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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1915)
rAOE . TUH nKJJD IIULLKTIN, 1JRMJ, OHK., 1VKDNK8IUY, OCXOIlBIt 20, 10J5. ' J ju J r t. J iff- ON THE ALLEYS Pet. 1000 833, i60,0 333 333 000 bee Nrr Moro Itilctcst In being manifested "An th'o bowling tournaments ns the season ndvnncus, although nil teams and,pla)crs hnvo been bowling below noruial. Jt has been weed by tho captains or the Mix tennis to allow an 'absent bowler a scoro of 140 for each game ho fulln to roll A mlnorullte bowling ball Will bo given to tho person who hns the high cut Individual aerago during tho tournauient For each of Ifio two hlghcBt Individual scores a ycarV subscription to Tho llcud Ilulletln will bo given. Tho standing of the teams Is as fol lows: Teams Won Lost First Nat. iiank. . .3 0 United Warehouse ...G 1 Owl Pharmacy 3 3 Ucnd nulletlu ..2 4 Ilend Hand 2 4 A. L. French 0 3 Tho following schedule has arranged: October 20, A. L. Krcuch vs. First National Hank. October 22, Ilcnil Ilulletln vs. Owl Pharmacy. October 2C, Wnltcd Warehouse vs. A. 'L. French. October 27, First National Hank vs. llend Hand. October 29, Owl Pharmacy a. Ilend Hand, i Novombor 1, United Wnrchouso vs. Flrst National Hank. Novombor 3, llend Ilulletln vs. A. h, French. Novomhor '5, Owl Pharmacy vs, First National Dank, Novombor 8, United Worohouso vo. nond Band. November 10, Owl Pharmacy vb. A. L. French. .. , .Novombor 12, llond Uullotln vs, First National Dank. Novombor 15, llend Dand vs. A. L. French. . ... Novombor 17, United Warohouto vs. Ilond Ilulletln. Novombor 19, Owl Pharmacy vs. First National Dank. Novombor 22, A. L. French vs. United Warehouse. Novombor 24, llend Hand vs. Ilend Uullotln. , Novombcr 20, Owl Pharmacy vs. A. L. French. Novombor 29, United Worohouso vs. Hond Hand, ' December 1, Hond Bulletin vs. First National Hank. December 3, A. L. French vs. Hond llond. , , December G, United Warohouso vs. First Notional Hank. Docombor 8, Hond Uullotln vs. Owl Pharmacy. Docombor 10, First National Hank vs. llond Hand. December 13, A. I. Tronch vs. llond nulletln. OomcB bowled tho past week aro as follows: 'October 1:1, Klin. A. L. French Seed Selection for Improving Potatoes Hill Selection u Necemry for Ohuining Oat Reiultt It j- County Agriculturist A. I.'. Ixirctt i In tho selection of seed for prac tically all farm crops, best results can bo obtained by using seed from the ipsi prnuucing piani or jinuun. i this bo truo nitlt crops whoso seed Is ttsoiU'for planting, how much more truo must it bo with a crop llkn po tatoes ulicro tho tuber 1b used for a reproduction of tho crop. In select ing potatoes for the market. It Is on ly'ticcessnry to have potatoes of mar ketable size and condition, and it makes no difference whether one or twenty potatoes liavo been obtained from each hill In tho Held us far us tho price to be obtained Is concerned, When choosing potatoes for seed, this seed tn bo sold on the market. ,wo-hnvo not yet conto to tho point vhprP the buyer will insist that the Been ims dc'ii uuiuiucu irum inns jdlng any certain number nf po 1K! many times by selecting seed from those hills hnvlng tho larger humbar of potatoes of uniform sUo and type. Ail increase In yield of one potato weighing eignt ounces to.oach-b un an acre of land will mom) an Increase or approximately 2400 pounds or po. tntbes per acre This amount or po tatoes will bring n fair Increase even witu potatoes at ono-ltnlf cent per pound Thero will bo a largo acreage of jiotat.oert nnrtcsted lit Crook round during tho next two weeks. It will pay overy mon who expects to plant potatoes next )cnr to go over his patch of ,potntoi-n this yenr boforo harvesting and select his seed from tho best hills of his field. As Is fdiown above, an incrcaco of one po tato per hill per acre means at least J12 per acru increase In urollts, A is; but tuo man who Is raising man can select his seed In one or vn seed and selecting tho samo two day s time and figuring from tills f6rJpInnHng. inny Increase bis profits standpoint alone, ho will bo well ro- Players; 1st 2nd 3rd Av. Johnson . ...101 13fi 1(11 1S3 French 127 123 107 119 llSLucas .... 