The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 06, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    'MiK a.
--- -- --
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(Special to Tlio Utillotln)
TUMALO, Oct. 1. Tlio I'lfth An.
liunl Kalr uiiil Domestic .Science ICx
hlblt hold hero Friday w;ih by far the
most successful, both In variety arid
quality of tlio exhibits, of nny evor
shown horo. A greater Interest wan
tnkon by tlio peoplo of this vicinity
than foniiurly, iluo largely to tho
cnntoHtH between tho three school
districts competing for tho $2i prlo
offered by tho First National Dank of
llond. Thin was won by tlio Pino
hurBt district, I'alrvlow district win
ning HCCOIld.
Mr. and Airs. Anton Will nml
daughters returned Tuesday after
noon after an ulisniiro of sovoral
weoks Hient In louring Oregon In
tholr car. While on tholr trip thoy
Visited Mr, and Mrs. Dan Smith at
Toledo, Oregon, who aro woll plousod
With their new homo tit Hint place.
.MIsh Josio Crawford arrived Wed
nesday morning from hor homo at
Tho Dalles. She camo In to attend
to business mutters nml to visit hor
ulster, Mrs. Kills ICdglngton, for n
row days.
Mrs. Ilyron daily Is the proud own
er of a new Ford car which arrived
from' Pot Hand last Monday.
Noll Itiiy looh u loud of tlio pro
ject touts to Itedmoiid on Monday to
bo used at Hie Crook County Fair
this week.
Judge and Mrs. T. 10. J. Duffy,
Khorlff Knox, It. I.. Schco. Warren
llrowu, worn I'rlnuvlllo visitors at
our fair Friday.
Tho Mills have rented tho Thorpe
holisn and will move to town this
week ho the girls can attend school.
Fred Wallace left for I'rlnuvlllo
Monday afternoon with a loud of
samples feathered from the farmers
on thu Tiimul i project which ho will
plnco on display at tho county fair.
.Mr. and Mrs. Itoharts and Mr.
Monro were uiiinng the Itedmoiid del
egation horo Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. ('. duly have kpiio
out to the Hmlth-Scott ranch for a
couple of months.
Frank Dayton's machine Is thrnsh
lug grain In tho I'hilnvlow district
this week.
About ilOO of tho W. 8. L. cook
hooks were sold on Friday and Sat
urday. Anyone who wishes one of
thoho boolui can obtain It from Mrs.
Fred N. Wallace.
Horn to Mr. iiiyl Mrs. .lol.iu Stowo
on Thursday, a Kill.
loliu Coon took Miss .lames, Miss
l.llllo anil li oct I'lnkHtarr over to
1'rlnevllle Monday morning to thu
toucher's Institute.
(Special to Tho Iltillotln).
HAMPTON - - Sept. !!!!. Iijit
lllack started for Ileud Wcdnoad.iy
lifter his seed rye.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne llofTniIui spout
Wednesday with Mrs. Mack.
Mr. Miller, who has been stayhiK
with lieu Itiggs for thu past year,
Htnrted for Ileud Thursday to work
for tho winter.
l,ow lieiinett returned from Sink
Saturday with a ulcu bunch of cat
tle. Dan McArthur rotiirnpd from I.ako
county Saturday.
Iliiriiiou mid McArthur vaccinat
ed their calves S.ilurday.
A. S. Fog. Alius Kthol Fogg and
Mhut Vlvluu V itc It look dinner at f.
J I. Harmon s Sunday.
HroWn'H buckaroos have been slav
liiK ut A. K. I'oggs for several days
Mild rldliiK for horses.
Mr. Todd and sisters of Warm
Springs called on W. II. Ilensloy Suu
ilsy. A. T. Frame slarted for Ileud Wod
uutiday to be mum all whiter.
iia.mi'ton m-rru.
(Rlioolnl to The llulletln)
Kdwln Schroder loturned last Thurs
day fnim an extended xlslt with rela
tives at and 1'rlnevllle,
.Mr. and Mrs. J. (). Whltaker nml
parents vlHiled at tlio llrlckoy hoiiie
iiuo day last week.
(J. J. SlnulTiir of StaulTor and V.
S. llrowu registered at the llronklngs
Hotel last Sunday ulKht.
.Iliiimlo llrlckoy returned from
llond Sunday with a load of luiubor
with which ho will build a reserve
Vlo Schredur lost a valuable horse
last week.
Miss l!lvn MoPmldoii returned ou
Monday itfler visiting u few days with
hor imreiitH st Terrebonne.
