-LSo f-i.)Mi7ii'vaAgL l.4wMMMMM IWWWW'toM1'"" POW THE BEND BUIiKTIN, BUND. OKE., AVBDNESDAYj QaTOIIRR 20. lOUfi (dp if ' 1 IS, J 4 3 r . j SAYS 51 MILL PAIS iff E Odd Ki;iiiiOVH attkntio.v. You arc cordially Invited to attond a rally next Monday evening, October 26 .Refreshments will lie served.' A. II. COVE, secretary, pro torn. t GRIFFIN MILL MANAG ER WRITES LETTER W.,11. Wilklitwm Point out Facta of Operation l'njr Itoll In lUggcr Tlutn Ilrirk Yard's Central On. -t cxit HimliiK Records Broken. Taking exception to the statement in last week' Bulletin to the effect that A. II. Horn of the Hend Ilrlck & llumber Co. had tho larKest Individ ual payroll in Central Oregon, W. U. Wilkinson, manager of tho Orlllln saw mill, has written an Iterestlng letter to Tho Bulletin, calling atten tion to tho operations at that mill and tho results accomplished. ' Mr. Wilkinson's lottor, which Is written In a moat friendly spirit. very good nnturedly and very prop erly points out tho'facts as to the work which Is being done and Is In dicative of the frlondly rtvnlry which Is now doing so much for tho up building of llcnd. The letter In full Is as follows: ' "Qrldln's Mill, Oct. 18, 101C. "Tho Bend Dullotln, Hend, Oregon. Gentlemen: "In tho last lssuo of Tho Bulletin, I noticed an account of tho operations of the Bend Ilrlck & Lumber Co., and read that they wore doing a very nlco business1, of which we aro all glad, but I shall have to tako Issue with you upon the statement that they have the largest payroll of any In dividual concern at Hend. "The Orlffln mill, slnco Its re-open-lng for business under tho Trusteo management, on August 30, last, has exceeded considerably tho operations of tho above company, In both men and teams employed, and also In amount of payroll. "Tho Orlflln mill at present Is em ploying bettor than 56 persons In the comploto operation of tho business, from tho log cutting to tho lumber Hauling, is dally employing more than 60 hend of horses, and a payroll of mare than $5,000. '"Also, by the way, tho mill has broken nil rocords In Central Oregon cutting lumber, it lias nvoragod t ANXOUJWKMKNT. Dr, W. a. Manning, who has prac ticed dentistry for the past year In Portland, has taken the office adjoin ing Dr. U. C. Coe's In the First Na tional Dank building, and will prnc tlce,h(g profession In Hend. Dr. Man ning "will share the same reception room with Dr Coe and the telephono number will bo tho samo for each. Adv. wir.mim:. "Wildfire ," featuring Lillian Bus sell. Is n sensational race track film with brilliant setting and Interesting situations. Lillian Bussell Is wide ly known throughout the country ns a stago beauty. Bend Theatre, to night and Thursday. Adv. PROJECT LIEN .'4" (Continued from page I.)-" "V WM twoon Mr. O. Laurgaard, Knglneer for tho company and Mr, John II. Lewis State Knglneer, Also that the. tlmo be extended on the company's con tract with tho Hoard until Scptombur 11, 1917. All of which shall bo con ditioned upon the approval of tho Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, surety for tho Portland Ir rlgatlon Company on Its bond of $50, 000 to Insure Its performance of tho terms, covenants and conditions thorcof, also upon tho approval of tho Attorney Gonernl as to tho legal ity thoreof." Arbitration Is I'roimscd. Oovernor Wlthycombo and State Knglneer Lowls woro nuthorlzcd by tho Board to suggest to tho Portland Irrigation Company nnd tho Chewau can L'and & Cattle Company to has ten an amicniiio settlement or dif ferences between tho two Involving wntor rights. In view or pending railroad nnd other developments It Is believed hero that no groat difficulty will bo found in getting the conflict ing claims arranged so that tho do- In' better than 42,000 feet dally, for the H working days up to Saturday night, tho 10th, slnco October first, and cut nearly a million feet In Sep tember, tho first month aftor ro oponlng. This record, I bellovolhas never been any whoro near cniullod In Central Oregon up to this time, by any mill whatsoever. Last Saturday me sen io snowed that 53,750 board passed tho saw during tho ton hour's run that day, tho scolo usod being tho standard Decimal "C" and tho cut being' straight two Inch, nothing Heavier, a on that day no timbers or tlcsjwero cut whatever "While we want tho Bend Brick & Lumber Co. to got all tho credit thejrnro