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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1915)
mmmmmm " JjEf. 3 - Tiiii'tatxn'irfMjmft, nltsn, bhtti, wnnsKsnAY, octobkr 20, iojti, PJVGE.B. tf I i h A jt 4 "phe Patterson j)rug (Company Reed and Morton, Proprietors v , The place to buy your Drugs where quality nnd prices are the best. All mail orders re ceive our prompt attention. Prescriptions accurately com pounded. We appreciate your patronage and guarantee SATISFACTION The Sottogg, Store i,.3" A M. "Lara leCt Monday night on N. P. Woldcr left Saturday night a business trip to Portland ' for Tacoma where he has accepted a w. D. Cheney ion on nis return '""'", - "' . . '.. ' . "'""."" to Portland Sunday night. ' "S; " apecic nas in Ken nis pmco LOCAL NEWS ITEMS J. J. Cocu wns up from Turaalo on Monday. ' Ada D. MUHcan of Mllllcan.was In Bond on Monday. The Redmond Potato Show wfll be hold on Saturday. A. II. Ilouser of Fort Rock was In Bond on Thursday. Mrs. Harry Brooks left Monday night for Portland. m. w. Knickerbocker was over from aist on Friday. K. W. Sullivan loft Monday for Portland on business. A. J. Kroenort went to Portland on business last week.' Roscoo Howard tins been In town from Doschutes today. W. 1 King canio over from tho county seat an Monday. 0. A. Hunter left Monday on n business trip to Portland. 2 ,Why You Can Save Many Dollars by Buying Your Groceries From Usi Quality, Low Prices , and Service is the foundation of , our T increasing business . Let us deliver that next Grocery Order;" : W. C. McCUlSTON BUND'S BEST GROCERY. it THE CARNEGIE MUSEUM AlaskaSiberia M0H0NP1CTIJRES c . . . I.1 i Adventure and Education in the frozen North. Esquimaux, n Walrus Hunt, and Polar Bears. FIVE REELS Dream Theatre ' DOND STREET FRIDAY NfGHT AND SATURDAY MAT1NEL Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Moffett, of Mllllcan, a eon. P. B. Johnson, of Mllllcan, spent Monday here on business, Horn, to Mr. and Mtb.-J. W. Engl? of Bond on Saturday, a girl. W. C, Holllnshond of' La Pino was In Bend on business 'Saturday,. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Leach, of Deschutes, on Monday, a girl. . B. M. Thompson returned Mondny from a business trip to Portland. J, 11, Barclay of Motollus, was a business visitor In Bend Tuesday. Mrs. Guy Furst Jeft Mondny morn ing tor a visit with friends In Spo kane. Mrs. It. C. Clair of Portland, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. George, 13, Hardy,' J. D. Miner Is putting up n lent J houso on the lots next to Dr. W, w. Faulkner. J. Edward Larson left on Sunday for Burns where ho Is opening a new steam laundry. Supervisor Homer Boss, of 'tho Ochoco National Forest was a visitor In Bend Saturday. VL. Corbln, of La Pine, has boen In town this week on his way to Whlto Salmon, Washington. Tho Presbyterlnn Ladles Guild will hold a cafeteria supper at tho church parlors Friday evening. Plans arc nonrly completed for tho Episcopal Guild tag day to bo hold on Saturday, October 30. W. D. Barnes spent Friday after noon horo driving up from Tumalo with Mrs. F. E. Dayton. Tho Bulletin has received n copy of tho first annual report of tho Stato Industrial Accident Commission. 'Two cars of mules from tho ranch of the Kllgoro brothers were shipped out of Bond Sunday for Walla Wala. Dr. W. W. Faulknor exnmlnod tho tooth of tho children ontered In the. baby shdw at tho Sisters fair laBt week. , It. M. Elder, formerly of Bond, Is hero this week from Hartllno, wnsn- lngton, visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith. Fred N. Wnllaco and Fred B. Wil son woro up on business from Tumnlo Friday. Mr. Wallace was horo again Monday, An examination for assistant forest ranger will lio.hold at the office of Supervisor ML. Morrltt In Bond on October 25. " Dr. W. 0. Mnnnlng, formerly of Portland, arrived thin week to open a dontal oltlco In tho First National Bank building. C. W. Ashbaugh, a jiromlnent homesteader of tho Brookings neigh borhood, has come to town to llva for tho winter. II. A. Miller