Miss llnstd McCliiuth took a cm
for lUuul TiitMilay. She will attend
tint hlah school at Demi this cemlnit
tMihiml your.
Jo Joliiuttiii rt in nod to hU hwne
ttwil Kfler hliiK out stivural months
Mlaa KU Hrlckwy vtllnl with her
Itder. Mrs. J. Itrtiwn lum Tumday.
Tim hurkaroo sr "rouiiilliiK up"
t tbt Hiickey corral. Tlila week
will tluUh Dim rttliuR fur tht mhimu.
.Mr. Itaaoim waa u vlaltur at Hit
Mwk Ukiiiu today.
Jim lliown, who haa Inwii worklim
In Ileud win hurt quite Imdly by a
ttuihor atrlklim his hand and lit caiu
home Saturday to apvuil a fuw days
with his family.
F. C. MwliiK came In laat Summ
fur m fw daa atay on lit hnmastHail.
Horare llrooklngn Is doing soiiio
fill IHMillllM; l III UH4k.
Vlo Johiiauu vUlted with William
Hoist laat Tidy.
Jot Johunon. Mr. anil Mm. Jim
Brown were caller la this nelfhbor
Uootl yMtxrila.
Jaasti Monro ta eiiiertalnlnii bin
alater aud her hualmud from Mlluoia.
H. YounB accompanied thorn as far
as I,akovlow whero ho will servo as
a witness for .1. I. Curran who proves
up on his homestead tho 30th.
. Mrs. C. C. Washburn was on tho
sick list several days Uio past week.
KtlKiir l.hosoy start'od on a trip to
llond Mondny.
A number of relatives nml frlonds
surprised Mrs. S. J. Hubbnrd Inst
Wodnosday evening, tho occasion bo
Iiik hor birthday and wedding anni
versary. Morccr nnd llartoon received the
conlrnct to dig tho school well.
Mr. and Mrs. (1. H. Youftg wore
huslnoss visitors nt Duck Crook dur
ing the past week.
It Is understood Hint thorn Is to '.o
twlco a week mall service from Itolj -at
In the near future.
(Special to Tho Ilullotln.)
MIU.K'AN, Oct. 1. Mllllcnn
fchool will lie reprosoutod at tho
Crook County Fair this year as the
pupils are sending specimens of their
work Tor exhibition.
A. I). Norton left for llond Monday
whoro bo will he employed by tho
Ilrooks-Scnnlon Lumber Co.
Miss Until Conoway spoilt sovoral
days the first of thu week at thu homo
of Mrs. Louis (llecs.
Tho directors nnd tonchor have
purchnscd a lino tencher's desk and
an eight-day wall clock for the
school with tho balance of the pro
ceeds or the Shadow SoclnUhold last
February. The desk hns sovoral
Inrgo drawers which will servo nlcoly
lis a bookcase during vacations,
llnrney Conoway nnd family, Mrs.
Louis (iless, and Frod Klgor wore
dinner guests at tho A. 1). Norton
homo last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Davis wore
Sunday visitors at tho Holland home.
Toucher's lustltuto will bo hold at
I'rlnuvlllo next week bo thoro will lie
no school. Tills Is also Fair wck
and Superintendent Myers recom
mends that nil school children attend
on School Day, October Rth. A school
parade is scheduled for that day nnd
-- -
all school children will ho admitted
on the grounds free.
Mrs. Ada 11. Mllllcan loft'for Bond
Wednesday. Sho expects to fako In
tho county fnlr nt I'rlnovlllo before
sho returns.
Mrs. A. 0. Allot) spent tho week
end with hor husbnnd nt I'lne .Moun
tain Unnger Station.
Frod Klgor Is hauling lumber for
Wm. Mnckoy who caino recently to
lesldo on tils claim horo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilarnuy Conoway, Mr.
nnd Mrs. L. H. Schninrl, tho Misses
Until Conoway and Opal Norton at
tended u dance given at tho homo of
L. I). Willy, at tho Ten Uar ranch
last Saturday night.
Mrs. Ada II. Mllllcnn visited school
Tuesdny morning. Whllo there alio
took n plctuto of the school.
Frank Sponcer lenvos for Demi to
day to meet Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L.
Ilonklo, nnd children who are com
ing to reside on tholr homestead.
Vornon Clevongcr Is In Hend now,
whoro ho Is employed by the Ilrooks
Scnnlon Lumber Co.
