The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 06, 1915, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
Vol. XIII.
!) S
New Stulo Hank to Filter I.ocnl Field
Change to Tuko Place About De
cember 1 Xew Ollicers For
First National are Xamcl.'
Announcement was mado this
morning of changes In the banking
buslnesB In Hend by which the First
National Dank and tho Deschutes
State Dank nro to be consolidated,
nnd a now bank, promoted by Hose
burg capitalists, enters tho field.
By tho consolidation, which Is to
become cffectlvo about Decomber 1,
tiiu First National takes over nil tbo
assets and assume? tho liabilities of
tho Deschutes Stato Hank. Tlio ac
tive management of the Institution
will no In tho hands of C. 3. Hudson.
nnd E. M. Lara. Mr. Hudson will as
sumo tho presidency, thereby relleV'
ing Dr. U. C. Coo for tho lnrgo
amount of work which Is connected
with tho ninnagoniont, with Dr. U.
Forroll, of tho' llend Hospital. Dr,
Coo and Dr. Ferroll havo contracts
with both milt companies to caro for
tholr Injured employees nnd the work
'with their general practice, takes all
tholr time.
Dr. Coo will continue as nn nfllcor
of the bank, taking tho position of.
vicc-prcslilont. K..A. Bather will nl-
so remain as vice president. Mr.
I.arn, nt present cashier of the Des
chutes bank, will tnko Mr. Hudson
placo as cashier of tho First Nn
tlonnl. tiny Mcltoynolds nnd I). A,
Stover will contliuio as assistant
Speaking of tho consolidation this
morning, Mr, Hudson said, "In this
union of tho two bnnkn thore will bo
no chnngo In tho nctlvo mnmigemont
nnd no chnngo In tho liberal nnd
progressive policies which In tho past
six years havo increased our deposits
from $18,000 to over $300,000 nnd
our depositors from 172 to a num
ber greater than thnt of any bnnk In
Contra! Orogon. In Hint tlmo wo
have been Identified with ovory pub
lic movomont for tlioWiyrovomoTii cr
llond nnd In particular linve assisted
In tho development of the cnttlo and
sheep Industry in 'this section In n
manner of which wo nro proud. In
tho future tho volume of business
in Rend will bo bo mucv greater than
over boforo thnt wo welcome now
hanking cnpitnl horo nnd wo purpose
to ro-opcrnto and work with the new
bank for tho upbuilding or llond.''
Statements of tho condition of the
Deschutes nnd tho First National
Itnnks nro published olsowhero In this
Issue of Tho Ilullctln.
Cobhs Active In Now Manic.
Tho now bank, which Is to be call
the Central Orogon Hank, Is bolng
formed by W. H. Cobb and Thomas
Cohb. with whom nro associated J.
S. Thorpo nnd W. 8. Hamilton of
Iloseburg and llend men whoso
names nro not yet nnnouncod. W.
I Cobb is to bo president and Thom
as Cobb, cashier. Tho cnpitnl stock,
on which business will bo begun, will
bo $25,000.
Application for an Oregon charter
for the bank Is now ponding beforo
tho stato hanking department, hav
ing been filed last week. Assurances
The Child with hrr Penny Saving Bnk
The Small Hoy with Ills Small Chnngo
The Lady with her Pin Money Savings
The Small Man with his Small Roll
The Big Man with his Big Roll
The Bank of
President .
j hnvo been given, It Is understood,
' that the charter will ho granted.
1 W. L. Cohb Is not In town today,
I but from a local man who la to bo
associated In the new enterprise, It
! was learned It Is expected to begin
business en Decoinber 1. The fur
l nlturo attd fixtures now used by tho
DeSChtltea hnnk linvn linnn niirnlinoml
and tho new bank will occupy the
quarters to bo vacated by the Des
chutes bank.
Keek to Create Inteiesl In Fnlr to be
Held ThN Week Itend Delegation
to Attend on Saturday.
Saturday, October 9 Is Governor
Wltuycombo day at the Prlnevillo
fnlr. It Is also llend day and It Is
expected that n delegation will go
over to the county sent from horo to
tnko In tho show, hear tho governor
speak and attpnd tho bnntiuot to be
glvon In tho evening nt tho Frlno
vlllo Commercial Club.
