FAGBB. THK HRNI) llVT.fiRTI.V, I1KXD, OUR., WEDNESDAY, OCTOnKU (I, 101B. "MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH" One of America's most read look, by Alice Hegan Rice, and 01 which, is replete with good humor ojt country life, has been dramatizi . with success, . BEATRIZ MICHELENA AS LOVEY MARY will please you from the beginning to the end. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday AS PORTRAYED UY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG Is u beautiful ilninin in which ronmncc is fused with sci ence. Dirt Loin really die? Was her father really justi fied in liia experiment? Wn.it changed1 Lola' character? Since tlie release of tin's film tlicrc lias been widespread discussion and divergence of opinion on these questions Wednesday and Thursday FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "HEALTH BY THE YEAR" BY JEFFERSON DE ANGELIS N i. ' ' ' '' n.i - .. I f) I A ! Rena Theatre JtLnn vk tHS d iL i "EVERY SHOW WORTH WHILE" i i i ,T . t I u ' SENATOR HARRY LANE HERE TO LEARN OF CONDITIONS Willi .1. A. i:ns(cs .MiikfH Tilp Over (.. ). I. I'rtijxtt Yewtciiliiy TlilnUi (.'lliimlo ItciilM Oillloriilii. Banator Hurry l.iiiut wandered Into town Moiiilnv afternoon unheralded mill unexpected, ccitnlHK fr"' I'rlr.c-, Vlllll liy HtllO. AH III) HltS It II.) lb Jiwt wiuulurliiK iirminil tho country seeing what lio can sou mill learning at ".rot IiiiiiiI wluil ln run about eon illtliniH In lliii-Htnto of Oregon. I.ato In tlio iiftt-i iiiiiiii lie unit n ntinilxir of iiiiin In tlm Uoiiiiiii'rclul C'lul) mill en gaged III mi Informal discussion of tlm needs of llilit section In tliu niut lur of IrilKulfiin Tuesday, In ciiiniinny with .t. A. KimlcH, Senator Limn mitnod ovir n largo port Inn f tlm (' O. I. project In thlH section. olMiirvliiK OHpeclnl ly tlio North ninal IiiiiiIh. From thin project Iim visited tlm Tiitnnlo anil then wont on Into tho I'htlnvlow mill Clovnrdiilii ni-lKltliorliooilH. Tliu Houulor wiih vury enthusiastic .over tho iigilt'iillnriil poiwlhllltlim of th U Hoctloii iih cilmriil by him tlnr Iiik IiIh trii. prcillctliiK a grout fu tiirn In connection with locnl Indus trlnl development. Hi) wiih Impious ml, nlmi. n a physician, with IIh value as a htmlth resort. wiyliiK thai In ti Ik opinion It wiih hIiohiI oT tho Cullfor ula rlliiuitu. Hit loft for Uodinotid thU inoriiliiK. TEACHERS MNTJUET BOARD (.'ntlirilng Mi'M ill 'lb" Ihiilili'iii Club lililny Nlglil. A bnniiiil. riiiiiplliiiniitnry to tliu tuimihoiH or I In- lli'iiil-irhool liimnl, wis hIvoii I y llin Ioiu'Iidi'H or tho lliinil public hcIihiiIh lust 1'ililay night at lli Knihlsiti Cluii. Tlu men In win uptuil with short UlkH by UuiuhvrM mil iiioiiiIiimh of tliu boiiiil. Hupur IntHinlitiit II. il.. Hopkins acted us totmtimmtur. Tlm l(wnl mill those who spoku worn: .lin. V. A. l'orlis, "Vn Olileu Day;" It. 0. Wliltu. "OhUIiik Into llin (Ihiiid;" Ml (luitimlu Downs, "I Vi u Hit minor winl Yo,Too( ,Mn In!" .1. K. Israeli, "TIim Now 'IhiioiI' AIimiiIihi;" IIuIhii Manny, "I.iiI'h th) I'Ulilim;" Mm. .1 0. DnvliUon. "Opaii RtNMiiio;" II. .1. Ovvrlurr, "Tlm Dawn or Tomorrow." "TIII5IIK IS Ml HAD HOY." "Them Ik iio Mini lliiv," li tho mill- JTt Of Hit Hlllll'ttMN tO I IK IWIItUt lllll MMomlily ioiiiii of tho Itttld school Friday iiIhIiI Ht eight nVlurk. Tlm aiMMkor will lm Mm. 1:iiiiiim A. lira collt) who U toldiiK pwil In the touch tr'a limtltutu woi'li tit I'iIiiovIIIh till wik. AiniiiKini'iit for tho mlilrm liHiti huvu htftiii niHilu by tho llonil ileliimuloii In I'rliievllU mill tho nffNlr hro will b iunlir tho (umpire of tliu I'amnl-'lVncliui' AiMoi'lntlou. All par onla, mill ntftiwlitlly tlm IniHluomi iiihii of tht town, aro ui'Ki'il to iittoml. KIlllllllKMll I'lllKT NATIOXAIi HANK HltNII, OHKIiON. Itl'Sllllllt's, nill itclviiblt) $218,986.30 OvmilrnrtN Sti78.8rt IIoihIi ami vMirnmtti . . . lfi.TrtX.T StiM'k 1'HiUrul rmmrvo Imnk 1,800.00 HhhI Hlato. ftiiiilttiru ml tlMiirtHt ao.l71.Ot) UoniU to iirH elroiilntlon m.6oo.ao 8 riHUiHpllOM rmiil . . . ilM.OI) 8llir imuI wtitttt owuail S.6U0.50 ah tiuil MlHUiti .... r..lUT.nii J 1081011. nt! Iiliihlllllui. (Jupllal $ iB.000.00 Umpliiti mill pralltM .... SS.OSS.