THE ttKN'I), IlUliliKTIX, I1EXD, OIIE., WEDNKSDAY, 8EITEMUEK 22, 1013. PAOE 7. f 1 If ' County Clerk Issues Report County Clork Wnrren Brown has Issued the following financial report for Crook county for tho first sis months of 1916 ending Jun0 30. ItccelpU. Liability on Jan. 1, 191G (Outstlandimg warrants less cash on hand $ 8C.322.03 Tases and penalties ... 225,07B.20 Klacs Justlco Court . . . 35.00 Fines Circuit Court . . 300.00 FeeB Circuit Court ... 691.00 Fees Probato and Coun ty Court 220.00 Fees Marrlago llcenso . 78.00 Fees according 1,928. 2G Fe08 Shorlff, Elklns .. 114. 2G Fees Shorlff, Knox . . . 1C4.20 pecs Miscellaneous Marginal Satisfaction, otc 40.95 Sales Bonds 425.00 Sales Misc. C U. S. Land 3GC.G8 Interest on deposits . . . 2GC.71 Scalp Dountles 2,339.25 VarrantB Cancollcd by Court 10,249.95 Miscellaneous High school sale of books etc 221.30 County fair 874.31 Interest on bonds- school 3,189.50 Bond redemption 400.00 Refund Madras Union . . 22.72 Refund, road supervisors 26G.92 Refund, deceased paupors 31.00 rcddlers llcenso 300.00 Instltuto 30.34 Motor vehlclo 1,049.15 Fees Hunting, fishing licenses 1,283.00 Total rccolpta $248,085. G8 Total .rocclpta and bal. .$102,302.75 Disbursements. Roads nnd highways . ..? 5.932.7G Registration nnd election 73.39 Sheriff's ofllco 3,310.02 Clerk's oftlco 2,321. 3G Treasurer's ofllco 2,100,07 AsFPfsor's ofllco 2,159.25 School superintendent's nfTlcn 2.181.5G School nnnunl 000.00 Surveyor's ofllco S5G.01 Coroner's oiflco 91. GO Insurnnco 1,000.00 County veterinarian .... 15.00 Institute 102.80 Flro patrol 174.41 Circuit Court 1.G5G.G4 County Court nnd Com. 1,583.98 Justlco Court 418.55 Juvcnlln Court 8G.85 Court Houso (Comcnt Wnlks, etc.) 1,452.55 Iimruio 27.G5 Renalrs for old Haynos . GI.G0 Widow's pension 2.00G.00 Relief nnd enro of poor . 2,983.20 Jnlls 243.01 Bridges 527.49 Publishing dollnquont tax etc. .'. 1,359,50 Scalp bounties 4.492.50 High school 7,875.52 Agriculturist 300.00 Sealer of'wclghts and mcasuros 58.70 Miscellaneous oxponso .. 1,041. GO "Water maBtor 05G.25 Tubercular cattlo 248.75 Totnl warrants Issued .$ 48,008.18 companlod them to tho River City. POWELL liUTTE, Sept 19.MIbs Anna Pcdorson, who ha3 been visit ing her sisters, Mrs. L. W. nnd C. I. Blair, will start for her homo In Chi cago tomorrow. Mrs. L. W. Blair will tako her to Bend nnd Miss Pcd erson will leave on tho Wednesday morning train, going through Omaha, Nebraska to visit her fathor nnd brothers there. Violet nnd Roy Bowman started to Bchool this morning. Tho cistern at tho Butte vnlloy school houso Is being repaired. Be ing built on top of tho ground, It has never held water satisfactorily. A frame has been built around It and filled In with dirt and tho Insldo given two coats of cement. Enrl Saunders has somo extra flno potatoes this year of tho Burbank variety, somo hills having nearly half a bushel of potatoes In them. C. L. McLcod has somo spuds that he Is Justly proud of, also. They aro tho "Uncle Sam" variety nnd comparo vory favorably with cord wood for slzo, Oscar Prlckett has eight largo stacks of wheat off his ditch forty this year. Levi Ernst Is putting up his sec ond crop of hay. J. E. Warner's sheep have mado good this yenr and ho now hns nbout 600 head of flno looking ewes and lambs. He has bought Earl Soun der's alfalfa pasturo for . tho sheep and has not lost any as yet with bloat. Ed Barnard has begun cutting his third crop of alfalfa. C. I. Blair Is baling hay at E. P. Archer's. Mr. Archor will havo about 40 tons baled. L. W. Blair took n load of hay to Bend Friday. Davo Travis pnssed through hero Friday on a business trip to Red mond. Tho nolghbors nnd frlcjjds of Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Blair and Miss Anna Pederson gavo them a surprlso last Thursday by tho ladles going to spend the afternoon and tho men folks com ing In tho evening. All enjoyed nn evening of music and singing. Thoso presont woro Mr. and Mrs. L. v. Blair, Mr. and .Mrs. A. D. Morrill, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. T. Dealy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Pntterson, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Archer, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Blnlr. Mrs. A. D. Morrill nnd Mies Anna Pederson woro In Redmond on busi ness Friday. tho Southwest qunrtor of Section 22 In Township 14 South of Rnnge 10 East of the Wlllamotto Meridian In Crook county, Oregon. E. B. KNOX, Shorlff of Crook County. Dated nt Prlnevllle, Oregon, this 9th day of Scptembor, 1915. By FLOYD A. ROWELL. 