I. L. Owen expects to move his
family to llond as soon ns tholr now
houso In Aubrey Heights Is complet
ed. Samuel Uoobnckor called nt tho
Klgor homo Inst Sunday,
Mrs. Mnry Uoonoy "called at tho
Conoway homo ono dny Inst week.
Mrs. L. II. (Hess visited ta A.
1). Norton's last Wednesday, Sho ex
pects to take hor live months lenvo
of absence from their homestead
Frnnk Sponcer hns contracted' to
hnul water for tho school this year.
Iloopor Dyer coinmonced seeding
tho Ilyo patch Wednosdny for Ooo.
Mrs. .loslo Ollmorc, who hns spont
the slimmer In Aluska, Is expected
homo soon.
Win. Todd enmo out to his homo
stead from llond Inst Tuesdny.
Clifton Itonins Is plowing 20 ncrcs
for Ilornco White.
Coo. Mllllcnn Is nt Hoar Creek this
weok looking nftor boiiio of his cnttlo.
Cliff KvniiH nnd Mr. Ciilllson nro
We arc SELLING LOTS at less than IIVLF the
price asked in other Additions of equal dis
tance from the business center.
Lois 40X105.. $60 for Inside, $75 for Corners
Lois 50X120 $75 and $100 for Inside
Lolo 50X125 $100 and $125 fo'r Corners
5.00 Cash and 5.00 Monthly, 0 per cent interest.
Mr. Householder, cheaper to buy and build
than to pay rent.
Young Man or Young Woman, it pays to
put your money in Ileal Estate when you buy
In Dairying;
will come to nny farmer using scientific methods In
reeding, licet Pulp, Dry ami MuIiinacn I'ulp aro
Bcleatlllo feed rations for dairy cows. Thoy huvo
been tested In California and nro becoming popular
among dairymen ns big milk producers,
Kharkov Wheat
for fall sowing tins mndo a bin record In sections
of the 'ouutr similar to Central Oroguti. Kharkov
wheat is harder thun Turkev lted, and has n higher
Klutell percent line. TDK OltlvtiON AliltlCl'LTlMI
roil iwi.i. I'uv.vriNo.
Vi oiler It to on for !$l.' per bubel.
(StMM'lal to Tho llullatln.)
LOST t'UKBK. Sm S. Mr. auN
Mr. II. F- IthOilM ntartaiBi u par
ty uf frlaiuU nt dlimw laat Friday.
Mrs. J. 0. I'orry of SurprUtt vHy
wlltKl in frtoiuU In our vulK- last
J. K. Oiirran nnd 0. W. Msnitilty
luft Inst Sunday for Gullfurnlii, whuro
tluvy lntiMil to ainud tho winter. Q.
Saullatlnn la our watchword In milling. From '
now ou our brands of Hour wlllioiiio to j"on In
lnper-Uiid aucka. They kiH'p tho dust out ami tho
Hour In.
Wo Are a Market
For wheat. rt, hurltty and rata. Wo will nuotu
ou the markbi prive on a canh bU.
Bend Flour Mill Co.
clearing Bago and plowing for Krnnk
Forest Unnger II, K. Smith nnd
Forest Ounrd A. O. Allen pnssed
through Mllllcnn Tuesday on tholr
way to Hend from I'lne Mountnln
Unngor Station.- They mndo the trip
In the former's car.
A. D. Norton expects to nttend thn
stock sale at tho county fair next
1'. II. Johnson mndo several busi
ness trips to Hend this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G, Allen will leave
Sunday for 1'rlnevllle, where Mrs.
Allen will attend Institute nnd Mr.
Allen will look nftcr business Inter
ests. They will mnko tho trip .n
their Ford.
Howard F. Dyor, director, visited
school yesterday nnd expressed hlni
self highly pleased with the work be
ing done.
(Speclnl to Tho Bulletin.)
nnd Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon got In on
tho Tuesdny morning truln from
Portland whoro the latter has been
visiting for tho past month and where
When In ncod of n bed, a
mcnl or a feed for your
tenm or something to niako
your "car" go, STOP AT
28 miles from llond; Mllll
cnn P. O. Also "groceries,
lunch goods and phono.
the lnttor spent n weok on a combined
business nnd plensuro trip. Miss
Harriett remained over forn further
visit with relntlvcs.
As n result of n recent school
meeting in tho Shopord district, rigs
will bo provided for tlio transporta
tion of school children living a dis
tance of two miles or moro from tho
school house.
' A woman collector for tho Spnuld
Ing Vehicle Co., traveled through this
section last week doing collecting for
her company.