To nrouso Interest In tho fnlr 12
nuto londs of Prlnevillo men toured
JelTorson and Crook counties on Fri
day, reaching Tumnlo In time for tho
dinner served by tho West Sfde La
dles In connection with tho fnlr. From
Tumalo they camo to llend whore
they wero shown tho work bolng dono
nt tho Shovln nnd Ilrooks mills nnd
In tho evonlng dined by tho Coinmor
clol Clufi at tho Wright hotel.
At tho dinner, at which C. S. Hud
son ncted as toastmaster, speeches
wero mado by County Commissioner
Illanchnrd, II. U. Scheo and J. n. Up
ton, tolling of tho program far tho
fnlr nnd Urging tho llend peoplo to
Tho following Prlnevillo mon drovo
their own cars, and each automobile
was filled to tho limit: Oscar Hyde,
J. F. Illanchnrd, Warren lirown, John
II. lloll. Ornnvlllo Clifton, M. B.
llrlnk, 10. II. ICnox, J. II. Uosonburg.
Harry McCnll, W. F. King, John
Coombs and B. S. Dobbs.
Mitny Attend Services Oxer Hotly of
Chillies ('. Pi Ingle.
Funcrnl services over tho body of
Charles C. Prlngle, killed by nn Ore
gon Trunk train Inst wcok Tuesday,
woro hold on Thursday, September
30, nt the Unptlst church, Itcv. H. G.
J mid conducted tho services. A largo
nttendauco of frlonds nnd many henu
tlful floral pieces expressed tho es
teem In which Mr. Prlnglo was hold
In tho community. W. A. Carter, a
Portlnnd attorney, nnd cousin of Mr.
Prlnglo, was theonly relative present
others living too far away to got horo.
Floyd Dement, M. D. Knutseu,
Howard Palmer and Arthur Schilling
of tho Ilnnd Hardware Co. nnd James
Kynn nnd II. M.' Smith acted as pall!
iionrors, anu mo UBiiorn wero J. rcu
ward I.nrsen nnd J. II. Hoyhiiru.
Tho services nt tho church wore
opoued by tho choir, consisting of
Mrs, Forrest, Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. F.r
sklne and Mr. Thorson. who sang
"Jesus Saviour, Pilot Mo," to Mrs.
Mcl.nurlu's organ nccompanlment.
Interment wns mado nt tho Pilot
lltttto Comotory.
Mr. Prlngle s associates nt tho
Hand Hardware Company nd his
other friends mourn tho loss of n
companion of sterling finalities whoso
character combined Kindliness anu
Tho anniversary of tho birth of tho
Hooslcr'poet, James Whltcoinb Itlloy,
will bo observed In llend tomorrow
by exerclsiMi nt tho Presbyterian
church participated in by pupils of
tho locnl schools and others. All
aro Invited to attend.
Unimproved Property Valued nt Over
$100,000 Sold In Past Few Months
ltnlldlng Itusli is looked For
Within tho Nevt Sixty Dnys.
Stimulated by the rnnounccnicnt
In May of tho Intention of the Shcv
lln-Hlxon Lumber Company to orcct
Its Bnw mill, and nuxtllnry plants nt
llond, nnd later In August fo'lowed
by tho announcement by tho Hrooks
Scnnlon Lumber Company that It
w.ould begin work at nn early dato on
its saw mill, llend real cstato began
to boom. Slnco early In May sales
of unimproved city property havo
been on tho steady upgrade.
According to conservative figures
submitted by llend rfcnl ectnto men,
unimproved city property to tho
nniount of Silo, 000 has neon sold in
tho past fow months. It Is tho un
animous opinion or these real estate
dealers thnt tho property wns not
purchased with speculative ends In
view, but rnthor with tho view cf
erecting residences, for Immedlntn
occupation. This opinion is bused
upon tho statement of tmrchnsors,
(.radically all of whom 'have signi
fied their Intention to erect residen
ces for their own occupnncy or ron
tal purposes.
D. 12, Hunter manager of Tho Ilo'id
Company, roports tho snlo of lots to
taling $3-1,9,0., oxcluslvo of tho sales
mado to tho Shovlln-Hlxon Lumber
Company for tholr mill site of 272
acres loented on tho west tildo of tho
Deschutes liver nnd tho Hrooks
Scanlon Lumber Company of 100
ncres on tho east side of tho river.
