The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 20, 1915, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
Vol. XIH.
rend orecon, wernesd.vv afternoon, octoiier 20, nn.-.
Hurns and tlio Hlltzen nnd Catlow
valleys, but when lie heard tho prop
os tlon that Hums had to make, ho
suld It "forced his hand."
Prominent Hankers mid Itimlncss
Men to Asls In Consideration of
Project Line From Hums o
Cutlitw Vnlley Is Planned.
(Oregon Journal.)
PORTLAND, OcL 17 Organlzn-
tlon of tho Portland railway commit
tee, to nsslst Itobort 13. Strahorn In
nnalyzlng the plans nnd formulating
a flnnnclnl bnsls for tho development
of Central Oregon by tho Oregon,
California & Eastern Hallway Com
pany, was perfected yesterday by tho
selection of these financiers and busi
ness men:
A. I.. Mills, president First Na
tional Hank.
J. C. Alnsworth, president United
States National Hank.
W. M. Lndd, president I.add &
Tllton Hank.
Nathan Strauss, mnnagor Ftelsch-ner-Mayer
Franklin T. Orlllln, nresldcnt Port
land Railway, Light & Power Com
pany. C. C. Colt, president Union Meat
Company and president Portlnnd
Clwtnlier of Commerce.
Theso men will collabornto wIMi
Mr, Strahorn In formulatlg n sunple
mentary report to tho Portland bust
nes men who signed a letter to tho
railroad bulldor nsktng what great
constructive work Portland can un
dertake during 1910. Tho report
will bo mndo nt n second meeting of
theso men, to bo called when ongl
ncers of tho O. 0, & R. have finished
mirvovB and estimates of cost.
With tho report. It Is probable that
the rommltteo will present recom
mendations nnd suggestions for tho
Tlnnnrlng of tho railroad nroject.
Direct Connection Planned.
Direct railroad connection for
Burns Is nnrt of tho development pro.
Krnm of Robert B. Strahorn. who was
lecnllv elected president of tho Ore
gon. Cnllfornln f- Eastern rnllwnv
yesterday, nt tho tot. jnctlnsuflLUie
stockholders. Mr. Strahorn announc
ed Inst night that Ills plan enntom
Tdatcs tho construction of n lino from
"urns o Tho Nmrows and southwpnl
through tho Hlltzon vnlley to tho
"f" ranch and thence over tho di
vide Into the Cnllow valley In south
ern Harney county.
Mr. Strahorn made this announce,
ment following n lonir ennfe-ne
v't'v the seven member of tb V'ihh
ri'irnd o"li who bnd nude fie Imir.
nev to Portland to spo what Port
lnn(l unnMnipnt I tmvnrd the de
velnpmwit of Central Orxn.
Slrnlinrn's I In I'll 1'orooi"
Tiie ll"e Is not Included In the m
nedlnte building rdnns. hut 1 'h'imi
t'ltlmntn eenstri'Ctlon tint 'vIP tin
nbsolutelv necownrv If tbo tendtrnv
s to b" fll'l" served Slid lirnurht ln-
- nucii wlht Portland, Its natural
trado center.
The Prns dolegM'r-n c"iMlnB
-t T.eon M. Hmwn. Ssm V. Mot'ier
'P'Ml. Oenrge Frv. .1. I Oxi'U II C
t evens, C. C. Leonard snd Robert
VoKlnnnn, snent several hours wPh
Mr, Strnhom yesterdnv. The rnil
rord builder bnd not Intended to n
nounco nt this time ht plans for
Two Grade Transferred From Held
to High School liiilldlng Rig In.
riciiM) Expected After .Iiiniinry 1
Heavy gains In enrollment In every
department In the Ilcml public
schools has necessitated tho nddltlon
of two moro teachers to the corp.i.
Since the opening of tho prosent term
tho enrollment has Increased from
341 to -104 pupils. Thoro has boen
nn Increase of 12 students in tho
high school.
To meot tho congested condition
In tho Held building Miss Inn Newton
of Portland, n grnduato of tho St.
Cloud, Minnesota, school nnd Miss
Hurge, of Portlnnd, grnduato of tho
Iowa State Teachers College, have
been engaged. The now teachers nr
rlved on Tuesday and nrrnugements
nro being made for tho grades thoy
will teach.
Tho sovonth and eighth grodoa
have boon transferred from tho Hold
building to the High school building
with Miss Margaret Downs as prin
cipal of those grades. According t.
Superintendent Hopkins this niovo Is
tho first stop toward tho formation of
n Junior high school to Includo tho
seventh, eighth and ninth grndei.
Miss Lucllo McKay has been made
principal of the Held building.