&T OtrcHlntlHii K.tOO.oO 4tMMlt ilOT.rHH.III) SS.DOA.SQ 7l0,0a.0(5 I MfUr rtlfy Him ubovn U h tm Will OHI'NCL UilwiU ut ttlwo of btttiuttt. 0totMtr 6. 1016. 0. 8. HUDSON. Adv. Cuihlar Htntisiuuiit IMWlMltrn IWTIi It A. NIC IM4NU, OIUKION. UlttOUIKM. lllll raealVtUls $82.S!I0 0 1 (vrdrf(a 00.0i lionda tad warranta .... I0J.6 1 Meal Mtmf, turalturo awd nxmm.. Mii.u Ca-U ana Mokaiia l.o.S8 liUbUtttow. Oaaltal ., tl5.fr00.00 UpoaU ,...,.., ss.soa. U I kanMqr vatllfy ttu abova la a truD tad correct tatotuaat at ctoaa of tmalaeaa Ootolwr &. 1015 K. M. UMIA, Adv. Otabtar Willi t)l THANKS, j' Th rltti"'s of thi) latw UlmrlM a I'i;ub1i w4 ' 0prw alivlr th. 'H fir tUa kliuuaaa mm a tho part of trWiuli In tho rttmmt neclilaut nml iloath of Mr. l'lulo. ci,i;h;uxii uov im:s. Tho four year old flon of Mr. nnd MrH. Jtm Cli'volmiil pnBHcil nwoy mid donly .Moiulny ulKht. Uunth wan duo to IntuHtliiHl trouble. Tho funoral sorvlcoB wore huld this morning from tho uiiibrtahliiK pnrlora. .Mit.s. cook dii:s. Mru. Kllzabutli Cook, mother of Arthur Cook, who lives about Bovon inlli.'H cant or llttnd, died last H.uniluy or upoplcxv at tho homo of lior Him aftor n pioluiiBoil IllnuHB. Tho re inuliiH woru broiiKht to llond mid tho funeral nervlcon woro held Monday riom tbi HaptlHt church and tho In tl.'l'lMCMt uub iikkIu In tho IMlot Ilutto eonu-tory. ' ' IICHIV WOIIK OX (lAIIAtii:. Work wiih eoininoticod Monday on tho foundation of tho brick building IioIiir built by (Irorgo V. Hoovor on Orouiiwoixl nvonuo to bu tho now homo or tho I'nlvontnl Oarngo. Tho llrnt brick waH dollvoroil last wook and brlckhiyorH will comiiiouro an hooii iih Hie foiinilatlon Is completed. Ill III. 10 C'bASS KOIIMKI). At n Koclnl gathering held last night at the ronldenco of c and Mrs. II. C. Hartratift tho organization of an adult Ilihlo closs of the I'rP3 bytcrlan church wtfs affectod. Tho olllcoro chosen woro: 1. D. Wlost, presldont; Mrs. Sndlo llrown. vlco prosldcnt; J. A. Dilnklcy, Hecretnry; and Itov. II. C. Hnrtranft, teacher. Tho namo by which tha class will bo known will be' chosen next -Sunday. Meetings will bo held ovory Sunday morning u connection with the Sun day school. Clcnn up and paint up. Sco Ed wards. Adv. itowxixo bKAfsri-: koIimmu. . Tho Uond Ten Tin League was formed last week with six tenuis In tho' fluid. Thiwo who will compoto for tho chuiiiploulil are: Tho First National Hunk. United WnrohoiiBu, llond lliilletln, A. U French, llond Hnnd and Owl Plinrnincy. Inthe Ini tial contest rolled last Monday nlglU tho United Wnrehouso scxtot di-feat-' ed tho Owl rliurinacy team, 2234 pins to 2072 plus. Clara Kimball Young achieved hor greatest success In "Lola" u film fill ed with mystery. Thoro nro, several nuostlons for you to answer 'In this film. It will thrill you. Uond Theatre Wednesday and Thursday nights Adv. INSTITUTE NOTES Superintendent II. I.. Hopkins has been unanimously elected by tho Crook county teachers to reprcsont thorn at tho stato teacher's lustituto to ho In Portland. Miss Downs Js serving on tho com mittee on resolutions. Prof. It. G. Wlilto has been ap pointed a member of the exccutlvo committee- In charge of the track and Held meat to bo held in