returned on Sunday from n visit to Portland. Mrs. Mil ler .will visit relatives In Spokane for thenoxt fow woeks, Tho Bend Water Light & Power Co, Is putting a small shed on tho rodr of tho old bank building In which to storo supplies. Miss Joscpfllno Young, who has boon nttendlng the exposition at San Francisco nassod through Bend on her way to Silver Lake Friday. Tho young ladlos of tho it. E. Sabbath school will hold n homo mado candy solo Saturday afternoon andovenlng nt It. M, Smith's storo. Superintendent H. L. Hopkins re turned Tuesday morning from Port land wharo be went on business con nected with the Bond public schools. E. M. Lara went to Portland on business Monday night, Mrs, Lara ac companying him to make purennses for tholriaew PInolyn Park. George' K. Hardy, executive secre tary of thb Portland Chamber of Commercilspectod to arrive Frl- J... nnn am. n uLiIt urllli tila film. M. E. church Snbbath school nt 10 n. m. Preaching 11 a. in. Ep worth League 0:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. in. The public cojdlolly In vited. F. W. Keagy, pastor. Miss Mary Blnnoy. a sister of Mrs 0. P. Putnam, who visited horo three years ago, arrived Saturday morning for a few day's stay at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Overturf. Mrs. H. J. Overturf roturned on Wednesday night from a visit of siv oral weeks In Portland and Hood Illvcr. Her son. Junior, remained (o visit relatives In Hood River. 'with tho Standard Oil Company. J. A- O'Hearn, a brakeman on tho Oregon Trunk, who has boon living on Greenwood nvcnuo leaves tomor row for Fallbrldge with his family to take nnother position on tho line, Tho Baptist Women's Union meets Thursdny afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Mary Montetth In tho May apart ments for the regular monthly busi ness meeting, Members and ftlonds are Invited. M. 1. Meredith, who has had chnrao of the Patterson Drug Co. business Blncetbensslgnmcnt, leaver for Port land soon, having completed tho transfer of tho business to tho new owners, Heed and Horton, Llewellyn Garrison, th( Infant s6n of Mr. nhd Mrs. P. C. Garrison, took first prltq at tho Sisters Fair baby show last week. A Bend entry, tho ,chlld of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. McCuls- ton, took first prize last .year. Tho morning service at tho Baptist church on Sunday will bo tnken up by the Rally Day program of songs and recitations by tho children which will take up tho Sunday school nnd preaching hours. Everybody Is wql come, E. Albee, of tho Inland Automobile Co., of Prtnovlllo, was hero Saturday afternoon In company with A. II. JoneB, of Seattle representing Dodge Brothers. Mr. Albco has recently ob tained -tho Crook county agency for Dodgo cars. The brokon hydrant at tlje cornor of Oregon and Uond streets was re placed by tho Bond Water Light & Power Co, last night, tho company waiting until midnight In order to cause no Inconvenience by the wator shut oft necessary to make tho re pairs. Mr, and Mrs. William Ardory, of Seattle, nro hero for a fow days on their return from tho 6an Frnnclsco fair, calling on their many frtonds In nnd about Uond nnd looking nftor tholr... business Interests horo. Mr. Ardory owns Irrigated lands cast of town'. A camp fire dinner, complimentary 10 Mlsa Mary lllnnoy nnd Edwin Bln noy of Sound lleach, Connecticut, and Donald Blandlng of Chicago was held Monday night on tho top of Pilot Hutto. Dinner was cookod over a camp Are. Tho party was chaperoned by Mf. and Mrs. II. E, Allen ' To determine the location of cer tain varieties of trees In UicvDes chute National Forest, M. L. Morrltt Is going to mako a collection. of bot anical specimens. Ho Is desirous of obtaining spcclmons from any trees In Ui forest except yellow., pine, lodgepblo plno, western Juniper and western red cedar. There's Real Style in our Coats and Suits at $8.?5 to $25.00 You ought to see them new fur trimmed mooln that nro attractlvo and servlccablo, Wo'll gladly show them nnd you'll not be urged to buy Wo aro confident your selections will bo mndo here. V Wool and Cotton Fleeced Underwear; for the Entire Family . Jr LI' . IE? Got jo at Hallow'ccn novelties at Warner's. Adv. For sign painting seo Edwards. Adv. Foryour nlco home buy n, lot, In Boulevard Addition.