fiW? TI1B IJKX1) IIULIJRTIN, I1KND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ,20, 1015. PAGE 7. The Rabbit Pest in Crook County Organized Action to Kill the Pests Suggested IJy County Agriculturist A. 13. Ixivctt Mlj HIV Tho Jack rabbits hnvo destroyed many hundred acres of crops for far mers In Crook county during the past season. Farmers In sonio localities havo lost crops prior to tho season of 191G, but tho post has nnnonrcd In lareo numbers In practically every section oi ina county tins year. Tho seriousness of the rabbit question Is this year appreciated by practically every farmer and resident of tho county. I have received letters from a largo number of farmers asking concerning mo eradication of this pest. I should llko to reach every farmer In tho county nnd get his opinion of the suggestions which I shall inako hero regarding a method for tholr eradication. Many havo suggested that a bounty be placed on tho rabbit. I should not opposo tho placing of a bounty on this pest If the peoplo and the coun ty court should decide that this worn -tho hotter method. It scorns to mo, however, that a bounty of less than flvo contB por head would not provo attractive nor obtain results dcslrod, and a bounty this largo would nccos sltato tho expondituro of not less than 150,000.00 by tho county. Tho destruction of theso rabbits Is like any othor proposition which af fects tho peoplo Individually as woll as collectively; any action taken be fore tho peoplo are Interested onoagh to Initiate a movomont for Us ac complishment, Is usually doomed to failure from tho start. If tho people wish n bounty placed upon thlo pest, nnd will got together nnd so express themselves, Micro Is no doubt but that tho coujpty court will mako tho appropriation. If anything planned Is to bo carried out successfully, tho samo action must bo tnken. Every IntorcBtod person must work with his neighbor nnd seek to obtain greatest results possible. I would seriously suggest tho fol- I lowing plnn for offectlvo work during I tho coming winter: Lot ovory com munity of fnrmers, stockmen and j mprchants orgnnlzo a locnl commun ity crganlzntlon whoso solo purnoso shnll bo to tnko active part In any mnthod for tho oradlcatlon of rabbits which shall ho decided as most offec tlvo by tho majority. Lot certnln dates bp sot nsldo by tho organiza tions In ovory part of tho county for t ovory mombor of such organization to fight tho rabbits. Tho sotting nsldo to another and not destroyed. I)y a necessary In ordor that tho rabbits may not bo driven from ono section ot another and not destroyed. By a thoroughly organized, nctlvo cam paign against tho rabbits In this sec tion, they can be very materially les soned In number and practically eradicated. In mo other way can this end ho obtained. Just n fow suggestions as to meth ods to bo used. Under a law passed by tho last legislature, the sum of $260 may bo obtained from tho state by any county duplicating that amount and paying It into tho State Treasury for tho purpose of experi menting and, eradicating Jack rab bnts In eastern Oregon. This monoy, according to tho aforesaid law, must bo spent under tho supervision of tho Oregon Agricultural College, and must bo usod beforo Janunry 1, 191C. Tho uso of poisoned grain and salt, using Btrychnlno mixtures, hnvo prov ed very cToctlvo In many cases In tho county during tho past senson. Tho valuo of either or both Is unquestion ed. Tho salt mlxturo includes u large amount of sugnr and seems to bo at tractive not only to tho Jack rnbblts but also tho sago rats. Whether any arrangemont could bo made whoroby theso poisoned mixtures could bo placed on tho wnsto lands nnd on tho opon ranges Is n sorlous question, ns tho poisons Indicated nro dangorous for livestock as woll as rabbits. A co-operation of tho stockmen for ob taining universal organized work within the county would assist great ly In solving this problem. If tho fanners, stockmoil and others In Crook county wish to undortnko an organized movement toward tho erad ication ot the Jack rabbit as n pest, I shall bo glad to undertake tho man agement of a comploto organization. If tho peoplo so deslro, or shnll ho glad under any otfior mnnngoment In organlzod work toward this end. to assist In ovcry way posslblo with full time and nil tho forces at my com mand. If ovory community could or ganize at onca nnd sond ono or moro representatives to n county meeting at Prlnovlllo, or any othor central point In tho county, for. tho purpose of studying nnd making plans for a country-wide fight on tho Jnck rab bit, a great doal might bo accomplish ed oven beforo tho 1st of Jnnunry. