TRR IU&D Iftj'TiKTR', REXI), ORE., WEDNESDAY, SEI'TKMRER 20, lOtfi. PAGE B. V M iWf WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR School Books To be sure of a full line of School Snpplies CALL ON US. PATTERSON DRUG CO. The Sfegggg, store Tim Most of tho Best for the Least F. T. Parker returned on Sunday call during tho evening nnd welcome ' from Astoria and Portland whero hoi Her. and iMrp. Kcngy to Hcnd. What is Your Test of THE PLACE to TRADE? Do J on gunge ftloio by tho - uliitno of its stock, or do you utoiLsuro It by tlio wot (h of its word? In bringing before you tho Chippewa lino of boots, shoes, shirts mid iitnckliiuMH mo lll Imck oiery statement. Tho Chippewa goods hno Mood tho test for years and are everywhere consid ered to liato no HUK?iior for nerlco. With winter coming on let us talk comfortH mid blankets to you as our Mock recently received contains only tho liest of values. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS W. I. Wnrmoth has beon In from Hampton this week. Edward Ilrooka arrived from Min neapolis on Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. Urooks went to Portland on Monday. C. iti. Gist of Sisters, caino over last night on business. Itny Gorklng was a Uond visitor from Tumalo yesterday. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Mock motored up from Tumalo on Sunday. a. F. Hoovor returned on Saturday from n buslnoss trip to Portland. L. n. Winters of La Pino wos n buslnoss visitor in Uond Saturday. W. J. Smith, of 1'rlnovlllo was a business visitor In Ilend Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Carroll at tended tha Hound-Up at Pendleton. James Vnvor and Karl Myors took In tho Pendleton Hound-Up last w cek. Mrs. L. Nichols and son of I'rlno villa nro visiting friends In Head this week. Hnlph Dunn went to tho Hound-Up last Mr. nnd Mrs, Pendleton for week. John ForgiiBon arrived In Uond on Saturday for a two day's stay on business. Mr. nnd Mrs, Fred N. Wnllaco and Fred I). Wilson were up from Tumalo yestorday. 1). K. Davis of Mllllcan, Is prepar ing to move his family Into Ilend for the winter. Post otllco box rent Is now duo. A. D. Norton was In from Mllllcan last week. Among tho Ilend people, who at tended tho Pendleton Hound-Up were Mont O'Donnoll, Mrs. Harnoy O'Don- noll, Mrs. Joe Innes and Father Hlieo lian, who motored to Pendleton in tho O'Donnoll car. For the Workingman We know what satisfaction is, nnd we know liow to give it. You like to have the best there is for the price you pay. We can give it to you. You like your goods deliv ered to you in the best condition. We know how to do that too. To accomodate our customers we have just added u line of men's working clothes including shirts, trousers, overalls, macki naws, stag shirts, work socks nnd heavy underwear. SHUEY'S The Cash Grocer spent his vocation. Mrs. S. Mcintosh returned Sunday from Portland whuro she mado n trip to purchase, lnld-sensou goods. S. C. Caldwell returned last week from an extended trip through tho Hogue and Willamette valleys. H. A. Stover, assistant cashier of tho First National Hank left Monday night for Portland on business. When In town on Mtndny, Mrs Egnca Suttoug reported the loss of a valunblo steer from nlfalta bloat. E. M. Thompson returned Friday from Portland and Astoria where he has been on business for two weeks. A "crow began work on Monday clearing up tho ruins of tho Pond hotel destroyed by lire several weeks ago. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Kllgore, who have been spending the summer here, expect to leavo for Klamath Falls on Friday. E. L. sClark of tho La Pino Supply Company of Ln Pino, was in Dend Saturday on business, returning on .Monday. Ford Horskotte, of tho firm of Dion & Horskotte builders of tho Shovlln-Illxon plant, nrrlved from Minneapolis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Garrison nnd son Llewellyn roturneit yesterday from un extended auto trip through Washington nnd Idaho. J. P. Koyes, Edward Ilroolfi tuul S. A. Ulakoloy left Sunday morning for Klamath Falls and other southern points on a business trip. Invitations aro out for n reception to bo given tomorrow afternoon by Mrs. J. P. Koyes In honor of her niece, Mtb. Harry K. Drooks. E. C. Donmnn, bookkeeper at tho United Warehouso Company returned Friday from San Francisco where ho spent his vncatlon and attended tho fair. Warren Wilson, who suffered n big lire loss at The Dalles last week, was formerly house, man In the em ploy of tho United WnrohouBO Com pany. Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Hosmer of Min neapolis arrived In Hend Saturday morning to reside. Mr. Hosmer will bo ln the employ of tho Shovlln-Illxon Company. Arnold Huffman, n Bon of William Huffman, who Is building tho llrooks Scanlon mill, arrived last week and has taken a position as millwright on tho work. George Ingemann, a formor sm ployco of tho Urooks company at Scnnloff, Minnesota, arrived last week to work at tho Urooks-Scanlon plant hero. Ladles oft ho llaptlst. Woman's Union will hold a cooked food sale at O'Donnoll's market Saturday, Oc tober 2. Contributors are asked to send In their contributions. Fred Hnsso. who was injured last Wednesday nfternoon at tho Urooks Scnulon clearing whilo rolling rock and taken to tho hospital for treat ment, was discharged from the hos pital Monday. Halph Ackloy, prosldont of tho Ralph Ackloy Land Compony of Port land and ownor of tho Frnnk Murck ranch nt Tumnlo, wns In Uond Tues day and mado an nutomobllo trip through tho Tumnlo nnd Powell Iltitto secUons Tuesday afternoon. Word wns rocolved In Uond Mon day that Mrs. 0. W. Shrlnor, who loft n week ago for San Francisco on ac count of serious Illness, Is now in a crltlcnl condition and that It mny bo some tlmo boforo sho will bo ablo to roturn. Mrs. Shrlnor loft San Fran cisco for FreBno where sho will ro maln with relatives. Tho Ladles Aid Socloty of tha Methodist church will tondor a rocep tlon to tholr now pastor, Ilev. Frank lin Kcagy nnd family noxt Friday evening at the homo of E. M. Thomp son on Jofforson Drlvo, Park addi tion. Alt members and frlonds of tho church are cordially Invltod to E. S. Shaw of Now Washington, Ohio, nnd Mrs. Marvel Gardiner of Detroit, Michigan, n brother nnd nleco of L. A. Shaw, arrived Satur day morning for a short visit hero, leaving ycaterdny. While hero Uiey stayed with Miss Mnry Miller. Don't forget to consult Drs. .Loo & Turner, eye specialists nt Thorson s Jewelry store. Friday and Snturdny, October 1-2, until 3 p. in. Saturday. Adv. For n good clean shavo, n good hair cut, facial massage or n chine, visit the Metropolitan, on Oregon strcot. Adv. tf Pool and billiards nt tho Metro politan. Just the thing for n little relaxation In tho evening. Adv. tf. For sign painting boo Edwards.-Adv. Joseph Jefferson's Interpretation of Hip Van Winkle, hns appealed to audiences for years. It Is a truo por trayal of Washington Irvine's fam ous Sketch Hook story. Ilend Thcatro Wednesday nnd Thursday nights.-Adv. IXTKIIESTIXG CASE WON. Among the interesting cases decid ed nt tho recent term of court wns tho suit agnlnst tho La Pino school district brought by J, A. MrCloskcy and J. E. Engebretson on account of work done by them in tho now Bchool building erected last spring. Tho suit wits brought under n recent otnt uta making school directors ns well as tho district liable In ccrtnln cases and was won by tho plaintiffs who received n verdict of well over n thousand dollars. V. A. Forbes nnd II. II. Do Armond uppcarcd for tho plaintiffs. science hooks received. , Tho Ilend Public Library Iibh re cently received from tho Trustees un der tho W'll of Mary linker Eddy tho following books on Christian Scl onco by Mar' linker Eddy: Sclenco and Health with Key to tho Sculp tures (English nnd German); Miscel laneous Writings: Tho First Church of Christ, Scientist, nnd Miscellany Unity of Good; Retrospection nnd In trospection; Pulpit nnd Press; Chris tian Healing and Tho People's Iden of God; Kudimahtnl Dlvlno Science; No and Yes; Messages to Tho