2S-32c. Deputy. XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Oinco, nt Tho Dnllcs, Ore gon, September 8, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby given that Wil liam B. Klger, Jr., of Bond, Oregon, who, on January 20 th, 1912, mndo Homestead Entry No. 09868 nnd on October 9th, 1913, mado additional Homestead Entry, No. 01217G, for lots 3-4, S& NWU, Section 2. lots 1-2, nnd SV4 NEU, Section 3, Town Bhlp 20 South, Rnngo 14 East, Wll lamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to mako Final Thrco Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land ubovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on tho 19th day of Octobor, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses : Otlco C. Honklo, Henry B. Ford, Aar on D. Norton, Louis H. Glass, all of Bend, Oregon.. , II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 28-32c. Register. XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Orogon, September 3, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given thnt Prank A. Hatch, of Bend, Orogon, who, on Novombor 25th, 1911, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 09581. for lots 1-2, Si& NEV4, Section 1, Town ship 20 South, Kongo 14 East, Wll lamotto Meridian, has filed notlco, of intention to mako Final Thrco Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Bend, Oro gon, on tho 18th day of Octobor, 1915. Claimant names ns witnesses: Anron D. Norton, Fred O. Klgor, Wllllnm H. Renm, Thomas C. Mer chant, all of Bend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 27-31 p. Register j Hampton correspondence pago 0. LEGAL NOTICES Treasurer's Disbursements Cities and towns $ 10 Countv BPhool ordors . . 26 Apodal school ordors ... 42 In'erest on wnrranta Ji state tax . .. 24 In'ercst on bonds 3 P' ml redemption Miscellaneous Forest pntrol . . . Ma'lms Union . . C untv Fair .... J.i'.rnry Totnl $111 ,523.22 ,214.70 ,741.38 .516.36 .214.07 ,243.50 425.00 256.54 ,318.87 2.00 2.60 ,458.30 XOTICE FOB PUHLIIUTIOX. Department of tho Interior, ,U. S. Land Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Soptcmlier 20, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given thnt Mag- glo E. Wllley, of Bend, Oregon, who on April 8th, 1912, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 010161, for SEVi NE SWU, 813 NE, Section 2, SW NW Section 1, NW NE. Sec tion 11, Township 19 South, Rnngo 14 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of intqntlon to mnko Final Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commtaslon cr, at Bend, Oregon, on tho 30th day of October, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: I.ovl D. Wllley, Austin C. Bnrbor, Idn Barber, Louis W. Davis, Charles Korakls, all of Bond, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 29-33c. Register. H"itlnc. fishing licenses remitted to stnto $ 1,283.00 Totnl disbursements ... 159.4GG.48 B 'once on hand on Juno 30, "115, cash loss warrants '915, ensh J14, 844.41, lees warrants $11,948.14 .. 2.89G.27 Ti'at disbursements and bal ance $162,302.75 POWELL BUTTE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Olllco nt Tho Dallos, Orogon, 8eptombor 20, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby given that Lovl D. Wllloy, of Bond, Oregon, who, on April 8th, 1912, mado Homestead Entry. No. 010162. for NE, Section 15 XU SWV. . BE 11 SWU. and SW SE, Section 1, Township 19 J South. Itnngo 14 East. Willamette .UUIIUHIII, "l iiiuu tiuitiu w. ....u...w.. to mako Final Throo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo doscrlbod, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 30th day of October, 1915. Claimant nnmos as witnesses: Magglo E. Wllloy, Austin C Har bor. Ida Berber, Louis W. Davis, Charles Korakls. nil of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 29-33c. Register. (Continued from pago 2.) put to a voto of tho people on the above named date. a ir nhnb ant,! hta inmlis Satur day to' a representative from the i. mon .Meai to, oi rurwuuu. All-- llflllAVAn nnA C.AA TtrHZPA 1IIVII tVUlUUAUll IIU v.ww. ...