Redmond. Tho teachers attending the Insti tute woro given a dinner by the girls of the domestic sslcnco department of tho county high school Tuesday. At tho reception given tho visiting teachors Inst evening the Pend dele gation appeared with largo cards honrlug tho words "(lend Buzzards." WAItNlX(J. We, tho undersigned, strictly for bid all hunting nnd shooting on our promises. Anyone caught doing saiuo will bo strictly dealt with by law. Signed, F. A. SHONQUKST, JOHN PBTEIIS, 31-3 Ic. C. II. ALLEN. COMPANV OPENS OFFICE. Tho Uond Contracting Company, of which E. O. Clark Is manager, has opened mi olllco with tho Homeseok ers Land Co. ut tho corner of Wall and .Minnesota streets. Tho company now has contracts for work In Boule vard addition for Tho llend Company, Including tho grading nnd clearing ot lioulovord Drlvo up to tho ShovHii Ilixon mill site. C'Allll OF THANKS. Tho West Sldo Ladles take this means df thanking tholr many frlonils who, by their nttendanca nt tho din ner nt Tumalo on Friday and their purchase or cook books, contributed bo 'materially toward the success of tho day. MANY LOT SALES ARE REPORTED (Continued from pngo 1.) ted llgurcs to show tho salo of 117 lots in Kenwood slnco May 1, tho ag gregato value of which Is stated to bo $2u,000. William (lottslcln, Sonttlo rcpro scntutlvo for Wlestorla property, when In llond recently looking over developments, stated that within tho last threo months Vie3toria proper ty tp the amoun of J12.G50 had been sold to prospectivo homeseokers In Uond. Hunter & Staats, who have tho sale of property In Deschutes addition and noarby unplatted property report the sale of city lots to the .amount ot $21,300. J. A. Eastcs, agent for Aubrsy Heights lots, stntes that ho has sold 48 lots In that pnrt of town, tho val uo of which Is approximately $8,000. In addition to these figures thoro hnvo boon many sales by individuals both in Uond anil out of town. In all it is conservatively estimated that city proporty sales of unimproved lots will oxceed $135,000. As soon as sulllclent materials nro avallahlo real cstato men predict that thoro will bo tho biggest building rush tho town has ever scon. This rush, barring delays in tho arrival of a sufllclput quantity of building materials, is duo within tho next CO days. For sign painting see Edwards. Adv. For a good clean Bhavo, a good hnlr cut, facial mnssago or a chlno, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon IjBtroot. Adv. tf An into ortairt-to-You Announcement! nitg.m"rmu-Tn rrrrEiivwKrut-HHwj'i&iui'nriwvwxrvcirnr3, You know Piedmont cigarettes. You know how good they are. You may know that their good qualities, unaided, have made Piedmont the biggest selling brand of 5c cigarettes in this country. '' i j K ' i. .4' lg&Aset&6 ow contain a coupon that you surely want! breaki .-r'BNv -- i ,&K x nis in oraer to qui WZy LJJ fs.that mk-wO-5i . - IsM s: Ss all oaavc iM&mQ '- ' i j x.x"wjmK(ir XWf . ' Also pacld in packages of 20 for 10c ickly double Piedmont's record- We believe in backing a winner, coupons are redeemable for &ny listed in our catalogue, and at a rate is specially liberal. .We have just issued a new catalogue, listing more presents than The ever. Cigarette We will eive vou this OuaVt catgue ee during the ' y month of October. PRFF ? DurinK t,ie nionth of October we will supply, JL 1.1-i1-j catalogue of handsome presents which you can oh free our illustrated obtain for our tao-s or coupons. Send your name and address on a postal and we will mail it to you, or call and irervmirrnnvarmir Premium rfnirtinn- 171 nan, C c. !?: o--j v "- " - .... .rv....,w.v, AMiibtjr ui,, uaii i-iauiiaiv. tMujeAA lomocp Coi MS e -Wj'iiii ,.