Even with this chnngo flio enroll
ment of many moro pupils in tho
Held building will bring about n seat
Ing problem in tho locnl schools. Alt
tho rooms, oxcopt tho ono reserved
for the commercial dopnrtmont, for
which plans nro being mndo, nro fill
ed In tho high school building.
A heavy Increase In tho school reg
Istrntlnn Is expected nftcr January
1, 1910.
Edwin llluuey mid Donald Hbiuilliig
Tnko Hike From Tbo Vnlley.
After spending four days on the
trail Donald Hlandlng nnd Edwin
Hlnnoy, Jr., arrived nt Helslng's Fri
day night, completing a walking trip
over tho Cascades from tho Wlllum
motto valley. Tho walkers enmo by
tho old MIntn trail from Detroit, car
rylng their food nnd Bleeping equip
ment and roughing It In tho most ap
proved stylo. On Saturday thoy walk
ed Into Slstors, ronchlng Hcnd by
nnto Into In t"jo afternoon, -Thoy nro
now visiting friends noro.
Mr. Hlandlng formerly lived In
Ilond, having beon employed In tho
First National Rank. Since leaving
hero two years ngo ho has been at
tending tho Chicago Art Instltuto nnd
studying In his chosen Held of cover
und poster designing. Although com
paratively young In the work he has
had unusual success having bad n
number of uotdgns for covers and
thontre potters accepted, ono, In par
tluular. n cover for "The Postor," the
national potior magazine, bringing
him considerable praise. This cover
Im usually done by some artist of na
tional reputation.
Mr. Hlnney Is n brother of Mrs. 0.
P. Putnam. Ho visited here a year
Tho Ilond Water Light &. Powor
Co. has recently received n shipment
of 0,000 feet of water plpo which Is
being laid In Houlovard nnd Stoats
additions and other parts of town to
supply water to houses undor con
struction. The company Is also
working now at cementing Its posts
In Kenwood.
The ChlW with her fenny Svtng nnk
The Small Hoy with his Small Chnngo
The Lady with her Pin Money Savings
The Small Man with his Small Roll
The Big Man with his Big Roll
The Bank of
County to Appiiiptlato Like Amount
Experiment to bo Mndo Willi
VoU'iinlc Cinder. Highway En
gineer Ciiiitluc to SitpcixKe.
(Special to Tho Hulletin.)
SALEM, Oct. IS. At n meeting
hero Inst Wednesdn of tho Stato
Highway Commission Central Oregon
was voted Its first apportionment of
stato highway funds. Although
nearly ovary county sought aid, nnd
about $1,000,000 was rci-ucsted by
the .nrIous sections, with less thnn
:i (iiarter of that amount to go
around. Crook county received con
Bldorntlon In the? satisfactory shape
of a $10,000 allotment.
Tho money will bo spent on tho
rond leading from Hcnd south, it Is
provided on tho condition that tho
county put up an equal amount. Tho
Crook count court, It Is expected,
will mnke tho appropriation. Thls
means that $20,000 will bo used for
tho establishment of a first class
highway replacing tho prusent
over tho I.nva Hutto stretch of the
southern route, connecting with Lu
Pino, Crater Lake and southern
Tho money will be spent tinder tho
direction of the Highway Engineer's
olllco. E. 1. Cnutlno, tho auglneor,
will go to Ilond probably within ton
days, nnd will mnko personal Invostl.
gntlon. Probably n number of sur
veys will bo run, so that tho very
host practicable route can be wurkod
out. An Important purposo In tho
stato allotment Is to thoroughly test
out tho practicability of utilizing the
volcnnlc cinders of l.avn Hutto and
similar formations In scloutlllo road
building. If satisfactory results nro
obtained It Is expected that n big
Impetus will bo given better road
building in tho Interior.
Engineer Cnntlno und members nf
tho advisory board, who recently
wont over tho ground, bellcvo thor
oughly that excollont nnd economic
(Continued on Inst pago.)
Water Rights Sot lit SIM Per Aeie
Daniel F. Deal of Philadelphia I to-
plan's (iiHtrgo M. Hallo) AlhL
trillion if Suit 1 'mo led.
(Special to Tho Hulletin.)
SAI.K.M, Oct. 18. Tho Paisley
Irrigation project has beon given u
now lease of life through the action
of the Desert Lund Hoard nt its
meeting Inst Wednesday. The lion
nn the lauds was Increased from $ltl
por acre to $00, Tho company asked
(or $fi.".0S. Tho Hoard forbade tho
salo of any lauds until dual do ter
mination of water rights nnd con
struction of a reservoir.