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from pago 2.) Chapman nnd family mado a trip to tho McCall ranch on Crooked rlvor Sunday. Miss Orlsa Seors visited hor par ents tho latter part of tho week. Whllo loading a wild horso last rlday Mrs. Joo KUIott camo nenr linvlng hor left foro flngor torn from nor hand. Tho finger was bo severe ly mutilated that n doctor was forcod to nmputato It later. POWELL nUTTE, Sent. 27. C. I. Blnlr Is now baling alfalfa hav at T. Pattorson's. Mr. Patterson will invo about 40 tons haled. Fnrmors nro now filling tholr cls- Brns and nonds. getting ready to ivo tho watar supply shut off for vhllo. Kxtonslvo repairs nro Doing tplannod for tho stnvo plpo crossing Ufco old rlvor bed. ns tho part under round Is bnrtlv decayed. It will nn lined nnd nlnced on a plntform of rmo kind, clthor concroto or lum- ITho hum of tho threshing mnchlnes nlch havo been working on the otn- nsldn of tho nuttcs, Is coming nonr- Tho Carrols machlno is now nt ienh Ilrlx nnd Mr. Dunn, who Is Inning Foster's thresher Is In tho llghborhood of tho station, me rentiers aro nnving a mucn uourr this year than was at first antici- tod. Ina Tnwtonntwl tins ill't finished rvestlng oats for A. D. Morrill. T p Ttnwmnn is nxnectod homo bn from the Yakima vallov whoro 9inn boon at work this summer. John Culver camo out to his homo- itd from Prlnevlllo last weoK. L W., C. I and C. F. Walr wont lend last Saturday. inland rtowmnn Is working with i baler this week. a Hnhhn la out from Dcnd. He pets to thresh soon. k. P. JJnhlen and Ilruco LIndqulst i gono on an outing in me muuu- It. and Mrs. H. T. Doaly visited ho home of E. F. Archer last sai- lr- Plan Landfaro and daughter Heu were in Bend on business last T P. nnwmnn and Ilss Iler- Joodsell spent the day with Mrs. Morrill last weunesuay. o Peckman Is now working for PriKkott nnd Ed Darnard. rT nH f lmrk nealn after a o Washington for her health. i much improved. b. i W IJIalr, M,rs. A. D. Mor rill, Mrs. C. I. Hlnlr nnd Miss draco Hlnlr woro Bend visitors last Tues day. MV. and Mrs. Ed Barnard nnd fam ily may movo to Bond for tho winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Pnttorson nnd children wcro guosts nt A. D. Mor rill's last wcok. Tho baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Archer who hns been ailing for somo tlmo, Is not roportcd ns Improv big much. Tho hay halors nro taking n vaca tion today as nrosult of 'breaking a nnrt that had to bo ordorod from Portlnd. C. I. Blnlr lost a flno calf from bloat last week. 10TH PJENTS DIE Mr. nml Mr. J. It. I tell of Tuiimlo Fall to Survive Shock. Tho paronts ot Eldn Boll, tho pros, renting witness In tho caeo against Br. E. lien Norrls, John Collins nnd Ethol ilowall, died In Prlnovlllo with In 12 hours of each othor and wlthUi 3G hours of tho conclusion of tho caso Tuesday night. Tho doath of Mrs. Boll occurrod Wodnesdny nftor noon and that of hor husband early Thursday morning. Tho Crook County Journal of Sop tomber 23 reported tho deaths as fol lows: f'Emma F. Boll of Tumnlo died at tho Homo Hospital yestnrday nftor noon from a stroko of paralysis, Bho was 41 years of ago and had been n resident of Crook county slnco 1904, She Is survived by hor father, J. M. Slry of Tumnlo, D. M. Slry, a brother, of Milton, husband, John B, Bell of Tumalo and Miss Eldn Bell, daugh ter, who was the prosecuting witness in tho sensational caso in court this week. "J. II. Bell, resident of Tumalo, died In this city at an early hour to day. Mr. Boll was the husband of Mrs. Emma Bell who died yesterday afternoon In this city and tho father of Elda Bell. Although his hoalth has boon poor for some tlmo, com plications developed during the ex citement of the trial In which bis daughter played bo sensational a part and a weakened heart could not with stand the conditions. Tho body of both of these parties will be shipped to Tumalo by the father ot Mrs. Bell for burial." flMR CENT A WORD is all a little Want Ad will cost you. G. R. COOPER Manufacturer of all KliuUi of SOFT DRINKS Ofilce at Cold Stonwe Wnrl Xet to Jlcml Hartlwure Co. Wnrehouko ltend, Orrgou Y MEN AT WORK Surveys Connect Harney Valley Lino With Oregon Trunk. (Oregon Journal.) Nearly 1000 men are now working on tho extension of the Oregon ens- torn railway from Klvorsldo to Har rlman, beyond tho oponlng of Qrnno ureeK unp Into tho Ilnrney valley. This report