Mother Church; nlso, Tho Llfo of Mnry link er Eddy by Sibyl Wilbur, nnd tho following periodicals: Tho Christian Sclenco Journal (monthly); Chris tian Sclonce Sontlnol (weekly): Tho Christian Sclenco Monitor (dally). These, books and periodicals huvo boon presented without cost to tho library and aro to be placed at tho disposal of tho reading public as soon ns they havo been catalogued. For your nlco homo buy n lot Iloulovard Addition. Adv. In Trua IUuo Flour hns beon n larger Holler than any month before Tho whltcncHS, purity, excellence nnd tho nemo of good milling makes it n largo ropeator. Adv. HOOSIER KITCHEN 7 CABINET I In Uio UOOSIKIt KITCHEN CARIXET has been found a big tlmo und labor huer. Hme jou ever made nit eatl nuttn on tho st number of step, jou lake dally? Tli Ilooaicr villi help )u minimize them. It U a icriiiuiieiit and vnluablo t to eery home. ... You may bwome a member of the club Mho it II! be offered Uio club rate of ONE DOLLAIt IHJWN AMI ONE DOLIiAU A WEEK on Uiece cabinet. Come In ud let us talk oer our m-oiot.ltlon with jou today. Foot Rest Hosiery I'OIl MEN roii WOMEN rou iiovk I'OH OMULS Foil HAIIIKH Prices 10c 15c 25c WEAIt IlETTHIt LOOK RETTER ARE RETTER Vou Always Buy for Less at Warner's THE VARIETY STORE WANT MORE Fruit v A SHIPMENT OF FKEHII FRUIT Will itrrlve In Rem! JietMeon October H mid 10. To iu from. the orrhurdNt. Apple, per bov 81.1W Or, IKir 100 1In. . , U.7rt Prune), Hr lin ISI.!1."S Green Toiuutoe, er hti,,8I,'.!.1 J''rtdi (lernian-Aiiierlniii Colfeo Just Hccvhet! McClincy Tho ACaMI.MODATI.VO Grocer JUST AS CHEAP MADE TO ORDER Firit Showing Till nd Vintr Simple ' Dick Tne Tailor Clcining iikI Prcmng .'Sptcully 444 - The Cozy KESTAUHANT solicits your patronage I BUY YOUR Groceries AT Tflfi NEW A1UAT AlAKKhT. Gilbert (Sb Son ECONOMY Is the Road to Wealth. Econo- mize by Buying at Mannheimer's Hois' Etrn Good Seliool StiltN, sizes C to 1C Made with the new patch pocket, priced t to 9(1.011 IIojh' Kn)iieo mouse No drowshrliigs to bothur with. Extra quality material hcBt workmanship nnd nt noe, "tie, Jjll.OO A copy of tho Scout Law with each blouse. Royn' Roy Scout Oloo. Mndo of gnnuino Ruckskin, gauntlet Btylo nt .1M5 Others at noc, 7rtc Roys' Conluitiy KiilekcrlMickvrs. . .H.fct l?l.ii5 Other Kiilekerborkeis SOe, tide, 7.1e, HMe, J?l.l llojs Cotton Union Hulls Good quality, iflOe Rojh' Wool Uiiliiu Suits 91.00, jjH.t IIojh' Outing (i'ohiim (no0 .NEW ARIlIVAI.S l. SWIJATEItS IiiiiiiK'h rour I'leeo Se(, consisting or sweat er, loggings, Cap and Mittens at $ Ho) h' mid GIi-1'm S went cm nt 91.2.1, 91..-.0, 91.7.1, 91:, 9u.n0, 9;i.oo STOP AND SHOP AT PWJ1PE1 Satiifaction "With livery Purchaie Sco Edwnrds for good houso paint ing. Adv. Just opened. Olvo us a trial. A now moat mnrket. ailbort & Son. Adv Just opened. Glvo us n trial. A now inont market. Gllbort & Son. Adv Uso SalMtalsIng Deschutes I'nn cako Hour. It Is aiwaya fresh and a homo product. Adv. VOCAIj i.essonh. Mit. Harold llopklnx, giaduntn of Albany CoiiKervutory of MiinIc, stu. dent nt American CoiiMerwtlory of .MiinIc, Chicago, lll take puplli In Milce. Work with Mi-m. Ilopkliw will bo accredited at tho high nchool. Tho moderntn building rcntrlctlonn on iloulovard Addition will mako It, tho dcslrablu plncu to own n lot. Adv. hmmmmm Vi7E are Always ..Ready To show you our New Full Suits.. .All the newest patterns In Serges, Browns, Grays nnd Blacks. Come In and see CAPPS 100 I'URB WOOL CLOTHES $12.50 to $20 They cannot he duplicated by any house any where Seeini; is believing-look at them. ...They speak for themselves. You don't have to buy. Styles that are right, models to please every taste and lit every figure. Made in America, from wool grown in America, by the only house in America, that manufactures from the raw wool to the fin ished garment. No middle man's profit. E. A. SATHER General Store Save Money... Thli winter by buylntf a ZENITH AIR-TIGHT HEATER. A qm'ck and itciJy liat. SKUSE HARDWARE CO. i IE. M. THOMPSON, The Furniture Man CREDIT IF YOU PRErEIC W"