Tho majority of this amount repre
sents sales In Pnrk addition, the lml
nnce. bolng In Center nddltlon nnd
Iloulovnrd addition, lloulovnrd ad
dition, put .on tho mnrkot since Aug
ust 10, lends In tho volume of busi
ness. In Plnolyn Park n number of do
slrnhlo lots have been sold.
J. llynn & Company, hnB aubmlt-
(Cnnllnticd on last pngo.l
Services to Ho Held llxeiy Tuo
.Mouth (lullil Ho-Orgnnled.
A large audlcnco of llend church
goers welcomed lllshop Robert 15.
Paddock, of tho Knstorn Oregon Dio
cese Inst Sunday night nt tho Presby
terian church. lllshop Paddock wub
lato In arriving duo to trulii delays.
Monday night ho ilollx'ornd n lecture
In tho Unptlst church, lllshop Pad
dock was accompnnlod by Ilov, (loo.
U. Van Wntors or Portland. Hov.
Van Wntors plans to come to llond
ovory two months. Tho next services
will bo held nliout Docomber 1.
At n meeting hold yosterdny, nt
which Ilov. Vnn Wntors was present,
steps wero taken townrd tho 10-or-gttnUntlon
or tho Hplscopnl Guild.
Tho ollicers elected nt yeatordny'B
meeting woro: Mrs, llnrry Ilrooks,
president; Mrs. J. P. Kcyos, vice
president: Mrs. Kdwnrd Gerrlsh, sec
retary and Mrs. K. M. Lara, treasurer.
Bend Hardware Co.
The Compuny'lhnt put the "WBr" In lliirlwur
Prlo For Geueinl Display Tnkeii by
K. .1. ltogers-Plnehlii-st .School UN-
trlct Takes Itiuik Prize Ladles
Itntsc Funds by Sale of Hooks.
"Tho best fair over held nt Tum
nlo," was tho unanimous vordlct of
thoso who uttonded tho Fifth
agricultural 'exhibit hold nt tho Irri
gation town on Friday, nnd "tho best
posslblo proof of tho fertility of the
soil nnd tho wisdom of the state In
completing tho project," tho state
ment or nil who know anything or
the local history. U n cniwdod dis
play hall nnd samples or nil tho stan
dard vegetables, grasses nnd grains
nro any criterion, they wero right,
Tumnlo has no rnlr grounds In tho
BOiiBQ or nn enclosure surrounded by
n high board fence with fees to bo
paid for admission nnd more fees for
whnt you get Inside. liiBtcr.d of thnt
tho whole town Is n fnlr ground. In
hibits nro collected In Agricultural
hall, races nro hold on the main
Btrcet, dlnnor Is scrx'ed In n vneont
building nnd tho street fakirs set up
whoro thoy plcnso.
On Friday, for tho first tlmo, tho
ladlos of Tumnlo provided n- enfo
terla dinner In nn effort to obtain
funds to pay off tho debt on tho hall
nnd they nlso sold tho "Tumnlo Cook
Hook," n collection of recipes gather
ed by the Indies nnd printed In de
partments, running from "soups" to
"Ices" nnd "helpful hints."
In the fore-ioon thoro wns n pn
rndo pnrtlclpnted In by ncliool chil
dren nnd many or tho visiting nuto.
In the iittcrocn sports nnd races lin
ed the time, while in the evening the
llond band, which had led tho pa
rade In tho morning nnd Intersporced
tho dnv with musical selections, gnvo
a dance. Prizes were not given for
entries in the .pnrndo but had there
been any tho Plnehurst school exhibit
must have been near tho top with its
Hunt showing tho pulpls nt work nt
domestic occupations nnd manual
All this, howovor, was pierely iv
clilentnl to the big show of tho day
tho exhibits In Agricultural hull
Hero woro tho vegetables nnd tho
fruit, tho cookery nnd tho preserves
the grains nnd thou rnsses. tho need'
luwork nnd tho nrt display, ever-.
thing, In fact, to show what could be
done by Intelligent application or
mnu mid woman power to the Tumnlo
soil and Its products.