- Vaeh shipped a car of hogs to Port land Saturday, tno former accom panied his stock and will remain ovor for a few days sight seeing In tho metropolis. , Geo. Klsslor loaded a couple of cows at Redmond Saturday for ship went to Portland. Mrs. E. A. Bussett nnd Miss Fay cama out from Prlnevllle Friday for a week end visit on the farm. Miss Lulu Montgomery, who will to-M. ii,. wiionn optmnl this year, BTlved Saturday, ODOnlns school on Monday. , Mr nnd Mrs. Harry Wilson and fimnll ann f TYnilmnnfl AlltOOd OUt S nday on their way to Bend. Mr. fc-H r-o "mil.." wilann and the latter'a brother, Max Strlxncr, ac-j NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of nn execution in foro clOBuro duly issuod by tho clork of tho Circuit Court of tho County of Crook, State of Oregon, dated this 9th day of September, 1915, In a cor taln action in tho Circuit Court for i, -n i,i Hnnntv nml Rtntii. wherein John William Barnes, Plaintiff, re covered Judgment against William E. I --.. riafomlnnt fur tho BUm Of Seven Hundred Five nnd no 100 Dol lars, with interest ai me raio ui per cent per annum from tho 20th day of May, 1915, togetlier with Seventy and no 100 Dollars attor ney's fees, and the further sum of ............. Dollars costs, and ac cruing costs. Notice Is horeby given thnt I will, on Saturday, tho 16th day of Octobor, .mi t iu Vnrth front door Of tho Courthouse In Prlnevllle, In said COUnty, at 1U O ClOCK III UHI luicii""" of said day, soil at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all right and title that tho above named de fendant William E. Long has or had . .i-. f cal,l inrttrmnnt In the fol- HI UttVW ui -, -- --- - lowing described fliroportx. u-wlt. XOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNTING. Notlco Is hereby glvon by tho un dersigned tho administratrix of tho vstato of Gcorgo B. Brostorhous, de ceased, to all persons Interested In snld estate, thnt olio has mado and filed hor llnal accounting of her ad ministration of snld estate, nnd thnt thn court has set Monday, tho 12th day'of Octobor, 1915, nt tho county court houso In Prlnovlllo, Oregon, as tho tlmo nnd placo for hearing nnd Bottling snld final accounting. Dated this 27th day of August, 1915, and published for tho first tlmo September let, 1915. ANNA BROSTEBHOUS, Administratrix of tho cstnto of Goo. B. Brosterhous, deceased. 27-30o NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, August 19, 1915. NOTICE is herefiy glvon that Myr tle M. Scoggln, of Tumalo, Oregon, wh on May 23d, 1912, mado Home stead Entry No. 010346, for E NE, Section 13, Township 1G, S. Rnngo 10 E., nnd lot 1, Section IS, Township 16 South, Rango 11 East, Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to mnko Final Three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 4th dny of October, 1915. Claimant names ns witnesses: Florence Sliver. Grovor G. Pulllrm, Edwnrd J. Mills, Mnrthn J. Arm strong, nil of Tumnlo, Orogon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 25-29 c. Register XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, August 19, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby glvon thnt Rolla J. Hunt, of Bond, Oregon, who, on November 1, 1911, mado Desort Lnnd Entry, No. 09628, for NE S W, W4 SE, Section 4, Town ship 17 South. Rnngo 12 East, Wll lametto Morldlnn, hns filed notice of Intention to mnko Final Desort Lnnd Proof, to cstnbllBh claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo H. C. Rills, U. S. Commissioner, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 4th dny of October, 1915. Claimant names ns witnesses: Wilbur X. Hunnoll, of Laldlnw, Oro gon: John P. Young, Adolnldo L. Alt, William Alt, of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 25-29 c. Register NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco Is horoby glvon by tho un dersigned, tho oxecutrix of tho cstnto of Samuol Johnston, deconced, to the creditors of said deceased nnd to nil porsons having claims against snld cstnto to present tho snmo, with tho proper vouchers, to tho undorclgnod, enro of Goorgo A. Jones, Bend, Oro gon, within six months from tho dato of tho' first publication of this notlco. ADA R. JOHNSTON, Executrix of tho Estato of Samuol Johnston, deceased.. Published first tlmo Soptomber 1, 1915. 