- Adv. ' '. Use Truo Bluo Flour. Wbltor and better Aban ovor.t For sale by The New Bond Flour Mill Co. Adv. ? . A Specials Menu's Cooper's Kenoshn Klosod Krotch Union 8ults nt ...$i.'jn,, $2, V2.U0,, .-M.rso. jLndles' Cotton Fleeced Union Suits .. .one, 7nc, nc, !!, tu'yj Ladles' Wool Union Suits .I 1. 7. lo DRESS GOODS Silks nnd Velvets n largo lino to mcel till of your rcqulromonto at prices you'll bo ploasod to pay. SWEATERS Pennsylvania "No-Talr" all wool sweatorn i? to $ Othor sweaters from , , tft'.'M lip A now lot of Indies dross skirts Just received, Including cor duroy, shepherd chocks, workmnnshlp and quality tho best No extra chargos for alterations. Priced from .?:i.7n to STOP AND SHOP AT MIWJLJPSm Satisfaction With Every Purchne -J'.l Tho modorato building restrictions on Boulevard Addition will mako It the dcilrnblo placo to own a lot. Adv. Pool and billiards at tho Metro politan. Just the thing' for a Uttla relaxation In tho evening. rAdv, tt. See Edwards for good houso paint ing. Adv. For a good clean shave, n good hair cut, facial jnassage or a chine, visit the Metropolitan, on Oregon street. Adv. tf WHY GO OR SEND AWAY from Home to purchase furniture or fixtures for your new home when you can do just as well by making your pur chases at home. WE KNOW THAT WE CAN MEET the Coast prices in anything in Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Curtains or House Fixtures. flWe receive our stock di rect from the manufacturer and our prices will stand com petition with, any outside firms. WE GUARANTEE that our goods, wiU match up with the best both in quality ana prio. Just come in and let us figure with you on furnishings for th new horn?' Yew :wMtliaVe-to send away because you can do better at bom. E M. THOMPSON. ET PUMPKINS FOR IIALLOW'KE.V AfAts, per box l PeKjwcV 4 . . vn & a.oo Clams per can . ... ...jnc 3 cans for Mc 30c coffoo . . , Xlc 10c 'Mlnco Meat (this week) 10c 30c 'preserves, 'iXie 26c catsup ........ , .uoo lGoIolivea 10c Qrapo Nuts, 2 pVgs for 'Me Creamery butteoper Ili.Unc 10c salt Ro 20c washing powder . . ."oc Boar opeclali. 6 to 7 bars -flc i fiVWlAlM IN canm;i 'f. , myMm 2Cc.peclien .. ,'Mc 26c l)rrles SJOo 3Sc apple butter -tc 20o apple butter IRo 16c pineapple ... .... 10c 16c pqrk and beans .... I()o 26c pickles ...UOc 20c taucr kraut . , 1,1c 2Ca 'altnon ."Oc 16c salmon ........... JUc 20c pumpkin . . ..... inc 40e syrup (whlto) ...,..'M)o 60e peppor , -foe 26c extract isoo THESE ARE CASH VIUCVM McClincy The ACCOMMOBATINO Orter CONFIDENCE docs a long way in tho grocery business. Wo haV3 confldonco that you will bo satisfied with whatovor leaves our shelves, qnd you havo ronson to have confldonco tn us to deal you only the best on tho grocory markot. WE WANT SATISFIED CUSTOMEHS. Bolter 'valuoa In servlccablo clothes for worklngrnon Just added to our stock nro awaiting your Inspection, SHUEY'S The Cash Grocer COFFEE WEEK s )T a Marked Reduction in price we are offering you the CELEBRATED GOLDEN WEST COFFEE this week. THERX IS NONE BETTER for the price. 5-Pound Cans . $1.50 1 -Pound Cans, 35 cents JUST AS CHEAP MADE TO ORDER Fprt SUHnt- FM d Wutftr Sfit Dick 'E Tailor 44444444444m4m The Cozy RESTAURANT solicits your patrenage' i We have a few Air-Tight Heaters that we will sell below the wholesale price. The wholesale price on these stoves ranges up to $ 1 8.00 and we offer them to you for $10. Take yoier choice. E. A. SATHER General Store The Best for the Kitchen Tbre k noUtluK He c't "iw'r ' ho ne or kltrhtm mIwk tU, mI Mlien you ty of im you wuty 1m Muml uf netllmt only the btmL llaa you ever trie! Ut Wr Kier AIuhiIhwiii? There U ua kKchew MHN.tfwt wHI Ui Umgrr anil give MUr servlco. Try R la that se klbrlifii, SKUSE HARDWARE CO. I f l; iVJ t? w I V h 1Hi1'' - ?j-;di gataBiaa.f f&szi -"