In such n collection it Is hind to
slngl out special exhibits or Individ
ual articles us especially worthy or
mention. Thoro were, however, nt
Tumnlo cortnln ones that must he
spoken or. For example, the xenonil
displays which took first nnd second
prlo, those or K. .1. HogorH nnd O.
II. Xoroott, respectively, tho first con
taining nn Interesting sample or
chicory nnd tho second with over 20
different kinds of Jellies. Jams nnd
preserve.', nil put up from homo
grown products.
Then thoro were tho fruit exhib
its of O. II. Norcott. William Hen
derson nnd J. W. lirown, II. Soiling's
tomatoes, an unusual amount or corn,
nnd tho strnwherrleH, rrosh and red,
shown by J. W. Drown, J. X. II. Gerk-
ing and C. P. Heckor J. N. 11. Perk
ing nlso had n lino showing or onu
ses, grains and vegetables, taking the
prise for the lfst collection of 's
I rom S. D. Mustard, who nevertheless
got nwnv with $27 worth of ,a
An especially Interesting bIiow vns
made b the school children with
tholr collections of potnWs, ea.di
grown from one potnto. The Id -n
was one which originated with C J.
Mock who gnvo the seed Inst spring.
Six nnd a half year old Horace Hoot
too tho prize with nB lino n collection
as thore; n In tho hnll. Other con
testants showed moro potatoos than
ho hut none wero of n moro regular
shape and size.
Undoubtedly n lnrgo part of tho In
tores tin tills year's fnlr was produc
ed by tho special prUo offered by the
First National Hank of llend for the
best oxhiblt shown by tho Tumnlo
school Idstrlcts. Tho Plnehurst dis
trict took tho prlzo with u booth (it
which woro shown vegetables nnd
handiwork, amounting prnctlenlly to
tho whole fnlr In llttlu. Tho Fnlr
vlow district exhibit which took sec
ond plnce, hnd Icsr of tho agricul
tural and more of tho work of tho
children, Including n doll's house
with various rooms, onch furnished
by n pupil, nnd notoworthy relief
mnps of tho continent, Mrs. C. II.
Spaugh wns active In the preparation
of tho Plnehurst display nnd Mrs, A,
Hnrpor In that from tho Falrvlew ills
trlct. The list of prlzo winners Is ns fol
lows: llest School District F.xlilblt.
First prlzo, Special by First Na
tional Dank or llend. $25.00, won by
Plnehurst district No. (11. Second
prize, Association Special, $1,".00,
won by Fnlrvlow district No. 19.
.School Chlldicn's Potato Contest.
1st, $!l, Horace Hoot, 2nd, $S, Wil
liam Hoot, 3d, $1, Alvn Silver, nil or
(Continued on pngo C.)
Surxeyois, Mentioned In Itiilletln List
Week, nro Hnsls of ('lieuiieiiu
Piosjs Ktor)' Idueiiieii Hniplojed.
Following close nfter tho report In
Tho llullotln lust week of tho work of
tho Strnhorn engineering party In the
country houUi of llend conies the fol
lowing In tho Cliewnucnu Press, with
mine dotnll on the work of the party.
"A party of about ten- surveyors
nro working In (iooso l.nko valley
north or I.akovlow nppniontly laying
out n rnllrond survey towards the
Crooked creek gap. Tho outfit hns
beon nt work about ten days and
started operations nt tho nicJh,nd
or tho Y on the N. C. O. at .Uikovlow.
Thoy nro following tho eastern odgo
if tho valley and in a genernl way
nro taking tho direction of the wngon
rosd though they run a llttlu ways
fnrther down the hill. They nro head
ing Htrnlght Tor the low pnss where
the present wagon road drops over
Into Crooked Creek.
".HovnrnI linemen wero picked up
mod ml I.akovlow to nld In tho work
nnd It Is stnt'ml that thoy wero prom
ised work for not less than thro
months and alt winter If the weather
permlttod thorn to work that long."
With Manager Foley nnd Hook
keeper Parker In tho same room the
vault nt tho oljlce or the llend Water
Light H Power Co. was broken Into
yosterdny In whut was probably the
first ilny light safe breaking to tnWu
place In llond. The break wh made
by picking out one of the large stones
with which tho vault la built. Noth
ing was taken from the vault, tho
purpose of tho entry being to get nt
the door from the inside In order to
open It for the day. Tho combination
would not work from the outside. ,
Ctr;xti'jyc"fxxMs' (ei'qlJxlH'iJ!'JI, Kiv'uyiv,ycMK
The First National Bank
T. C. COM, ProNldont K. A KATIIKIl, Vice- President
('. S. HUDSON, Ciwliler
Capital fully paid ttio.OOO
Surplus tf.'i.CWO
itiuii n..'KiNfi Hiiitvicr;.