The big rod bnrn on thn Onrret
plnco was a total loss from lire which
caught from nn over turned lnntorn
on tlio ovonlng of Wednesilny, tho
29th, Tho lire which wns uncontrol
led from tho first, having ennght In
some dry liny, soon traveled to two
lnrgo liny stacks nenr the barn nnd
In n short tlmo the products of n
year's labor on tho part of J. Skein,
tho renter, wns a pllo of hot ashes.
Mr, Onrrett, tho owner, Is n Portlntid
resident nnd both ho nnd Mr. Skein
nro heavy losers. Neither tho ham
nor liny were Insured.
Wo understand Hint .1. A. Warner
lost 21 hend of sheep from bloat re
cently. John Lucky hns rented his plnco
nnd ho nnd fnmlly will llvo In I'rlno
vlllo for n tlmo.
Mrs. Jones nnd her daughter, Mrs.
McPhcrson moved to Hend Inst week
whoro they will spend tho winter.
K. A. Hussctt sold 30 hend of fnt
hogs to Hend dcnlcrn Inst week. Ho
delivered the first one's Monday, whon
ho took up n load or finely finished
hogs nvcrnglng 200 pounds llvo
Ucl Powell of I'rlnovlllo wns n din
ner guest nt tho Trucsdnlo homo on
Sunday evening.
Messrs. Alloy, Smith, Agco nnd
Huinphroy hauled grnln to I'rlnovlllo
for tho latter Wednesday.
Louis Ludtko of Portland enmo 'n
tho foro pnrt of tho week for n brief
visit with his slstor, Mrs. N. P. Alloy
and family.
"Hilly" Wilson bought 100 head of
sheep last week, ho will winter them
on his Powoll llutto farm.
Mcsdamcs L. J. Alloy nnd John
Snxton of Opnl City camo over Fri
day for a visit at the N. P. Alloy
homo. Thoy returned homo Tuesday
Tho following local teachers J' -S
nttendlng the Institute nt I'rlnpviit
this wook: Misses Lulu MontgoZ:.
Khbn Llndqulst. Kthol O'Xell tVr'
Moore nnd Mnbol Allen. Iaa
Georgo Ageo, from Missouri ,.
nn nrrlvnl Saturdny evening for a vi.
It with his brother E. K. Ageo Ift
family. eo an
Mrs. K. A. Httssett nnd Miss Fv
woro sponillng tho weok with hom
folks, thoro being no high sclioolT
I'rlnovlllo this wook. ol ln
Miss Orlso SenrB and Glndys pni,
nro Crook county high school Rr!
who nro visiting the week with honl.
Kdwnrd Mooro wont to Prlnerlll
Sunday where ho expects to nttend
Crook county high school.
Sunday was Itully Day'for the i
son Sundny school. A lnrgo crowd
turned out and nil enjoyed the short
program provided for the occislon
Aftor choir prnctlco at tho Llnd
(liiist home Friday ovenlng the voting
pooplo Joined In a round of Mines
Mrs. nnd Miss Llndqulst errved a
conrso of refreshments during the
ovonlng. v
Tho neighborhood dnnco nt the
Long homo Snturdny evening was at
tended by n largo crowd, nil or whom
report nn onjoynblo tlmo.
Miss Pniillno Truosdale vlsl'cd nt
homo Snturdny nnd Sundny. return- tfi,
ing to Prlnovlllo Sundny evening. f
Mrs. Elizabeth Trucsdnlo left Mon-
uuy iiiuiuiiiK um uui iiuiuu ui Ktuilier-
lv, Idaho, nftor a summor's visit nt
Mr. nnd Mrs. N. P. Alloy nnd tho
former's sister, Mrs. Snxton, were
business visitors nt Prlnovlllo Mon
day. lion- An Knglnecr Keeps Well.
Hnllroad engineers nro moro ex
posed to catching cold thnn other
orkors. K. O. Dtinnphnnt of Mon
otto, Mo., hns run a Frisco cnclno 25
years nnd nil the medicino he hns
tnkon Is Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr. Ho
writes: "I always keep It In my houee
. . i i. n ...... i
bad cough or cold." Patterson Drug
uo, AUV.
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
WWOW IS THE opportune v
v J k5 me snce e avent of
h kt the railroads for you to
h r$ DU a home. Why
SJSW delay construction until
it will cost you 20 per cent more
for the same building? The far
seeing man is availing himself of -the
opportunity of securing labor
and material very cheap.
We have the largest list of Resi
dence Property in Bend. Come in
and let us quote you prices, and
you will soon decide that you can
not afford to pay rent any longer.
Bend Park Company