entitled to, yet wo must ask you to correct tho statement, as to mngnltudo of operations, as we think we have them bent a trlflo, Sincerely yours, W. It. WILKINSON, Managor Orlflln Mill." BUY YOUR Groceries AT TUB NBW AlOAT MARKBT. Gilbert Sb Son WATER USERS MAKE COM PLAINT TO UTILITIES BODY Ask Thnt C. . I, Company Bo Com. pellod to Keep m Canals mill FIutiKM In Ik'imlr. (Orogonlnn.) SALKM, Oct 18. iBpcelnl.) Al leglhg that tho tlunio and cannls of tho Control Oregon Irrigation Com pany's project In Crook county are worn out anil liable to break at any time, nnd thnt thq company annually collects thousands of dollars from settlers ou tho prpject, of which tho greater pnrt Is used In "paying lilch salniflrs und for other purposuH un known," tho Central Oregon Irriga tion Water-Users' Association today filed complaint with tho Oregon Pub lic Survlco Commission. Tho associa tion, Uy P. A. Young. Its president, sks?thnt the commission compel the company to keep tho system of canals nnd flu in en In repair. Quoitluu of whether the Commis sion has tho nuthurlty to hear tho complaint of the water-user was placed before Attorney (lenvral Brown for decision A reply Is ex pected within n few du). VISIT "Our Now and Greater CHINA SECTION It willinterest you Warner's Whero YOU BUY for LK88 II, II. Do Armond Is the local nt torney, 'for tho association In UiIb proceeding. Ilow to It KMclmit. Nothing saps tho vitality Ilka kid ney irouoio it causes backacho, headache, stiff Joints, Boro muscles. -aiwRjt ureo.- teeiiug, rheumatism and other Ills. To bo efficient, you must be healthy. Foley Kidney Pills sirengmen die Kiuuoys, help them do their 'work of filtering out from the system the waste matter Utat causes tho troublo, Patterson Drug Com pany. Adv. DR. RILEY VETERINARY li lociled tt The Piontti Hits, Bend, od will cure lor your Monti tnd Ctttle it your cll.vor Phone 22X Abo icllt BEST RHEUMATIC REMEDY ON MARKET For sign palatlag Bdwards. Adr, TDK M.y W'TffK 1IOUB, Bend Theatre & will again have the privilege of sls Hubert War wick In ono of h.titar robp Jn "The M of the Hour," on Sunday, Mon day and Tuesday evenings. This Aim Is particularly ootiperue.il with "graft" and had o groat run on. tho Jvgltlawte (Mage, Adv. Used Car Bargains Cadillac In per order, and o bais Just tho thing for Ono. Vtt V feet running gain at $390. a light truck. Oao FUe PaaAr Chalmers eloctrle lights and self-starter. Ono VIM Dulck demonstrator, 6 cyl inder, iS h. p. Just Ilka new. Nine months of the year guarun- ioo sum on it. One totn Mitchell -MO, In perfect order. A $1360 car tor $735. Inland Auto'Co. PrlnevWe, Oregon volopment of tho country can pro ceed. Sotting forth this general' subject, tho official minutes of the Board say: "In view of tho recent findings of the Btnto Water Hoard In the matter of determination of tho above rights, it appears that under tho distribution ns outlined by tho Water Hoard tbe.o Is sufficient wator In the nbovo men tioned stream, not only to serVo 11 lands now being Irrigated therefrom, but to reclaim the 12,000 acres in cluded In tho Paisley Irrigation pro ject. It also appears from recent de velopments that tho railroad con struction will bo carried Into this section of tho state In tho near fu ture thus promoting to a great ex tent tho settlement of the public land and tho subdivision of largo present holdings. It appears also that future and continued litigation between the Chewaucan Land & Cattle Co. and the Portland Irrigation Company will greatly retard tho development of this section, thoreroro be It ordered that tho chairman be and ho hereby Is authorized, on behalf or the Board, to submit to tho above mentioned Interested companies, the suggestion of a conferenco to bo held In tho near futuro with a, view toward arbitrating their differences and thus eliminate further delay and Rreatly facilitate development and thus Invito tho ex penditure of outside capital In the storago of flood waters and tho ex tension of railroads." ed. $6. GO per month, Inquire Bul letin. 33p FOR RENT I will buy you a lot and build UkbuU. $2 down and $10 per month up. House's for $3C0 up, Inquire Bulletin. 33-3Cp. FOR RENT My farm 2C miles south of Rend. $C0 per year. Ad dreAs L. Corbln, Bend. 33-30p .BENT, sell, trade or borrow money, Small amount cash. For particulars auuress box e, Tumnlo, Ore. 2935p FOR RENT Four roam furnished house. J. Ryan & Co., 32U FOB SALB. FOR 8ALE Houuo .and lot in Kenwood, Also cow and heifer calf. Inquire Kenwood grocery. 