was brought to Port land by William Hanley. who for 40 years hns been waiting for tho advent of railway transportation that ono of the greatest agricultural regions of tno west might bo pouulntod nnd mndo a real factor In tho world's trado. "lho people of tho Harney valley. ' said Mr. Haulcy, "aro more than In terested in tho construction of tho rallrpnd. Thoy look upon It ns their salvation, surveys hnvo been mndo through Burns for n connection with tho Oregon Trunk nnd tho Deschutes railroads. Another survoy follows tho chain of lakes nnd proceeds straight westward to a connection with tho Southern Pnclflc's Natron lino. If these lines nro built, eastern Oregon will bo woll rallroadod." D. Wlfley, of Bond, Oregon, who, an Atfrll 8th, 1912, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 0 10 1G 2, for NEVi, Section 12, NH SWU, SEVi SWH. and SW U SE, Section 1, Township 19 South, Unngo 14 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, hns filed notice ef Intention to mako Final Thrco Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, beforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 30th day of October, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Mngglo E. Wllloy, Austin C. Bar hor, Ida Borber, Louis W. Davis, Charles Korakls, nil of Bend, Oregon. XI. FllANK WOODCOCK, 29.33c. Iteglster. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF IIEARINC3 OF FINAL ACCOUNT. TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN O'- DONNELL, DECEASED. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dorslgncd, administrator of the. es tato of John O'Donnoll, deceased, has filed his final accounting ot Mb ad ministration ot said cstato In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for Crook county, nnd that tho Judgo of said court linn fixed Monday, No vember 1, 191G, nt 10 o'clock n. m., at tho county court room In tho court houso nt Prlnevlllo as tho tlmo and plnco for tho hearing of objcctlonn to and tho settlement of satd nccountlng and You nro horohy cited and rcqulrod to appear nt snld time nnd plnct. nnd show cnusn, If bucIi oxlst, hy said final account should not ho allowed r.nd said ndmlnlstrator and his mirc ty dl3chnrged. Dated nt Bend, Oregon, this 25th dnv of September, 1015. Published first tlmo, September .29, 1915. MAURICE P. CASHMAN, Admlnlatrntor EBtato of John O' Donnoll, Deceased. 30-33c. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Oftlco at Tho Dallos, Oregon, September 20, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby given Hint Slng glo E. Wllloy, of Bond, Oregon, who on April 8th, 1912, mado Homestead Entry, No. 0101C1, for SE4 NEVi SWH, BEU NEW. Section 2, SWW NWW Section 1, NWW NEVi. Sec tion 11, Township 19 South, Unngo 14 East, Wlllamotto Morldlan, has filed notlco ot Intention to mako Final Thrco Year Proof, to ostnbllBh claim to tho land abovo doscrlbod, boforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 30th day of October, 1915. Claimant nnmes ns witnesses: Levi D. Wllloy, Austin C. Harbor, Ida Barbor, Louis W. Davis, Charlos Korakls, all of Bond, Oregon. 11. FRANK WOODCOCK, 29-33c. Itcglstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dcjiartmont ot thn Intorlor, U. S. I.nml Omco nt Tho Dalles, Orogon, Soptembor 20, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby, given that Levi THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE nj." '" ' ltXtiipf-if ir .nrn II una OENERAL OPPICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO ORANCUrS IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIE3 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an oxocutlon In foro closure duly Issued by tho clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho County of Crook, Stnto of Oregon, dated this 9th day of Septembor, 1915, In u cer tain notion In tho Circuit Court for tho snld County nnd Stnto. wherein John William Barnes, Plaintiff, re covered judgment against William E Long, Defendant, for tho sum ot Sovon Hundred Flvo nnd no 100 Dol lars, with interest nt tho rnto of 10 por cent per annum from the 20th day of May, 1915, togotjior with Seventy niul no 100 Dollars attor ney's fees, and tho further sum ot Dollars costs, and ac cruing costs. Notlco Is horoby given that I will, nn Sntlirdnv. thn 1flth iln nt fWnlinr. 