Daniel F. Deal of Philadelphia np
pcared for tho Portland Irrigation
Company. Previously Ooorgo M.
Haltev has represented the company,
which Is owned by tho Northwest
Townslto Company, of which Mr.
Ilnlloy was prosldont until a few
mouths ngo. it Is understood that
.Mr. Hnlley has hail dllllcultlos with
tho Northwest Co. backers, nnd ho no
longer has any connection with its
nffalrs. O. l.aurgnard, tho engineer
who built tho Tiitnnlo Project, was
with Mr. Deal. Ho is to huvo general
supervision of tho Puslley work.
Tho complete motion, which pass
ed tho Hoard unanimously, Is ns fol
io wit:
"Moved thnt tho contract between
tho Deeort I. and Hoard und tho Port
lnnd Irrlgntlon Company, dated Do-
comber 1!9, 11)11. bo amended by
supplemental contract ns follow;,:
thnt tho lien bo Increased from $1C
to $00 por ncrc, said lncrenso to bo
apportioned over tho unsold area;
thnt no hi ml a shall bo sold prior to
tho llnnl determination of tho rights
of tho waters of tho Chownucau river
by the courts nnd until the proposed
reservoir hns been constructed nnd
proved satisfactory; that tho reser
voir rapacity shall bo chnngei to con
form with tho revised spectllcatlous
nnd construction agreed uon be
(Continued on pago d.)
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Bend Harclvrare Co.
Tho Compuny that put tho "Wear" In IIrlworo
Lumbermen Hero For Meeting on
Monday Hunter Succeeds Kejcs
us Mnnagor of Tho Hem! Co.
To attend n special meeting of The
Ilond Company and to observe pro
gross on tho now mill construction
Dr. I). F. llronks and M. J. Si iiiloti
of tho Hrooka-Scnnhni Lumber Co
spent Sunday and Monday hero. lonv.
Ing for Powell River, 11. C, Monday
Dr. llronks expressed himself as
very much pleased with the progress
shown on tho mill work and In tho
construction or tho logging line. "The
saw mill, when completed," he said,
"will he Just J.ho sumo size ns the
Shevllu mill across tho river with tho
exception of n few feet In length."
When asked when ho expected
sawing to begin In tho now mill Dr.
Ilrooks answered thnt it depended on
tho weather and Its offoct. on con
struction. Ho hoped, however, that
they would begin to saw soon attor
tho llrst of the year.
Mr. Scunlon was also grntllled at
tho progress of the work. "Things
look very good," ho suld, "and es
pecially In tho outside world. Eurv
whero there nro signs of returning
prosperity which will mean n great
boom In nil kinds of busluoss, Tho
lumber trado will feel it nnd when it
docs we'll be ready for business."
Tho Rend Company Mootlin:.
At tho meeting of Tho ilond Com
pany, made necessary nt tho pros'
out time on account of tho transfer
of tho lumber business to tho Hrooks
Scnulon Company, 1). E. Hunter wns
(dected general manager to miccood
J. P. Keyos, who resigned In order to
devote all his attention to tho affairs
of tho Hrooks-Scauloii Company. In
ncceptlng Mr. Keyes,' resignation tho
directors adopted n resolution thank
ing him for tho elllctcnt nnd consci
entious manner In which ho had per
formed his duties.
Tim now mnnagor of Tho Ilond
Company, I). E. Hunter, has always
been real estato manager, of the com
pany, nnd now that tho lumber hiwj.
iiess Is sold nnd tho company's chief
Interest Is In thu renl estate business,
Mr. Hunter naturally asBiimes tho
title of general manager, his duties
remaining tho same.
Spenklng of his appointment this
morning Mr. Hunter Bald thnt there
would bo no chnngo In tho policy of
tho compnny nnd that It would en
deavor to assist In tho development
of tho town In tho future ns It h nil. In
t no past.
Exhibits Weio Fewer This Venr, Rut
yunllty Whs Rotter lrilgnted
Ijtiuls Pmdiico Finn Specimens
-.Much Interest In Dairy Stock
EII'oitH of FltM National Hank Mill
With Siiccohs Many Lambs Sold.
Efforts being mndo by tho First
National Hank to canter the wool bus
iness of Central Oregon nt Hoipl are
mooting with buccms, thnunnnilH of
dolls ih worth of business having been
brought hero In tho past ten il'tys.
In thut time n number of sheop 111011
fiom Silver Lake und the neighboring
territory huvo brought In their lambs
for shIo ns feeder, over 10,000 hav
ing hfftiu shlppud from hero to Arl
ington und other points.
Tho groat or portion of tho receipts
from tho miles of these sheep have
been deposited hum and considerable
money lias been spent hern In out
lining for tho coming season.