Itogular hunk loans:
Wu arn prepared at nearly nil tlmee to mako advances '
to reliable parties for their requirements.
Wool and sheep Iomiis: .
We are NOW prepnred to lon money to sheep men
for the purchase of sheep.
We are now prepared to advance you lQfl per pound
on all wool vou atore la tbe Warehouse at lietul, at 8
per cent for either 'JO dkjra or aU month.
Sheep men do nut have to sell at present p rites uuleea
tbey wutb. The money la ready for yoH.
We are NOW prepared to make loaju on cattle for
alx luuntha, for feeding purnoaee, but not ou rauge or
she stuff.
We are n'iW prepared to make loans on good farm
lands, with Kood water rights, no mutter where located
in Central Oirgon, the hlgicer the loan the bitter, pro
viding the proposition is a good one sod will stand eloa
eat Invest (gallon aa to valuea and title
Write us fur information. Hauk by mall and aecuro
our aervlc-s.
"jc te'v iiiff "c?y Qtr5p
aWQ&M j(i$Jk&ih
Pinner Foundation Is Finished Haiti
mid Door Plant ltcguii Founda
tions for Ilrooks Mill In Craws
lU'gln Construction or Camps.
On his first visit to llond slnco con
struction on tho Shovlln-Hlxon mill
began T. U Shovlln spont Friday and
Saturday of Inst week hero goltur
over tho work and noting progress??
With him wns Frank P. lllxon or Uu.
Crosse, rWlsconsln, his nssocInto"'jJi'
the enterprise who wns making hjs
first visit to llond. lloth woro highly
pleased at tho progress mndu In tho
work nnd Mr. lllxoii especially on;
thiislnstlc over tho easy logging con-'
dltloim' found hole,
Othors tu tho party, which occu
pied two special cars on tho Orogon
Trunk train arriving Friday morning,
woro Mr. SIiovIIii'b uncle, K, C. Shuv
lln, of Portland, T. A. McCnnn, K. 11.
Don. J. K. Nichols nnd M. Kelly. W.
1). Skinner and A. J. Dnvldsnu or tho
Hill Hues accompanied tho party.
While hero tho pnrty found work
Just beginning on tho pinner mill
alongside the rnllrond truck nnd ox
cnvntlon coiuplotod ror tho dry kilns
nenrby. Today tho pinner founda
tions ure nil in nnd the Moor Is being
lnlil while adjoining on tho wait,
foundations urn bolng placed for I ho
sash mid door factory. Thu pinner IS
framed. Near tho mill, work on the
power plant continues. About 17fi
mon nro now employed. .',
At Tho Hrooks Mill.
At the llrookn mill site the foun
dations ror tho raw mill nro llnlshod
and the mill Is framed. In f ' of
tho mill oxcavatloii ror tho ' slip
has begun and nearby the inneiilno
shop Is rising, A temporary dry shed
has been built at tho planer.
Deliveries or brick by the llend
llrlek A I, umber Co. are being mado
and Frank Mny Is dollvorliiBjjjruvt'l'
for iho cuucro'lu work.
A crow of men has gone Into tint
woods to begin the construction of
cnmpH ror thu logging crows.
About 120 men nro employed nt
Woikeis Will Make Impiovemenls on
llouto ((( Mllllean.
Monday, Oolobor 11, has been dee
Ignnted lis the day on which work
shall he done on the rond from llend
to the Mllllciiu valley. Tim movo
mont wiih started by I1. II. Johnson,
or Mllllean, who hns obtained sub
scriptions nmouiitlng to nearly $7fi
ror the work mid the promise or an
equal amount from the county court.
The efforts of the workers on Mon
day will bo devoted largely to picking
out the rock which makes the road
so hard to travel. The nuvi to bo em
ployed wilt be recruited Inrgely In tho
Mllllean neighborhood and it Is ex
pected Hint very desirable Improve
ments will he made.