191.5, nt tho North front door of tho Courthouso In Prlnovlllo, In snld county, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of aid day, sell nt public miction, to tho highest bidder for ensh, all right and tltlo that tho nbovo named do- fondant William E. Long hns or had at dnto of said Judgmont In tho fol lowing described (property, tto-wlt: tho Southwest'qunrtor ot Section 22 In Township 14 South ot Rnngo 1G East of the Wlllamotto Morldlan In Crook county, Oregon. E. II. KNOX, Sheriff of Crook County. Dated at Prlnovlllo, Orogon, this 9th day of September, 1915. By FLOYD A. ROWELL, 28-32c. Deputy NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor. U. 8. Lnnd OHlce, nt Tho Dalles, Oro gon, Soptomhor 8, 191G. NOTICE Is horoby given thnt Wll Ham B. Klger. Jr., of Bond, Orogon. who, on Janun.-y 20th, 1912, mndo iiomoBtend Kntry No. O'JSGH and on October 9th, 1913, mado additional Homestead Entry, No. 01217C, for lots 3-1, SW NWW. Section 2. lota 1-2, nnd SH NEW, Section 3, Town ship 20 South, Rnugo 14 Emit, Wll- Inmetto Morldlan. hns tiled notlco ot Intention to mnko Final Thrco Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on tho 19th dny of October, 1915. Claimant nuincs as wltnasscs Otlco C. Honklo, Honry B. Ford, Anr- on I). Norton, Louis II. Qlnss, all of nonu, urogon.. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 28-32c. Roglstor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, V. S. Lnnd OIIlco nt Tho Dalles, Orogon, Soptomhor 3, 1915, NOTICE Is horoby given thnt Frank A. Hatch, of Bond, Orogon, who, on Novombor 25th, 1911, mado HoniPBtond Entry, No. 09581, for lots 1-2, 8VS NEVi. Section 1, Town ship 20 South. Rango 14 East, Wll lametto Meridian, hns filed notlco ot Intention to mako Final Thrco Yenr Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bond, Oro gon, on tho 18th day ot October, 1915. Claimant names ns wltnossea; Aaron I). Norton, Frod O. Klgor, William II. Roam, Thomas C. Mer chant, nil of Bond, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 27-31 p. Roglstor When you're in Portland visit the fine bid nlant of the Pacific Coast Biscuit Company. Sec them make thousands of deIiciousriTjrkT.rT -rT, oj-v-fcr In the meantime, enter of SNOWFLAKE SODAS your dealer the NEW FAMILY PACKAGE Fresh, crisp delicious Snowflako Sodas, packed In a sanitary and useful tin box. Only GO cent. Every dralcr ha thtm or can get tbcci quickly-f re th from our oven PACIFIC COAST IHSCUIT CO. rOKTLAND, OIIECON C tms ooop UUP6HC1 nn cHMumaio soHMHiiia mmcvn? pavJ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING. Notlco Is hereby glvon by tho un dersigned tho ndmlnlstratrlx of tho cstato ot George B. Broaterhous, do ceased, to all persons Interested In said estate, that sho has mado and filed her final accounting ot hor ad ministration of Bald cstato, nnd thnt tho court has set Monday, tho 12th day of October, 1915, at tho county court houso In Prlnovlllo, Orogon, as tho time nnd place for hearing nnd settling said final accounting. Datod this 27th day ot August, 1915, nnd published for tho first tlmo Soptembor 1st, 1915, ANNA UROSTERHOUS, Administratrix of tho catato ot Geo. B. Brostorhous, docensod, 27-30o MWMlRnAXWMO CAtmik 4000 TOBACCO fHOri ORPINAHV TOBACCO. I D tCJDl rOR THE SC AtTl VOVT RIOMT ftUTtlK f T01ACCOCHCWMCRE I I CMIW Or KK.M TOBACCO I 1 40I Tilt OlAOKMHAXVl wTT MP C" V KINOTOTME -:Sjf) SSMISriESj fo ynuww. i jr i i The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is n fireproof building It is thoroughly modern t It Is comfortable, commodious, clenn- IIOOMS FROM BO CENTS UP Tho wnnta of nil aro satisfied well at THE WHI011T HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL IN KENWOOD Lots 60x114, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights $100 to $225 TERMS: $10 Cash and $10 Monthly. Special inducements to parties who will build homes J. RYAN Si CO. Bend-Silver Lake and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Car , Each Way Each Day. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS Walter Coombs, L. D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVEKY CO. Freight Trucks In Addition Anderson Brothers Saw Mill ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND MOULDINGS DRY STOCK HEASONADLK PRICES. 5 Miles Northwest olllend. Phono Anderson liros. Ranch. ASK your dealer for W-B Gut Chewing Tobacco. It is the. new "Real Tobacco Chew" cut long Shred -or send 10o in stamps to us. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO UbIob Squre, New York Gty Just Opened COMPLETE AND FRESH LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries House Hardware H. -E. BAKER Wall Street, Near Ohio 5 ' T. T3t ;r- Tnr .,i'itil,i,-,iiMi. 'iilinyiMftmTniiir(iiii Wttil"