Through Its connection with the Co
lumbus lluslu Wool Wurehiiuso Co.,
reported tt.fww weeks ago, tho bank
has also been alibi to muke loans to
those nnd other sheep men which will
one to develop tho IndiiHtiy muter-inllv.
Saturday, Hcnd Day, was tho ban
ner of tho throo days of tho second
nnuunl Slstors Fnlr. Tho people of
Sisters said It wan, and thulr state
ment was substantiated by tho man
agement of tho fair association. With
perfect weather, moro than 100 cit
izens of Ilond took advantage of tho
opportunity to pay their respects to
Slstors und to do honor to the day
set aside for their pleasure nnd
That tho exhibits wuro fewer lu
number than Inst year was the gen
eral opinion of visitors on Saturday
who also attended Inst year's fair,
Tho decruaso lu the number of dis
plays and specimens, It Is thought
wns duo lo the entrance charge Im
posed upon nil ontrymun. This, It
was said by boiiio of tho exhibitors,
prohibited many farmers from enter
ing their products, Tho iiuullty of
tho pioductB, however, was better
than Inst year, und this was partic
ularly truo of tho Irrigated products.
Tho agricultural exhibit of Mr. nnd
Mrs. E. I.. Wnldrou of Cloverdnle, at
tracted much nttontlou. Tho Wul
drous have a 100 ncro ranch, nnd It
might well bo culled a mlnlluro ex
periment station for tho comiuunlty.
From this farm thoro wore ovlduticea
of Intensive farming, for thoro wore
wore shown moro thnn 70 specimens
of products grown with success on It,
11 very largo proportion of which
wore cultivated under Irrlgntlon. Tho
exhibit Included everything from
grains nnd grasses to vinegar, Jams
and Jollies, It wnn tastefully ur
rmigod, und wns tho largest of tho
Individual exhibits. 011 llaplay.
Tl.'bro was keon competition In tho
potutv division, llne, of cleavngn lin
ing iAkIo between irrigated nnd dry
land Ajtntocs. jt
The livestock nxhlby, nlthoiiglrnot
large, showed that thoro In 'Interest
among tho runners In tho matter of
raising belter stock 011 thnlr farms,
This, It wiih shown, was particularly
true with rospoct to dairy cows.
The art exhibit attracted no small
nmiMint of attention, the exhibit of
hand urtik, It wns said, lining nun of
the best evpr soon nt a Control Ore
gon fair Tho Waim Spring (milium
hud considerable beautiful bend work
for show. The art work of Mrs.
Howard Hurl ley or Ulsters. Mm. O. V.
Sllvls of lloml nnd IVurl Htednian if
Hlsters, attracted wide attention. Tho
center piece upon which Mm. 11. P.
Muiilon of Ilond hns taken prlsos both
nt Portland and 1'rlnevllle took prec
edence over nil others nt Sisters.
Tho afternoon's program with
many font tiro planned to Interest
Ilond visitors wont off without tho
slightest Interruption. Tho woatlier
was Ideal and the races suit speolal
attractions were Interesting.
"Wo nro grtitlllnd st tho splendid
showing made by Ilond today," said
Secretary it. S. To wiih, lu comment-
(Continued on last pago.)
3 ttllV
The First National Bank
F. C. COW. I'rHkldiint V.. A MA'I'IIKIt. Vleii. Pi.-ldmil
"!.?' C S . llunfcflN.
$J . (upitttl fully paid - - - fcW.OOO
nuriiuft - - . ?i',wf
Regular bank loans:
Wo are piopnrod at nearly all time to mnko advances
to rollablo pnrttM for thulr nHtulruiiiQiits,
Wool and sheup loans:
We are NOW prepared to Ion iHanitjr to slieop men
for the purchase of sheep,
Wu are now prepared to advance you 10c pur pound
on nil wool you store lu the WiikIiqiiim ut Ilond, 11U 8
pur cent for either 90 days or six moutlui.
Sheep nin do not have to sail at proscnt prise unlotm
they wish. Tliu inoiiHy Is rasdy for you. (
W sre NOW prrmred to mnk losns on est tit for
six months, fur fwdllig purposes, but uut on range or
she stun.
We re NOW prepared lo uik loans on good farm
Isuds, wiih food WMttr rights, no tuatur where locatml
In Ctmtrul Ortigou, the hlggvr ths lou the better, pro
viding the proposition Is good oom mj will itsnd ilos-
Mt iHVMUlgUtlnil ItS 10 VUM U(1 lllln.
Writ its for Information. Hunk by wall and scure
our services.
-Sg, ftt
ISltiMlv J3m