20-29c. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOT COAL LAND. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Lnnd Ofllco nt iLnkovlow, Orogon, August 20, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby given thnt John E. Engobrctson, of Bend, Orogon, who, on Mnrch 26, 1910, mndo Homo stoad Entry, No. 03214. for NW 8W, SV4. NV, NE NW, Section 14, Township 21 South, Rcngo 10 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, hns filed notlco of Intention to make Plvo Year Proof, to pstnbllsh clnlm to tho lnnd nbovn described, boforo II. C. Ellis, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 30th dny of September, 1915. Claimant nnmos ns witnesses: Wllllnm S. Pordhnm, Thomas W. Vnndorvcrt. Ralph II. Cnldwoll, Wil liam Everlnghnm, of La Pino, Oro gon. JAS. P. BURGESS, 25-29 c. Register 4 S I f""f()TEL LTAMoWf f 5 PLEASANTLY S1TUATP.D f i TWO MINUTES WALK FROM POSTOFPICU J 0000 ROOMS, GOOD MEALS GOOD SliRVICU IN BVURY WAY 5 NOTHING UETTIiR IN UEND. COME AND SUE. t t I 5 i The Wright NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOT COAL LAND. ' Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Lnnd Ofllco nt Lnkovlow, Orogon, August 20, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby glvon that Jacob Sutzln, of La Pino, Oregon, who, on August 17, 1915, mado Homestead Entry, No. 07G42, for lot 3, Section 18, Township 22 South, Rnngo 10 East, Wlllamotto Morldlnn, hns fllod notlco of Intontlon to mnko throe yenr proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Bond, Oregon, on tho 30th dny of Soptom bor. 1915. Claimant nnmos as witnesses: Mrs. J. 11. Kernbnch, Jnmos Black, J. N. Mntson, L. II. Blco. of La Pino, Orogon. JAS. P. BUROESS, 25-29 c. Rcglstor (TUB 6QOP OUPOE QtT3 UNft OH 1 HC RtTIKCP OUMtQ VCR INTCLLIOCHT LOOKIHD OLD QBrrrtCKlAH TOO DD IIC'9 HARD OF HCfcKIHb. nev"'iHEOtvou"aeTm -. MHf EVER MA!. IT WOULD BO 1 VOU GOOD MOWTOHtARHW TALK.TMRrEKIT3 0r-TKe tTAU TOBACCO CUCY. V -. ) " I. MAYBE you're one of these reformed grinders your self and know how they like to meet and talk about the little chew that satisfies. Whcnyou meet a non-member puddling a big wad in his cheek don't you feel like stopping him and giving him the facts about the Real Tobacco Chew? A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobneco seasoned end sweetened just enough cuts out so much of tho grinding and spitting. -Q G. R.' COOPER Slonufacturer of nil Kind of SOFT DRINKS Rend, Oregon i 4CK vniin " V 1 w" J5CLL chewing A -BKJ - La2k V. kP&V DEALER FOf?W-B CUT is the new TOBACCO CHEW-CUT LONG SHEEP. TaVr- let than one-nuirter llio old ilzo chew. It vrill be more ntlifyln tlrou a mouthful of ordinary tobacco. Jutt take a nibble or it until you find tno strength chsvf that iii!tlou, then tee how eajlr and evenly the real tobacco title comet, how It tatiifief . bow much leu you have to ipit, how (ew chews you tako to he tobacco tsth&ed. Thnt'a why it ii 11 HtalTchtuo Chew. That's why It cott lets In the end. Tho taite of pure, rich tobacco docs not need to be covered up. A excess of licorice and sweetening makes you spit loo much. One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. ((Notice bow tbe salt brlaHs out tbe rich tobacco taste.)) WEYMAN-IRUT0N COMPANY, 50 UbIm Sure, New Yk Cky Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? ' It Is n fireproof building- It Is thoroughly modern It la comfortable, commodious, clcnn- ROOM8 FKOM BO CKtiT8 W i Tho Knnts of nil nro untlsllcd well at T1IK WltlOHT HOTKti Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL IN KENWOOD Lots 60x114, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights $100 to $225 TERMS: $10 Cash and $10 Monthly. Special inducements to parties who will build homes J. RYAN & CO Bend-Silver Lake and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Car Each Way Eaeli Day. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDV LIVEKV CO. Freight Trucks in Addition NOODLES Genuine Chinese Noodles Served in Oriental Style at the CLUH CAFE . Open All Night L -T". M- :rnr