72 110 121 103 Muszynskl ..140 ,129 151 142 Udmunds ...187 132 1B8 ISO Total 093 035 008 Team average' . . . C7G First National Hank' Players: 1st 2nd 3rd Av. Ilooklln 149 13G 170 1G3 P. Stoats 130 127 188 147 It. Ilauck ..130 14G Stover 211 103 Hunter 101 180 132 100 Matoja 14G 1G3 127 142 TotMs ,...'704 740 834 Team average. 700 octniKT in, nun. Hond Ilulletln Player: 1st 2nd 3rd Av. Ostlund ....191 346 172 109 Spencer 189 J44 121) 153 Huff 149 131 189 1G0 Woolficn . ,,.1G2 13G U2 113 Steldl 138 149 140 142 Totals ....819 704 738 Team average , ., 7R4 United Warehouse Players': 1st 2nd 3rd Ar. Kates 140 1G8 182 160 nrandoau ...158 14G 103 1G2 Terrell 100 loo 123 1G0 Palmerton ..140 147 105 151 N. SprlDKor ..180 196 190 191 Totals ..,.784 813 832 Team nvorago 800 October IH, 101ft. Owl Pharmacy Platers: 1st 2nd 3rd Av. Polndnxter ..131 IS 150 144 Absentee ....140 140 140 140 Janet ......121 183 109 158 Absentee ....110 140 140 140 Carmody ...,1G9 107 134 153 Totals ....091 781 733 Tram average 735 Players: let 2nd 3rd Av. llend nand Day 141 129 104 125 llnko Ill (122 94 109 McKay ...',.148 151 141 147 Forrest 101 118 US 107 C. Springer ,.177 147 131 148 Totals ....651 667 558 Teaift average 035 Preacher Was 11(1 Up. ltev. C. M. Knighton, Uavanna. Flo., wrltest "For three months I Buffered Intense pain tn the kdnoya and hack which at times laid mo up entirely. 1 usod 1 U bottles, of Foley Klilnoy Pills ami hII the pln dlnap pearod I feel us It 30 yean had beon added to my llfo." Hollovoa rheumatism, backache, noro muscles. Htllt Joints. Patterson Drug Com pany. Adr, Tho Now flMd Flour Mill Co., Is now inanMtMtttrbig Deschutas Belf Kalstng Faieaka or, 'Ask your ro cee for It, Adv. i Uh DMekMto 8ray Klour. Whlt-i r and bUr lhn ever. For sale by The Now Ieftd Flour Mill Co. Adr. (THCGOOP UUPQE HRAHatS7QOBim 3H00TIhQ OUDALSHOOTIHA I nnn uu i. . .Sl'iS"? NBTHI7HOR0UQHBRE ... . .,n. fu vjrvvt THE StAU TOBACCO nw ronMiunritiq TBir. r b THM'sACOI VOUKCOtl ro THUKSPA- t- (' I I V J f' (3 vrf y iirflvljf WHEN you're tramping all over creation after game you don't want a big bunch of ordinary tobacco sweating in your hip pocket. There is to bacco satisfaction for two, and plenty of it, in the sweat-proof sanitary pouch of Real Tobacco Chew. A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco sensoned and sweetened just enough cuts out so much of the grinding and spitting. , , 4fJk iSi. imK tr A IVA ASK YOUR OEALER FOPW-B CUT CHEWING TOBACCO.IT IS THE NEW REAL TOBACCO CHEW-CUT LONG SHffEO, Ttko lets than one-quarter tha old lira chew. It will be more satisfying than a mouthful of ordinary tobscco. Jutt take a nlbblo of it until you find ths strength chew that luiti you, then see bow eaiily ind evenly the rral tobacco lasts come, bow It aatii&ei. how much Icm you hive to spit, how few chews you take to be tobacco atltfied. That's why it is Thi RtalTobcao Chtw. That's why it cost lea In tha end. Tho taite of pure, rich tobacco does not need to be covered up. An czceti of licorice and twcetcnlng' makes you (pit too much. One small clicw takes the place of two big chews of the old hind, ((Notice How the salt brings oat the rick tobacco taste.)) JYEYMAN-ERUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Square, New York City IN KENWOOD t'ssssssesssssssssssssssesssssssiaessssssssssssssssssssMS Lots 60x114, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights $100 to $225 TERM : $10 vash and $10 Monthly. Special inducements to parties who will build homs J. RYAN & CO. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNfOrV MAPKET paid 'for tho time spent in choosing1 morning when hogs medo the spec- tucuiar navnnco oi out oimiuwim the run of 3300 bend tho ndvnnco wus unlookcd for. All tho stuff was sold at good strong prices beforo nood, cholro light hogs aro quoted at $7 to $7 10, medium JC.75 to $7 and heavy at 5.7G to G. Thero was no radical chango In the sheep divisions this morning only a handful coming In tho market. Prime Iambs nro quoted at 7 to $7.15: ewes $4 to J j and wethers t to $5.83. his seed pcAatoes for next year's crop, In selecting seed potatoes, great Importance should be attached to tho selection of dlseaso-frco potatoes. I have bedn uablo to discover or learn of any of tho more serious potato diseases in the. potatoes in Crook county If wo can keep our potatoes dlscaso-frop, ' wo can absolutely de pend upon best prices for our pota toes for seed because thero aro very few sections where potatoes can bo found which have as littlo disease among them as have those ot Crook county. If thero nro any farmera raising potatoci who' are not Informed as to the best types of different vai letles of potatoes, they may learn these things from tbo-fnlrs tn the county, and most especially at tho Hertmond Potato Show, where -a largo number of each variety will be shown. I shall bu glad to assist any farmers In forested in tho selection of their po tatoes for seed. Save only tho best and only tho bcBt from the best ) (eld ing hills. How An r.ngliiecr Keep Well. Italiroad engineers' are moro ex posed to catching cold than other workers. H. O. Dunaphant of Mon ette. Mo has run a Frisco engine 25 years and all the incdicino ho has taken Is Foley's Jlonoy and Tar, Uo writes: "I always keep It tn my houso rnd recommend It to all who navo a bad cough or cold." Patterson Drug Co. Adv. WAUNINO. We, tho undersigned, strictly for bid all hunting nnd shooting otv our premises, Anyono caught doing same will be strictly dealt with by-law. Signed, P. A. BHONQUEST, JOHN PETERS, 31-34c. 0. IJ. ALLEN. Clean up and paint up. wards. Adv. See Ed- SCHOOL NOTES Tho organization for tho Junior High School was begun Monday when tho seventh and eighth grades noro moved from the Hold school build ing to tha high school building. 'There is now on enrollment of 72 students In high school, seven now students hnvlng entorcd recently. In the election for student body officers, Mnrlo Fox was elected presi dent; Everett Drandenburg, vice president; Evelyn Bedlcnt, secretary, and John Steldl, tronsuror. Tho ob ject of tho orgadlzatton Is to docido all gonornl questions for tho high school. Last Frldny tho classes gave their first literary socloty program, which provod qulto n succoss, although the students expect an Improvement next tlmo. Tho seniors and freshmen will glvo a Joint program beforo all tho high school In tho high school audi torium Novombor Cth. Tho foot ball team Is anxious to bIiow Its mottle and has hopes for a geme soon. Prufossor "Whlto hns written for r. game with Prlnevllln on tho 30th, but as yet hns rccalvod no answer. MAItKKT IinPOItT. NOHTH PORTLAND, Oct. 18. With tbo large run of 1000 head In tho yards this morning, top steers sprung tho market ISp, Today's run was tho largest seen at North Port land for some tlmo. Primo steers nro bringing $C.7G to $7; cows $5 to $5.25 and bulls 13 to $4. A big sur prise was glvon tho shippers this The United Warehouse Company Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR., SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD T United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon YOUR Attention For a Moment, Please ZglwsffiHT5S You Can Cook With Electricity for a large family or for yourself alone. The Electric Stove is now perfected to the point where it serves as Kitchen Range, or, in smaller form, as the Handy Little Meal JGetter, right in your own room. For instance, on El Gxillstovo, which costs only $4,. you can Boll, Broil, Toast, Fry, and Make Coflee, Simply connect to your light socket. A BEND WATER. LIGHT t POWER. CO. U4, ' ' TTlsrt . 0 XJ ' S 4f A o J P.