churches In addition to tho usual preaching ser vice. Program commences at 11 u. m. Public luncheon from 12 to 1 Program nnd preaching from 2 to 3:ao. Special spenkor, Farmer 0. L. Smith. Bnsor Wlgmoro, pastor. BOARD ALLOTS MONEY (Continued from pago 1.) roads can bo built of tho cinders. Probably somo oiling experiments will nlso bo tried. Oovornor W 1 1 h y c o in b o nrguod .strongly for tho granting or tho $10, 006 In Crook county, onylng th'nt ho thought this important north-anil-sunn road through Central Oregon deserved this recognition nnd aid. Of Interest to Central Oregon, tlforo was also nlloted J90.000 for the completion of tho Columbia Itlvor Highway from Hood Itlver to Moslor. Buy More for Less We have opened a bi$j line of staples in groceries and can offer you more for less money. We have new and stan dard lines of groceries carried by no others in town.. We will be glad to put them up for your approval, We also can quote you economy prices In shelf hardware. E. BAKER Wall Street. Near Ohio Halloween NOVELTIES AT Warner's Half of this will be available In 1910, and half tho noxt year. This will complete ono of Uio finest roads In tho world from Portland' practically to Tho Dalles, nnd open tho way for nil enormous tourist auto travel via Central Oregon nnd llond to nnd from California. ' Tho oMclol minutes of tho Commis sion show tho following paragraph rointlvo to tho llond appropriation- "That $10,000 bo appropriated out of tho' 19 1G lovy to bo expended on n highvfay between Demi nnd Crator Lnko, having particularly In view tho demonstration of tho best method nf utilizing lava cjndors In scientific rond construction; said npproprlntlon to bo supplemented by an equal amount by Crook county, nnd tho on tiro lOnount to bo expended under tho direction of tho englnoor of (liu State Highway Commission," This action on tho part of tho Stato Highway lloard was In somo degreo obtained through tho efforts of tho Bond Commercial Club which sent a dologntlon to Klamath Falls to moot tho advisory board of tho commis sion whon it toured Central Oregon last July. At that tlmo tho ncods of this -particular routo to Crner l.nko wero polned out and whon ilia board was In llend it mndo a study of tho clndor work that hnd boon done hero. MR. AND MRS. BUYER. OF FURNITURE RUGS, LINOLEUM, MATTING, WIN DOW SHADES, STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS in fad: Everything in House issbi! Furnishings: ss It will pV you to get acquainted with JMr nnd Mrs. C. W. Martin md Son in the Triplett building. They have values for you at the lowest prices. They are sole agents for CHARTER OAK RANGES AND STOVES. Every stove sold is guaranteed to please or your money back. Come in and be convinced. 1 1 !! i - i i ii i ii FREE DELIVERY YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD SISTERS FAIR (Continued from pngo 1,) lng upon tho way which llend Day was recognized. "Wo fool assured that tho fair has bocn a financial suc cess, and moro, a success from tho standpoint of uxhlblts. The exhibits woro of a hotter quality. Wo have greater aspiration! for next year." Sisters was a llttlo town typical of Its kind on tho occasion of a country fair. Tho Ilandltos wore greotcd up on their arrival by tho banal cries of "ono down, ono cigar," to "tho Uttlo bluo eyed baby wants a home," snd "hit tlin nlcirar lialiv." Autoes lined both sides of tho stroets. Hotels wero crowded to their feeding eti paclty and to gnln ontranco to a din ing room necessitated many moments waiting. All tho stores seemed to ba busy, Thoro was plonty of color, and plenty of nolso typical of a local fair. Hotel men said that during tho three days of tho fair more than 1,000 strangers had been In town, a majority of thorn rcranlnlng through, out tho throe days ontertalnmnt. Thee omploto list of prlio wlnncn will bo published noxt week, - . i - . j ' tSL r KT r. aft h if REAL ESTATE . , Business PROPERTY WE OWN 35 LOTS on BOND STREET, prices ,t, from $450 to $2500 sold ON EASY TERMS -SjE , ,. -. . D. E. HUNTER, Mgr. fit rfEI fife Residence PROPERTY WE OWN 347 LOTS . IN PARK ADDITION, prices $ 1 00 and up sold ON EASY TERMS SEE D. E. HUNTER, Mgr. IJhlI mJXb t.r '.Mr-. JLW- fc t V( s 4 1 f y v