33-34p FOR SALE Land. Any port of 1C0 nerds, or all. E. J. Rogers, Tum alo, Oregon. 31tt FdR' SALE Nicely furnished 4 roommodcrn house, good corner lot. Price,' $1400.00. ,'Somo termV J. Ryan & Co. 32 tt FOR SALE 40 aero farm, im proved, etocktid and furnished: 2 miles north Toledo, Lincoln County, Price $GS00, Vx cash, balance like ront, 0 per cent. Address owner, box 26G, Toledo, Oregon, 32-33p nlshed rooms for small family. II, K. Dullotln office. lt WANTED At tho Altnmont, a cook. 2Dtf WANTED Old rags. Cash paid for old rags at Bulletin office, Must bo clean. . J WANTED Limb wood. Two cords of 10 Inch, must bo goo'd nnd dry. Inquire at Bulletin ofllce. AOENTS WANTED To represent tho Lafolletto Nursery Co. Trees grown on Powell Butto without Irri gation. The trees that please, be cause they are acclimated and will grow, WrRo for particulars and ter ritory. Theodore Hubbard, Box 75 PrluevIUe, Oregon. jq LOST AND FOUND. LOST Fountain pen ; between high school building and Mannheim, ors. Kinder nptlfy Ira H. Fox Ht Raker's store, 33 TAKEN UP Bay maro nnd colt nt Kasprovltz homestead, Hemstad valley. Ilranded 711 on left Blioulder Ownor wrllo P. O. box 11, Bend. 33tfc Seo Edwnrds for paper banging. Adv. CLAHHIFIKD ADVKBTISINO. FOB BUNT. FOR RENT Furnished rooni for gentleman. Hot wntor bath connect- WANTKD. WANTEID To obtain one or two house keeping rooms. Inquire C. O, S. Bulletin. ' 33-34 p WANTED To borrow money on claim having two nnd a half million reot or standing timber. Inquire XX Bulletin. 3itf WANTED Smnll house or fur- WIS 'iSJ I ?Wil I ism. "VVJ I fc r t rw .pms-sIs w 1 . Ff Tli ytarmih of .summer (sun. Perfection Oil Healer 'Ir. ' . I ' Makes the house warm and ' cozy on the cold, damp days. Inespenslve to operata easily carried from , room to room. Smokeless and odorless. Deal era everywhere. For ietl mullt u Ptarl Oil. Standard Oil Company (Cillforal) l(end AAAAAAAAAAA llIJHPust Think of If! iltCmi Golden WestCoffee mmgmmmmgm I 1 pound, Kpiai ..igc mfl ai Bpcciui A YA llll B HR'ND.H. Special glo HHH1 Ask Vour Dealer HKk Order Early Winter Novelties in Gentlemen's and Ladies' Apparel now being shown in our windows should appeal to you from the standpoint of quality and price. We try to keep only the best grades for the most attractive prices. Ladies' Silk Fibre Sweaters---- d7 H (Old Rose and Green) pi J Men's Cardinal Jackets (Special kA AQ Dress Shirts $1.00 to 2.00 Nobby and servicable values in Hats and Caps for men may be obtained from us. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY GENERAL MERCHANDISE Some Clothes TKoug'Kts Don't be too easily satisfied! Make up your mind this winter. that you will have .all the generous clothes lux- v ury your money will com- , mand. GO WHERE THE . . . BEST SUITS ARE, Just . , slip into one of our Overcoats and see' if your body doesn't feel , nt home. You're bound to say " " ' "SOME OVERCOAT!" It doesn't require a fortune to be well dressed if you take care in your selection. Let jus help yoirbe well dressed at a reasonable cost.v WE KNOW HOW IT'S DONE and will help you. A L. FRENCH MenFurnlshlngs C1IAKM ANn CLEANLf NKSS are both personified In the com plete bath room fitting which we can show you. They not nlono make for greater cleanliness and health but for refinement as well. Though they look luxurious, and aro so tho cost Is not ns great as you may Imagine Lot us tell you for how little wo can remodel your bath room. a. A. ENGKIIItnTSON. 1'IiU.MIUNa AND JIKATINQ 117 MUinrsota St. Head, Or. 1 rr-aSv I IF) tyjE - f)K Sf ee! Cut Roasted DtJIv Always FrMh Closset&Devers Tlie OMt 4 Largest CeffM Rotwtew in the Nrthwt Scrubbing Unnecessary Enamel your walls and woodwork and secure a -finish that is hard and smooth, non-absorbent and sanitary. Enameled surfaces do not require scrub bing. An occasional wiping with a damp cloth. . will keep them looking clean and fresh. ACME QUALITY ENAMELS (NKALS) , ' ' Jy applied. They cost no more thanV ordinary T&ntand vc you time, troubleand worry. ' 'T ! ' ' ' ' Our "Home LHcdrating" booklet 'ty'how; , you can "do it yourself " at trifline cott. . Ask for a free coj' " A TEt Bend Hardware Co. itfs n j $ fc 'i. " --t1wstynsifqi Mrf -t ft"